Read Her Mother's Killer Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

Her Mother's Killer (5 page)

BOOK: Her Mother's Killer
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“Duncan? Do you think we should be doing this?”

He slipped his hands up to her breasts, and sighed when he felt her hardened nipples stab the palms of his hands.

“Nope.” God, her skin tasted good. Sweet and hot, just like the woman. He could just imagine what it would be like to settled between her legs and taste her core. 
Would it be as sweet?

She moaned, the sound of it vibrating through him. He hadn’t gotten hot this fast since he was seventeen. He shifted his weight, pressing his shaft against her full ass. Need poured through him, as he slipped his hand up her sweater to cup her breast.

Thea said his name, just a whispered breath, filled with the same need and want he had coursing through his veins. Without another thought, he turned her around then crowded her against the wall. Immediately, he pressed his mouth to hers. He slid his hands down to her ass, lifted her and pressed her against his groin. Thea lifted her legs and wound them around him. As she moaned into his mouth, he ground his cock against her. Even through their layers of clothing, he could feel her feminine heat.

He slanted his lips over hers, stealing into her mouth for a taste. Just like her flesh, she tasted of sweetness and desire. He was seriously considering which bedroom to carry her to when a car horn sounded outside. They broke apart, both of them breathing heavily. A delightful blush crawled up into her cheeks.

After several moments of silence, she asked, “Could you just let me down?”

His fingers tightened on her rear end and for a split second, he thought about denying her. Of coaxing her into a kiss then taking her into one of the bedrooms. But this was Thea, his best friend’s little sister.

Ever so slowly, he slid her down his body. He couldn’t hold back a groan as she pushed away from him. She inched around him then stepped back away from him.

“What the hell was that about?” Her voice was still husky from unfulfilled passion.

Still frustrated, he said, “If you don’t know what that was, I know why your marriage failed.”

The moment he said it, he regretted the words. He turned to face her, hated the hurt that now darkened her brown eyes. “Thea—”

She held up her hand to stop him. “I don’t want to talk about it. You aren’t in the right frame of mind and I’m not in the mood.” He stepped forward. “For anything.”

He offered her a scowl, but said nothing. Truth is, he didn’t know what to say. He’d been an ass in the way he had handled her and what he said afterward. It was just too new an experience to be lusting after a woman whose shoes he tied when she was a little girl. Granted, now the six years of difference didn’t seem so significant, but…the memories were there. And he would have kicked his own ass for his comments afterward because he wasn’t mad at her. He was mad at himself.

“Let’s just forget that ever happened.”

He wanted to argue, because while he didn’t know what the hell to do about it at the moment, there was no way in holy hell he was going to forget about it. Hell, he could still taste her in his mouth. But he granted her wish and nodded, mentally telling himself that space might be all they needed. Then, if he still wanted her, he’d deal with that later.









Chapter Four


As she and Gwen stood talking to Mrs. Perry, Thea eyed her surroundings. It was innocent enough, or seemed that way. Kids, friends and family gathered in the backyard of the Perrys’ huge home. It should be relaxing but something in the area had her instincts on guard.

Even after ordering herself to calm down, the hairs on the back of her neck stirred. This was the familiar sickly feeling that had her taking another long look around the group. There wasn’t a person here who wasn’t either related to or a good friend with the Perrys but something wasn’t right.

Something bad was about to happen, that or someone was watching her. But the months leading up to her accident had left her confused, and a little out of practice in trusting her instincts. She’d felt that same tickling of the senses, a warning of a threat in the area. The fact Jason had never taken it seriously made her question herself. Even knowing he’d been wrong didn’t help.

A gust of wind had her pulling her collar closer as a bead of sweat rolled down her back. Goosebumps rose across her flesh. The other women were preoccupied talking gossip about neighbors she didn’t know, so she felt free to look around again. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Kids of all ages ran freely around the yard, men stood, beers in their hands, discussing the latest Cowboy game. Duncan was playing with what she assumed was a nephew, holding the boy upside down as he giggled.

It was normal, sedate even. Remembering the drink in her hand, she took a healthy sip of tea. The sweet beverage slid down her dry throat. There was nothing that should make her uneasy, but a shiver of awareness slipped beneath her skin. The memory was too close to before her wreck. Her belly cramped, her head pounded.

She drew in a deep breath, trying to ease the tension. Using the techniques her therapist had taught her, she counted down from ten. By the time she reached one, the tension had begun to ease and her muscles relaxed. As she released her last breath, a hand clamped onto her shoulder. Terror surged, her nightmares became reality. She screamed.

“Thea,” Chase said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

When she glanced back over her shoulder, she found him standing close to her. The apologetic smile on his face did little to ease her worry. If she couldn’t keep herself together in a safe gathering, just how did she think she could accomplish her task?

With a glance to the crowd, she realized her scream had attracted attention, and her face heated. She cleared her throat and smiled.

“I was just woolgathering and you startled me.”

Chase didn’t look convinced but he draped his arm over her shoulders, and then turned to face his mother and Gwen. Their speculative study did little to ease her tension but for other reasons. Gwen’s look told Thea she would have to answer questions about her friendship with the younger Perry brother later. Mrs. Perry’s was one of casual interest.

Needing to gloss over the uncomfortable silence, Thea asked, “You know Gwen, don’t you, Chase?”

He smiled at Gwen and Thea was surprised to see her friend actually blush. “Of course I know Gwen. How are you doing, Ms. Masters?”

