Girl Seduced (The Girl Interrupted Trilogy Book #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Girl Seduced (The Girl Interrupted Trilogy Book #1)
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“It was amazing.”  I looked at her.  “I mean, it was the most beautiful, euphoric feeling I’ve ever had times a million.  I haven’t ever felt anything like that – nothing even close.”

“You know that was the drugs, Jasmine.  That’s what drugs do.”

“Well, that’s why I wanted to talk to you.  You know I’m really behind in my schoolwork.  My arm is killing me and the medicine they gave me just makes me sleepy.  I was sort of wondering if you knew anyone who might be able to get some of that drug – just a little bit for a couple of days so I can get caught up and not feel so crappy.”

Sabrina hesitated for a minute.  After all I had seen her do, she was speechless. 

“I mean, I can ask around…I’ve smoked some and drank a lot, but I’ve never done meth.”  I think she could see the look on my face and she quickly picked up – “but I’m sure I’ll find someone.  Just give me a couple of days, OK?”

I hugged her. 

“Thank you so much.  You’re my best friend.  And you KNOW you can’t ever tell anyone about this.  Not a word.  This is just a once-in-a-lifetime thing.  Just to help me get through this, OK?”

“You’re sure this is what you want.”  She looked at me, knowing that this was totally out of my character and seemed shocked that I had even asked.

“Well, maybe just once or twice more so I can get caught up and just until I get well.  I mean it’s not like I’m going to get addicted or anything just from taking it a couple of times, right?” 

Sabrina hesitated.  “Do you know how to use it?”

“Well, all I know is that it was in whatever I drank – they called it “ambrosia latte”, and it just tasted like a really sweet, strong coffee.  Does that sound like something you know about?”

              How could I explain to my best friend that I was craving a drug that I had only done once and I was hooked?  I wanted to feel invincible again.  I wanted to feel like I could climb to the top of Mt. Everest barefoot again.  And, everything I experienced – touch, smell, sight, sound – everything – as good as it was, was multiplied by one thousand.  So I told her just that. 

“WOW.”  She smiled.  “I would really like to try it just once, just to experience
.”  We both sat quiet, trying to decide how to go about this without becoming the known drug addicts on the campus or getting caught. 

“I do know a guy who had friends…” she smiled.  “Let me make a couple of phone calls.”

“I mean, I wonder how else you can take it?” 

I laughed.  “I don’t know – let’s google it.”  And so we did.  Apparently, meth was known by many names – “ice, Tina, and glass as well as crystal meth”.  You could use it by injecting it (ouch), smoking it, snorting it in your nose, swallowing it, or inserting it into your anus or urethra.

“For real??  I mean, who and how would you insert it into your pee hole?”  We both laughed nervously, but knew also from the article that it was a dangerous drug and one that was highly addictive.

“I really don’t want to know anything more about assholes or pee holes.  I’ll stick to drinking it in my tea.”  I giggled, but nervously.

“Jazz, if we do this, we have to swear to each other that we will NOT let it get out of control.  Using something once or twice to try it out is one thing.  But, this drug – I hear a lot around this campus and what I hear is some pretty serious shit.  And these articles…it sounds like something much worse than just pot or something.  This is seriously addictive.”

“I swear – it was the best feeling I had ever felt until I passed out.  And, when I was awake, I was thinking clear, thinking fast and completely aware.  I know that if I could just use it once or twice more I could get over this broken arm and get my schoolwork caught up.  I just don’t know anybody to get it from.  And I DON’T want anyone else to know.”

“You’re telling me you really don’t know who those guys were at the party?”

“Sabrina, I don’t know how to explain it.  There’s one that I would probably recognize again if I saw him, but the rest of them were waiting in the room and the light was practically out.  I know that sounds really bad because it is.  They shut the door behind me and before I knew what had happened, well – you know the rest.”  The rest of what I had told her.  I simply told her that I passed out.  I didn’t tell her that I participated in the funkiest, wildest, most ecstatic experience of my life for what I could tell was about six hours.  How I woke up with a broken arm is still a mystery. 

“Alright, Sabrina.  I’m going to talk to a guy named Kenneth who I’ve met a couple of times and ask him for help, but only for you to drink in some tea or something and ONLY to help you get caught up.  Have you looked up withdrawals?  I don’t want you to get sick or weirded out or anything.” 

We hit google again.  We both got really nervous – the withdrawals were not just uncomfortable, but serious and could result in serious psychosis.  Some of the articles talked about indescribable pain and all of them talked about serious trouble with the law.   I looked at Sabrina.

“Come on Sabrina – this is for people who use a lot and then crash.  I just need the rush – just for a couple of days.  Then, I’ll probably have trouble sleeping for a couple of days and that will be it.”  She still sat, unconvinced.  I couldn’t believe that I was having to convince Sabrina of anything – the most extraverted person I knew.  The one I had been trying to convince for years to settle down. 

“Jasmine, it’s totally my fault that you’re even in this mess.  I can’t believe that we are actually trying to find ways to find crystal meth for you to use so you can get caught up in school.  Seriously, I think you need to just tough it out.  You’re the smartest person I know.  You can do this on your own.”

“NO.”  I screamed it angrily, almost with a guttural noise that she didn’t know was there.  Something had entered my body and soul that I didn’t even know I had.  All I knew was that wanted to feel that feeling again and I was making excuses – any excuses that I had to in order to feel that feeling of perfection again.  That feeling of being higher than the clouds and more capable than anyone else on Earth.  It would only be once or twice – I mean, what was the big deal?
















