Read Harmony Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Harmony (35 page)

BOOK: Harmony
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Mony? That you?”


Yes. I need your help.”


Mony… listen to me girl. Don’t come back here. It’s crazy now and the mess with Willie has dragged your name into it. There is so much crazy talk. People say you living with him. Out in Woodbury?”


I don’t have much time. I know how bad things are. I need your help Paulette, I’m in trouble.”


What can I do?”


Ever been out of New York?”




The bed squeaked and the mattress dipped. Romano blinked awake. Harmony’s warm body eased up against him and he relaxed. He shouldn’t have fallen asleep. He needed to be outside with his men waiting on the sun. But if this was to be his last night, he’d want to spend it in heaven.


Where you been?” he yawned.


Bathroom,” she lied.


He rolled on top of her and rested the side of his face in his hand propped up by his elbow. “Want to talk about it?”


About what? You planning your death? Sending me away like some great sacrifice? Talk about that?”


You still pissed with me?”


What you think?” she cut her gaze away and closed her eyes, shutting him out again.


He chuckled at her stubbornness. “I think you’re extremely sexy when you’re angry. And you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. I think these past few weeks with you have been the best in my life. I think you will have my son, and raise him to never forget me.”


She returned her gaze to his.


We made a baby tonight.”


Who said?”


I say.” He kissed her lips. “I feel it. A little Songbird, or mobster, who knows?”


So now I’m to be alone with a child and this is funny to you?”


Romano sighed. He wasn’t saying the right things.


Get off me…” she said pushing him off.


Wait. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m doing this wrong. I love you.”


Then please, stop this,” her voice broke. “I can’t lose you this way. Think about me. What you leaving behind if you don’t fight.”


Who says I won’t fight? You think I’m just going to roll over and die? I plan to fight with everything in me. If I survive this I will find you. If I don’t I’ll go to my grave knowing you’re safe.”


I can’t! Dammit! I can’t do this!”


Shhh….” He cupped her face in his hands. The swirl of pain in her hazel brown eyes shone back up at him. She gripped his shoulders hard. He could feel her trembling beneath him. “We have tonight, can we spend it not fighting?”


Her head lifted from the pillow and she kissed him. Returning her passion he raised his hips to angle himself at her core and inserted his hands beneath her ass, changing the angle of his penetration. He broke their kiss to focus on her nipples, giving each a quick suckle before giving in to his urgent need to possess her.


A single thrust drove him half way in. Harmony’s inner walls had clutched him in creamy heat and he released a cry of relief over their union. Her back arched and she shoved her chest upward, while her legs cinched tighter around him. The tight warmth rippled up and down his shaft and he surged into her groaning as he went. He had to lift his face to study her. She had been so beautiful to him on stage, but now her beauty stole his breath away. Her high exotic cheekbones, dainty nose, full pouty lips and chin of iron determination were God’s greatest creation. Loose tendrils of her raven dark hair were spread across the pillow. She wore it wild and curly for him now. She was gentle, serenely wise, and all his.


He loved her, bringing his mouth closer to hers breathless gasps gust against his lips. She pumped up into his downward thrusts. He kissed her shoulder and continued to drive in and out of her clenching channel. The pulsating beat of their union tugged at him, and her slick walls made his glide unbearably decadent. All of it combined pulled him down toward an orgasmic spiral that had him beating out his love into her. Harmony dug her nails into his shoulder and her head thrashed, her eyes remained squeezed shut before she shattered as well. They both collapsed exhausted, believing that this may be the very last time.




Last stand…




Harmony knocked twice before she pushed open the door and stuck her head inside. Her large satchel hung from her shoulder and her luggage waited by the front door. She wore a yellow dress with a baby blue belt tightening it snug to her waist. The shifting hem swayed at her knees. She’d taken extra care with her hair. He seemed to like it when she wore it loose and not pinned down flat to her head. So she washed it and let it air dry in plaits so she could undo them and make the ringlet curls reach her shoulder. Vinnie sat in his office alone. They both avoided each other with the rise of the sun. Neither could face the other without the same argument erupting. She hated and loved him all at the same time for what he was doing. In his mind the sacrifice was worth it. To her his abandonment was the greatest betrayal. And those mixed emotions confused her deeply.


Paulette’s here. We’re ready.”


He pushed up from behind the desk. She wanted to fight with him again. Plead her case. Make a reasonable argument against his suicidal crusade. But she didn’t. She waited patiently for him to retrieve whatever it was he had for her out of the drawer to his desk.


Come here, Songbird. Have a seat.” He nodded toward the sofa.


She did as he asked.


He carried a large envelope stuffed to the point of the seal splitting. He walked over to the sofa and sat next to her. He tossed it to her lap and then another folder. “In the envelope is fifteen thousand cash. The folder has a bond with the certificate. I put it in your name. It’s worth fifty-three thousand dollars. You can deposit or cash it.”


Are you seriously sitting here giving me money? Money? I can’t believe you!” She tossed the envelopes to the other side of the sofa.


He put a hand to her knee and she resisted the urge to smack him. She had never laid her hand on another human being, but with him she wanted to kick scratch and scream until her voice gave out. She wouldn’t suffer through the grief she felt over Lewis again. She couldn’t mourn him.
And sweet Jesus if I’m pregnant, what then? A child to remind me of him? A life alone to raise him or her?
No. She was solid in her determination to help him even if he wouldn’t help himself.


