Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2)
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Gabe leaned over his long legs as he let out a breath he must have been holding. His face beamed with so much joy, Micki couldn’t help but be swept up in it. He pulled her to her feet and hugged her so tightly she couldn’t breathe, then kissed her on the lips. As he headed up the aisle, several other singers congratulated him by shaking his hand or patting him on the shoulder while the crowd applauded and whistled.

When he reached the stage, he accepted the crystal statue from Emily and took his place behind the microphone. Micki joined in the wild clapping. Gabe lived for this. She’d never wanted him to go to Nashville and become famous, but as she sat there and watched him stare down at his award, she knew if he hadn’t taken the chance he had all those years ago, he would have withered and died inside. Performing was part of his soul.

With the thought, she shivered. Was she beginning to forgive him?

He let out a whoop and looked out at the audience, but like when he’d sung, he seemed to be looking right at her. “Wow! I think I thanked everyone in the business the other times I was up here. So this time, I want to thank my fans for getting me here. I also want to thank the most beautiful woman in the world for marrying me last weekend and making tonight all the more sweeter for being by my side.”

Micki gasped at the intensity of his words.

“I want the world to know this is for my wife and little brother. I love you.” As he spoke, he held the award above his head in one hand.

The depth of the emotion in his deep voice shook Micki to her bones. Was he professing his love to her, only to Jesse, or was he just talking to his fans?


Chapter 14


The drive back to Gabe’s house was excruciating for Micki. She was pulled in a thousand different directions--wanting the trip to take forever, but she couldn’t wait for it to be over. Trish had been surprised when Gabe asked for his keys and asked her to make excuses for him at the after-show parties. She’d smiled knowingly and agreed as she handed over the keys to his SUV. Gabe had posed for a few pictures with his four awards for the media backstage. Afterward, leaving his awards in the care of Gary and Trish to get delivered to his home, Gabe took Micki’s hand and left the arena.

The soft music playing on the radio filled the charged air around them with seductive promise. Micki folded and refolded her hands in her lap, not sure what to say to break the tension between them. She took a deep breath, hoping to relieve the anticipation, and looked out the side window as the lights of downtown Nashville flew by them from the freeway.

“You held your own tonight.”

His low voice rumbled through her. “Thanks. I liked the song.” She let out a breath and looked at his profile.

He met her gaze for a moment before turning back to the road. “I meant what I said in the song. I’m sorry, Michaela. For everything that I’ve done to you.”

She looked down at her hands. Was he expecting her to forgive him? Could she forgive him? “Gabe, what do you want from me?”

“A chance.”

His husky words hit her with a force she hadn’t anticipated, and small cracks started in the wall she’d built around her heart. Hadn’t this been what she’d wanted?

He glanced at her again when she didn’t reply. “I’m not going to rush you. But I want you to know that I want a future with you.”

What could she say to that? Another crack in the wall. Could she even admit to herself how much his declaration meant to her or how much she wanted the same things? “You hurt me and I don’t know if I can ever forgive you. But I--” She took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t want to throw away the chance we might have a future together either.”

He winced as if her words pained him, but when he looked at her, he gave her a lopsided smile. “That’s all I can ask.”

They were quiet for the rest of the trip back to Gabe’s home, but the desire beating through her thrummed. By the hot glance he gave her when he pulled off the highway and stopped at the light at the end of the ramp, he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

Ten minutes later, he stopped the SUV in front of his garage and got out. She met him in front of the vehicle. He shook his head at her. “You just can’t let me be a gentleman, can you?”

She took his hand. The contact sent tingles through her and all she could think about was his hands touching her. Her lower belly clenched at the thought of how those talented fingers would play over her body. “Nope.” Was that raspy voice hers? “I have more creative ideas on how you can show me how gentlemanly you are. Or aren’t.”

Even in the dim glow of the streetlight, she saw his eyes darken with undeniable lust. “That’s a challenge I can’t pass up.” He twisted the key in the lock of his door and opened it, then turned to her and swung her into his arms.

