Read Forbidden Attraction Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Forbidden Attraction (7 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction
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“Stay the fuck out of my mind,” Nicolo hissed at Josie. “And hers too.”

Josie shrugged, the brute offering an overly dramatic lift of his shoulder while he attempted a helpless look. The rogue’s charm did nothing to faze Nicolo’s scowl. While Nicolo possessed none of the gift that Malta werewolves were known and feared for, Josie had a bit too much of it for his own good at times. And Nicolo had no problem knocking him down to size if need be. He’d done it when they were cubs and he’d do it again now if the werewolf got out of line.

Josie’s smile didn’t fade. “If you’re up for the challenge, go for it.”

“You two start fighting in the middle of American werewolf territory and I’ll kick both your asses,” Dimitri countered.

Nicolo ignored them and purposely turned his attention to Heidi and whomever she argued with on the phone.

She turned the key and pumped gas through her car while trying to get the piece of shit to start. Snowflakes blew around his face, the temperature dropping noticeably while he sensed her aggravation.

“I know I was supposed to ask Steve to go with me,” she said quietly into the phone, looking down so that he got a view of the narrow length of the back of her neck 34

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before it disappeared under the collar of her coat. “I won’t lie, Bob. I didn’t ask him.”

She blew out another sigh and pumped the accelerator a few times before trying to start her car again. “Because, well, I wanted to come here alone.”

on the other end of the line yelled loud enough to tickle Nicolo’s ears.

He reached in and pulled Heidi out of the car.

“Let me try to start it,” he told her. “Why didn’t you get this thing fixed?”

“I did,” she told him when he had lifted her out by her arm. She almost hung in front of him. Damn. She weighed barely anything. “I just got it out of the shop.”

“Who the hell are you talking to?” Her pack leader’s growl came through the cell phone noticeably.

Nicolo handed her over to Dimitri and slid into her car, immediately fumbling with the seat so he could fit his large body into the small space. The entire interior smelled of Heidi—a crisp, clean, energetic scent that matched her craving for life. There was something sensual about it too, something that called out every protector’s instinct he had.

“The Malta werewolves who brought me back to my pack are here.” Heidi proved how strong integrity ran through her with her honesty. “And Bob, I did come into Valle to pick up the office supplies. I’m sorry that I didn’t ask Steve to come with me, but I just didn’t want to spend time with him.”

“He was supposed to go with you for protection,” Bob screamed, making it easy to hear him. “And if you had any sense in your head, you’d see exactly why he should have gone.”

“These three aren’t going to hurt me. I can smell that they won’t.”

Nicolo tried again to start the car, hearing it lose juice with each crank. He glanced up when Dimitri took the phone from Heidi. He fought to climb out of the small space and handed Heidi her keys, feeling the urge to pull her a bit closer to him. The snow fell hard and fast around them now.

“This is Dimitri Spalto, pack leader for the Malta werewolves,” Dimitri growled into the cell phone.

“You lay one fucking paw on her and it will be war between our packs,” Bob shouted through the phone.

Dimitri narrowed his gaze on Nicolo, then scowled at Heidi while silver streaked through his dark eyes.

He didn’t acknowledge the
threat. “Your bitch’s car won’t start…again.

I’m going to take her into Malta territory and put her with one of our bitches until this storm rolls over.”

“Rape her and you die.” Bob didn’t yell this time, but his promise still came through the phone clearly.


Lorie O’Clare

Dimitri simply handed the phone back to Heidi. “Leave her car here. We’re headed back to the pack.” He stormed back to his truck, the spicy smell of his anger lingering in the air.

“Bob, the Malta werewolves really are gentleman. I’ll call you as soon as they have me in their pack.” She hung up quickly.

Nicolo grabbed her jaw, lifting her face until her blue eyes glowed when they met his gaze.

“Gentlemen?” he growled under his breath. “Little bitch, you should never lie to your pack leader.”

She shuddered, an energy pulsing from her that stabbed him in the heart and then sank lower, straight to his cock.

“I doubt you would do anything that I wouldn’t want,” she whispered, daring to take him on right there in the middle of the parking lot.

