Read Haunted Online

Authors: Annette Gisby

Haunted (9 page)

BOOK: Haunted
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"Is my tie straight?" Aedyn asked her, not used to tying
ties either.

"It's perfect. What play are you both going to see?"

"I think it's called
The Lovers' Vow
." Aedyn studied
his reflection in the looking glass again so he hadn't at first seen
Jessamyn's expression. When he turned back round, she quickly
plastered a smile on her face but he'd already seen the worried frown
marring her brow. "Jessamyn? What's wrong?"

"Well, it is just ... That play, it might bring back some bad
memories for you. I'm surprised Kestan chose such a thing. It's about
an woman who is kidnapped and horribly abused. Father has never
allowed me to read the novel it was based on."

"Oh. Oh, I see," said Aedyn softly. It did seem a rather
strange play for Kestan to choose then, for he'd been almost
fanatical in his trying not to remind Aedyn of anything that had gone
on at that awful house. At least now he would be a bit more prepared.
"Tell me, does it end badly?"

"Well, no. It does have a happy ending as far as I know."

"That's something at least," said Aedyn, giving her a peck
on the cheek. He and Jessamyn had become as close as brothers and
sisters, or how he imagined brothers and sisters would be like and
Jessamyn had confided in him about her imminent motherhood. It didn't
bother Aedyn that she was unmarried; he had been away from the world
too long to know much about what was considered acceptable behaviour.
One day after Jessamyn broke down in tears about her fall from grace
Aedyn had just hugged her and told her that a child was a wondrous
thing, no matter how it came about. She'd dried her eyes and looked
at him, as if she had only just realised that.

"I hope I don't make a fool of myself," said Aedyn coming
back to the present. His only other trips out in public had been with
Kestan to visit numerous tailors, but an evening at the theatre might
be more fraught with difficulties. There would be lots of people who
didn't know him but knew of him, as his return from the dead and
Grunhall's murder trial had been in all the papers for the past few
weeks. Getting accosted by strangers was not something Aedyn looked
forward to. He smiled when he realised he wouldn't have to do it
alone, for Kestan would be there with him.

"You will be fine, Aedyn. You are a lot stronger than you give
yourself credit for."

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome. Now, be off with you before Kestan thinks
you're not coming."

Aedyn grinned at her before making his way downstairs with Jessamyn
closely following on his heels. Kestan was already waiting at the
foot of the stairs, deep in conversation with Jessamyn's father. It
was the earl who saw him first; he tapped Kestan on the shoulder, who
turned around and stared open-mouthed at Aedyn who was hovering
halfway down the staircase. Aedyn felt as if all the breath had left
his body in a rush the way Kestan was gaping at him. It was as if
Kestan had suddenly seen an angel. Kestan closed his mouth but
continued to stare at Aedyn for a few minutes more, as if he couldn't
bear to tear his eyes away from the vision in front of him. Aedyn
felt his face heat at the renewed hunger in the stare. He'd seen that
look on Kestan's face before, like the first time he'd kissed Aedyn.
By now Aedyn knew that Kestan wanted to do a lot more than just kiss

Aedyn's legs trembled a little as he made his way to the ground
floor, wondering that he could still manage to walk at all.

"Thank you for the use of your carriage, Chadron," said
Kestan as Aedyn reached them.

"Not at all. My pleasure. You both have a good evening, now."

"Thank you," said Aedyn with a smile. "I'm sure we


Kestan helped Aedyn into the carriage after the play was over. A few
people had tried to accost them about the stories in the paper, but
Kestan had held the worst of it at bay. Kestan had been looking at
Aedyn a little strangely, both during the play and afterwards. Aedyn
felt his breath catch as he caught that same look on Kestan's face in
the lamp lit carriage. Kestan placed a hand on Aedyn's knee and
squeezed it before poking his head out the window to speak to the

"A few turns around the park, please," said Kestan.

"Very good, sir," said the driver and the carriage wheels
rattled along the cobbles as they set off.

Aedyn swayed and found himself falling against Kestan, who didn't
seem to mind and gripped Aedyn firmly by the shoulders. Green eyes
gazed into black and Aedyn felt himself falling into their depths.
Kestan lowered his head, Aedyn raised his. This time he closed his
eyes and opened his mouth in anticipation of the kiss. It was as
wonderful as he remembered. Kestan'ss mouth, although looking quite
severe at times, was soft to kiss and Aedyn relished in the taste of
him at last.

