Read Her Keepers Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Her Keepers (2 page)

BOOK: Her Keepers
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The car pulled up, and he could see two passengers, both females.

“Why the hell didn’t you say when we were talking earlier the Johnson group are women?”

Duncan growled, “Because a man booked, and I was busy at the time. Therefore, I just wrote down one of their names, Jackson Johnson. How the hell could I know that could be a woman’s name too?"

Brad snarled, his bear so close to the surface and begging to be free, that he was unsure if he could keep him contained. He had never had problems with his bear before.

The two women got out of the car. The woman on the passenger side was tall, maybe close to five-nine, very shapely, with red hair cut to her shoulders, light creamy white skin and clear blue eyes. She was stunning. He walked closer and inhaled her scent. He got nothing. His bear wasn’t interested.

Reaching her, he held his hand out, ready to shake. She grabbed it and shook, smiling at him. He still felt nothing, but his bear was on edge, and the smell of a clean summer breeze intensified.

“Hi. I’m Jackson. Jacky.”

Giving a mental shake, he focused on the woman in front of him. “Hi. Welcome to Polar Bear Wildlife Alaska hotel. I’m Brad. Behind me is my brother, Duncan.” He turned to his brother only to see him, not behind him, but caging in the other woman, sniffing her neck.

“What on earth is he doing to my friend?”

Brad turned back to the redhead. “I’m sorry, ma’am.” He stalked to his brother, wondering what the hell was going on when the clean summer breeze smell hit him full force. Close enough now, Brad could see Duncan’s bear had taken over, and Brad knew his own wasn’t far behind, all because of a tiny, plump, little woman.

The closer he got, the more he lost his fight with his bear. Duncan turned his head away from the woman as Brad was a couple of steps away. Duncan’s eyes shone with the changing magic, and fur was already sprouting. Duncan spoke in a gutted voice. “She’s mine…ours. We have our mate.”

Brad paused where he was, as a scream sounded behind him.

“Oh. My. God. What
you two?” Jacky looked at her friend fenced in by Duncan and yelled, “Karen, fight. Get away. Get in the car, we need to go. I’m calling the cops.” Jacky raced back to the passenger side of the car, but Brad grabbed her before she could open the door, and snatched the mobile that sat on the dashboard. Jacky started screaming and fighting in his hold.

“Stop it, now.” Brad held her against the other side of the car as she fought. “Calm down. We won’t hurt you. And your friend is the safest person on the planet. She’s our mate. Fuck! It’s not supposed to be like this. This is not how we imagined this happening.”

Jacky slowly calmed down and seemed to be studying him. “What do you mean,
? And why isn’t my friend screaming and fighting he-man over there?”

Groaning, Brad really didn’t want to explain what was happening to his mate to her friend, especially when his body was starting to ache with need, and he was fighting hard to keep his bear in check. He shot a glance at his brother, who was nipping their mate’s neck and rubbing his scent all over her. “Pheromones, they make us irresistible to our mates. It comes in handy when they’re human mates. I’m sure she’ll come back to herself when she’d been claimed thoroughly.”

Jacky eye’s narrowed. “What do you mean when she’s claimed?” She maneuvered out of his hold, and her gaze darted to her friend. “I think we should leave. You can keep the money. We won’t tell anyone. I promise. No one would believe us anyway.” She opened her car door.

“No.” Brad grabbed Jacky and pulled her from the car. “You will not take our mate away. You need to stop that talk now. I’m trying to keep my bear caged. Don’t move while I think on what to do about the situation.” He pulled his mobile out of his pocket and called his brothers.

“Hurry up. Get your asses home now. We have a situation. Duncan and I have found our mate, but she’s not alone and Duncan’s bear has already taken over. I don’t know how long I can hold mine in.” Brad didn’t even wait for his younger brother’s response before he hung up. He looked at Jacky, knowing he had no choice but to trust her. “Come on. I’ll take you into the lodge. I need you to stay on my left side. I can’t be any closer to her.”


“What?” Brad glanced over at Jacky.

“Her name is Karen.”

Brad repeated the name over and over in his head and hoped his brothers would get there soon.

What was happening to her? Karen had driven down the winding path to the hotel. As she pulled up, she saw it was more like a huge lodge. She scanned the area quickly for a place to park when she couldn’t see a designated parking area. Karen parked in front where two mammoth blond men walked down the steps to her and Jacky. One went to Jacky while the other came to her side of the car.

A blue-eyed god opened her door, and she stepped out, shutting it behind her, only to be caged against the car as the most amazing smell smothered her senses. Her body felt like it came instantly alive. Tingles vibrated through her body, and she squeezed her legs together as she felt her pussy pulse. What the hell was wrong with her?

Karen took deep breaths of the fresh, woodsy smell. A sexual haze washed over her and her body felt like it had been lit. She tried to think what she needed to do, or say, but all she wanted to do was jump on the gorgeous man, who caged her against the car, and have hot, wild, passionate sex with him. A small, barely-there voice in the back of her mind told her to run, to get back in the car and drive as far away from here as she could. That something was wrong, and she was possessed.

She ignored that voice as the gorgeous blond man leaned into her and growled, “Mine.”

Karen gulped as she looked up and was captured by not just blue eyes, but eyes that sparkled with black flakes. His blond hair seemed to turn almost white, and he grew from six-something to, she would swear, nine or ten feet tall. He started to rub his hard, muscled body on hers, muttering, “Mate. Mine. Take. Mmmm.”

The voice in Karen’s mind became louder for a moment, and screamed at her to fight. Yell for help. Fight this creature. Do
. The problem was, her body wouldn’t cooperate, and when he nipped at her neck, the voice disappeared altogether.

