Read Her Old-Fashioned Boss Online

Authors: Laylah Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Her Old-Fashioned Boss (4 page)

BOOK: Her Old-Fashioned Boss
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Chapter Two


Sam watched the car disappear down the street, satisfaction and arousal filling him. With a grin, he bounded into the manor. The front part of the ground floor had been turned into Roarke’s offices and a large entrance. The back held a huge kitchen, living area and gym. The basement served as the dungeon while the second level was completely set aside for club use and was filled with themed rooms. The basement and the second level could only be accessed through the key-coded door at the rear of the house.

The third level was where Sam and Roarke lived. It had four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a living area and small kitchen.

Sam stepped into the Roarke’s office to find him at the window, staring out.

“Well?” he said impatiently. “What did you think?”

Roarke turned and stared at him, his face pure Dom. “On your knees, pet,” he ordered silkily.

Sam immediately dropped to his knees, spreading his legs he placed his hands palm up on his thighs as he dropped his head.

“Yes, Sir,” Sam said breathlessly, anticipation running over him at the hint of promise in Roarke’s voice.

“How exactly did you find her, sub?” Roarke asked.

Sam looked up in surprise. “I didn’t, Sir. She found us.”

As Roarke stared down at him, Sam realized Roarke thought he’d set this up. “Just as well, you wouldn’t have liked the punishment if I’d found you’d set this all up. Still, you did everything you could to encourage that girl.”

“You don’t like her, Sir?” Sam asked, his stomach dropping. Had he misread the situation?

Roarke grunted. “She’s beautiful and a natural submissive. She’s also innocent as hell. What the hell drove her to apply for this job?”

“Maybe she wants to explore her submissive side,” Sam offered.

“Considering her knowledge comes from a few romance books, I don’t think she has any idea what she’d be getting herself in for. And you won’t be showing her, understand me, pet?” Roarke fisted Sam’s hair and pulled sharply. Sam sucked in his breath as the shock of pain reverberated throughout his body.

“Yes, Sir,” he said sadly. As soon as he’d seen Ava, he’d known she was the one. How, he had no idea, but he had the same tingling in his stomach that had happened the first time he’d seen Roarke.

Love at first sight? Maybe. Lust? Definitely.

“It’s not that I don’t find her appealing, perhaps too much so,” Roarke said reflexively. Sam’s shoulders loosened slightly in relief. “But she’s a complete newbie, plus she’s going to be working for me. You know I don’t mix work and pleasure.”

“You did with me, Sir,” Sam replied.

Roarke smiled, his eyes warming. “That was an exceptional circumstance. Besides, you wouldn’t take no for an answer. You kept pushing until I said yes. Not very submissive of you,” he growled, disapprovingly.

“No, Sir,” Sam replied. “Are you going to punish me for it?” he added cheekily.

Roarke snorted. “What? Didn’t I punish you enough five years ago?”

Sam shuddered, remembering those punishments. Roarke had been extremely inventive.

“Yes, Sir. I think you were extremely thorough.”

“I bet you do.” Roarke ran his hand over Sam’s hair. “Don’t get attached to her, pet. I don’t want you or her getting your feelings hurt.”

“No, Sir,” Sam replied, although his mind whirled with the ways he might change Roarke’s mind. He knew he’d be in trouble if Roarke ever found out. Roarke would not bend on a few core things. Honesty. Respect. Obedience. Safety. Sam would have to be very careful how he drew the three of them together.

Sharp pain accompanied the sound of a smack and Sam jolted as his butt throbbed. He looked behind him to see Roarke holding a ruler in his hand. When had he gotten that?

“Where did you go, pet?” Roarke asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Sorry, Sir. Just thinking.”

“About?” Roarke pressed.

Damn Dom, why couldn’t he leave it alone?

“Ava, Sir,” Sam admitted reluctantly.

“Hmm. I think you need a bit of a reminder about keeping your mind on me, pet,” Roarke said silkily. “Go up to the playroom, strip and wait for me.”

Jumping up, Sam moved up the stairs. His stomach butterflied with nerves and excitement. Mainly excitement. It had been a while since Roarke had ordered him to the play room. This was what Sam craved. Needed.

Stripping, he folded his clothes carefully. Then moving to the mat in the middle of the floor, he dropped gracefully to his knees to await his Master.


Ava opened the door to her apartment and stepped inside. She felt exhausted and yet exhilarated.

