Read Forgotten Yesterday Online

Authors: Renee Ericson

Forgotten Yesterday (7 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Yesterday
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Again, another confusing surprise from Brent—late night texting
I’m amazed he’s still up, since he seemed so adamant about leaving earlier. I assumed it was because he was tired and jet lagged. I add his number to my contacts and then text him back.


I thought you were going to call in the morning? But sure. No problem. There’s a place near there we can go.


Brent: You still at work?


No. Got off early. Home now.


Brent: You sleeping?


Thinking about it. Ice cream is distracting the process. What about you?


Brent: Can’t sleep.


Time change can be hard to adjust to, I’m sure.


Brent: That must be it.


I put the phone down on the bed, unsure of what to say next—if anything at all. Part of me wants to ask if anything is on his mind. Find out what hotel he’s staying at. See if maybe he wants to meet for a drink. Then the logical part of my brain tells me he’s leaving in a few days and meeting with him tomorrow is just enough. Plus, he likely has a girlfriend to go back to in L.A. I shouldn’t think about seeing him more than just as an old acquaintance, despite the fact that all I want to do is touch him everywhere.
I want to touch him everywhere?
Ugh. He needs to leave soon because his presence is really messing with me.

My phone dings again.


Brent: Looking forward to catching up. Sleep well. See you tomorrow at 10.


You too. See you then.


Tomorrow is going to be so strenuous. Agreeing to meet with him is something I want to do, but will no doubt confuse the hell out of me even more. My best hope is that he’ll act like a total asshole and I’ll want nothing to do with him.
That’s highly unlikely.

Deciding I’ve had enough ice cream, I put the lid back on and return the pint to the freezer. I shut off the lights, tuck myself into bed and blink at the ceiling. Watching small shadows, created by the tree branches, sway above in the faint light. Before I let myself think of Brent any further, I fall asleep.




It was a beautiful afternoon as Brent and I walked hand in hand through Lincoln Park Zoo, basking in the unseasonal warmth from the sun. Not many animals were out this time of year, so we headed into the ape house where the halls were dark. There weren’t many people here. Actually, we were the only ones in the building.

I followed Brent as he came to stand in front of the chimpanzees. Two of the apes were resting on the branches of a tree and another was swinging happily across the entire space.

Stopping to stand next to Brent, I watched the happy tree dwelling family behind the glass.

“They’re cute,” I said, crinkling my nose, taking in their habitat of twigs and hay. “Sort of.”

“I guess.” His arm reached around me, rested on my shoulder, and he pointed to the two apes sitting in the tree. One was significantly smaller than the other. “Do you think that’s a mama and her baby?”

“Yep. It looks that way.” My attention was pulled away when the other chimpanzee flew in front of them. “What about that one?”

“The other one?”

“Yeah. The crazy one.”

“Likely the father.” Brent tightened his embrace around my shoulder. “They’re all a bunch of goofballs.”

“You think so?”

“I hope so.”




Wake up!
My consciousness screams.

Gasping, I wake, thrusting upright.

No! I will not go back to this. I will not allow this back into my head.

“No, no, no,” I utter, massaging my temples.

I remind myself over and over that it’s not real, and just a dream.

Wiping a falling tear with the back of one hand, I use the other to fling the comforter from my legs. I race to the bathroom and run the water in the sink, splashing my skin to cool the heat bubbling from within. Grabbing the towel behind me, I dry off a little, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

“Wasn’t expecting that,” I say to myself, noticing my bloodshot brown eyes.

The clock on the wall reads six in the morning and the sun hasn’t even risen, yet. I let out a heavy sigh and face the mirror again.

“Time for a run.”

I need to get out of here.

I hang the towel back on the rack and enter the dressing area to change for an outdoor trek. It always helps to clear my mind and with that dream creeping around the edges of my subconscious, a run is most definitely in order.










After a long jaunt along Lake Michigan, I come home and take a really hot shower. I may have pushed myself a little more than usual and my muscles are already aching. Or maybe it’s left over tension from the dream, or anxiety about meeting Brent in a few hours. Either way, the shower is needed to help me relax.

Once I’m clean and in a towel, I stop in front of my closet searching for something to wear.

I’m having a “girl” moment.

None of my clothes seem right for my brunch date.
Did I just call it a date?

Rummaging through my hangers, I decide on a long sleeve green dress and a brown belt that coordinates with my boots. I hang it on the door, making the decision final, and then take a long time drying and curling my hair to give it a little volume. One side of me is inclined to the do the minimal, but I truly do want to look my best. He’s only seen me in my work clothes and that’s not who I am, it’s where I work.

Once primped, I dress, making sure everything is in place. Zipping up my knee-high brown boots, I set my feet on the ground and pull out my long, camel-colored, wool coat from the closet. This is Chicago so it’s kind of a necessity. Tying off and tucking my scarf beneath the warm fabric of my jacket, I grab my gloves and bag and exit out the door.

It’s the last weekend in October and the air is bitter, carrying the smell of soon-to-be fallen snow. I wrap my arms around my waist to help shield myself from the whipping wind, which quickly shoos away my foggy exhales. My high-heeled boots clack along the damp sidewalk for five blocks until I reach the bus stop.

I only have to wait ten minutes before the bus arrives. Getting on, I make my way to an empty seat not too close to the door in an attempt to stay warm. Luckily, I won’t have to transfer and this will drop me off about a block from The Drake. I ponder out the window, getting glimpses of the Lake along the way as the morning sun glares off of the calm waters through a clear sky.

It’s been some time since I’ve been to The Drake. Actually, I’ve only been to that hotel once before. It was only one night, on Brent’s birthday, almost five years ago to the date. He had turned nineteen.




