Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them (6 page)

BOOK: Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them
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Chapter Eleven


The next evening Abigail and Devon drove back out to the cottage. She didn’t get very much sleep the night before, she was too worried about Devon and what could happen to him. She slept in his arms restlessly, waking up several times and Devon was there to comfort her until she would fall back into a fitful sleep. Deep down she knew this was horribly real and that it had to be played out and she was powerless to stop it.

When they arrived, the sun was beginning to set. They went into the cottage and Devon cleared off an old chair that was still intact that was covered in dust for her to sit on. He turned and looked at her with a serious expression and she walked over to him “Abby, listen to me. You must promise me that you will stay here and not come down to the beach.” He said sternly. He had to make her understand the importance of staying right here and out of harms way. “I don’t want to have to worry that he will see you and hurt you in any way.”

Abigail started to cry softly. “I promise Dev.”

Devon took her into his arms. “Darling, it will be okay.” He put his fingers underneath her chin and tilted her head up and gazed into her tearful eyes. “You are so beautiful Abby. From the moment I gazed into your beautiful eyes I knew you were destined to be mine.” He lowered his lips to her eyes and kissed her tears away and then kissed his way down to her mouth and pressed his mouth to hers tenderly. He lifted his head reluctantly. “I will come back for you. I promise. Nothing will stop me from that!” He said with assurance.

Abigail closed her eyes briefly and swallowed the lump that was in her throat. She knew there was a possibility that she would never see him again. “Dev, my love, I prayed for so long for you to come into my life. Please be careful and come back to me!” She hugged him tight.

Devon held her tight in his arms and then he walked to the door and looked back once more. “Stay here. I’ll be back.” He said then left.

Abigail sat down in the chair he had cleaned off for her and started to wring her hands.
What if he doesn’t come back?
She thought.
What if his brother did win and took him to Hell with him? Calm down Abby, he’s strong, he’ll come back!

She waited for what seemed like forever and she couldn’t stop feeling that something was wrong. She felt he should have been back by now, it had been over two hours since he left. She didn’t like not knowing what was happening. Even though Devon warned her not to go down to the beach she couldn’t stay in the cottage another minute. She swallowed her fear and left the cottage and headed towards the little path that lead down to the beach to see for herself what was going on.

Chapter Twelve



Devon stood silently on the beach near the spot he saw his brother the night before. He had just about given up, when he watched the water churn again and he knew his brother was about to make his appearance.

Devon offered up a silent prayer to God, to give him strength to win the battle against him. He had faith that he would prevail but he was still afraid. He was more afraid of losing Abigail than of losing his own soul and it was that horrible thought that gave him the strength and determination to see this finished.

The hideous creature that was once his brother rose up out of the water and Devon braced himself. The creatures piercing black eyes stared with grotesque pure hatred at Devon. He held the black whip in his skeletal bony hand, the smoky thong danced on the water causing water to splash up. “So, the bastard son grovels on hands and knees to beg for mercy!” The creature roared. He snapped his whip and it snaked out and sliced Devon across his chest knocking him down on one knee and Devon glared up at his demon brother.

Devon struggled back up on his feet, his violet aura began to glow bright and his body grew massive than ever before. Devon’s muscles bulged and filled out as his confidence grew, he knew his spirit was impeccable and that he would win this battle. He towered as formidable as the demon.

Damon rose up and hovered above the sandy beach at eye level with the demon. Devon’s bright blue eyes shone with ethereal light that bore into his brother’s evil black eyes. “I grovel at no ones feet especially to the likes of you!” He roared in a mighty voice as powerful beams of light radiated from his eyes and sliced through the creatures chest.

The demon laughed grotesquely, his long sharp razor teeth snapped and gnawed as he rose his whip and snapped it at Devon’s body and it curled around him and clutched him tightly.

Devon caught hold of the whips thong and unwrapped himself as the beams of light from his eyes focused on the demon’s hand that was holding the whips handle and severed it off. The demons hand dropped into the water and the whip went with it. The demon roared in outrage and flew at Devon, the full force of his impact knocking them both to the ground.