She called out and laughed as she put her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”

“I didn’t get to do this on our wedding night.”

Her heart raced at the promise of passion in his eyes. “What’s that?”

“Carry you over the threshold. Isn’t that what a groom does to ensure a life of good luck with his bride?” He stepped through the door before she had a chance to protest that she wasn’t sure if they had a future together.

Without setting her down, he shut the door, then turned on the light and hit the code on the pad beside the door to disable the security alarm. She removed his hat and tossed it onto a table near the door. With hands that trembled from both desire and fear of what her heart was telling her, she threaded her fingers into his thick black hair and leaned in until her lips touched his. “There’s something else we didn’t do our wedding night.”

She settled her lips over his mouth, and without hesitation, he opened up to let her tongue slide against his. He tasted of the glass of champagne he had drunk after the show and of sweet, hot desire, an intoxicating mix that had her panting by the time he broke the kiss.

Without words, he carried her across the room and up the stairs, taking them two at a time. His strength only served to turn her on more. By the time they reached his room, she was feverish with need. As he switched on the bedside lamp, he set her down on her feet. She was glad he held her because her rubbery legs were useless. He attacked her mouth with lusty licks and nips while shrugging out of his jacket, then helped her out of her coat. Kissing him, she slipped her hands over his shoulders to the top snap of his shirt. With deliberate slowness, she undid each of the buttons. When she pushed the shirt off his shoulders, her nails grazed over his bare skin, causing him to hiss into her mouth; then he delved his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on the hot flesh. Gasping, he pulled away. He spun her around and undid the zipper of her dress.

She couldn’t get enough air as he pressed hot, wet kisses to her neck, shoulder, and spine as he peeled the dress off her, then pulled the pins from her hair to allow it to fall around her shoulders. He turned her to face him again, and the gown slid to the floor to pool around her feet, leaving her standing before him in her skimpy silk underwear and sky-high heels. She shivered as the heat of his gaze burnt her exposed skin.

“You’re so beautiful.” Taking her into his arms again, he lifted her away from the forgotten gown and laid her on the king-sized bed. After a lingering touch to her face, he stepped back and toed off his boots.

When he undid his belt, desire tumbled through her, making her insides tighten. A moan slipped past her lips as he gripped his jeans to push them off his hips. He stopped the slow progress before he exposed himself completely to her and raised a brow. A cocky, satisfied grin lifted his full, wet lips. “Like what you see?”

“If singing ever fails you, you could always take up being a striptease.” The words were heavy with lust. She did a little teasing of her own by caressing a hand over her breast and belly to the edge of her panties and pushed the lace over her hip to show the top of her mound. “But two can play that game.”

He chuckled low and deep, which only made the thumping in her core worse; then he sobered and pushed his jeans and underwear off. She’d seen him nude the other day in the barn, but somehow tonight the impact of seeing him in all of his glory had more of a profound effect on her. He climbed on the bed and leaned over her, and his mouth came down onto hers. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him to her and held on as their tongues tangled and danced.

She gasped for air when he pulled away to rain nips and kisses down her neck to her breasts. He shifted to kneel between her legs and flicked open the clasp of her bra to expose her breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened when he brushed the rough pads of his thumbs over them as he cupped her breasts.

He leaned over her and whispered in her ear, “Tell me what you want.”

As he brushed over her nipples again, she bowed her back under him and moaned. “Make love to me.”

Without a word, he took her right nipple into his mouth and sucked it hard. She groaned and fisted her fingers in his hair. He caressed his hand down her belly to the edge of her panties; then he suckled and teased her other breast. She sucked in a breath as he slipped his hand under the lacy band of her panties. Lights danced behind her closed eyes when he slid his fingers through her curls to encircle her clitoris.

She arched off the bed and let out a long moan as he teased her. By the time he shifted over her and helped her out of her panties, she was a trembling mess. Too close to the edge to stop, but not close enough to fall over it. “Gabe… I want you… inside.”