Gwen’s blush deepened but when she spoke, nothing showed in her even tone. “I’m fine. I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”

Chase’s smiled broadened. “Not like the Perrys and the Warrens haven’t been friends for years, but I attended school in Georgia.”

And as easy as that, he smoothed their concern. Thea saw it and knew he was good with charm, but she was still amazed. As they continued to chat about local gossip, the fear she’d felt slowly eased away. But it was replaced by something else, something just as uncomfortable. When she turned her head, she found out why. Duncan was idly watching her and Chase, his expression void of emotion. Although his stance was relaxed, he looked like a tiger watching his prey. She raised one eyebrow and his lips quirked.

“Duncan told me he showed you the rental yesterday,” Selma said.

Thea turned her attention back to his mother as heat crept up into her cheeks. Just thinking about what went on at the house yesterday had kept her up most of the night. She still felt itchy from the inside out, as if she would never find relief.

“Yes. It’s wonderful.”

“I told Thea I couldn’t believe she drooled over the stove.” Duncan’s deep voice sounded as if he were a few feet behind her. She twisted around and gave him an icy smile that had nothing to do with humor.

“I didn’t drool.”

His eyes widened. “Really? I seem to remember something like that.”

“Admired. I was admiring the kitchen.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “So that’s what they call it these days.”

Irritated with him, she offered him her back and now found everyone—including Chase—watching the byplay with avid interest. When she glanced at Gwen, she inwardly cringed at the knowing look in her friend’s blue eyes.

Wanting to deflect any speculation, she asked, “Do you mind if I use your bathroom, Selma?”

“Not at all, hon. Go down the hall off the living room, first door on your left.”

“I’ll lead the way,” Chase offered.

“I think I can find my own way to the bathroom, but thanks.”

As she walked away, she felt the interested gazes that followed, but one dark-eyed gaze in particular had her body shimmering with heat at their remembered embrace.

* * * *

Duncan wandered closer to the house, watching the back porch door, waiting for Thea to appear. He shook his head at his embarrassing behavior. All he’d done was kiss the woman, but he couldn’t stop the possessive streak that reared its head anytime a man got close to her. Even his brother.

“Find something interesting there on the porch?” Chase asked.

He glanced at his brother. “Nothing in particular.”

Chase tilted his head to one side and studied him for a moment before he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you behave this way.”

Duncan returned his attention to the porch. “What way?”

Chase laughed. “I think I would call it smitten.”

Duncan frowned but still didn’t look at his brother. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You fairly growled when you saw me touching Thea the other night, and then again today, I could tell you weren’t happy.”


“You’re smitten.”

He glanced at his brother again. “Almost forty-year-old men don’t get smitten.”

“What would you call it when a man gives the look of death to any male who even glances in the direction of a woman?” Duncan opened his mouth but his brother wasn’t done. “And, seriously, she’s been here three days. You have seen her every day. You go hunting her up.”

Duncan wanted to deny it, but he would sound like an idiot. He was the one who suggested he show Thea the house, who offered to go to Gwen’s. And it was his idea to invite them. So he did the only thing he could. He shoved his brother and said, “Fuck off.”

He decided he’d waited long enough for Thea and started up to the house. He ignored the interested stares and his brother’s laughter. Within moments, he stepped into the house. A few more people were gathered around the TV waiting for the next football game to start. Duncan paid them no attention and kept walking, determined to get to his destination. He turned the corner and started down the hall as Thea stepped out of the bathroom. Her eyes widened when she saw him.


He ignored her, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her around another corner for privacy. She practically sputtered and tried to dig in her heels, but he didn’t slow down.

“Duncan Michael Perry!”

He stopped once he knew they were far enough away from the other guests. “What?”

She settled her hands on her hips. “What? Just what?”

He crossed his hands over his chest to keep from touching her. But it was hard to resist her. Her face was still flushed from the cool air outside and her irritation. He wondered what she would look like when she came.


She never lost her Texas twang, and it deepened when she was mad. He could just imagine her moaning his name, the way her flesh would feel against his.


He shook his head trying to get rid of the image, but it just wouldn’t budge. All he could think about was having her under him.


He focused on her mouth, the lush ripeness of her lips as her tongue darted out over the plump bottom.

“Stop what?” he asked.

He leaned closer, drew in the sweet essence of her.

“We agreed this wasn’t a good idea.”

He shook his head. “You said, not me.”

She placed her hand on his chest and he looked down at it, then back up at her. He saw it there, the passion he felt burning in his veins, speeding through his blood like fire. He knew she felt it. Her eyes darkened, her breathing increased. The noise of the TV and the guests faded in the background.

He leaned forward. She offered him no other resistance as he rubbed his mouth over hers, the barest of touch.

“We shouldn’t.”

Her voice barely registered it was so low, the denial so weak. Her breath heated his lips, her tongue dipping into his mouth.

“But we will.”

Without waiting for her response, he dipped his head and took possession of her mouth.

Every thought in Thea’s head dissolved the moment Duncan pressed her back against the wall. Sparks of energy danced along her nerve endings, her nipples tightened, her body heated. He slanted his mouth over hers, moving his hands to cup her face.

Oh, God, she wanted this, needed this. Her head was spinning as blood rushed to her groin. She shifted closer, needing to feel him, to feel his warmth, to lose herself. Her dampened panties pressed against her clit and sent another zing of heat speeding through her veins. She slipped her hands up and over his shoulders, molding her hands to the back of his head.

BOOK: Her Mother's Killer
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