Read Her Shifter Soldier (BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Jackie Sexton

Tags: #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #paranormal erotica romance, #lion shifter, #christin lovell one email, #christin lovell one letter, #paranormal erotica kindle books, #shifter bbw romance

Her Shifter Soldier (BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Her Shifter Soldier (BBW Erotic Romance)
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“Well, aren’t you pretty?”
My heart fell straight to my stomach as I
looked up into a pair of menacing black eyes. The man before me was
large as he was tall, and his greasy black hair wasn’t nearly as
intimidating as the spread of tattoo ink spiraling up his arm. In
another life he could have been handsome, if he hadn’t lost half
his teeth and seemed to get a kick out of leering at unaccompanied
Out of shock I couldn’t think of anything to
say. I lived in this town my whole life and never had much of the
problem in the way of crime. But as a strong chill of discomfort
spread throughout my body, I recalled what my mother told me a
million times over: don’t go anywhere alone on a week night.
Her paranoia now seemed like thoughtful
“Well then, why don’t we see if the rest of
you is as pretty underneath that dress?” He reached for my wrist
and pulled me towards him with a single, crude jerk. My body went
rigid and I was completely paralyzed with fear.
No one was out in the parking lot. Maybe if
I screamed someone inside would hear me. I tried to open my mouth,
but nothing came out. The oaf of a man grinned down at me, as if he
knew he had me cornered.
“Why don’t you go ahead and open up that car
for me, little miss?”
I could feel every nerve in my body scream.
When I didn’t move, a scowl crossed his face.
“I won’t say it again,” he growled, “open
the damn—”
A blur shot out in the darkness and I jumped
backwards, my senses finally coming to me in a shock of fear. I
fell to the ground and straight on my ass, my heart racing in my
chest. I heard a loud thump and sat up quickly to see that some
large creature was pinning the lecherous man to the floor.
I had no idea what in the world it could be.
I heard the stories of bears coming down from the mountains to eat
pies left in windowsills, but nothing like this before.
Speechless, I watched in the dim lamplight
as the creature moved, then roared. It was a horrific sound, wicked
and exciting, just like the roar of a lion. I backed up slowly,
hoping that I could get to the bar without the beast noticing.
That’s when I saw it—a shining mane in the
dull light of the parking lot turning towards me.
“What the,” I muttered lowly, my eyes
widening in disbelief at what I was seeing. Because before me was a
lion. It couldn’t be, and yet it was.
I thought for a second I must have been
hallucinating. But as the man on the floor groaned, I realized that
I couldn’t have been making up any of it. Something was definitely
happening. Something scary enough that it was making me shake. Then
the lion started shifting its body, moving away from the toppled
man. I tried to take a step back, but was once again frozen in my

This is
, I thought,
going to die

I closed my eyes tight,
wondering briefly how my death would go over in the
Midwestern Girl Gets Eaten by
” But then I felt a warm nudge beneath
my hand. I opened my eyes, and to my complete and utter amazement,
saw the lion’s large and regal head was beneath my