Kestan'ss tongue teased his lips, lapping at him like a kitten at a
bowl of cream. Aedyn moaned, desire swelling in him as they kissed
and kissed. When Kestan pushed his tongue into Aedyn's open mouth, he
moaned again, his whole body jolting with the unexpected sensation
and his prick pressed against the placket of his trousers. Kestan
pulled his mouth away, making Aedyn whimper.

"Oh, gods!" Kestan groaned, leaning his head against
Aedyn's shoulder. "I cannot wait any longer. Let me touch you,
Aedyn. Please!"

Much as though he wanted that too, Aedyn was worried about their
audience. "What about the driver?" Aedyn asked. "What
if he tells?"

"He will not," Kestan said assuredly. "He was chosen
personally tonight. He is like us, Aedyn. He would not betray us."

Aedyn nodded to show he understood. "I want it too, Kestan. I
want to feel you."

Kestan cupped Aedyn's face in his hands. "Only what you will
allow, Aedyn. What permissions will you grant me?"

Aedyn flushed to the roots of his hair. "I – I don't
really know, Kestan. Can we kiss some more and just see what happens?
You can do what you want."

"You will stop me if I go too far."

It wasn't a question, more like an order. Aedyn knew how much of a
principled man Kestan was, even if he did want to enjoy the company
of men. Aedyn knew Kestan would never push him into anything he
didn't really want, but Kestan needed to make sure that Aedyn would
stop him if he became too lost in his passions.

"I will, Kestan. Kiss me," Aedyn said with a smile.

"Sit on my lap, Aedyn," suggested Kestan. "Astride

Aedyn was only too happy to oblige and he settled across Kestan's
lap. "You're hard too," Aedyn whispered in awe.

"You excite me terribly," Kestan admitted before lifting
his head up so they could kiss some more. Aedyn found it an
interesting sensation, leaning down to kiss Kestan. The man was so
much taller than him that if they'd been standing up Aedyn was sure
he would have had backache leaning up to kiss him. It was wonderful
to have so much hard flesh to press against as his breath was stolen
with fervent kisses. Kestan gripped his hips and held Aedyn in place
over his groin, as if he too was finding it pleasurable to have
weight against his prick. This was much better than when he fondled
himself with his hand.

The rocking of the carriage meant that in effect they were rocking
against each other too and Aedyn felt as if he had somehow left his
body for how could a mere human contain so much pleasure? Bliss like
this couldn't last; it was too intense and Aedyn pulled back from the
kiss, gasping for breath.

"Wait! Wait! It's too much," Aedyn croaked against the
hollow of Kestan's throat.

Kestan let his hand trail up to caress the back of Aedyn's neck. "I'm
sorry. You were just so delicious. We can stop if you wish."

Stop? That wasn't what Aedyn had meant at all! "I don't want to
stop, Kestan. It feels good.
good. I was afraid of getting
my clothes messy."

Kestan stared at him. "You were so close? Already?"

Aedyn blushed and hung his head. "You make me feel so good,
Kestan," he admitted with a blissful groan, wriggling a bit on
Kestan's lap. The tingles started up again and he knew he really
wanted to come, messy clothes or not. He felt perched on the edge of
a precipice and any minute now he was going to fall off the edge.

Kestan somehow managed to get his hand between them and began to
unbutton Aedyn's trousers and his own. "Is this all right?"

Aedyn nodded, unable to speak as Kestan'ss hand lifted out his prick
and caressed it from root to tip, then pressed both of them against
each other. The sensation of all that hardness against him was almost
too much. Aedyn bucked his hips, unable to keep still with the
onslaught of sensation. His whole body was shuddering as Kestan
stroked them both in a steady rhythm. Liquid was already dripping
down his shaft and onto Kestan'ss hands. He used it so that his hands
glided easily over their cocks, taunting and teasing, making Aedyn
mewl with arousal. "I'm going to make a mess of your hand!"
Aedyn cried out as wonderful tingles shot through his lower belly and
lower still.

"Yes, Aedyn, yes," said Kestan hoarsely. "I want you
to make a mess of me. Come on my hands, Aedyn. Come for me!"

