Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty Two

“Dareios, are you paying any attention to what I just said?”

Startled, Dareios turned his chair away from the window he’d been staring out. He put down the pen he’d been fiddling with and glanced at his father. “Sorry, sir. I have been a little preoccupied.”
With a girl who doesn’t seem to stay home now.

Sitting up, he thumbed through the financial reports in front of him. But he kept seeing the headlines from this morning.
Good-time Greek heiress seen with two boyfriends. What will she do next?

His fingers tightened into a fist. What was Antonio thinking to let Alexandra go out every night like that? She was making a spectacle of herself. Even worse, Dareios had an idea that maybe he’d opened up a Pandora’s Box. She’d come off that yacht ready to party it seemed. And he was damn certain she was now sleeping with every man in Athens. He ground his back teeth.

A heavy hand fell on his shoulder. He looked up at his father.

Nikko Anaganos still had a full head of hair, even though gray now spiced the dark strands. His waist and jowls had thickened this past year, but Armani suits hid almost any flaws. He smoothed his tie and sat down next to Dareios. They’d been going over the quarterly financials for the family shipping business, and Dareios knew he hadn’t been as focused as he should be on the numbers.

Now his father gave him a shrewd, dark-eyed stare. “A girl?”

Giving a sigh, Dareios sat back in his chair. They’d taken over the board room to spread out the reports—Nikko still preferred to do everything on paper. Dareios tugged loose his tie. “It’s nothing. I was just…just thinking about Alexandra Rosso. Antonio is letting her run wild these days.”

“And what is that to you?” Nikko asked.

Dareios shook his head. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But I…well, I don’t want to see her end up with some pretty boy who has more looks than brains. Or get herself into worse trouble. Some of the clubs she’s been seen at—she’s not going to meet good people.”

Nikko nodded. “I’ve been waiting for you to notice that girl.” Dareios stiffened, but Nikko slapped his shoulder and laughed. “A word of advice from an old man to a young one—don’t fight it when Eros strikes you with his arrow. And if you love her—hang onto her.” He gave a long sigh. “I wasn’t so wise with your mother. The only woman I ever really loved, and I let her slip away.”

Sitting up, Dareios asked, “The only woman? Father, you’ve had more women in your bed than I have good shirts.”

Nikko grinned. “Yes, beautiful women every one of them, but I would trade them all to have your mother back. But she will not come. I made one small slip when we were together, and she would not forgive me. So now I must make do with second best…or third best sometime.”

Dareios opened his mouth, shut it, and then asked. “But…but grandfather was just the same.”

“That old goat!” Nikko waved a hand. “No, he and your grandmother—they had an arranged marriage. Both of them went into it knowing they could—and would—have lovers on the side. But your grandfather, oh, you should have seen him mourn the day your grandmother died. He liked women a little too much, but he loved his wife like no other. That is how it is for us Anaganos men. That’s why I never worried about you finding just the right woman—I knew when it hit you, you would settle down and finally get around to those grandbabies I want to spoil. I can’t tell you how glad I am it is one of the Rosso girls. Fine women they’ve become. And it’s a good match. You never have to worry if they want your money more than you.”

Leaning back in his chair, Dareios shook his head. “But I thought…I thought I’d become…I’d end up…”

“What like me?” Nikko pointed to his chest. He slapped Dareios’ shoulder and stood. “You will only if you’re foolish enough to let Alexandra slip away from you. Be smarter than your old father, son. Grab the woman who pleases you in and out of bed, and then work to keep her close. I became a little too confident I would always have your mother—and it cost me dearly.”

Standing, Dareios pushed up from his chair and strode to the door.

“Where are you going?” Nikko called out.

Dareios glanced back at his father and yanked open the door. “To follow your advice.”

Chapter Twenty Three

The music in the club thumped like a heartbeat. It was making Alexandra’s head pound. She was done. This was her last night.

Dareios had won.

He’d proven he didn’t care what she did. She could seem to sleep with everyone and anyone. She could party all night, dance half naked in the Metaxourgeio fountain, and be photographed hanging off beautiful men and he wouldn’t so much as call to ask about her.

She gave a sigh, downed her drink, and started for the door. She’d sent the limo home hours ago. She’d have to call a taxi. Half way across the dance floor a man caught her wrist.

He spun her around and grinned. “I know you!”

She shook her head. She’d worn a shimmering gold dress and a golden necklace. The high-waisted dress fell in smooth pleats that flew out as he’d caught and turned her. She had her hair in a long, loose braid over one shoulder. “No, you don’t,” she said.

He grinned again. He had on a black suit and an open-necked black, silk shirt. Letting go of her he put his fingers to his mouth like fangs. “Now do you remember me? From Milan? I was Dracula and some masked man made off with you—but I saw you later, sitting with him.” He touched her hair. “I like you better as a blonde.”

She started to turn away, but he caught her hand and pulled her to him. “You still owe me a dance.”

Pushing on his chest with the heels of her hands, she leaned away. He smelled of whiskey and sour breath. “I owe you nothing.”

And then a hand closed on her shoulder, another hand gripped the man’s wrist, and Dareios stepped between them, peeling away the man in black’s hand from her. “Excuse me, but it seems you are bothering my woman.”

