Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World)
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“I told you I would call when I’m ready to,” Jason hisses. I can tell that he is annoyed by Darla’s presence.

The woman takes a hesitant step toward him, “B-but that’s the thing, you haven’t. I thought that maybe you lost my number, so I decided to show up.”

“You are not supposed to decide anything,” he snarls. I blink several times. Darla is going to let him talk to her like that? Wow, she is so not the woman I thought she was. “Besides, my mind has been otherwise occupied,” he adds, glancing my way and I immediately look away. Why is he looking at me? I want nothing to do with their lovers’ spat.

Darla looks from him to me and gasps dramatically, “Are you for real, Jason? You are choosing
over me? But-but look at her, she’s— she’s—” I pause and steel myself, waiting for her to say it, to call me fat. But that is no longer true. Sure, I was on the chubby side as a kid, but I’m now what everyone calls curvaceous, not

“Get out, Darla,” Jason barks before she can finish her statement. I’m still humiliated. He must have figured out what she was going to call me. I wonder if he agrees with her. I lower my lashes to hide my hurt feelings. I smooth my pencil skirt and step out from behind the desk.

“I will go and prepare your coffee, Mr. Black.” I walk out, leaving the two of them to carry on their argument. I release a breath as soon as I enter the lounge. I spoon coffee into the coffee maker. I hate when other women make me feel bad about myself. I should be mature enough to let comments slide off my shoulders, but I can’t help feeling like crap.

“Well, good morning,” I hear someone drawl from the door. I spin around to see a strange man walking into the room. This is the first time I am coming into contact with another employee. I was holed up in Mr. Black’s office all day yesterday.

I smile at the man, “Good morning.”

“I’m Patrick; it’s always nice to see a pretty face around here, and a new one at that.” He extends his hand.

I reach out to place my hand in his, “I’m Navia, and I’m only here for a little while.”

His gaze sweeps over me, appreciation evident in his eyes. “That is a pity, Navia. I wouldn’t mind seeing you around here more often.”

I let out a giggle, something totally out of character for me. I have to admit, after taking a blow to my self-esteem earlier, Patrick is boosting my fragile ego quite a bit. He has friendly brown eyes and chestnut-brown hair, caught in a short ponytail at the nape of his neck. He is a head taller than I am in my heels and he is built like a linebacker. I timidly meet his gaze, “Thanks, but I will be gone in a few days. I’m just a temp.”

“You should totally give me your number, Navia, so we can keep in touch. That is, if you want to, of course.” He flashes me a sheepish grin and I am a bit charmed by his obvious discomfort. It feels nice to have a guy act nervous around me for once; it’s usually the other way around. Patrick makes me feel good about myself.

I nod, “Sure, why not?” He lets out a relieved breath and I smile. I write down my phone number on a piece of napkin and hand it to him.

“Wow, thanks, Navia, this is great. I will definitely give you a call sometime.”

We turn at the sound of someone clearing his throat. “Am I interrupting something?” Jason asks, his eyes narrowing to glare at Patrick.

Patrick seems stunned to see the boss, “Uh, Mr. Black, good morning, sir.  I was just getting back to work.” He quickly heads to the door, but not before throwing me one last smile. I flush, lowering my gaze. Jason steps aside to allow Patrick to brush past.

He scowls at me, “I thought you came in here to prepare my coffee, not flirt with my other employees.”

“Oh, I-I’m sorry. I will bring you your coffee in a few minutes.”

“Don’t bother, I don’t feel like having any coffee this morning.” He whirls around and storms off. I stumble behind him in my impossibly high stilettos. I curse my decision for putting them on in the first place. But I wanted to add a little height to my short frame as part of my armor to face the formidable Mr. Black. I wonder what has his feathers so ruffled. Maybe he is still upset from his confrontation with Darla. That has to be the reason for his foul mood because I can’t think of anything that I have done wrong since this morning.

He strides to his office and sits behind his desk. I cautiously enter. “Mr. Black, are you all right?”

He throws me a dark look, “Of course. Don’t I look all right?”

“Well, you look a little upset.”

“Maybe because I am paying you to work, not chat up men in the lounge. And I do not appreciate you questioning me,” he growls.