Hate me later, just listen to me now. I want you to drive through the day and night. Stop only for gas. If you are followed, and I want you to pay attention to be sure you’re aren’t, stick to the main roads. I doubt they’ll come for you, but I need you to put as much distance between you and the city before you stop.” He rose and removed a three times folded map from his back pocket. He flipped it open and spread it across the small coffee table before them. To her surprise he had taken the time to mark the roads he’d drawn with a red line that led to New Mexico. “Promise me Doll, you’ll see this through.”


Harmony trembled all over. She swore she wouldn’t cry. She had planned to be stronger, but everything in her said she needed to stop him and quick. “I…”


Promise me,” he said firmly.


He seemed to relax a bit. He let go a long sigh and slumped back. “Okay. Let’s do this.”


No. Wait.”


She put her hand to his chest and moved over to straddle his lap. He held to her hips as she stared down into his haggard, yet handsome face. He hadn’t shaven in days. She touched his jaw and savored the feel of his prickly stubble brush over her fingers. “I love you Vinnie. I don’t want this to be our goodbye, but if it is, then there is something you can give me.”


Name it.”


I don’t want money, I only want you.”




Wait. If I can’t have you then I need a part of you. The painting. Let me take something you made…” she dropped her head to his brow and swallowed hard. He rubbed her back. “Don’t send me away.”


I’ll have a painting brought to your car. Take as many as you can fit in the trunk. Okay. Shhh, stop, look at me.” He lifted her chin and smiled up at her. “C’mon, Doll. This ain’t the end of us. I’ll always be with you.” He touched her belly with his hand. “I made sure of it.”


She nearly released a gust of laughter. She shook her head smiling and hugged him. He held her while she remained firmly seated on his lap. It seemed like the embrace went on forever, but when he tried to stand she realized how short their goodbye was.


Let’s go babe,” he said assisting her. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and accepted his hand. Vinnie drew her to his chest one final time and kissed her sweetly before releasing her. He collected the things he had for her, including the map, and she accepted the money and bonds shoving all of it down in her satchel. He lifted her chin and kissed her once more.


Paulette here?” He asked nuzzling her hair.


Yes. The car is packed. We’re all set to go.”


Not quite.” He walked her out. One of the few men that remained loyal to them waited in the hall. He told him to go to the cabin and collect the paintings, to put them in the car. Harmony remained silent at his side.


He’d gotten her a new car. Paulette sat in the front seat and Willie was stretched comfortably in the back.


I love you.”


I love you too. Always, Songbird.”




She turned and walked down the steps to the car, passing her satchel to her friend. The man hurried back with three paintings. She didn’t care which ones he chose. For Harmony this would not be their end. She had another in mind. He stood there smirking and for a minute she thought he knew her plans.


You look as stubborn as you did the first night I brought you here.”


I am.” She winked, then blew him a kiss and forced herself to get in the car. Driving away was the hardest thing she’d ever done. She bit hard on the inside of her jaw to hold back the tears.


You okay?” Paulette asked.


I will be.” Harmony said, her lips pressed into a thin line.




Romano watched until they disappeared off his land. He returned inside and dropped in his chair. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. Seeing her leave was harder than he imagined. Sitting forward he’d placed his face in his hands. A soft groan escaped him. The tension in his body was so tight.




Not now.”


I have to ask.”


Don’t. It’s done.” He lifted his face from his hands. “Antonio cost me too much, he won’t cost me Harmony. We see this through and when it’s over everyone gets what they deserve. I’ll be ready in an hour to see what you brought in. Make sure everyone else is.”


Ignacio nodded and turned to walk out. Romano pushed up from the chair. He walked over to his phonograph and picked up his favorite record. Harmony sang the song for him on their first night together. Dropping the needle on the vinyl disc he exhaled. Everyone has to make sacrifices. It was time he made his. “For you, Songbird.”






I won’t do it!” Willie said stubbornly. He wore a suit she’d taken from Antonio’s closet since his clothes had blood on them. He looked older, more like his own man, and it made her proud of him. Paulette stood at his side, the tail of her coat flapped behind her. The wind gusts were stronger on this end of the tracks and they still felt winter’s last bite as it washed over them.


You will do it. In all the time I’ve sacrificed and loved you unconditionally I’ve never asked you for a thing. Nothing. This you will do for me.”


Will you talk some sense into her thick skull? She talking crazy. No way this plan of hers will work. She’ll get herself killed.”


Paulette turned her sympathetic gaze back to Harmony. “He has a point suga. Vinnie Romano’s a walking dead man. I doubt they’ll help you save him.”


The train’s whistle blared, drowning out the rest of Paulette’s warning. Harmony reached in her satchel and collected the money she’d peeled off for her brother. He stared at her curious, not sure what she was doing. Discreetly she pushed the wad of bills on him. Paulette’s eyes stretched seeing the exchange. “It’s time for you to be your own man. Here’s a thousand dollars. Go to Chicago, hell maybe after you feel better you can head south, or go wherever you want and be who you are. On your terms Willie.”

BOOK: Harmony
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