His cock got so fucking hard he could barely move. This tiny
bitch had more nerve and guts than were safe for a female to have. She licked her lips and he fought the urge to claim her right there. But that would be insane. Already her pack leader promised war if she were touched. In spite of the fact that she obviously didn’t understand the meaning of those words, the honor of his pack had to come first.

He would release his frustration later, possibly in a good, hard run. It would do him good to find a single bitch from his own pack and release the sexual craving Heidi created in him on one of his own kind. Without dwelling on the idea longer than a minute, he knew it wouldn’t work. Heidi had gotten under his skin. No other bitch would take away the urge she’d instilled in him. Although many werewolves fucked any bitch who flipped her tail in their direction, taking a female just to get his rocks off had never satisfied him. He needed more of a connection with a bitch in order to truly be satisfied. Heidi offered him that connection with that sultry gaze of hers and her whispered suggestive comments. Why the hell did she have to be

When they reached the truck, Dimitri and Josie finished talking and then Josie headed across the parking lot toward the street.

Dimitri stalked around the truck to the driver’s side. “Josie is going to sniff around here for a bit, see what might be going on. Let’s go.”

Nicolo reached for the door handle, but then grabbed Heidi’s shoulder. He flattened her against the side of the truck and willed her to feel how hard she’d made him. Her lips parted and she looked up at him, a breath escaping her as she tried moving her arms between them. Whether to wrap them around him or stroke his chest, he wasn’t sure, nor did he allow her room to do either.

“Until you return to your pack, you answer to me. Is that clear?”

She relaxed against the truck, leaning her head back to look up at him. Her grin was a perfect sexual invitation. “Now that depends on what the questions are,” she told him. “I’ll trust you, if you trust me.”


Forbidden Attraction

“Trust is earned with time. But you will not run wild like you have been since I’ve met you.”

“I came here alone on purpose,” she whispered, the arch of her neck looking damn good to nibble on. “I wanted to see you, wolf man.”

Her confession sent all blood draining to his cock and made his bones ache to change. Not only was Heidi wild, but her uninhibited honesty made him crave her even more.

Snow blew around them, but the cold did nothing to stop the fever boiling inside of him. He lowered his head and took her upper lip between his teeth, nibbling it, then sucking. Her cry of need sounded so soft, so alluring. He lifted himself off her enough to grab the zipper of her coat and then yanked it all the way down. The bulky leather between them annoyed him, and at the moment, he didn’t care who saw him devour her.

She stretched against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and then tangling her fingers in his hair. She grabbed a hold, tugging, fighting to bring him closer to her.

And then she bit his lip—just as he’d done to her. Nicolo swore the ground tilted underneath them. Heidi was barely half his weight and size, and the petite
almost knocked him off his feet.

He pictured her in her fur, pure white and with a speed no other creature on earth could match. He imagined chasing her down, willing every bit of energy that rushed through his veins to allow him to capture her. He would gain her submission, then take her until she couldn’t move anymore.

Nicolo impaled her mouth with his tongue. Reaching underneath her sweater, his fingers brushed over the lace that covered her small, round breast. Her nipple tortured his palm when he squeezed the soft flesh. It was hard and eager for his attention.

The engine of the truck roared to life and Heidi jumped, revealing that some of her boldness and confidence proved to be a front. In truth, she was scared. As she damned well should be.

He broke off the kiss, straightening and staring down at her flushed expression. He loved the way lust smelled on her.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he promised her.

Her eyes widened, and she licked her already moist lips. He didn’t need her response to his words. Her musky scent was answer enough. Reaching for the door handle, he pulled it open and turned her so she’d climb inside.

Nicolo ignored the spicy smell of his littermate’s anger. “Take her to Erin. Heidi will stay at her den,” he told Dimitri.

His brother’s cold gaze swept over both of them. “I won’t have Erin involved in this.”

“Who is Erin?” Heidi asked.


Lorie O’Clare

“Our littermate,” Nicolo told her, pulling the door shut and then putting his arm protectively over the seat behind her. He looked past her at Dimitri though. “And Erin can take care of herself. Take her there.”