So it is something that I did, after all. “Right, I get no fraternizing in the workplace. I apologize; it won’t happen again, sir.” A bit offended by his brusque manner at my concern for him, I hold my head down and turn to leave. I can’t believe his reaction to me simply talking to another employee. I huff and dump myself down in my chair. Does he not remember having sex with me in his office just yesterday? That was major fraternization in the workplace if I ever saw it. I sigh. The man is a mass of contradictions. He has been ever since the day I met him. I busy myself working for the next few hours, trying hard not to think about Jason Black.

I jump when I look up to find the man staring down at me. I didn’t even hear him coming. How the hell does he move so stealthily? I clutch my chest. “Mr. Black, you scared the shit— I mean, you startled me.” He grins at my slip-up. It seems his mood has changed. That was mighty quick. I think he might be bipolar. “Is there something you want me to do?”

“Yes, cancel the rest of my meetings for today and get yourself ready for lunch.”

“What?” I frown up at him, “Uh, OK, you want me to go out and buy your lunch?”

“No, I am taking you out to lunch. Be ready in the next ten minutes.” I watch him walk away with my mouth hanging open. He is taking me to lunch? How does he know that I want to go anywhere with him, anyway? Then again, maybe it is some kind of business lunch. It wouldn’t be strange for him to bring his secretary along. I pick up the phone to make several calls and cancel his meetings as ordered.  By ten minutes after twelve, I am ready and waiting. I stuff a notepad into my handbag, in case I need to take notes.

Jason comes out a minute later, “Ready?”

I get up, “Yes.”

Chapter Five


I look around the fancy restaurant. I feel a bit underdressed in my casual attire. We have been seated for a good twenty minutes and have placed our orders. But I still haven’t seen anyone else show up. I glance at Jason in front of me and his lips curl in a slight grin. “Are you looking for someone?” he asks.

“Uh, aren’t you expecting anyone else?”

He shakes his head, “No.”

My brows rise in surprise, “Oh, so this isn’t a business meeting?”

“Of course not. You thought I brought you out on business? Is that why you haven’t touched your wine?”

“Well, yes. These are still my work hours.”

He captures my gaze. “Relax a little, Navia, you are free to have a few drinks. I’m giving you permission. I invited you to lunch as a way of apologizing for my behavior.”

“Oh. Thank you,” is all I manage to get out. Is he talking about what took place in his office yesterday, or this morning? I lower my gaze and reach for the glass of wine. I’m going to need a lot more wine to get through this lunch.

“Tell me about yourself, Navia,” he says softly, his eyes roaming my face.

I take another gulp of wine. I’m not very comfortable with the idea of sharing personal details with my boss, even if I will only be working with him a few more days. “There isn’t much to tell.”

He tilts his head, “I don’t believe that.”

“OK, I’m twenty-four, graduated from NYU last year with a degree in communications, all the good that has done me.”

“Why do you say that?”

The wine has loosened my tongue quite a bit, and I find myself willingly answering all of his questions. “I can’t really find a decent job. Or rather, no one will hire me,” I confess.

“Why is that?”

I shrug. “Chloe tells me it’s because I’m too timid. She isn’t wrong.” He watches in amusement as I pour myself another glass of wine, but he says nothing. “I guess I have a lot to work on.”

“You have been doing a pretty good job for me. I will see what I can do about fixing your problem.”

I gasp. “Really? Oh my God, thank you so much. I could totally kiss you right now,” I blurt out. I realize what I just said and flush from head to toe. I did not just say that out loud. I should really take it easy on the wine.

His lips curl into a sinful grin, “You can anytime you are ready.” Stunned at his response, my blush deepens. “It is refreshing to see a woman who still blushes,” he says slowly, and takes a sip from his glass for the first time. The expression in his eyes in unreadable. I start to feel uneasy by the smoldering look that he is giving me. “I like you, Navia. I would like to get to know you better. Come home with me after lunch.”

My mouth opens and closes several times, but no words come out. I have no idea what to say, anyway. Jason Black just asked me to go home with him. Actually, it was more of an order than a question. “Mr. Black, I—”

“Call me Jason, and please say yes,” he says softly, his blue eyes mesmerizing me.

“Yes,” I find myself whispering, as if in a trance. It's official, I have lost all of my good senses.  The waiter appears with our lunch. I waste no time digging in. I tend to eat when I’m nervous, and I am a bundle of nerves right now. I notice Jason studying me. He must think I’m a pig. I put my fork down and push my plate away.

He frowns, “You haven’t finished.”

I look down at my plate, “I’m full.” 

“That’s too bad, I like watching you eat.”