He kissed her belly and grinned that infernal cocky smile. “Not yet, sweetheart.” He lifted her legs over his shoulder and turned his head to kiss her ankle above the strap of her high heel. “These shoes are so sexy.” When his gaze found hers again, it was hot enough to burn her to a crisp, and he rested her legs over his shoulders, opening her to him. “I’ve been fantasizing about this for weeks.”

She fisted her hands into the bedding when he brushed over her sensitive bud with a hot, wet lick. With her breathing hard and fast, she rode the waves of pleasure he caused with each swipe of his tongue; then when she thought she was at the top of the pinnacle, he sucked in her flesh and the world splintered. She cried out and quaked under and around him.

He brought her down and moved to lay over her. She opened her eyes to his as her rapid, thumping heart sputtered over a beat at the emotional fire she saw in the golden depths of his gaze. Unable to name the feeling she saw there, she fought to keep the wall around her heart from cracking to the breaking point.

As he settled between her legs and slowly thrust into her, he leaned over to her ear and whispered in a low, deep, vibrating timbre, “I love you.”

The wall crumbled, and she held on as he took her to a place she’d only ever been in his arms. “Damn you… I didn’t want this… to happen… I love you, too.”

He groaned deep in his chest as he kissed her; then he started moving in a slow, deliberate motion, rotating his hips with each thrust. With her legs over his shoulders, he was so deep, filling her with unexpected pleasure. Soon, she was soaring again, clenching around him, and he shifted into a relentless rhythm. He hissed between his teeth, arched his back, and shuddered as her body shivered around him when her orgasm crashed into her.

With a growl that could have been her name, he pushed into her so deep it would have been painful if she didn’t relish the feeling, and he stilled as he emptied into her.

Breathing hard, he fell to his side and pulled her over him to lie on his chest. He held her as their hearts thundered and contented sleep overtook her.

* * * *

Gabe shuffled through the semi-darkness into the kitchen. The morning had dawned gray and rainy. A perfect day for staying in bed and making love to the woman he loved.

He stifled a yawn as he pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and closed the stainless steel door of the extra-large refrigerator. Like most of the appliances in the massive gourmet kitchen, they were way too flashy for the kind of cooking he did. He didn’t need a six-burner stove to heat stuff in the microwave or have take-out delivered.

As he sipped the water, he leaned against the ultra-modern, polished concrete countertop of the L-shaped island. The kitchen was a cook’s wet dream. Remembering Michaela’s reaction to the luxury amenities of his Nashville home brought a smile to his face. He wanted her to feel comfortable here--in their Nashville home. As much as he wanted to spend most of his time on the ranch, he couldn’t leave Music City completely. He’d have to maintain a place here, and he wanted Michaela and Jesse to share it with him.

She’d liked his kitchen and had spent a lot of time in here over the past week, making them supper nearly every night. She even invited Seth, Abby, and their daughter, Emily, over for dinner Thursday night. He loved that she’d taken a liking to his best friend and his family. After the Kendalls left, he told her their dinner party had been the first time his dining room table had ever been used. The memory of the way her incredulity had slacked her jaw and widened her eyes when he told her brought a smile to his face. Damn, he’d known she was a fair cook from their past together, but his cowgirl surprised him. Like a fine wine, she definitely improved with age.

In more than just her cooking skills. Last night had been some of the best sex he’d ever had.

He took another draw on the water. Sex always made him thirsty and last night he’d outdone himself. After Michaela had slept for an hour or so, she’d awakened him with butterfly kisses over his chest. Just the memory of her going down on him had him wanting her again, despite them making love three times over the course of the night. Their last round had been slow and gentle, and after her third orgasm, he’d exploded deep inside her. She’d kissed him and told him again that she loved him before drifting off to sleep. Though exhausted, he’d watched her for a long time, until he had to get a drink. She’d wrung him dry.

God, she told him she loved him. Her admission sent a shiver through him and had his heart singing of the possible future with the woman still soundly asleep in his rumpled bed.

BOOK: Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2)
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