She had a job.

Ring. Ring.

She jolted, looking over at her phone in surprise. She quickly grabbed it, breathlessly wondering if it were Roarke or Sam. “Hello.”


She bit her lip, recognizing McKenna’s voice. Her friend wasn’t much for social niceties. McKenna was a tomboy. She was tough, decisive, yet she had a huge heart. She just let few people see it though.

“Well, what?” Ava asked, sinking onto the sofa.

“Don’t be deliberately obtuse!” McKenna scolded and Ava could imagine her running her hand through her short, black hair as she glared down the phone. “What was it like? What did you see?”

“Ask her if she got the job, McKenna.” The other voice coming through the phone was softer, melodic. Casey. Her tiny friend was easily the sweetest of the bunch. Short but curvy, she could be extremely shy.

“I got the job!” Ava felt a little thrill at the words. “I’m so surprised. Roarke is a forceful man. Sam is lovely, though.”

“What?” Another voice asked. Asia. “Who’s Sam?”

“Sam is Roarke’s lover.” She took a deep breath before releasing her bombshell. “And his submissive.”

“Oh wow,” Asia replied with wonder. Incredibly beautiful and a successful lawyer, Asia had fought all her life to be judged by her mind, not her looks. People saw her long, nearly white hair, her deep brown eyes and perfect body and thought her a bimbo. But she had a killer intellect and a ruthlessness that had helped rocket her career.

“I can’t believe you’re going to work at a kink club!” McKenna said. Her friends had been thrilled, and a bit worried when she’d told them where her interview was. But seeing as how they all read the same books, they were understandably curious about what a real BDSM club was like.

“Meet us at Watson’s in twenty,” McKenna demanded. Watson’s was their local bar, roughly sitting half-way between all their apartments.

“Umm, well.” Ava hesitated, looking down at her feet and remembering Roarke’s warning. But hell, he wasn’t her boss yet. Plus, he’d never know.

“Okay,” she agreed.

Twenty minutes later, with a slight limp, she entered their favorite hangout. She didn’t even have to look around for her friends; she knew where they’d be. Same table they always took. Sure enough, as she headed towards the back of the bar, a squeal greeted her and then Casey had her in a hug. Ava let out a deep breath, relaxing. Casey had the ability to put anyone at ease.

Ava looked over to see Asia and McKenna sitting at the table. She lifted the bag she held in her hand, passing it to Asia.

“Here are your shoes, thanks for the loan.”

Asia smiled, turning her from stunning to breath-taking. Thin, tall, graceful, she seemed to have it all. Yet, Ava knew she suffered from bouts of anxiety, sometimes too frightened to even leave her house.

“No problem, did your employers appreciate them?” she asked.

Ava took a seat, blushing slightly. “Umm, well.”

“Ohh,” McKenna said, her green eyes intense as she leaned forward. “What are you hiding? Tell.”

Damn woman should have been an interrogator rather than a bartender.

“Well, they gave me some blisters, so Sam cleaned my feet up and bandaged them. Roarke told me to go home and sit with my feet up.”

“He told you?” Casey asked with a frown. The most gentle of her friends could also be the fiercest when her protective instincts were riled.

“Not in a bad way,” Ava reassured her. “Just, kind of, in a male way.”

All three stared at her.

“He was being protective, it was kind of nice.” The only people who’d ever tried to protect her were sitting before her and it wasn’t quite the same.

Asia nodded with a small smile. “So is he cute?”

“Who? Roarke? Cute is not the word I would use. He’s hard, handsome, and extremely male. He’s got this dark, fierce way of staring at you, like he can see your every secret.”

“Wow,” McKenna said. “And you get to work for him. How are you going to keep your hands off him?”

“Because he also has a boyfriend. Sam. And he’s the most beautiful man you’ve seen in your life.” God, she’d never been this attracted to one man before, let alone two. Just her luck they were in love with each other.

“Oh no, gay? That sucks,” McKenna said.

Asia patted her hand. “At least you’ll get to see what a real BDSM club looks like. I looked up this Roarke, his clubs are meant to be the best of the best and very exclusive.”

Ava ran her finger through some moisture on the table. “Actually, I’m not supposed to go into the club.”

“What?” McKenna asked. “Why? You’re working there, aren’t you?”

“As Roarke’s personal assistant. He doesn’t want me going into the club alone.”

