FORCE: Alpha Badboy MMA Romance (12 page)

BOOK: FORCE: Alpha Badboy MMA Romance
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Inside, Victoria could feel her chest loosen, that cinderblock that sat crushing her for the last month finally felt as though it had lifted.

The paradox of the outward appearance of the house and then walking into the bright white painted walls, the hardwood floors gleaming and brand new furniture in warm brown and soft neutral tones stood in sharp contrast to the hopeless and empty world just on the other side of the front door.

“Wow. I feel like I just stepped through some magic door in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.” Victoria spun in a slow circle. She heard the clink of his keys as he set them down and then the
‘thunk, thunk, thunk’
of the deadbolts as he secured the door.

The sky outside was as gray as a dead man’s face, but here, inside, she felt removed, encased in some force field of warmth and security. A cocoon in the middle of the desolate landscape beyond the front door.

Cameron watched as her wide brown eyes looked over every surface and her face relaxed and he felt the heavy responsibility of her care rest on his shoulders. If she could only understand the mantle that he carried. Watching her angelic stare wander around each room, his urge to possess her and claim her was so overwhelming, he felt his arms twitching to pick her up and mate her like a wolf.

She deserved a life away from all the blood and sweat and lies. Cameron drew a breath each day planning and spinning his own version of what her life should be. A world full of light and love and far away from the memories that followed them both in these streets.

“You are the poster child for OCD you know that, right? I mean, it doesn’t even look like anyone lives here. Neat freak doesn’t even come close.”

“I’ve only been here three days. It’s not ‘lived in’ yet.” He knew she was right, but still, the place would warm up in time.

“Yeah, right. I know you. It will look like this when you’ve been here a year. Do you ever actually sit on the furniture or use the kitchen? Or, do you just walk directly from the door into your bedroom and lie down like a cadaver? I can see you now --- like Hugh Laurie in his casket —”, she crossed her arms high over her chest imitating a vampire at rest. “Then you shower and leave the house again.”

“Just stay there until I feed the beasts. I’ll be right back.”

Her smile and playful tone sent a fire into his belly.

“Right. Beasts. They might sniff you to death.”

Cameron worked in the sparkling kitchen filling their bowls before disappearing out the back door for a minute. Victoria listened as he talked softly to both dogs from the porch.

Back inside, Cameron looked to see her still standing in the living room.

Since she turned the corner at the gym the day after he got back, he had not seen this.
girl, the light coming from her eyes. She was in there, and it was his job to bring her back to a place where she could live without looking over her shoulder for debt collectors or drunken asshole father figures.

She reminded him of a flower child turning in the middle of some meadow filled with wildflowers. Her head flitted back and forth, and the sable shine of her hair caught the light as it moved in the air around her shoulders.

Cameron felt the familiar thump of his pulse as his eyes dropped from her hair down to the motion of her hips, the curve of her ass as they filled out the pockets on her jeans.

He imagined his fingertips tracing along the hem of her faded gray Southside Gym t-shirt, lifting it higher until she raised her arms, and he buried his face into the curve of her chest.

A crank turned in his gut. He felt each of his square abdominal muscles clenching, the air in the room began to thicken. He concentrated to consciously move oxygen into his lungs as he watched the twinkle in her eye.

She felt it too. Victoria stopped looking around, her gaze stuck on his face like she was seeing something amazing and frightening for the first time.

He was the wreck on the side of the highway that drew your eye for miles, then, once upon it, as much as you wished you could turn away, you were helpless; drawn into the power of seeing a sight so brilliant and horrible, you knew you were forever changed.

Cameron couldn’t remember exactly how or when he fell in love with her. It happened somewhere between jumping on the back of that Russian when she was six years old and holding her as blood streamed down their faces as the helicopter took away the only soft, safe place she knew in her life.

The love formed like the blossoms on a cherry tree. You wait and wait, you know they are coming, you can feel it, see it, and then finally one morning you wake up to the most brilliant display of beauty. Cameron had felt the first small glimmer of that love as he dug his claws into that back hallway pedophile.

Since that moment, he knew it would come, and then, when it did, it was all at once, overwhelming and consuming him like a flame across a horizon.