My head snaps up. He likes when I eat? I smile tentatively. And here I thought he was disgusted with how much I was eating.

“Since you are finished, we should get going.”

My breath hitches. We are going to his place now. What was I thinking, agreeing to go home with him? He stands up and extends his hand. I take a deep breath and place my hand in his. I get the feeling that I have just sealed my fate.


I sneak a peek at Jason as he maneuvers his car through the streets of the city. My gaze travels to his long, lean fingers wrapped around the steering wheel. I would love to feel his hands on me like that now. I remember the dream I had this morning, of him slipping his fingers inside of me. I squirm in my seat. I know what we are going to his place to do. I saw it in his eyes when he invited me, heard it in the sensuous tone of his voice. I agreed to it because I want what he wants. I desire to feel his hands caressing my body.

Anticipation pools inside of me. What if he is the man I have been waiting for? It is amazing how quickly I have forgotten his treatment of me yesterday in his office. The incident has been overshadowed by my attraction for him and how decently he behaved during lunch. Maybe he isn’t so bad, after all. Maybe our time together at his place will be much better than yesterday. He gives me a quick glance and smiles. I smile back and relax into my seat.

He pulls into the underground parking lot of a massive apartment building. Coming around to my door, he opens it and helps me out. I smile, secretly pleased that he is being such a gentleman. “Thank you,” I say shyly, looking down at the ground. He places his fingertips beneath my chin and lifts my face up so that my gaze meets his.

“It seems I will have to help you get over your timidity,” he says. Before I can respond he covers my lips with his own. I sigh at the pleasurable feel of his lips on mine once again. I didn’t realize how much I missed the feel of it until now. He deepens the kiss and gently pushes me back against his car. I melt into him. I realize that he is hiking my skirt up. I place my hand over his and pull my mouth from his, “What are you doing? We’re standing in a parking lot.”

“No one else is here,” he replies.

I look around anxiously, “Aren’t there security cameras?”

His lips shape into a wicked grin, “We cannot be seen from this angle.” Well, it seems that he has thought of everything. I still feel uncomfortable doing this in a parking lot. I start to protest again, but I am silenced by another kiss. He resumes the process of lifting my skirt so that he can caress my thighs. I gasp when he slides his fingers inside of my panties. “Jason, stop,” I whisper. I worry that someone will pass and see us. He ignores me, flicking his thumb over my clitoris. I catch a sharp breath. Jason slides a finger inside of me, and I stifle a moan.

“Does it feel good, Navia?” he asks against my lips.

I nod. “It does. But can we go inside now?” I beg.

“Not yet. I want you to come for me first.”

?” I let out another moan when he inserts another finger and pushes deeper. “
Oh my God.”
I begin to pant when he moves his fingers in a back and forth motion, caressing my sweet spot.

“I love how responsive you are to my touch, Navia.” I respond with a whimper. His fingers move faster. His lips remain over mine, swallowing every breath I exhale and every moan I let out. His tongue pushes into the warmth of my mouth. I’m in disbelief that I am allowing Jason to do this to me outside. But I am enjoying every minute of it. All of my reservations about such a public display dissipate, and I start to move my hips against his hand. My inner muscles begin to tighten around his fingers. “That’s right, baby, come for me now.” Pleasure erupts inside of me like a volcano. My legs quiver and buckle beneath me. I would have hit the ground if not for Jason’s strong hands supporting me.

“Wow, that was uh, incredible,” I squeak.

He smirks. “I’m glad, time to go inside.” I follow him on shaky legs inside. We don’t wait very long for an elevator. When the doors slide shut, Jason pushes the very top button. Wow, he lives all the way on the top floor. My apartment building and neighborhood is a far cry from this one, and this elevator actually works. Jason is quiet. I glance over at him and he is studying me with his usual concentrated stare.

I squirm under his gaze. “What?” I can’t help but ask.

He shrugs, “I am merely admiring you, Navia. You have very exotic features. I love it.”

I smile, happy that he actually finds me attractive. “I’m mixed, my mother is Cuban and my father is African American. I’m afraid I inherited my mother’s bountiful curves.”

“You’re beautiful,” he utters softly.