“Why not?” Casey asked, returning with some flutes of Champagne. Each of the girls took one. Ava didn’t drink much and she hadn’t really eaten today. Not unless spitting up two cream buns counted. She sunk into herself a little, ashamed. But she’d been so anxious before her interview, she’d been doing it before she even realized.

“Ava? Ava?” Casey prodded her. “You okay?”

With a smile, she pressed back the shame and took the glass of bubbles offered. “Yep. Umm, not sure why he doesn’t want me going in by myself.”

“Oh well, this is still a celebration, right?” Asia said, bringing them all back. She held her glass up. “Cheers to Ava and her new job with her handsome, gay bosses.”




Sam heard Roarke coming and forced himself to stay relaxed.

“Very good, pet,” Roarke told him and Sam’s stomach melted at the praise. When Roarke used that warm, approving voice Sam reacted every time. As a child, he’d never been given encouragement or much love. His father had been a hard man, even colder when his mother had died. Sam had pretty much raised himself, learning to stay out of the old man’s way for the most part.

His father had provided him with a house over his head and food in his belly, but that had been about it. After his mother died when he’d been eight, he’d received more affection from the housekeeper than his father.

A warm hand brushed over his head before tilting up his chin so he was looking into Roarke’s deep eyes. “Where did you just go, hmm?”

“Sorry, Sir,” Sam said. “Old memories.”

“Bad ones?”

Sam shrugged then caught Roarke’s look and knew he didn’t consider that an acceptable answer. “Not really, Sir. Just thinking about my parents.”

Roarke ran his thumb over Sam’s cheek. Sam leaned into his palm, his eyes closing as he took comfort from Roarke’s touch.

“Okay, pet?” Roarke asked some time later.

“Yes, Sir,” Sam said dreamily. This is what he’d been needing. Roarke’s undivided attention. When Roarke focused on him it made him feel like the most important person in the world.

“Good. Stand for me, now. Nice and slow. I want to make sure you’re steady on your feet.”

Sam rose as Roarke watched, ready to catch him if needed. Sam raised his head, thrusting his shoulders back, his feet shoulder-length apart.

“Arms behind your head,” Roarke ordered, nodding with satisfaction when Sam immediately obeyed.

“Very good.” Roarke moved to his cupboards, opening them to display the vast array of toys inside. He pulled out a flogger, a riding crop, a large anal plug and lubricant. As he walked back towards Sam he smiled.

“Move to the spanking bench, pet, and lie stomach down over it.”

Sam stepped over to the padded bench, laying himself over it. The bench stood slightly lower than hip level. Sam spread his legs without being asked, knowing what Roarke wanted.

“Gorgeous. Do you enjoy being over my spanking bench, waiting for me to touch you, pet?”

“Sometimes, Sir,” Sam answered honestly. Roarke chuckled and Sam was filled with a soft glow of satisfaction.

“And that’s exactly how it should be, my love.” Roarke ran his hand over Sam’s back, moving down over his ass. He squeezed one cheek firmly, making Sam shudder. “What do you need, pet? Hmm?” he questioned quietly, dipping his hand lower to cup Sam’s balls.

Sam’s breath grew faster, his cock straining with the need for release.

“Whatever you wish to give me, Sir,” he replied with a gasp as Roarke’s hand tightened.

“Good boy. I love having you like this, at my mercy. But you need to remember who is in charge, don’t you, my love?” Roarke moved his hand to squeeze the base of Sam’s cock; he ran his hand up and down the shaft. Sam barely held back a whimper, fighting to keep still. Having Roarke take charge like this always fired him up quickly, and the need seemed even more intense tonight.

“Someone’s very eager, aren’t they?” Roarke murmured, continuing to pump Sam’s dick. “But you know it’s not going to be this easy, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Roarke stepped back and Sam arched, not wanting to lose his touch.


A stinging pain in his right buttock made him cry out.

“No moving. I’m not going to restrain you. Each time you move, I will stop and we will start all over again, understand?”

Smack! Smack!

Sam groaned. “Yes, Sir.” This was going to be hell, as least if he were restrained, he could react without thinking, but by demanding he remain still without restraints, Roarke was really testing his control.

“Good.” Roarke spanked his ass, warming strokes that heated his skin and fired his arousal. Sam strained to stay still.

By the time Roarke stopped, Sam felt on fire, his skin alive, his nerves, his senses all attuned to the man standing behind him.

BOOK: Her Old-Fashioned Boss
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