He knew the right time was now. He knew it like he knew the world was spinning under them. A moment of clarity and his own fear raked like fingernails down his back, wondering if she was strong enough to take everything he would give.

The fire and burning need he carried was not only to protect her, but to lord over her, to consume her in a sexual power that would bind her to him like a deep silver scar across his flesh.

She froze. It was that tipping moment, when you know you can either fall into the chasm and pray there is something far down in the blackness that saves you, or you can turn and run. Never knowing what would have happened if only you had the courage to jump.

“Don’t move,” Cameron spoke in a voice so thick with power; he saw her knees shake.

She could still say no, but he knew she wouldn’t. Something this torrid could only smolder so long before it ignited and even her trepidation would not be enough to keep the flames from consuming them both.

Cameron took three strides, the long tendons in his neck already hard and taut as he clenched his jaw in restraint. He’d dreamed of this moment, imagined it, played it out in his mind an infinite number of times.

Now it was here, and he knew there were no words for how he felt or the way her skin looked translucent, doll like, as his fingertips grazed the softness of her neck.

Every woman that came before her disappeared. They were faceless and nameless. Compared to her, they never existed.

He watched a momentary flicker, a shadow that passed over her face, but Cameron stood square, warding it off because this time there was no fucking way he was letting her turn away. It was too real, almost like a new universe had been constructed just for them, just for this moment.






The whole waiting dance was done. Cameron grabbed onto both of her hands, his long fingers intertwining with hers as he did his best not to stare down at the way her t-shirt pulled across her chest.

It was on, and he wasn’t giving her another moment to change her mind.

Fuck, if she could only feel what is going on inside my fucking crazy head right now, she would fucking run.

If she were any other girl, he would have long forgotten her by now. In the past, if he was horny and the flavor of the week suddenly got it in her head that she wanted to play games, or turn a good no-strings fuck into some ball and chain shit, Cameron was gone faster than a cheetah after the morning gazelle.

But with her, he channeled the patience of a monk. He could tell the moment was here, and he charged, ready — jumping off that cliff without looking down. Whatever her insecurities and doubts, his sole purpose right then was to show her exactly how magnificent she was.

Hang-ups about her body or the brief familial connection needed to be put away for good. Cameron had no clue how a woman with an ass like that could ever fucking doubt that she was beautiful.

As far as the ‘family’ thing went, that was out the door. Sure, their parents did their thing and technically gave them some bullshit legal relation, but it bore no moral value here.

This shit was right, and it was time to convince her of just exactly how right it was.

The one woman he wanted for most of his life was also the one that found it so impossible to see herself like he did.

She was smart, stunning, fucking talented, kind, and still had a no-bull-shit streak that came out when necessary.

Unfortunately, all the fucks in her life pushed her God given confidence so far away, she needed him to guide her back and build her up until she stood toe-to-toe, chin up, head high, and told them all to go fuck themselves.

Curves like hers were the things old masters painted and hung on the walls of museums.

His boy was already on high alert, applying pressure upward like a heat seeking missile. Cameron tried to steady his breath and talk himself back down. This was their first time, he fought to hold it together, but he was on the razor’s edge and scared as shit he would hurt her so bad she would run for the hills.

Looking down, he felt like the world was on pause, her amber flecked brown eyes drooped and he saw the flicker of exactly what burned inside of him behind them. She was there, she might not be ready, but he sure as shit was done waiting.

Cameron plowed the length of his body against hers, pulling her hands along with his around his waist as he kissed down and into her mouth like the first knock-out punch of a main event.

Her tongue didn’t hesitate this time as he opened those blush pink lips with his own, finding fortune as he wound down and around, tasting her sweet flavor.

Cameron felt the tug and thump of his boy down below; threatening to misfire right then and there. It was loud and clear just how primed and pumped things were below the waist, but Cameron fought the animal inside.

He breathed in the air as she exhaled, pushing her fabulous tits into the carved solid rocks of his abs. He quickly got lost in the softness of her, the way she fit against him and how her tongue wrapped around inside his mouth.

