Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story (3 page)

BOOK: Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story
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want to see you again,” he picked up a slim hand and raised it
to his lips, lightly touching his mouth to her skin. But that light
touch triggered something so potent that Rosa felt it deep inside her
gut and she wanted to pull her hand away.

don’t know,” her flesh was tingling where his mouth had
touched her and even though he had let go of her hand, she still felt
his touch burning through her skin. “I am very busy and I don’t
know when I will be able to do this again.” She was making
excuses and she knew it but her head was spinning and she needed time
for it to stop spinning.

am not taking no for an answer,” he told her with a slight

don’t expect you would,” Rosa said dryly. She was getting
back to her old self again and she wanted to give them a little
distance. “It’s getting late and I have work tomorrow.”

he started packing up the things and she helped him. “You don’t
mind me calling you?”

told him no and they gathered up the stuff with the intention of
leaving. “Can we look at this place one more time before we
go?” she pleaded.

nodded and he tagged along behind her as she went from room to room;
lingering as if assessing where she would put what.

love my work,” she murmured, running her hand over the solid
door jamb. “But I hate working for someone else, living their
dream. I want my own, you know what I mean?” she turned to face
him and to her consternation he was right behind her.

know what you mean, I want my own too,” Rosa had a feeling he
was not talking about the same thing as her and her heart rate
quickened. He was taller than her and even in her heeled boots she
came to his shoulders. “I want to kiss you, may I?”

nodded wordlessly and as if in slow motion she watched his head
descended. He was not touching her otherwise and she felt his breath
feathered on her face. She did not touch him either but lifted her
face to his. His mouth touched hers lightly and Rosa’s lips
parted as she leaned into him. His tongue delved inside and his arms
went around her waist to pull her closer to him; she splayed her
hands against his solid chest and he deepened the kiss. Rosa felt her
knees going weak and she curled her fingers into his sweater as she
held on for leverage.

mouth moved over hers hungrily and Rosa felt her body responding; on
fire for him. She pulled away from him and would have stumbled
backwards if he had not reached out to steady her. Her mouth stung
where he had kissed her and her body was vibrating.

feel it too,” he said it like it was a statement, not a
question and without answering Rosa pulled her arm away and headed
for the doorway.

He took
her home and did not mention it again; maybe giving her time to catch
her breath. He told her about the neighborhood he lived in and Rosa
realized how far apart they were; not only to do with culture but to
do with the way they were financially.

dropped her off at home with the promise to call her soon.


hope you are not going to blow him off Rosa, the man is trying and
you can’t do much better than John Yang,” Hayley told her
friend reproachfully. They were in the restaurant where her friend
had come over to find out how the date went yesterday. It was past
the lunch hour and the place was a little slow so she had time to sit
with her friend.

are different,” Rosa protested. She had told Hayley he had
prepared a picnic dinner for her and they had talked.

are supposed to be different,” Hayley told her. The girl oozed
self confidence, which she should. She was very attractive and was
one of the kindest people Rosa knew. “John happens to be a nice
guy, not like some stuck up rich dude who thinks the world revolves
around them.”

called me last night to make sure I was fine.” Rosa admitted.
“We kissed Hayley.”

me details!” Her friend grabbed her hands and leaned forward.

am absolutely not going to give you details,” Rosa said firmly.
“Only to say that it was one of the most mind blowing kisses I
have ever experienced.”

my,” Hayley said fanning her face, pretending to be hot. “So
you see, you two were meant for each other.”

see,” Rosa muttered, looking up as the chef indicated for her
to go into the kitchen. “I have to go.”

Hayley held her hand. “When are you going out with him again?”

know yet, Ms. Nosy,” Rosa said fondly. “I will let you
“You better,” her friend warned with a
friendly wave.


about Wednesday night?” John was on the phone trying to plan
another date. “We could go to the theater?”

she said in amusement. “In my circles, we say movies.”
She was at her desk trying to sort out the schedule for the following

right, movies then,” he told her with a laugh. She was looking
forward to seeing him again and his phone calls were becoming
something she treasured. He had been trying to make a follow up date
with her but her schedule had been crazy for the last week. “How
about it?”

She had
told him Wednesday was her slowest night so she usually left early if
she did not have anything left to do. “That’s tomorrow!”
she exclaimed.
“If I tell you in advance you are going to
say you have a lot of things to do, help me out here Rosa, I am
trying and I want to see you.” He told her softly.

want to see you too,” Rosa admitted.

I will pick you up at seven thirty. At home or the restaurant?”
he asked her.

the restaurant.” Rosa said with a smile. “I promise I
won’t allow anything to get in the way this time.”

he said briskly. “See you then Rosa.”

hung up the phone with a smile on her face. She actually had a date
and with a man she found very attractive. She had spent a lot of time
thinking about the disparities in their various lives but she had
pushed it aside; she had a tendency to over think things and she was
not going to do that again. She was going to go out with him and have
a good time; wherever it took them then she would deal with it at
that time.


movie was a romantic comedy and he had bought them a huge bucket of
popcorn and cherry pop. The theater was not very full and they chose
seats near the back. He had picked her up at the restaurant promptly
at seven and Rosa had changed into blue jeans and a black sweater,
scraping her corkscrew curls on top of her head and adding a little
bit of lipstick to highlight her full lips. He was wearing black
jeans and a gray sweater.

found herself laughing as the movie took on a comedic flavor and was
quite unaware John was staring at her. He had the popcorn in his lap
and she would reach over and scoop up the pieces in her hands and put
it in her mouth.

