Read HauntingMelodyStClaire Online

Authors: Ditter Kellen and Dawn Montgomery

HauntingMelodyStClaire (7 page)

BOOK: HauntingMelodyStClaire
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“Well, it’s unusual for a man to decide not to pass on, but
not unnatural. I wonder what’s keeping him there.”

“He said I knew.” She shook her head. “I don’t remember.”

“Oh sure you do.”

Melody reeled from the perpetual fire, not willing to pass
into that final blazing hell. “What happened to me after the fire?”

“The house burned to the ground, and you haunted the ruins.”

“Like Travis?”

“No. You had no substance, barely a sense of self. I don’t
know why, but you didn’t cross when your mom and dad did.”

“No substance?” Vague memories asserted themselves in her
mind. They were sad and hollow surrounded by a distinct stench of charred wood
and death. Melody shivered.

“Travis saved you. For that reason alone I would have given
him my blessing.”

Blessing? Travis’ voice had pierced the darkness. She
remembered him standing beyond the house, just out of reach. His arms were
crossed and a deep sadness stung her heart.

Her voice was harsh and dry as a dying wind.

No. You have to live.

I’m dead.

Not to me.

She put a hand over her mouth and tears ran unchecked down
her cheeks. Her heart ached. Those words had made her remember who she was.

Her grandmother continued. “He fought for you. Brought you
back from oblivion.”

She turned to her nana in wonder. “I remember.” She gripped
her biceps. “He brought me back.” It had been her idea to become whole again. Years
passed in her mind. Forgotten conversations and her growing love blossomed
inside her. “I wondered why he seemed so familiar, how I could love a man I had
just met.”

Her grandmother dragged her in for a hug. “He loves you.”

The words he’d whispered so often to her before she’d begged
Kassa to change her form. “Yes.” She shifted her gaze to the burning room. “Is
it too late?”

“If you cross into that room with regrets, with unfinished
business, it will consume you.”

“What, like permanently die?”

“No, honey.” She shook her head. “You’ll never die. It’s an
eternity locked in a hell of your own making.”

“Nana, I can’t…” She covered her grandmother’s hand with her
own. “What if he doesn’t want me?”

She kissed Melody on the forehead. “Even when the dead lie to
themselves, the heart knows the truth.” Her arms pulled her only granddaughter
into a tight hug. “Everything happens for a reason, you know. When I saw you, I
knew it wasn’t time yet. You still have things to do, don’t you?”

Melody shook her head. “Like what?”

“There are great and powerful things at work with you, baby.
And with that man you left behind. You lived your life for other people. Why
don’t you try spending some time finding happiness?”

“What do I do? Where do I go?”

“Follow your heart, baby girl. It knows the way home.”

The light grew brighter. “Wait! When will I see you again?”

“When it’s time, you’ll know the way. Now get going.” She
gently pushed her away. “Time passes differently here.”

Melody’s body slipped away from the scene, from her grandmother.
“I love you, Nana. Tell everyone—”

We love you too.
The voice echoed in her head.

She closed her eyes and focused on Travis. Her heart led
her, and she spun toward him. Her body jerked to a stop and it took a moment
for the world to right itself.

Chapter Seven


She had a split second to take in an unfamiliar kitchen
before something whizzed past her head. Melody ducked beneath the table. “Oh
shit, I’m sorry. I thought this was my house.”

“Your house?” a familiar female voice yelled at her in the
dark. “This is my home. Now stand and slowly turn to face me.”

Melody rose with her hands in the air.

Kassa stood in a quaint kitchen sporting a long t-shirt and
a baseball bat. Murderous intent thundered through the woman.

“Hey, Kassa.”

Her face lost all color and the weapon she held fell from
nerveless fingers. It clattered on the floor, jerking her out of her shock.
“Melody? What the hell! How are you here? You left.” Kassa advanced and Melody
backed up.

“I didn’t leave.”

“You can’t cross over but then return.”

“What are you talking about? How did I end up at your place?
I was trying to reach Travis.”

“I’m not going to let you kill me.”

Melody blinked in surprise. “Kill you? Why would I do that?”

Kassa went back to the bat and picked it up. “Who are you really?
Vengeful spirits come back all the time and take familiar shapes.”

Melody leaned against the sink and opened the locket. “It’s
me.” She closed it after a few notes played.

Kassa dropped the bat into a corner. “You made so much noise
I thought you were someone less…”


“Right.” She stalked out of the kitchen.

Melody scrambled behind her, following her into the living
room. A scattering of portraits and frames on the mantle were the only
decoration among the mismatched furniture. “What are you doing?”

“Do you know how long it took me to figure out how to pull
you back from being a raging spirit? How many months I had to prepare? Not to
mention what your leaving did to Travis.” Kassa sank down on the couch and
glared at her. “You ripped his heart out, you know that?”

”I’m sorry. I was confused but I came back.”

Kassa turned her face toward the light and a stark bruise
stood out on her skin.

“What happened?” In a flash Melody was next to her. “How did
you get this?”

