Read Giddy Up Online

Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #multicultural, #sex toys, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #bondage, #montana, #kinky sex, #contemporary western, #tilly greene, #ménage, #western erotic romance, #ménage a trois, #mcir

Giddy Up (6 page)

BOOK: Giddy Up
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The comfortable silence they’d
fallen into was eventually broken by Matt. He asked the question
which had obviously been on his mind for some time.

“I’ve wondered, Sakura, why you
chose to come to my room that night in Japan. Was it because you
wanted me, or were you doing something to push against your
parents’ rules and tight hold on you?”

While she should’ve been surprised
at how perceptive he was, she realized now how obvious it must have
been to others that she was unhappy existing under her parents’
thumbs. Living the life they set out for her from birth hadn’t been
fulfilling, but she hadn’t known other people could see what she
couldn’t or wouldn’t.

She had been gone from home for
only a few weeks, and already she was free to be true to herself
and her needs.

“They’re both right. I absolutely
wanted you.” She smiled at him as she remembered their first
conversations over the phone. “Your voice and sense of humor
seduced me before I ever met you in person. Then, even though I
thought you wanted me, I jumped at the chance to be with you. For
the first time in my life, I worked toward achieving what I wanted,
not what somebody else chose or expected me to do.”

“When you were little, what did you
dream of doing?” Ted stroked her arm, comforting her with his touch
as he sought to appease his curiosity.

“Nothing, I think.” No matter how
hard she tried, Sakura couldn’t remember what the child she’d been
wanted or even dreamed about. Every step had been planned and she
was expected to follow through with success.

“What about being an artist,
writer, something far out there? That thing you never knew was
possible to achieve but still wanted to do or at least try?” Ted
asked the question, but she could tell they both were interested in
her answer.

“No, I could never draw as much as
a stick figure and my writings skills are best found in a report
based on defined facts. My imagination doesn’t go beyond what shoes
to wear with what suit. I’m too practical.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being
sensible. In fact, it’s an asset.”

“True, but disappointing. Thinking
outside the box is beyond my abilities.” She didn’t mind admitting
her flaws to these two men. They wouldn’t think any less of her for
not being able to do everything.

“I think you were creative when you
dressed as a geisha to get what you wanted,” Matt spoke gently but
emphatically. “Not many women are comfortable enough with who they
are and confident in themselves to take what they want

“I’ve always done everything my
parents wanted and ignored things which might make me personally
happy. Then, talking with Hiedo, the hotel’s concierge,” she
explained to Ted, “about Matt’s request for a geisha, it was as if
the brick wall blocking my way from living as I wanted was
destroyed and couldn’t be rebuilt. Even if it was for one night, I
simply couldn’t let the opportunity to fulfill both our fantasies
be wasted.”

“Fantasies?” Matt had an idea what
hers had been, but wanted to hear her say it and know what they

“Yes, you wanted a geisha and I
wanted a cowboy. Well, one in particular.”

“What do you mean?” queried

“Before Matt came to Japan and we
spent hours talking on the phone, I imagined him as a cowboy.” She
wasn’t sure if she would go as far as to tell them about it
becoming a cowboy in hat and boots only, but she remembered how
good he looked wearing a few basics.

Sakura looked over at him and
smiled. Being at their ranch, on the cusp of forming some sort of
relationship with them, she couldn’t imagine not taking the chance
and sharing everything.

“How do your parents feel about
your coming over here to handle the installation?” Matt went back
to massaging her feet and lower legs.

Closing her eyes, she relaxed in
their arms. It was as if, with them, she was home. On a sigh, she
told them everything.

“They know what I’m here to do for
the business and that I can do it because I already completed
almost a dozen installations back home. They accept and support how
I’m open to staying in the U.S. to possibly open a consultancy firm
for Americans and possibly Canadians to export beef successfully to
Japan. What they don’t know is that my feelings, maybe my heart,
are involved.”

“Stay in Montana, or specifically
the Big W?”

“I don’t know anything for sure,
Ted, but if I do remain then it would be because the three of us
agree there could be a loving relationship growing between us.
Besides work, I intend to discover what’s in my heart. I know if my
lust had the final say, there’d be no doubts about settling here.
However, I’ve never been truly in love before and need time to sort
out everything I feel.”

“No matter how much we want you to
move in with us, we both promise not to push you to make a
decision. Right, Ted?”

“Yup. We want you to stay here and
be a family with us. We’ll give you all the time you need to come
to the same conclusion.” The younger brother held her closer and
placed a kiss on the side of her forehead.

“Can I ask a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Whatever you need,” Matt said as
he pressed his fingers into her arch.

“Anything that may happen between
us stays between us. I don’t want to do anything to shame or
embarrass my family or the company. Officially, I’m here to work on
behalf of Nakamura Enterprises. What we do together will only
happen once work on the project is done for the day and in the
privacy of your home. It would probably be best if, while we are
working or even out in public, there be no kisses, hugs, touches or
glances shared between us.”

Out of the corner of her eye she
noticed Ted move his head to look over hers at his brother. She
didn’t have to wait long to hear what silent communication had
passed between them.

“We can’t help how we may look at
you, Sakura. The moment I saw you in the diner, I was hard as a
rock and everyone there could see proof if they looked. It’s a
natural reaction and will surely happen time and again. What we
promise is we won’t do anything to satisfy our needs if anyone is
around to see it.” What Ted said about being turned on by her had
the pulse in her pussy restarting its pounding beat. She could feel
his erection prodding her back and looked over to see Matt was in a
similar condition.