It purred, moving its head beneath me. I was
completely captivated, and too scared to pull away. The guy
groaning and writhing on the pavement snapped me out of the
For whatever reason the lion met my gaze. I
couldn’t explain it if I tried, but I somehow recognized those
honey-colored eyes, rimmed with a lick of fire.
They were Dalton’s.
I knew it made absolutely no sense, but the
lion nodded its big head, as if to confirm my thoughts.
“But how?” I wondered in disbelief. The lion
moved forward and waited beside me so that its torso was at my
side. It lingered there, looking at me expectantly.
In utter disbelief, I gave in and clambered
up onto the beast, pulling my arms around its thick, sinewy neck. I
buried my face into its gruff mane and it was off, shooting out
through the thicket of trees that lined the parking lot.
Before long I lost myself in the rhythm of
his moving body, the potent musky scent of his fur. The night air
moving around me was somehow deliciously calming as I grew to
accept the strange circumstances.
I was lulling off to sleep when the animal
beneath me suddenly stopped. I clung to his neck to keep from
falling, and lifted my head to find that we were just outside my
I gasped, dropping off his back and
inspecting the white home and the beige trim, illuminated by the
outdoor lighting. It was mine all right—and thank God Shannon's car
was gone and the house was otherwise pretty secluded. I had no idea
how I would explain this to anyone.
I looked down to the lion who looked
remarkably like Dalton and was struck by the absurdity of the
situation all over again. Was this giant, ferocious predator that
nearly killed someone moments earlier expecting me to let it in my
Could it even expect that?
“Do you...want to go inside?” I asked him,
feeling slightly foolish as I suggested it. He stared at me with
his yellow eyes, the intensity growing in a way that inspired fear
in my stomach. Then he hunched over, pulling his face in towards
his chest as he roared savagely.
I fell back on my ass like a dolt, my eyes
still entirely fixed on the creature as he lengthened in some ways
and shrank in others, his fur pulling into his body until nothing
was left but the smooth skin of man.
I trembled uncontrollably, at once horrified
and entranced by the shocking scene before me. The lion was
becoming a man. I didn't understand it, or what was even happening
really, but I couldn't deny what I was seeing: the beige, feral
limb of a lion turning into the thick, masculine cut of a thigh.
The soft, downy breast hardening into a chiseled, tanned
It was Dalton, just like I had expected. But
he was panting and entirely nude, poised on all fours on the
I turned away in embarrassment. Even through
my utter astonishment, I could still feel the hot sting of
“Sorry about that,” he said, his voice heavy
with labored breathing.
Without turning to look at him, I responded
in an unusual falsetto.
“That’s alright.”
I felt him come closer, the heat of his body
was radiating outwards. Then he placed two fingers gently beneath
my chin, forcing me to look at him.
“Hey,” he said softly, “it’s me.”
I looked into his gorgeous face and knew
without a doubt that it was really him. Even in my most vivid
dreams I couldn’t capture the veracity of his beauty. He lifted me
in his arms towards his chest, and I pressed my face into his bare
skin. I closed my eyes and inhaled, accepting for a moment the
strangeness of it all and losing myself in the salty musk of his
When we reached the front door, he kissed my
forehead lightly.
“Can I have the key?”
I opened my eyes and smiled at him, letting
go of his neck to find he had an incredibly sturdy hold on my body
as I searched through my purse for the house key. I handed it to
him, and with one arm he held me while he opened the door with the
other. He then carried me through the house with ease, and I kept
my gaze on the perfect curve of his neck as he moved me towards my
He laid me down gently, stretching his body
over mine so that he could gaze down at me. His hazel eyes bore
through mine, causing me to go damp between my thighs.
“You’re calmer about this than I
I flushed, the absurdity coming back to me
with his accusation. His sexy demeanor calmed me all too
“Oh trust me, I’m freaked out,” I assured
him quickly. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
His grinned widened and my heartbeat picked
up again. I could feel the ringing of my pulse in my wrists where
his fingers were brushing them lightly.
“I guess I do,” he said in a low, sultry
voice. “I thought your dad told you about us.”

That’s right—my
tell me
about his ability to shift into a lion. He told me about Dalton and
Eric too. But of course, I thought he was going senile.

Dalton let out a small chuckle. “I can tell
by your face that must have not gone over well.”

“No,” I admitted, “I kinda
thought my dad was going crazy. Actually, I thought he was