“The same way I got the busted lip you gave me. Trying to
save a raging spirit.”

Kassa’s words were a punch to the gut. The floodgate opened
and she remembered changing. “You pulled me back into this form after my death.
I fought you.” She gaped at Kassa, perched on the couch. “I hit without
touching you. I remember being so scared.” A force had dragged her off Kassa,
but not before she’d tried to choke her. Horror rose up inside and Melody
buried her face in her hands. “I didn’t remember until now. I’m so sorry.”

Kassa patted her back. “It’s fine. You didn’t know what you
were doing.”

“I bet Travis was furious.” Kassa was special to him. Melody
knew why, but the answer was just out of reach.

“I didn’t take him with me this time when I tried to save a
spirit.” Kassa glanced away.

“Are you going to tell him about this?”

She shook her head.

Melody reached out and touched her hand. “What have you

“It doesn’t matter.”

“You can’t keep stuff like this from Travis. What you do is
dangerous enough, and I know you worked hard.”

“I didn’t want to burden him right now.” She sat forward on
the couch. “He’s been torn up for weeks. I’ve never seen him like this.”

Melody froze, staring at her. “Weeks?”

Kassa tilted her head. “How long do you think it’s been?”

“An hour, maybe?”
Time passes differently here.
long was I gone?”

“Over two months.” She braced her elbow on a knee and
propped up her chin.

Melody turned her attention back to the mantle. Two months?
“I have to see him. Why am I here? I tried to go back to the house.”

“I don’t know. Are you staying this time?”


Kassa grabbed her arm. “Be sure. He may not be alive to you,
but he is to me. I love him.”

Love him? She clenched her fist and became aware of a cold
wind around them.

“I guess you don’t remember everything.” Kassa rose from the
couch. “Before you freeze me out or catch something on fire, why don’t you take
a look above the fireplace and tell me what you see.”

Melody blinked in wonder and the pain in her chest eased. So
did the pressure around her. She moved to study the pictures. One caught her
attention and she peered closer. Travis stood with an obviously pregnant woman.
His smile had a carefree lift that did something strange to her heart. “Who is

Kassa reached for the frame and lifted it from the mantle.
“My mother.”

Melody’s mouth fell open. “You’re his daughter.” Shock made
her body tremble.

“I never met him while he was alive, and this is the only
photo I have of her.”

“Did they die in the car crash?”

Kassa returned the frame back to its home. “No. Dad was on
his way to the hospital when he wrecked. My mom bailed on me two days after my
birth and my grandparents took me in.”

It was heartbreaking. “She left you?” No wonder he wouldn’t cross
over. What kind of woman could abandon her baby after the father’s death?

Kassa shrugged. “Mother of the year, right? I had Dad
though. He was the first face I remember.” She touched the glass of the
picture. “Of course, I didn’t find out how special that was until I was six.”
She winked. “Turns out talking to your dead father isn’t considered normal. Who

Melody reached for her, but Kassa stepped away. “I’m sorry.
I wish there was something I could do.”

A hint of her earlier anger touched her smile. “Go over to
the house and kick his ass out of this funk. He’s wrecking the place.”

She nodded.

Kassa touched her arm. “The people he loves always leave
without saying goodbye. It kind of runs in the family. You know?”

Melody’s fingers slid over the locket and she smiled.
“Here.” She took the necklace off. “My grandmother gave this to me. She’d kick
my ass if I didn’t bring it back. Keep it for me, will you?” She handed it to
her. Kassa’s fingers wrapped around the locket and Melody closed her eyes.


Her stomach lurched in another whirl of disorientation.

She reached out to catch her balance and blinked to clear
her vision. It took a moment to recognize the living room through the wreck of
furniture and debris scattered around. Travis stood with his back to her, a
faded silhouette against the light pouring through the window.

Melody’s heart thundered and she drew in a slow breath,
trying to calm her nerves. Would he yell at her? Send her away?

“Travis.” Her voice cracked.

His body jerked and he slowly turned. A chill wind whipped
up around them, swirling shredded paper on the floor.

Pressure increased in the room and she brushed her palms
against her jeans.

“You left.” The words tore from his throat, ragged and full
of fury.

Her heart ached, knowing she’d hurt him. She held up her
hands. “I’m back.”

He disappeared for a split second. She sucked in a breath
and he had her against the wall. His fingers dug into her arms. Anger and
sorrow poured off him in waves. She pressed her palms against his chest.

“You’re not here. It’s impossible.” His gaze pierced her.

“I am. I came back.” She reached up and cupped his face. “I
didn’t want to leave you. Is it too late?”

He said nothing. Just stared at her with a tormented

“Say something, Travis. I don’t know what—”

His mouth slanted over hers. Heat blazed through her body.
They clung to each other in desperation. His lips burned a path along her jaw.
“You’re here.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t remember the past two years.”

“That doesn’t matter. We’ll make new memories.” He shook his
head and nipped at her throat.

“I remember everything.”

He froze against her. She pulled his face up so they were at
eye level. “I remember the first time I saw you. Every moment since then is
alive in my mind.”