She needed to touch him, desperate for more of what she was feeling. Karen ran her hands up and down his back. His mouth came to hers, and he brushed feather-light kisses over her lips, cheeks, and down her neck. He then started nibbling on her, which had her panting and ready to let him have her right there.

Oh, God. It was as if she was in heat. “What’s happening to me?” Even to her own ears, her voice sounded husky and needy.

Karen could feel his grin against her skin as he mumbled, “Your body is getting ready for us.”

Us. What did he mean by ‘us’? She tried to clear her fog-coated mind, but the more he kissed, nipped, and rubbed his delish body over hers, the more she let her body just have what it wanted—what it craved.

This time, when his mouth brushed over hers, she slipped her tongue out and licked the seam of his lips. The taste of blackberry exploded on her tongue, and she sucked on his lip to get more of his taste. Moving her hands around to his back, she clung to him, devouring his taste. He groaned and sucked her tongue. His hands traveled down until he held her thighs, and pushed her up against the car. Eager for more, she wrapped her legs around him.

His mouth tore from hers and in a guttural voice, he moaned, “Fuck it. Brad can come and find us.” He held her ass and her back as he moved away from the car and walked down a path to the left of the big lodge hotel.

He didn’t watch where he went. He stared at her, his blue eyes flashing black. “I can’t wait to get inside you. Claim you. Make you mine. And when Brad joins, ours.”

A shiver slid down her body, leaving her pussy tingling and waiting for more of his promises.

His hand left her back for a moment, and they walked into a lodge home. He didn’t pause as he kicked the door shut with his foot and kept walking down a small hall, entering into a room with a massive bed in the middle.

He placed her on the bed, then gently started to remove her clothes, which seemed to be very itchy against her skin. Karen helped, wanting her suddenly-sensitive skin to be free of the restraining garments. When she was naked before him, he quick as lightning ripped his own clothes off and stood gloriously naked before her.

Wow, he was perfect: broad, muscled, and hard. Her vagina flooded with juices and her body felt like it was burning up. He kissed his way up her body, pausing at her breasts to suck one in before doing the same to the other. His hands slid up and down her body.

Karen closed her eyes as sensations bombarded her, ecstasy like no other built in her and she felt like she could explode at any moment.

Her fire went to boiling point when she heard, “Duncan, you started without me. That wasn’t nice. I’ll have to dive in and taste.” The newcomer, Duncan’s brother, climbed on the bed and lay between her legs. His mouth went straight for her pussy, licking her from top to bottom. She screamed in pleasure at the first contact of his rough tongue.

“Oh, Duncan, she’s soaking wet.”

He licked her pussy and sucked on her clit until she came undone, yelling, “Holy mother of God.”

Duncan’s brother smirked up at her. “No. Not God. I’m Brad. This time when you come, scream
name.” He moved back to her pussy and became relentless, with fingers added to his brilliant tongue.

Duncan’s mouth seemed to be everywhere else on her body. His hands stroked over her, leaving trails his mouth followed.

“Duncan,” she whispered as he breathed over her nipple before he pulled the other one into his mouth. She closed her eyes, unsure if she could take any more.

“Noooo.” Brad’s mouth and fingers left her.

“Brother, I can’t wait. My bear’s about to burst through.”

Duncan moved away as Brad glided up her body. She felt his cock line up at her entrance, and he pushed his way in. Karen arched into his touch, searching for her second release. Brad’s hands came up, cupping her face, so she looked into his eyes as he eased all the way in.

Karen felt amazing, and when Brad touched her she felt the intensity of lust and pure passion. She couldn’t believe she was with two men, and that she felt an electric bond instantly with both.

“We’re going to claim you, Karen. You’re our mate. The other half of our soul.”

His mouth took hers in a kiss that left her mindless. He started to move within her, and the warmth that covered her body spread. Nothing had ever felt this good. She’d had sex before, but nothing like this all consuming passion.

Brad’s thrusts got faster, and she moved her hands around to cling to his back. Growls vibrated from Brad. He pumped into her, and in a blur, he leaned down, biting where her shoulder met her neck.

“Brad!” Karen dug her nails into Brad’s skin and let herself go. Her release washed over her in wave after wave of bliss. Brad lapped at her shoulder for a moment before he groaned, and kissed her before he eased off her.

Karen was in a fogged-out bliss, her body felt like mush, and when Duncan took Brad’s place, she moaned as Duncan slowly slid into her. Karen quivered as he kept an easy pace, and she shook her head as her burning need built again.

“I can’t take anymore. No, I…please…Duncan.”

He snarled and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding her tight to him. “We have waited years for you. You can come for me.”

Duncan pistoned into her, relentless, and in her sensitive state she was already close to exploding again.

Duncan crushed his mouth to hers, and she felt Brad’s lips kissing his way up her back. Shivering at the onslaught, she pulled from Duncan’s mouth and yelled her release as Duncan growled and bit down on the opposite shoulder to Brad's bite.

Euphoria settled over her as for the first time in her life she’d had three intense, mind-blowing orgasms. She felt like she floated on clouds. Duncan fell on top of her sweat-coated body. He rolled to the side and kissed her shoulder.

Karen fought to stay awake, but with her raptured mind she couldn’t fight. Karen knew when she woke she would need to find out what had just happened. She told her mind she would just close her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them, she would get answers. She would find out why she’d just let two men she didn’t know have sex with her—amazing sex. She’d find out what they were, because one thing she did know…they were something else.

BOOK: Her Keepers
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