I gape at him. He thinks I’m beautiful. I don’t think any man has ever told me I am beautiful before. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. My heart soars. He doesn’t mind that I am not model-thin, like the women I’m sure are his usual type. “Thank you,” I reply. The elevator stops and we step into a carpeted hallway. Jason opens the first door that I see. He steps aside and motions for me to go in. I step inside the most beautiful apartment I have ever set eyes on. Or should I say penthouse? The classic furniture seems as if it were expertly chosen and placed. I’m almost afraid to walk on the plush cream carpet. Who has such a light-colored carpet in their house? Well, billionaires I suppose. “You have a lovely home. Do you live in this big apartment all by yourself?” I ask.

He chuckles, “Thank you. I do live by myself.” Something flickers across his face. Was it a look of longing or regret? I can’t tell. The expression disappeared so fast. “Let’s not waste any more time, Navia. I’m sure you know why I brought you here.”

“Uh, of course.” I wasn’t born yesterday. I know he bought me here to have sex. But are we just going to get right to it? I thought he would give me a tour of his home, or offer me a drink—
He takes my handbag from my grip and throws it on the couch. He takes my hand and leads me down a passageway. We enter his bedroom. “So how long have you lived here?” I ask.

He places a finger over my lips, “No talking, Navia. I want only silence and obedience from you.” I frown, but remain silent. He wants obedience? Memories of the way he spoke to Darla this morning flash across my mind. I hope he doesn’t think it OK for him to talk to me like that. He sits on the edge of the bed. “Undress for me, slowly.” I remain rooted to one spot. I am way too self-conscious to just strip in from of him.  “I said undress, now,” he roars, causing me to jump.

“I’m not going to stay if you talk to me like that, Jason.” I look at him expectantly, waiting for an apology. He cocks his head to the side, something feral flickers in his eyes. “I’m leaving.” I turn to exit his bedroom. Fingers wrap around my arm. I gasp when his grip tightens.

“You are not going anywhere,” he hisses.

Panic rises in my chest. “You are hurting my arm.” I stare up at him wide-eyed. Will he actually do something to hurt me? The threatening look in his eyes speaks volumes. He just might. What the hell have I gotten myself into? He pulls me against his chest and I instantly begin to push against him.

He captures my hands and pins them behind me. “I like it when you fight, Navia.”

“What? Let go of me. You’re sick,” I hiss. I wince and stop struggling when he squeezes my wrists. The more I fight, the tighter his grip becomes. “You’re really hurting me,” I whisper, my voice laced with consternation.

“Don’t you like it?” he asks, his lips inches from mine.

“No,” I reply.

“I can make you like it, Navia.” I gawk at him. I want to ask how on earth he thinks he can make me like being hurt. He really is insane. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. He dumps me unceremoniously down and begins to pull at my clothes. I am now lying naked before him. “Since you find it so hard to obey me, I will just have to punish you.” What kind of punishment is he talking about? I watch him walk to his closet. Now would be the perfect time for me to make my escape. But something makes me stay. Perhaps curiosity, or perhaps a twisted part of me wants him to hurt me. He walks back to the bed carrying pieces of black rope.  Is that a whip I see among the rope? Holy shit, I should have run. My breath quickens.

“W-what are you going to do to me?” I ask. I struggle to get up but I am no match for his greater strength.  Images of the dead bodies I always see on the Identification Discovery channel swirl around in my head. He could be a psychotic killer for all I know. 

He grabs my wrist and quickly ties the rope around it, effectively binding me to one of the bedposts. He goes to work on my other limbs. Soon I am standing before him with my hands and ankles tied on either side of the bottom bedposts. What kind of sick bondage fetish is he into? 

“Jason, please, I’m not into this kind of thing. Just let me go. I’ll go home and forget about this whole thing. I won’t tell anyone, I swear. Just please don’t hurt me,” I beg. My heart is pounding out of control. I pull at my restraints but there isn’t the least give in them.

  “Don’t worry, Navia, I will make you like this, I promise.” He begins to undress. I can’t help but admire his toned body and the impressive length of his cock jutting out. But my fear quickly returns. I don’t know what he is capable of. This is nothing like the first time in his office. I bite down a sob. Now I know what Chloe meant when she said he was strange, and no wonder why his privacy is so precious to him. He doesn’t want anyone to know how twisted he is. How many women has he done this to? I remember Darla. She seemed to like it; she was literally begging to be punished this morning. But I’m not her. I can’t do any of this. Does Chloe know about what he does? “Does Chloe know about this?” I ask. For some reason jealousy rears its ugly head. What is the matter with me? I practically fear for my life at the hands of this mad man, yet I’m envious at the mere thought that he has touched my best friend.

BOOK: Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World)
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