“Yours?” The man in black glanced at her and then at Dareios. “Sorry. Word of advice. You should keep a better eye on her. She’s too pretty to leave on her own.”

“She is. But no woman should have to put up with you, my friend. Now do us all a favor and leave. You’re stinking drunk.”

Muttering, the man in black turned away. Dareios turned to Alexandra, and her heart thudded faster. She swallowed and lifted her chin, hoping she wasn’t showing that she was still shaking inside. “Yours am I? I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms. “Dance with me.”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I’ll ask again, and again, and again until you say yes.”

She fought down a smile. “Is that what you plan to do as well to make me yours?”

He grinned. “No, for that I was thinking of taking you back to my place where I can better prove just how much we do belong to each other.”

She pressed her body against him. “Let’s go now. I’ve been waiting for almost a month for you to realize that.”

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her with him and out of the club. Standing on the street, Alexandra shivered. The night had gone chilly. Dareios put an arm over her shoulder and gave the valet his ticket to get his car. She snuggled into him. This was right—having Dareios close to her. This was good.

When they got back to his apartment, she didn’t wait for him to get the door closed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He managed to kick the door shut, and then he started to undo her clothes.

She pulled at his, all the time keeping their mouths fused. He pulled her with him onto the thick rug. Naked now, she gasped when he pushed into her. It was shocking—and wonderful. Bracing on his palms, he pushed in again. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to open wider for him.

“You…are…mine,” he said with every thrust.

“Yes…yes,” she whispered. And then she came apart. She could feel him spurting hot into her and she gave a sigh. He collapsed next to her, and she could hear his ragged breathing matching her own. She traced a small circle on his chest and asked, “What are we going to tell Antonio?”

Dareios kissed her forehead. “I’ll think of something. But it had better be soon. And I think it better involve a wedding.”

She propped herself up on one elbow. “What about you not being able to settle with one woman? What about—”

He put a finger on her lips. “I was being an idiot it seems. As to one woman—you are more than that. You’re everything I’ve ever needed and I never knew it. You’re certainly almost more than I can handle.”

She smiled. “Am I?”

“I said almost. And now, let’s plan what we’re going to tell your brother.”

Leaning down, she traced a finger over his chest and to his nipple. “Are you certain there isn’t something else you’d rather be doing?”

With a groan, he pulled her down to him.

Chapter Twenty Four

Antonio glanced from Dareios to Alexandra. The two of them sat in the study, hands linked. Antonio glanced at Claire, but she just smiled back at him. He looked at Dareios again and crossed his arms. “So, you and my sister?”

Dareios nodded. “How do you feel about that?”

Antonio shook his head. He glanced at Alexandra. “How should I feel? Worried? Relieved? This is my sister we’re talking about.”


“Hush, Alexandra.”

She stood. “I will not. I love Dareios and he loves me.”

He shook his head. “And when he takes up with another girl? What then?”

Dareios stood. “There will be no other girls. Not after my Alex. I…Antonio, let’s be clear. We’re not asking for your approval—we want you to be happy for us, but no matter what, we’re going be married. And soon.”

Claire clapped her hands.  “Oh, I’m so happy. You should have the wedding here. Gaia will be so disappointed if you don’t.”

Antonio held up a hand. “Hold on. There are things to work out. A marriage is a legal matter, too. There’s the money to work out.”

Dareios waved a hand. “Dad already has his legal people working on it. He’s going to be at the wedding. So will my mother, so there may be more fireworks than those in the sky that we plan to have.”

Dropping his arms to his side, Antonio stepped up to Dareios. “It seems I have not much to say in this, but I will say one thing. Friend or no friend, if you ever hurt Alexandra in any way, you will pay.”

“And if I do I will deserve it.” Dareios put out his hand. “Still friends?”

Antonio nodded and shook hands. Then he looked at Alexandra. “And if you ever hurt Dareios, you’ll have to answer for it because he is still my friend.”

Taking Alexandra’s hand, Dareios grinned. “And now, we’re out of here.”

Claire came over to stand next to Antonio. “But…there’s a wedding to plan. Where are you going?”

“Back to Dareios’ yacht. We decided on a pre-wedding cruise.” She gave a laugh as Dareios dragged her from the room.

As they headed for the door, Dareios heard Antonio say, “Looks like they’re going for a honeymoon first.”

Stopping at the door, Dareios pulled Alexandra into his arms. “Are you sure about this?” He stared into her eyes, into the desire glimmering.

She skimmed a hand over his chest. “I’ve never been more certain. Take me back to the
and have your way with me.”

Dareios kissed her. Straightening, he told her, “My love, this is one honeymoon that is never going to end. That I promise you.”

Slipping his arms around her, he lifted her. She gave a laugh, and he carried her out of the house and into his car. He looked up at the sky just once, to the stars starting to glimmer and the moon growing fat. And he knew his days as the Mediterranean Playboy were over. For good. He headed around the car to take his Alex off on adventures.

End of Book 2.

Book 3 of ‘The Rosso Family Series’, Greek Billionaire’s Uncontrollable Attraction, Out 21st July 2015!

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BOOK: Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2)
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