We had the cab drop us off at the front of the hotel right after dinner. The doorman opened the door and we entered the luxurious lobby of the hotel. I had never been in such an opulent styled building or stayed at a hotel like this ever before. For some reason, celebrating Brent’s birthday with him, at this place, felt more like a gift to me than him. We didn’t need a room, since we lived in the city, but this was what he wanted so here we were. When I asked him why, he simply stated that he thought it would be nice. Like we were on a vacation together.

Hand in hand we made our way through the lobby and to the elevator. There was a ding, signifying that the car had arrived, and we got in when the doors opened. The instant the reflecting metal slid closed, Brent caged me against the wall as we ascended to the sixth floor. His mouth feverishly connected to mine.

“Brent,” I gasped, as his hand threaded through my hair at the base of my neck. “What are you doing?”

“I think it’s obvious.” His other hand unbuttoned my jacket. He reached into its interior and rested his grip on the curve of my hip as he continued to kiss me. “I’m coming in for my birthday present.”

“Didn’t…you…like,” I heaved between each kiss. “The Bears tickets?”

“Yes.” His mouthed moved to my neck. “But I’m not thinking about football right now.”

The elevator dinged when we reached our floor and the doors opened.

To liven the chase, I skittered out into the hallway and down to our room. He followed close behind me, grabbing my ass and playing with the hem of my dress the entire way.

“Do you think you could wait until we get inside?” I teased, slapping his hand away.

When we reached the room, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest as he leaned his back against the door in the hall. I could literally feel how excited he was when he pressed against me.

His teeth nibbled at the sensitive area along my throat, sending a tremor through my entire body. I pressed my breasts against him, while threading my fingers through his thick hair. Brent continued to drag his mouth down my neck, past my collarbone, plunging toward my cleavage.

“Don’t…you think,” I said breathlessly. “That…we should…go in?”

“Probably,” he resigned, as his lips caressed the skin from my neck to my jaw. “But I’m too busy to find the key.”

“Brent,” I panted.


“Get the damn key.” My fingers tightly gripped his hair.

“You get it,” he challenged.

Keeping one hand at the base of his neck, I moved the other down his chest, along his tight abs, over his belt buckle, and grabbed the erection pressing against his pants.

“Ruby,” he growled, thrusting himself into my hand. “That’s not the key.”

“It’s the key to something.”

Brent sucked on my earlobe, as I stroked him in the hallway without any regard for who may see us. When it dawned on me that he wasn’t interested enough in finding the key, I took my hand from behind his head and reached into his pocket.

“Other one,” he barely got out. “It’s in the other pocket.”

Removing my hand from his hard-on, I searched for the key on the other side of his pants. With me stirring around in his pockets, Brent leaned back against the door and rested his palms behind his head, clearly enjoying how I was occupying my hands.

I found the key, but kept playing in his pockets and teasingly stroked him some more. His impish grin came and went depending on the amount of pressure I used. 

“You can open the door now,” he insisted.

“You didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry to get inside before.”

“Oh, I’m more than ready now.” He lifted his eyebrows.

I teased him one more time along his length and then took out the key, reached around him and unlocked the door. He pushed it open with his back and pulled me inside with him.

Playfully, I broke from his grasp, making my way toward the bed. Without any warning, Brent grabbed me from behind as I stepped down the short hallway toward the main part of the room. I stilled, gasping, when his firm chest pressed against my back. My jacket was on the floor in one quick movement. His hand swept the blanket of hair from my back and over my shoulder. He then pulled the strap of my dress down my arm.

“I’m so sick of this dress,” he said urgently, as he tugged the other strap away from my shoulder. The stretchy material gave way, allowing him to pull it down, exposing my naked breasts. “Did you not wear a bra just to tease me all night?” he asked, referring the dress he complimented me on all evening at dinner.

“Maybe,” I taunted.

Brent’s quick hands continued to slide the dress down, over my hips, until gravity took hold and it fell to my ankles. I stepped out of the black cotton sheath and flicked off my shoes. Turning around, I laced my fingers together behind his neck and plunged my tongue into his mouth, moaning loudly.

He grabbed my thighs, lifted me up, and my legs hitched together behind his back. Brent took us to the bed and sat down. Leaning back in his lap, I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and loosened the zipper. I reached around, yanking the shirt from his back and then pressed our naked chests to one another. His hands glided up my spine and pulled us closer together as he connected his lips with my own, tangling our tongues.

Brent lifted me effortlessly and laid me down on my back. He stood up and stared at me in the dark room illuminated by the city lights.

“What?” I giggled, placing my hands behind my head while lifting my foot to play with the waistband of his boxers.

 His hands snatched my wandering foot and he began to smooth his palms up my calf to my knee. The look in his eye was so serious that it brought my giggly mood to a standstill.

“What?” I asked again, this time with no humor.

“Nothing,” he said with a smirk. “Nothing at all.”

His hands slid up the sides of my legs until they reached my panties. He hooked his fingers around the minute piece of material on each side, shimmied them down my legs, and tossed them to the side of the room. Quickly, with an evident loss of patience, he toed off his shoes and pushed his pants, along with the boxers, down to the ground.

Looking at him in and all his naked glory, I knew just how much I loved him. He truly was mine and I willingly, in every way, belonged to him.

Brent’s eyes roved over my body and I could tell he was having similar thoughts.

“I love you,” I told him with all of my heart and soul.

He smiled. “I love you, too.”

He leaned down and began to kiss me from my knees to my hips, over my stomach and between my breasts until his mouth landed gently on mine. Tucking his hands behind my back, he tilted me up to meet his chest and then rolled us so that I was on top of him.

BOOK: Forgotten Yesterday
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