She was making tiny mewing noises already, and it was all Cameron could do to not completely lose his shit knowing she was finally feeling it too.

He left her hands hanging just above his ass, his own finding that sweet curve just below her jaw line, right where his palms could rest and feel the river of her blood pumping.

She was on fucking fire, the heat coming off her skin melted into his hands as the intoxicating scent of her perfume and her hair spun his head until he felt the floor sinking below his feet.

Cameron held her face steady as he sucked onto her tongue, then shifted his hips and ground the rod steel length that pressed out from under his jeans into her lush hip.

His cock leaked like an adolescent boy finding his first Playboy as he listened to her breathing catch and deepen with each grind of his hips.

He wanted to give her a preview, or a warning, of just exactly the monster that he intended to sink into her and probably leave her taking cautious, tiny steps for the next week.

He was scared as hell that as soon as he felt the soft heat wrap around him, he wouldn’t want to ever leave.

Inside his crazy head, he was already planning the second, third, and fourth round. He could only hope she had absolutely nothing planned for the next 24 hours because he intended for his cock to take up permanent residence inside that holy place.

Fleeting thoughts of Asher and the hospital knocked in the back of his mind, but this kind of primal lust knocked them back on their ass. Asher was fine, the doctor said it was a minor concussion, and he needed to rest. What was happening here was primary and even if the house caught on fire right then, Cameron wasn’t sure he would get them out in time.

She shifted against him and made that soft purring noise that told Cameron he needed to show her exactly what was in store for her.

“Come on.”

He took her hands like a vice, dragging her up the stairs as she softly protested.

Cameron barely heard anything besides the throbbing blood that shot like canon fire along the length of his cock. The blood vessels must have been standing out like angry vines the way his heart was firing each beat like it was his last.

He needed to get her up those stairs and into position before she found some reason to hesitate. She was everything he ever wanted, but she was fucked up in the head about some stuff and Cameron had no time for that non-sense right now.

He intended for her to understand just exactly how perfect she was, every inch of her.

There was no more waiting, Cameron jerked her arm until she almost tripped and fell against him just inside the door to his bedroom.

“Jesus, Cam.” She breathed into the air as Cameron brought his face down and engulfed her mouth with his.

“Sorry babe. Get used to it, because I’m not a patient man.”

He wanted to kiss her whole face, to entwine their bodies in every possible way. There was a hint of fear and hesitation in her voice, but Cameron tugged, and she followed.

He didn’t want to hear it. The lust was turning to something just this side of anger and he wasn’t sure why.

Maybe it was all the waiting; maybe it was all the things in her life that were fucked up and Cameron couldn’t fix. Whatever it was, he needed to quell that little voice inside his head because he was hell bent on taking his time and making sure he squeezed every micro-second out of this.

Today, he would take her like a first time should be. He knew she needed to be taught some of his other tricks, but that would have to wait for another day. Today was all about her, and watching and feeling her cum as many times as her body would allow.

Cameron didn’t give her a chance for any other protest as he guided her backwards toward the bed. Her breath was coming wild and heavy, but he did not yet feel her body yield into that relaxed softness that told him she was completely ready.

Her hands began to explore up his back, pushing gently under the bottom of his ever present hoodie and t-shirt. The first brush of her fingers on the flesh just above the fabric of his jeans stopped his breathing and his heartbeat.

Fuck me. Say a little prayer now man, you are gonna need God’s divine fucking intervention help to hold this shit back.

As her hands moved warm and slow around the carved indent of his spine, Cameron felt the twitch and jerk of his cock, he was so fucking close to cumming right there in his pants it was embarrassing.

How could just the touch of her fingers on his back bring him that close to losing it? What was going to happen when those hands found their way around to the promise land? Or, her mouth?

Victoria let out a deep breath into the crazed building fury of their kiss. Just that sound was almost enough for Cameron to lose control, he was almost afraid to find out what was going to happen to him when he heard the soft moans and screams when she came.

He lowered his lips; he needed to taste every part of her. His teeth nibbled on her neck as his tongue followed the indent of the soft tendon down to her shoulder, pushing the collar of her t-shirt aside as he licked his way back up.