I felt a little ashamed of my admission, but
Dalton seemed more amused than anything. “This is who I am,” he
said, “and there are a lot of crazy things about it.”
I shuddered, and his light eyes flashed with
something dark and delicious.
“I love it,” I said, a strange courage
taking me over my as I clawed my hands into his knotted back. “I
love you. I know I rejected you, but I realized earlier today that
you are everything I need in life. Even if lose you. I accept you
as you are. Even as some weird lion transformer thing that should
honestly freak me out more than you do.”
Dalton laughed again, true happiness
lighting up his normally sullen face. “And I accept you as you are.
A slightly neurotic, timid, and gorgeous woman full of strength and
compassion. The day you marry me will honestly be the happiest day
of my life. Next to this one.”
“What happens today?” I said, nearly
breathless with anticipation.
“Today’s the day I imprint on you and make
you my mate. Forever.” He looked so fierce, so determined that it
was like I could feel his yearning shoot through me. Like a hard,
magnetic pull that flowed between us.
“And how will you do that?” I
half-whispered, his face inching near mine.
“Like this,” he replied in a soft growl
before pressing his lips to mine. I swear as soon as he kissed me
the lights went out in my mind and I could see nothing, only feel a
burst of passion within me, engulfing every nerve in my body with a
scorching flame.
His hot tongue caressed mine as it searched
the hidden corners of my mouth, desperate for my taste. I pulled my
fingers into his bare back harder, delighted by the taut muscle
that wouldn’t give to my insistent clawing. I felt his cock
hardening against my thigh, suddenly reminded that he was naked. I
gasped and pulled away from the kiss in shock.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, and when I
didn’t immediately respond he seemed to understand. He smiled
sheepishly. “Hey, you can’t blame me. This is just what you do to
Flustered by his response,  I shook my
head slightly. “It’s not just that…” I started, at a loss for the
right words. But after he showed me who he was, I knew there was no
excuse to hide the truth from him.
“It’s just that...well, I’m a virgin,” I
admitted in a small, pathetic voice. I was suddenly struck by fear,
wondering if he would even want me anymore.
“Is that all?” he asked, his lip curling up
as he fought a smile.
“Well...yeah. Does that mean you don’t want
to be with me?” I responded, slightly surprised by how nonchalant
he was being about it.
“What?” his eyes widened as if I had
suggested he should kill his own mother. “I mean, no, of course
not. Dammit, Jessica. I love you. That means I want you all to
myself. The less competition I have the better,” he growled lowly.
I thought of the man in the parking lot and grimaced.
“Don’t worry,” I replied. “You don’t have
He kissed me once again, fiercely, but this
time with a succinct sweetness. “Sorry, I just can’t help myself.
There’s no way I could stop touching you if I tried. But we can
hold off on sex until you’re ready,” he said earnestly, planting
another quick kiss on my check.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes,
running my hands along the ridges of his firm body. I wanted him,
that was for sure. There was no way that I could deny the strong
pull of passion within me.
“I’m ready.” I opened my eyes and gave him
the most earnest look of my life. I realized then that he was the
one I was waiting for, the reason I had never had sex before. The
reason I denied every man that came my way—they weren’t him. Simple
as that.
Dalton studied me before responding. “No,”
he declared with a shake of his head. “Not yet.”
“Why not?” I half-pouted, having been so
resolved in my decision that I couldn’t help but be
“Because.” he lifted himself off my body,
sitting up against the edge of the bed and keeping a hand rested on
my left thigh. “There’s something I have to do first. Do you have
any of those old clothes I gave you for gardening?”
“Yes…” I said slowly, more than a little
confused for the umpteenth time that evening.
Chapter 6


Walking hand in hand down to my parents home
was a million times more romantic than I ever could have thought it
would be. Her small hand in mine, the constant covert stares, the
half smiles that hid eager flashes of teeth.

I knew then that she really
would be my forever. It was her unbridled enthusiasm, the way her
body finally said “
” to me that let me know she meant what she said back there,
lying in her room—she truly accepted me.

More than accepted me. She wanted me. Wholly
and completely.
She squeezed my hand and looked up at me
with those perfect, coffee brown eyes. I couldn’t contain the joy
brimming inside of me. I bent down and kissed her cheek quickly and
stealthily, as if filching a secret.
She giggled, and the light melody of her
voice soothed my anxiety. Nothing could ruin the perfection of this
moment; this was the night we would come to remember for the rest
of our lives.
BOOK: Her Shifter Soldier (BBW Erotic Romance)
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