The demon’s long red beard came alive and wrapped around Devon’s neck and tightened as the demon flung it’s head back and forth and slammed Devon around like a rag doll.

A woman’s piercing scream made the demon raise it’s head up. Abigail stood at the bottom of the path and the demon’s eyes narrowed. Devon heard Abigail’s scream and gripped the demon’s beard and twisted it in his fist and pulled with vigorous strength as he slung the demon aside.

Devon ran towards Abigail to protect her but the demon pushed past him and flew at her full force. Abigail screamed again and turned to run away. The demon wrapped his living beard around her and picked her up so that she hung suspended in front of him above the ground.

Devon’s heart stopped when he saw the evil creature pick Abigail up in it’s beard. He watched as she struggled to loosen his hold on her but it was futile.

“NO!” Devon roared as his body slammed into the creature and it released Abigail and she dropped to the sand. The beams of light from Devon’s eyes grew hot and solid as he stabbed the creature over and over again. The hideous creature slammed Devon with a mighty fist and Devon went flying through the air and landed in the water with a heavy splash. The demon’s attention turned once again to the woman on the sand that was trying to crawl away.

Devon rose up out of the water and saw the demon about to attack Abigail again and Devon roared so loud that Abigail covered her ears with her hands. Devon was about to attack the demon again when suddenly there was a bright white light that shone so brilliant that the demon covered his eyes with his bony arm to ward off the pain of it. Devon looked up and saw a colossal pirate angel. His wing span was enormous as he flew down to stand on the beach between Devon and the demon.

The angel had a bright white aura all around it. When Devon’s eyes adjusted and he could see the pirate angel clearly he bowed down on one knee reverently then looked up into the warrior angel’s blue eyes. “Father?” Devon asked astounded.

His father turned towards the demon without answering Devon and glared at his son Eric. His wings rose up and spanned even larger as the demon cowered in fear at his father’s feet. “You will come with me and face God’s judgment!” Their father declared in an ominous powerful voice. His father bent down and picked up his son Eric and wrapped him in his left wing and closed it tightly. There was no escaping his powerful hold.

His father then turned to face his son Devon. “You have made me proud my son.” His said. “You will never have to worry about your brother Eric ever again.”

Devon’s eyes returned to normal and tears formed in his eyes as he gazed into his father’s eyes. “Father...there is so much I want to say.” He said.

His father walked to Devon and wrapped his powerful arms around him and something extraordinary happened. Devon’s body slowly grew solid as his father’s power encompassed him.

Abigail stood a few feet away and watched the exchange in disbelief and awe.

Devon’s father released him and Devon stepped back and looked down at himself. He took his hands and ran them over his powerful arms then put a hand over his beating heart and looked up at his father. “Father?” He asked hesitantly.

“Yes my son. You are alive.” His father said proudly. “Live a happy life my son.” He looked over at Abigail and nodded to her and then he looked back at his son. “You deserve it.”

His father rose up into the sky and the light faded away as he ascended back to Heaven.

Chapter Thirteen


Devon stood there for a moment looking up into the night sky and gave thanks then slowly turned around and faced Abigail who was only a short distance away. They both stood in disbelief for a few seconds and then they ran to each other and Devon swept her up into his powerful arms and twirled her around.

Devon and Abigail cried tears of joy at the miracle that just happened. Devon put her down on her feet and and moved his mouth towards hers.
He groaned as he slanted his head and pressed his lips to hers in a hungry kiss. Her mouth was so warm, the caress of her soft lips so tantalizing. He tasted her with his tongue and Abigail opened her mouth with a low moan.

He broke off the kiss reluctantly and bent to sweep her up into his arms. Her legs dangled over his strong arm, he supported her upper body with his other arm and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He effortlessly carried her up the path towards the cottage.

Their new life together was just beginning.







BOOK: Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them
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