              Jasmine was in the shower and heard the phone ringing. 

“Sabrina!!  Sabrina???  Where are you???”  The phone kept ringing.  God, she thought to herself.  I’ll answer the phone myself.  She grabbed a towel and ran to the phone. 

“Hey, Jazz, it’s me.”  It was Sabrina.  “That friend I told you about?  He says he can get us some of the candy we were talking about – do you have $150?”

WOW.  “Is it that much?  I don’t guess it matters.  Sure, I’ll get it to you.  How do we do this?”

“Well, you give me the money, I will meet him at the coffee shop and then I’ll come home and we’ll put some in coffee, like you did, OK?  I don’t feel too scared because we’ll be there for each other, right?”

Jasmine stood, wet in her towel, thinking about it and said, “Sure.  I’ll have it when you get here.”  I could hardly wait until Sabrina came home with the meth.  I could believe even less that I had just become someone who purchased illegal drugs for recreational use.  But, it wasn’t really recreational – it was to get caught up. (At least that made me feel better when I thought about it.)  Somehow, it rationalized what I was doing and why.  I still couldn’t wait to feel like that again, though.

About a half hour later, Sabrina showed up at the door and I gave her the money.  It didn’t even occur to me to hide it or to act secretly.  After all, I was only giving her money. She could be going to the store to buy me a pair of boots.  I went back inside, like any other time I would take a shower and started drying off and blow-drying my hair.  I started putting on my makeup when Sabrina came home with “the stuff”. 













Chapter Twelve

“Ok, so I got it.”  She took a small plastic bag out of her purse, the size of a small golf ball. 

“That’s it?  That’s what we got for $150?”
It didn’t seem like hardly anything at all. Is this what buying drugs was about or was this just a really expensive drug because it was so powerful??

“Come on, Jazz, it wasn’t like I had time to go bargain shopping or anything.  Apparently, this is the
going price for this drug.  Apparently, it’s also quite popular and you have to call this guy only on certain days because that’s the only time he can get it.  The last thing either of us need is to get caught with this on us or be in a car accident or something and have it in on us – you already have it on your record…”  The way she said it almost sounded accusatory, but I didn’t care.  I just wanted to get it out and make the tea.

“Seriously?”  We both looked at a few pieces of what looked like
light yellow rock candy in a bag and I looked at her and said, “so what do we do now?”

“Like I would know…I say we make some tea and put some in it.”

“How much?”  Again, they hit Google.  It was surprising how much information was on Google about something so illegal that seemed to be completely accurate information.  According to the article, we were supposed to put it into the tea, let it dissolve and then drink it.  We should feel the effects within a few minutes and they should last anywhere from three hours to sixteen hours.

“Sixteen hours?  It didn’t last that long at all. Of course, my situation was a little bit different, but they may have not used very much either.”

“So what should we use?”

We decided to put in half to each cup of tea, let it dissolve and then see what happened.  We were both very nervous, but as promised, it wasn’t but a few minutes and the drug was interacting as it was supposed to.  My head started to spin.  I started seeing red and green everywhere – I mean there were other colors, but red and green definitely stood out. 
I started looking at my hands, and even my fingers looked more red than they usually did.

“Do my fingers look red to you?”  I held my hands out for Sabrina to look at. 

“What do you see?”  Sabrina was staring at her own hand, and then she started laughing out loud. 

“Did you hear me?  How do you feel?”  Sabrina looked at Jasmine, and before either of them knew what was happening, Sabrina reached over and kissed
me, square on the mouth.  Like a really, long, passionate kiss.  I could taste her tongue.  Was this a dream?  Was this happening?  It seemed like it lasted forever.  After a few minutes, I looked at her.

“What the hell was that?”  Sabrina laughed out loud.

“It was a kiss, you dork. I don’t know – it just felt like the right thing to do.”

I didn’t know you could kiss that good.  You’re a really good kisser.”  All I could think was about the kiss – does this mean we are lesbians now?  What the hell just happened?  And why did it feel so great?

“I’m going to the bathroom.”  Sabrina got up and walked into the bathroom and I knew exactly what she was doing.  I waited for a few minutes, opened my computer and started to type.  I didn’t even know what I was typing about, but I couldn’t stop.  I could hear Sabrina in the bathroom with her vibrator.  (I had always thought the idea of using a mechanical tool for sexual pleasure was completely unnecessary and gross, but Sabrina made no secret of it and she was certainly enjoying herself tonight.)

I, on the other hand, enjoyed writing more than anything in the world.  I wrote until the wee hours of the morning
when I don’t remember, but I fell into my bed, clothes on, and passed out.  I woke up to the sunlight in my face.  There was a note on the desk and a Danish from Sabrina.  “Thanks for last night – what a TRIP!!  We’ll do it again!”  I looked at the time and at the typewriter. We’ll do what again?  We won’t be making out again, if that’s what she meant…I would never be able to look at her again the same.  My best friend and I since third grade made out last night.  TOO weird.

It was 11:15 in the morning, which means
I had missed my first two classes, but she I had typed all night long.  The manuscript was excellent but I couldn’t remember typing a word of it.  As I read it, it was as though as stranger had written it.  ‘Wow’, is all I could think.  This is how Freud was a genius on coke – he couldn’t remember what he had written down, but it was ingenious.  Michelangelo was the same way.  I had definitely stumbled onto something, but there was that throbbing, debilitating headache again. 

BOOK: Girl Seduced (The Girl Interrupted Trilogy Book #1)
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