Dimitri growled and the tires slid over the snow when he peeled out of the parking lot. His littermate probably didn’t realize how his reckless driving forced Heidi’s body closer to his.

When they reached the top of the mountain and then over the road, barely visible under drifting snow, Heidi had straightened. She searched their surroundings while the windshield wipers whipped the windshield.

“We’d move faster in our fur,” she murmured.

“We’re almost there,” Nicolo told her.

A few minutes later, Dimitri stopped the truck. Erin and Juan’s den was barely visible through blowing snow. And as Nicolo suspected, Dimitri didn’t move. Dimitri and Juan had no love lost for each other, and the only reason the two of them didn’t go after each other’s throats was their love for Erin.

Nicolo pushed open his door and pulled Heidi out into the blizzard-like weather.

Or maybe this was a blizzard. Nicolo had never seen one before. Tucked under his arm, she had no problem hurrying next to him to the door of the den. When he pounded on it, it swung open almost immediately.

“I thought I heard a truck,” Erin said, greeting them along with a burst of heat that came from a fire she had roaring in her fireplace.

“Where is your mate?” Nicolo let go of Heidi long enough to shut the door behind him. When he’d turned around again, his youngest littermate stared at Heidi with an odd expression on her face.

“He’s already out there.” Erin waved toward the door, not taking her gaze off Heidi.

When he put his arm around Heidi, Erin’s jaw dropped and Heidi bristled. He didn’t have time for the bitches to start fighting.

“This is Heidi Lutgard. I’m sure you two remember each other.” He searched Erin’s face until she finally looked up at him questioningly.

“I remember the
who helped me when I got stolen and taken to her pack,”

she said quietly. “But what is she doing here?”

“Now she needs our protection. Keep her here with you until I come back for her.”

“Okay,” Erin said slowly.

And then to make sure his littermate understood, Nicolo grabbed Heidi’s jaw, turning her face to his, and laid a possessive kiss on her. Then he hurried back out into the cold.

Heidi’s heart pounded too hard for her to catch her breath while cold and hot air attacked her at once. She hadn’t remembered the bitch’s name but had recognized her 38

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immediately. It had been months since she’d seen her, but the young bitch didn’t look that different. Although at the moment, worry and concern wrinkled her brow, bringing her coal-black eyebrows together. The air around them filled with a mixture of both of their emotions.

“Do you mind explaining to me what I just saw?” Erin asked her, moving first and stepping into her den.

Heidi didn’t move. No matter that they were different breeds, until the bitch of this den welcomed Heidi, she would stay put, even if it meant standing here until Nicolo returned.

“Honestly, I’m not sure what you just saw.”

Erin flung long black hair over her shoulder. Spicy anger almost made Heidi sneeze. For a moment, Heidi swore the furniture rattled around them. The wind had to be blowing outside harder than she thought.

“Don’t lie to me,” Erin hissed. “Nicolo doesn’t run with just any bitch. In fact, I don’t remember when I’ve last seen him with a female. Plenty have tried to catch his attention, but he’s picky as hell.”

“Really?” Heidi said, grinning before she had a chance to check her emotions.

Erin narrowed her gaze, flames from the fire reflecting on dark hair that fell to her waist. Her caramel-colored flesh looked smooth and unblemished. Erin wasn’t a bitch who’d been in a lot of fights. Not that Heidi could imagine her having to defend herself a lot with older littermates like Nicolo and Dimitri.

“Tell me why I just saw him kiss you,” Erin demanded.

Heidi told her. What little there was, and as much as it didn’t make sense to Heidi, she shared how she’d met Nicolo and then about seeing him again today. Whether it would get her thrown out in the snow or not, she had no clue by Erin’s expression, but she honored Nicolo’s littermate with the simple facts. She waited when she finished, letting the silence build between them.

“And I thought I had it rough when I chased after my mate,” Erin finally muttered, then turned and left the small living area.

Heidi still didn’t move. She studied the comfortable space around her, noting that although the cabin looked simple, there was a warmth to it. A lot of love filled this den.

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction
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