The words and the hand were enough to send him hurtling over the
edge. "Ahh! Ahh! Oh, Kestan!" Aedyn shrieked as his prick
pulsed and warm seed shot out and over Kestan's hands, some of it
even landed on Kestan's jacket, it had arched so high. Kestan thrust
against him and spilled himself over their hands and bellies, both of
them panting harshly. Aedyn had never felt anything like it. He
looked down and saw the mess he had made of Kestan'ss clothes.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I got your clothes dirty!" Aedyn was
appalled to find himself almost close to tears and he had to look
away before Kestan saw. He was always punished before when he made
his night clothes messy back at that awful house.

"Ssh, Aedyn, ssh. It's all right. A wipe with a handkerchief and
it will be gone. Don't upset yourself so."

Kestan wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight, making Aedyn
cry even more. To be embraced like this, to be offered comfort was
such an unusual occurrence for him.

"It – it excited you?" Aedyn asked in wonder, tracing
his hand along Kestan'ss cheek. "Touching me?"

"It did indeed, Aedyn. Very much so."

"When we get our own house, we can be naked and not have to
worry about making a mess," Aedyn said as he cuddled up to
Kestan, the rocking of the carriage and Kestan'ss arms around him,
soothing him and making him sleepy.

"That would be wonderful, Aedyn. I can hardly wait to get naked
with you."

Chapter Eleven

Five Years Later

Aedyn smiled as he woke; Kestan was tasting his neck with soft laps
of tongue before moving down his spine, removing the sheet as he
went. Both of them rarely wore anything to bed these days and Aedyn
relished the freedom of being naked with his lover. He arched
backwards; yielding to the touches Kestan was bestowing upon him and
groaned his pleasure.

"Good morning," Kestan said against the skin of Aedyn's
back and Aedyn could almost imagine the man's smile. "I was
wondering how soon you would wake."

"Not long when you're kissing me like that," replied Aedyn,
turning his head to look down at Kestan. Kestan slid up the bed and
pulled Aedyn around to face him. Their kiss was long and languid, a
kiss born of long intimacy. Their passion might not be as quick to
flame as the first few times they had been together, but somehow
Aedyn found it more satisfying to know they could take their time and
enjoy each other as much as possible.

As they kissed, Aedyn felt his arousal build; Kestan'ss erection had
been pressing against him for quite some time already.

"Someone is feeling excited this morning." Aedyn smiled as
he pulled away from their kiss, but he didn't go too far, unwilling
to leave Kestan'ss arms just yet.

"Lying next to you all night, how could I not be?" Kestan
kissed his nose and then let his hand wander down between them,
caressing Aedyn's cock in warm hands. "It's not as though you're
disinterested either."

"True." Aedyn chuckled and pressed his head against
Kestan'ss shoulder. "Let's just say we're both excited then. Do
we have time?"

"There's always time for you," said Kestan, leaning over to
claim Aedyn's mouth in a heated kiss once more. Aedyn lay back,
tugging Kestan on top of him and continued their frenzied kissing. He
loved the weight of Kestan on top but he'd been reading some of
Kestan'ss books and had seen something he wanted to try, but was
unsure if Kestan would want to try it. Kestan left off kissing
Aedyn's lips in favour of licking his neck and jaw and gradually
making his way down Aedyn's chest. Aedyn felt a jolt of desire tear
through him as Kestan sucked and licked on each nipple in turn. They
had both discovered how sensitive Aedyn's nipples were shortly after
they started their relationship and Kestan always made sure to give
them as much attention as he bestowed upon Aedyn's cock and arse.

Aedyn lay back and let the pleasure wash over him in waves; Kestan
always knew how to make him feel boneless and he wondered if he could
come just from Kestan suckling his nipples like a baby nursing. With
every suck, every lick, Aedyn's cock jerked in ecstasy and he could
no more stop his moans of want than he could stop the sun from rising
and setting. "Kestan!" He moaned and arched his hips,
feeling his cock leaking onto Kestan's body above him.

"I want you," Kestan growled, lifting his head so that
Aedyn was lost in that dark gaze. "I want to be inside you."

"Yes," Aedyn breathed, thrusting again and letting his legs
fall open. "Please."

Kestan sat up so that he could retrieve the oil sitting on their
bedside cabinet and lay down on top of Aedyn again, kissing him
deeply. Aedyn closed his eyes and revelled in the desire and the love
coming from his partner but he pulled back when Kestan circled a
finger around his entrance.

BOOK: Haunted
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