Actually, she understood what he
meant since she’d struggled to keep a lid on her desire to touch

“Yes, okay. Fine.”

Sakura looked over her shoulder at
Ted and then at Matt, who was working on her ankles. They didn’t
consult or look at each other about what she’d told them. She knew
their lack of communication wasn’t because they weren’t taking her
seriously. It had more to do with something Matt had told her on
their last night in Osaka. He’d said, “What’s mine is Ted’s and
what’s his is mine.”

The time she’d already spent with
them helped her understand more about them and how their idea of
family worked. Already Sakura knew she wanted to be included in
their circle.

“All we want is for you to wake up
every day with a smile on your face and the same as you fall asleep
each night.” Ted was as gentle as his brother. They hid nothing
from her. Neither feelings nor appearances, nothing but the
complete truth was offered, and she was comforted knowing that
about them.

“Thank you.” She was eager to see
what the next few of months held for them.

Chapter Four

Sakura inched forward on her knees
and cursed the unbearable humidity in the sealed room. They’d set
up fans in the barn office, but they weren’t powerful enough to
move the dead air.

The office was at the back of the
barn, with doors to both the stalls and outside. To ensure minimal
problems from the external environment were introduced to the
computers, most of the work would take place outside with handheld
devices. The office itself would remain clean, or as clean as they
could keep it.

The program they were installing
for the Big W would keep an inventory of their cattle in a way both
the US and Japanese governments approved. There was a detailed
depth to the program required by her home country. The Wilsons
worked to adhere to those rules to ensure they’d be able to export
their beef without any issues, and do it by not breaking any
American laws.

Up to this point, the only hiccup
in the project was getting the HVAC up and running. Unfortunately,
amongst other parts, a special filter was being specifically made
for use in a barn and had delayed the installation. There was still
work to be done, which left her sweating buckets as she crawled
around beneath the table.

“I will be happy when we finally
finish securing these cables to the floor. There is sweat dripping
from my body, maybe I should be doing this naked. Were you able to
find more clips?” she asked her friend when the door from outside
squeaked, telling her someone had walked in.

She was met with silence, which was
weird. Molly had been quieter than normal lately, although she was
sure Jon Black was the reason. Her friend seemed to like him. She
couldn’t remember ever seeing Molly weak at the knees like she was
with this particular man. Maybe she was finally ready to move on
from the past. She hoped it was true, her friend deserved to find

Twisting around, she bent down
further and looked under her bent arm to see what was

Instead of a small set of sneakers,
she found a large pair of well-worn dusty boots. Her mouth dropped
open, followed by her forehead dropping to the floor with a gust of
air rushing out. Had she claimed to be a dirty girl who should be
crawling around naked?

Where her mind ultimately settled
was no surprise—it was a naughty place.

A pair of boots and a hint of jeans
had her pussy throbbing and her ass subtly pushing higher in the
air for attention. Mere hints of Matt backed up by the sound of his
voice tempted her to strip down and throw herself at him. Neither
he nor his brother had touched her since the first night on the
couch. A kiss every night and a random ass pat, but nothing

She was at the point of begging for
their attention. Matt’s in particular, because his boots told her
he was standing there. She was hungry for one of them to touch her,
and he was handy.

All she could think about was how
his cock would press inside her heat with strength and purpose as
he held onto her hips and fucked her to heaven. All of it and more
was exactly what she wanted, only the words wouldn’t come out to
make it happen.

What was wrong with her?

“I remember you being in a similar
position when we were together in Osaka, only you were naked,” he
murmured. “I’ve missed you, Sakura.” His words were accompanied by
a hand stroking over her jean-covered backside before a finger
traced along the seam to her pussy.

Startled, she thrust her head and
rear upward and bumped the table. Had it actually happened? Had he
finally touched her intimately or was it all in her imagination?
She rubbed her head and blushed. It was probably the latter because
there had been few sexual touches. Kisses, yes—absolutely, there
had been plenty of those—but nothing else.

She tried her best to ignore the
sweat dripping down her back as she backed out from under the
table. Standing up, she used her forearm to wipe her forehead and
turned to smile at him.

Seeing Matt stole her breath. Even
though she saw him every day, she wasn’t prepared for the
gorgeously restrained cowboy hunk standing there. All he wore were
jeans, t-shirt, boots, and a hat, and they were all

Turned on, she couldn’t stop her
eyes from tracing his body beneath the clothes.

Long legs, one slightly bent, led
to his groin which she tried to skate over, but not before she
noticed the erection he sported. Without thinking about what she
was doing, Sakura reached out and traced the length of the bulge
between two fingers. The hard flesh was firm and

Was that her panting? She wasn’t
sure and didn’t care; he was letting her satisfy her

Touching him was dangerous. She
circled a fingertip under his balls, then pulled her hands away and
continued with her perusal. With hands on his hips, her gaze raked
across his muscular chest and stopped on his pecs. She wanted to
run her hands over those two firm mounds and rub her thumbs over
the hard nipples poking out.

Before she humiliated herself and
actually drooled, Sakura moved on to take in his face. It was
difficult to see beneath the shadow cast by the brim of his hat.
The scruffy chin was interesting. She’d never seen him unshaved and
dirty, but liked it and found him sexy as sin.

Trying to regain her composure, she
looked past his grin to Matt’s green eyes. She was sure he knew the
trouble she was in and appeared to be enjoying her

“I won’t say a word,” he told her
while he ran a finger across her lips.

Confused and yet caught by his
touch, she could only query, “What?”

BOOK: Giddy Up
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