“I was so afraid we’d made a mistake, bringing you to this
form. But when I could touch you…” He cupped her face. “I thought I could
handle anything if I could just touch you.”

“I would have found a way. Nothing would have kept me from
being with you.” She pressed his hand against her cheek. “You are everything to

He brushed his mouth across hers in a slow tasting. “How are
you here?”

“I was given a choice. Time passes differently there. I
didn’t know I’d been gone so long.”

He groaned and tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Travis
stroked and teased with his tongue and lips until her hands trembled from clenching
his shirt. He scorched a path down her throat, sending currents of pleasure
through her body with his mouth. She dug her nails into his shoulders and he
groaned. His hand brushed across her left breast, bringing her nipple to a hard
point. She wanted him to linger, but he continued a slow path down her body. He
cupped her sex, grinding the jeans against her wet heat.

She arched against his touch, thrilling in the warm
sensations only Travis could coax from her with the lightest caress. “Our

He trapped her wrists above her head and pulled away. She
could see the wicked fire in the depths of his eyes. “Think naked.” His sexy
half-smile made her stomach twist in happiness.

“Naked, huh?”

“I’m serious.” His mouth hovered over hers. “Imagine yourself
completely nude.” He growled low, his tongue wetting her bottom lip.

“Your voice should be outlawed.” She had to clear her throat
to speak.

“Let me see you, Melody.” He rubbed his nose against hers.
“Let me believe you’re really here.” Emotion thickened his voice and she could
see how much he wanted her in his gaze.

Suddenly she didn’t want anything between them, not ever
Think naked thoughts.
She grinned. Her bare breasts pressed
against his chest and her sensitive nipples tightened to aching points. Her
laugh was breathless. “I did it.”

He took her lips in another kiss. The caressing wind he’d
used so many times lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She
couldn’t get close enough. His warm skin slid along her inner thighs and she
hooked her legs around his firm ass. His muscles flexed and she wanted him
inside her. Now.

She inhaled, loving the masculine scent so unique to Travis.
She wanted to lick her way down his big body and wrap her tongue around the
head of his dick. “Travis, let me taste you.”

He growled against her skin, but continued his sensual
onslaught of her body. She had a moment to gasp before the head of his cock
slid just within her wet slit.

“Not fair.” Her complaint was barely audible. He slid
deeper, stretching her around him in sweet agony. She tried to arch her hips.

“I never said I’d be fair.” He grinned and thrust.

She cried out in pleasure, aching, craving more. Her teeth
scraped against his skin. A power she’d never noticed before rushed through her
and out, melting him against her. His hand slid between their bodies. “Bite me,
Melody. Don’t hold back.” His words snapped her control and she sank her teeth
into him while she desperately ached to be free.

His fingers thrummed her clit in a rhythm that stole her
breath. Her body moved on its own, taking and giving, stroking him with her

Travis gripped her hips, slamming into her with every
thrust. Melody dug her nails into his broad shoulders to use as leverage while
she adjusted to the rhythm he set. Travis lifted her higher and hooked his arms
under her legs. His big hands held her ass so his cock sat at the entrance to
her pussy. She tried to move but he tightened his hold, keeping her in place.
She stared down at where their bodies met. A dark thrill slid through her.
Ghost or not, she loved the way he moved her around.

Melody groaned in frustration.

“Look at me.” The demand was low and husky.

Melody raised her gaze and was caught by the mixture of love
and lust she found there.

“You’re gonna love this.” He slammed her down on his cock
and she cried out. It was too much, too intense and she squeezed her eyes shut
while fire blazed a path where Travis was thrusting into her. “Open your eyes.”
It was a demand. She did, overwhelmed by the unshed tears she saw swimming in

“You’re mine, Melody. Say it.”

“Yes.” Pressure rose at the base of her spine and she nearly
cried in pleasure-filled agony. “Yours.”

He rode her to the brink of sanity. “Come for me. Now.”

Her orgasm was brutal, tearing through her so hard she
screamed in pure bliss. Wave after wave of pleasure contracted her inner
muscles around his cock, leaving her unable to do anything but ride it out. His
name slipped past her lips. Travis threw back his head and thrust deep with a
guttural cry. He pulsed inside her while his body shuddered. The warmth of his
release filled her and she reveled in it.

Her arms came around him while he eased them down to the
floor and wrapped her around his body.

She wanted to run her fingers through his hair and down his
side, but could only lie motionless against him, a perfect sandwich between the
man she loved and the wall.

“I thought I’d lost you at the cemetery.” She could hear the
agony in his voice.

Melody held him against her, running her fingers through his
hair. “I didn’t know so much time had passed.”

“You took my heart with you when you left.”

“You are my heart. I didn’t want eternity without you.”
Tears formed and spilled over. “I’m back. If you’ll have me.”

He kissed her, an incredible, searing kiss that left her
panting. “I nearly crossed over to find you.”

Melody caressed his face. “And leave Kassa alone? I would
never ask that of you.”

BOOK: HauntingMelodyStClaire
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