Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell) (25 page)

BOOK: Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)
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Creation of a Hellhound


Hellhounds were created by God but made in hell by Satan. He took two beasts that had certain abilities and/or traits that he wanted and he bred them. What was spawned was a hellhound, which Satan then twisted in sin and hate and led the beast to believe it did not have free will.


Hellhounds were used to guard the gates of hell and also to drag escaped souls back into hell.




How Hellhounds were sent to Earth


Many, many years after they were bred by Satan, hellhounds became too hard to control. Satan himself could not rule them. Furious, he cast them out of hell and sent them to Earth where he gave them human traits. He hoped they would breed with humans and then he could lure the twisted sin inside the humans to turn away from God.


As hellhounds reproduced, the gene became diluted. A child with the gene is only presented every other generation… sometimes less.




Hellhound Characteristics and Abilities


Hellhounds are black, covered in fur. They look like sleek, very large panthers and have ears that stand up like a Doberman Pincher’s. They have large teeth and eyes and long tails. They have large paws with razor-sharp claws. They are able to walk on two hind legs, though they prefer to walk on four. Their eyes can vary in color depending upon the purity of the soul within.


Hellhounds are children of God, but not all act with virtue. Some behave in the manner that Satan hoped. They do have free will; they can choose to turn their backs on sin and be accepted into the Light of God.


Hellhounds have extremely high white blood cell counts. This is what enables them to heal more rapidly than other humans. This is why they do not get sick with human diseases. It is unknown if a virus of another type can hurt them. Hellhounds also have an extra chromosome, which allows the ability to change at will.


You cannot see a hellhound’s aura because the extra chromosome in their DNA changes their energy makeup, thus rendering their aura undetectable.


Hellhounds have exceptional abilities that include (but are not limited to):


*Waterproof - they cannot drown.


*Fireproof- they can stand in the middle of a raging fire and only their core temperature rises.


*Extreme cold does not hurt them. They cannot freeze to death.


*They have exceptional hearing, can see in the dark, and run with great speed.


*They can be killed, but it is very hard.


*They live the normal lifespan of a human.


*When in hound form, they still think like a human.


*They like to eat meat (in hellhound and human form).


*They are a rare breed due to gene dilution over the years.


*They do not like to run in packs but will recognize an Alpha if the Alpha is strong enough.


*They are hard to control.


A hellhound can form a Mindbond with one person during their lifetime. It is only with one person and it is for life. A Mindbond is when a hellhound and the other person can speak to each other through telepathy no matter the distance. They can only hear the thoughts that they project toward each other, unless the person is thinking forcefully or rather loudly. Then the thought may be picked up. If one half of the Mindbond dies, then the remaining individual either goes insane or dies as well.


Along with the Mindbond comes Bleeding. This is when one’s emotions bleed to the other. This only occurs when the hound and person are in very close proximity, unless the hound or other person is in danger or hurt or feeling a very strong emotion. Then distance is a non-issue.




Supernatural Terms


only the most butt-kicking, most awesome-est shifter ever!


Supernatural Treasure
: a person with supernatural powers that uses them to do good. A Supernatural Treasure doesn’t always have powers; some lie deep within and are never discovered. You are born a Supernatural Treasure. Your lineage must include angels or Supernal Beings.


Supernal Being:
basically an angel on Earth—one step down from a true angel. A Supernal Being is a human who is inherently good. They often take on jobs that help others. They are police officers, nurses, military members, doctors, etc. They are recognizable through their magenta aura, a color unique to them.


Treasure Map:
a list of names of appointed people to do God’s will. Some will be born; others are to come in the future.


a being that lives in heaven with God. They have certain jobs and responsibilities.


Fallen Angel:
an angel that was kicked out of heaven for various reasons.


Lucent Marble:
the only way out of hell. Can be found at the bottom of the “water” in hell. Once smashed, it creates a portal back to Earth.


Soul Reaper:
the person who is connected to and controls all the souls that were stolen and chained to the floor of hell.


The Devourer:
a dragon who lives in hell. And eats candy bars.


Island in Hell:
a place no one knows exists. So don’t tell. It’s a secret.






Timeline for Sam


Age 13: Sam changes into a hellhound for the first time.


Age 16: Emancipated from his parents. Given money and a car. Hasn’t seen his parents and little brother since.


Age 16: Sam meets China, an older hellhound, who lures him in by offering information about hellhounds. Sam drops out of high school.


Age 17: Sam sees Heven. Falls in love and begins to stalk her. China finds out and attacks Heven.


Age 17: Sam agrees to stay away from Heven. Months later, China discovers him watching her again.


Age 18: Sam enrolls in high school to watch over Heven and finish his degree.








Heven & Hell Yearbook











The deets on Heven:


Sixteen-year-old Heven is blond, blue eyed, and used to be the most beautiful girl in school. Then one night everything changed. She can’t remember the exact events of that night, but she bears the marks of something awful. Ever since the accident that turned her into a freak, all Heven can do is try to make it through the day.




Heven’s favorite things:




*Skeleton keys


*Strawberry-flavored bubble tea (Reminds her of Sam)




*Her Gran’s farm






Heven’s favorite movie:


How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days




Heven’s hobbies:


*Riding her horse


*Shopping (Mostly, Kimber makes her.)




What she drives:


*Nothing (Her mom won’t buy her a car.)




Heven’s least favorite things:


*Chicken made by her mother


*Being lied to






Favorite quote from Heven:


“I wasn’t afraid of the dark, but I was afraid that when day arrived and the sun came out it would shine light into all the shadows from the night before, revealing all that the darkness had hidden.”









The deets on Sam:


Eighteen-year-old Sam is new in town… or is he? He has golden good looks, a deep raspy voice, and drives an old pickup truck. He has an agenda that no one knows about; he knows things—sees things no one else has. He has to find a way to get close enough to Heven to keep her safe, yet stay far enough away because he has secrets… secrets he doesn’t want anyone to know.




Sam’s favorite things:


*Chocolate-flavored bubble tea




*Comic books




Sam’s favorite movie:




How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
(He likes it but says he only watches it for Heven.)




Sam’s hobbies:




*Working (He has many jobs.)


*Working out (He wants to be a personal trainer.)




What he drives:


*A really old pickup truck




Sam’s least favorite things:


*Seeing people he loves hurt


*Feeling like he doesn’t belong


*Letting Heven drive (He thinks she’s a bad driver.)




Favorite quote from Sam:


“If you cannot breathe, I will breathe for you.


If your heart will not beat, mine will beat harder.


If you do not live, neither will I.”



BOOK: Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)
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