He kissed the little mole where her pulse ran thumping and hot. He must have imagined a million times kissing her there and he lingered, his tongue tasting the spot that before was only a dream.

She was making small sighing noises, and Cameron wasn’t sure how much longer his jeans could hold on. It was becoming damn uncomfortable and the more she made noises like that, the surer he was that he might blast off before he was able to get himself all the way inside her.

The monster was chomping at the bit, and Cameron knew if he wasn’t careful, she would end up bent over with his cock taking what it needed before he had a change to discover every glorious inch of her body.

“Do you feel that?” He pressed forward, knowing there was no mistaking the shape of the steel missile under the fabric.

“It’s kind of hard to miss.” Her eyes lowered, then raised back up.

He could see she wanted to lay her eyes on the beast, but there was also a flicker of doubt and panic behind those round doe eyes. Cameron couldn’t blame her, even he wasn’t sure once she allowed him inside that he wouldn’t completely destroy her.

“Well, that shit’s been ready and waiting for you for fucking too long. Years. More than I can count. All for you, Vic.”

He needed to see her, to feel her. Cameron grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and ripped it up and off her head before she took her next breath. Then, that bra, the last bit of fabric defense before he lay his eyes on the wonder that danced in his dreams since he was able to jerk off.

She fell out and into Cameron’s hands, and he felt the lush warmth like being immersed in utter joy. It was more than rapture, he felt a closeness to her that was beginning to frighten him.

He knew all the things he did to assure her safety before, but now, something else was quickly building inside him, and there would be no going back.

The swell of each of her tits filled his palms; Cameron lowered his eyes. Dreams were made from this, a body like hers was more than perfection, it was a dwelling place for the gods. He palmed each orb and kissed her, letting the moment sink in.

How many years did he think of how she would feel?

Now, it was real, she was in his hands and he couldn’t help but press the length of his cock forward feeling her sweet spot and listening to the gentle hum that fell from her lips.

More than anything, he wanted to feel that ivory softness against him. In one quick motion, Cameron grabbed the bottom of his hoodie and t-shirt and extracted them from his body.

He watched her eyes as they fell from his face to take in the arcs and square angles of his torso. The way her mouth fell open as her eyes darted up and down only made it that much harder to hold back.

“Come here, I want to feel you against me.”

Just as the words let his lips, Victoria broke out of her own stupor and for a split second, Cameron saw that fucking look of doubt pass over her just as she brought her arms from his back and started to cover herself.

“Oh fuck no,” Cameron growled.

No fucking way was that self-conscious bullshit going to creep in here and ruin this. Cameron grabbed her arms and pushed her over to the bed, laying her down with a kiss, hands held high above her head.

“Don’t you fucking move. Stay right there. You are fucking beautiful. You feel how hard my cock is now, right?”

Cameron lowered his face, sucking in the round pink circle on one side, then quickly moving to the other. She tasted like something teenage boys’ dreams were made of. Her nipple hardened in his mouth as he took her deeper and deeper until he heard her groan and felt her belly quiver.

He looked up to see her watching him. The lost, and unbelieving cast in her gaze told him he needed to shut this doubt down once and for all.

“I’m going to tell you this one time and I don’t want you to fucking ever forget it, okay?”

Even as he spoke, he palmed and fingered the beauty of her lush, round tits, squeezing her nipples between his fingers then flicking his tongue back and forth until he felt her hips twitch under him.

She didn’t seem like she was able to answer, so he just continued, knowing he had her attention.

“You are fucking amazing, beautiful, and no one has ever, or will ever, be able to make my cock rise and fill the way you do. Got that? I’m telling you, my dick doesn’t lie. It knows what it likes and it likes what it sees. So leave that shit behind about your body or whatever. I’m telling you, you are fucking hot enough for me to shoot bullets right fucking now. It’s taking a fucking heroic effort for me not to cream right in my jeans just looking at you.”

Cameron moved up, licking inside her mouth until he felt the tension knock down a peg, and she started that sexy as fuck mewing into his mouth again.

BOOK: FORCE: Alpha Badboy MMA Romance
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