He was
enjoying the view and was aware that he was not watching the movie
but was watching her. She was so alive that it was like seeing a
color picture unfold before his eyes. He had been thinking about her
a lot; especially after the date they'd had last week Sunday. Her
lips had tasted like honey straight from the nectar and had jolted
him so bad that he had been pretty shaken up. He had wanted more but
he realized it had been too soon. She had gotten to him and he did
not expect that.

you eating?” she asked him as she turned to look at him. “You
are making me look bad because I am the only one eating here.”

scooped up a handful of popcorn and put it in his mouth. “How
about that?” he asked her teasingly.

much better,” she told him with a narrow gaze, digging her hand
into the bucket and scooping some out and holding it up against his
mouth. He ate it out of her hand; his eyes holding hers as he did so.
Rosa caught her breath as he finished the popcorn in her hands and
licked her palm; his tongue lingering over the soft skin. She wanted
to move her hand but she felt paralyzed as his tongue touched the
softness of her skin. It was like they were the only two people in
the theater; the sound around them muted. He held her hand against
his mouth and took her fingers, one at a time to his tongue.

she said helplessly, not knowing what else to say as he caught one
finger inside his mouth and pulled it inside, his tongue touching
her. “We are supposed to be watching the movie.”

is much more interesting don’t you think?” he murmured
against her fingers. Her breath caught inside her throat as his
tongue lingered on her finger. He used his teeth to nip the pad of it
and Rosa jumped in shock, the passion running through her body like

stop," she whispered in an agonized tone.

cannot," he told her huskily. “You are in my thoughts Rosa
and I cannot get you out," he continued his onslaught on her
fingers. Rosa had never felt anything like it in all her life.

movie had ended and they were not even aware of it until the lights
came on and people started filing out. He let go of her hand and they
sat there trying to gather themselves before leaving. Rosa's heart
was pounding so hard she thought it was going to jump right out of
her chest.

were the last people to leave the movie theater and when they got
outside, he took her hand as they strolled along the sidewalk. His
car was parked in the theater's parking lot but he took the opposite
direction. It was a clear moonlit night with the stars dotting the
sky with dazzling beauty. The air was crisp and clean and even though
it was cold, it was not unbearably so.

passed a park with the swings moving eerily in the darkness.

am delaying the time when I have to take you home." He told her
with a little laugh.

you now?" she said softly as she walked alongside him, her hand
tucked into his. She had recovered somewhat from the onslaught of
emotions in the theater; she was still chalking it down to her not
being with anyone for so long. There was no logical reason why he
should have such an effect on her.

found a little café where he bought them hot chocolate with
cinnamon and whipped cream on top. The place was small and quiet and
he found a corner table for them to sit. He laughed at her as he
wiped away her whipped cream mustache and licked his finger after.

you born in China?" she asked him curiously as she stirred her
hot beverage with the cinnamon stick.

was born right here but I spent most of my holidays in China where I
was supposed to get to know my culture," he told her with a
charming grin. He looked like a rogue with his ebony hair falling
onto his broad forehead. She was itching to push it back but
refrained from doing so, touching him was like lighting a stick of

did you?"

he admitted, settling back against the vinyl covered seat and giving
her his full attention. He had such beautiful eyes, she thought, like
liquid pools of darkness. "China is a large place and many
interesting sights, I would like to take you there sometime."
The casual way he said it had her staring at him sharply.

are different John," she pulled a curl from the bundle she had
placed on top of her head, secured by a piece of white silk material.
"This is me. I am proud of who I am, a strong black woman who
doesn't need to pretend to be something I am not. I did not attend an
Ivy League college like you, as a matter of fact I did not go to
college, I went to culinary school because my parents could not
afford to send me and I am cool with that because I knew what I
wanted and knew I did not have to go to college to achieve it. I am
frank, I tell people what I think of them and sometimes without being
aware of it, I can be offensive. This is who I am and I am not sure
we fit." She wanted to get that out of the way. As much as she
was attracted to him, she was realistic and this was no modern day
Cinderella story. He was a billionaire and she was a working class
woman from a poor neighborhood, best he knew what she was about.

leaned forward and rested his hands on the table next to hers. "I
went to the best schools my parent’s money could buy. I got
quality education but what I did not get was the chance to choose
what I want to be, that right was taken away from me because I was
born to parents who have a lifelong tradition of choosing for their
children. They come from a culture that chose for them and they know
nothing else." He paused and looked away from her briefly. "I
don't want that anymore and I don't care if you never went to
college, that's not important to me. I have never met anyone like you
before and I want to get a chance to know you better, if you will
allow me. Will you?"

reached for her hand and held it between his, his eyes holding hers.
"Give me a chance Rosa," he smiled at her crookedly, a
small dimple at the corner of his mouth deepening. "I am not
such a bad guy."

a guy who likes to toot his own horn,” she said smiling at him
weakly. "Let's see where this takes us."

He gave
her hand a squeeze before letting go. They finished their hot
chocolate and he ordered another round. They finally left there at
about ten o'clock and he pulled her arm through the crook of his as
they walked towards the car.

kissed her softly on the lips as he let her off at her apartment and
waited until she was safe inside before driving away.

night, Rosa sat up in bed reliving the night, especially the part in
the movie theater where he had fueled the fire inside her when he put
her fingers inside his mouth. She felt the pull at the bottom of her
stomach and with a smile on her lips, she drifted off to sleep.

BOOK: Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story
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