Read Followed Home (Erotic Tale of a Vampire) Online

Authors: Audrey Grace

Tags: #Erotic Tale of a Vampire

Followed Home (Erotic Tale of a Vampire) (3 page)

BOOK: Followed Home (Erotic Tale of a Vampire)
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Maddi screamed herself awake, her eyes springing open and her head on a swivel, turning violently from side to side. The room was so dark. She could not see anything. It was like a shroud of darkness had descended upon her, blinding her.

“Who’s there,” she cried out, sensing a presence. No, she thought. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.

She looked toward the hallway. What was that? Something shadowy, something large, lurking in the darkness. “I said who’s there?!” she yelled, her voice shaking and the tendrils of terror and panic starting to creep into her consciousness. The shadow stepped forward, and as a soft light that seemed to originate from nowhere bathed him, she saw it was a man. A large, muscle-bound man. He was completely nude, and she looked him up his body. Powerful legs, thick thighs… a penis outlandishly large. Abdominals, pecs, wide shoulders, a strong jaw, a high nose… and dead eyes.

“Madeline,” the man said, his voice a hoarse and rumbling whisper. The windows shook. Maddi’s bones rattled.

“How do you know my name?” she asked, two tears squeezing out from either eye.

“We know lots about you,” the man said, his voice imbued with a kind of cold curiosity.

“Who is ‘we’?”

“Us,” he said, hissing it. She saw a pale pink tongue slip out from beneath his lips to lick them, coating them in a glistening sheen. In the time it took for Maddi to blink once, he was upon her, one hand at her throat, the other grasping for her crotch beneath her skirt. Maddi let out a howl of horror, but one look into the black eyes of the strange man before her silenced her instantly.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she asked, panic-stricken.

“We smelled you,” the man said, lowering his head down her body and sniffing at her like an animal. His mouth curled wickedly and from beneath his lips, two gloriously white fangs glinted, like jewels in his mouth. Maddi gasped, and all that she could think of was what her ridiculous boyfriend had said to her on the phone. Vampires. Monsters. Poltergeists.

“No, no,” Maddi choked out hoarsely. “Please…”

“Quiet, Madeline,” the man said impatiently. His grip on her throat tightened and she coughed and spluttered. Goose bumps erupted on her skin as she became aware, for the first time, of how dry the pale fingers on her neck felt.

“Wait,” she pleaded, sensing a horrible lust unleashed within the man-creature before her.

“We shared your dreams,” the man said, his voice frosty. “We saw the man you dreamed of, the one who rescued you.” He laughed wickedly. “He won’t come for you tonight. We killed him. Millennia ago.”

“What?” she said, starting to feel anger. “What the hell are you talking about.”

“That man in your dreams. He cut through the trees.”

“B-but that was just a dream!”

a dream. We shared your dream. You shared ours. What are dreams but memories discarded into the unconscious lake? The currents of sleep occasionally drag the dregs up to the surface. But no matter. He is no longer of this earth. He is lost to the depths of death.”

“Let me go!” Maddi said, her fear waning and her rage growing exponentially. The feeling of helplessness that invaded her consciousness, as her neck was trapped in the clutches of this undead creature, was abrasive and unnatural.

“We smelled your scent,” the man said, squeezing powerfully around Maddi’s sex. Slowly, the realization dawned on her. Did they mean they smelled her… arousal?

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Bonus Material 2

Check out this sneak peak of Audrey Grace’s horror sex story of a young girl stalked by a lustful shadowy entity:

Shadow's Spoil

By Audrey Grace

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Sarah has a nightly ritual before bed. She looks out of her window onto the empty street. She undresses and slips between the sheets. She masturbates. This time she sees a shadow lurking in a puddle of light, but thinks nothing of it. But after climaxing, when she drifts into dream land, the shadow returns to ravage her.

* * *

She was wearing a t-shirt again. She was wearing underwear again. Her underwear was damp and it clung to her. She was wet and slick and slippery. Her vulva pulsed and cried and begged. She slipped her underwear down her legs. She stroked her smooth skin. She removed her t-shirt and posed with her arms above her ahead. Her breasts were round and firm and clung to her chest. Her nipples were stiff and angry and dark. Her areolas were small and tight and circular. She posed and posed. She tweezed her nipple in between her fingers. She cupped her breasts and massaged them. She lifted them and let them fall. She sent her hands downward over her abdomen, over her pubis, her digits like bloodhounds running through a forest. Her pubic hair was soft. It was like garnishing. A piece of parsley on mashed potatoes. A stalk of spring onion floating in soup. A dollop of wasabi on a glistening piece of pink salmon.

The shadow moved and she saw its eyes. They were white. They were not shadow. They were bright. They were devouring. She ran a finger over her clit. She lifted a leg to the windowsill. She bared herself to the shadow. She ran a finger up her slit. She played her labia, parted it, her moist and pink flesh revealed. Her piece of salmon. Her bowl of soup. She opened her interior to him, two fingers like a doctor’s tool. The shadow moved closer, the eyes grew hungrier.

“Sarah,” she heard. The voice was deep and rumbling. The air went into hiding. The silence that followed was deafening.

She rubbed her clit in circles. She pushed a finger into her entrance and withdrew it again. On her finger was her own desire, her own pleasure. She shivered and panted. Her tunnel tightened and relaxed; her canal clenched and unclenched.

“Sarah,” she heard again. Her eyes were shut tight and bunched up in bliss. Her body was convulsing and flexing and twitching. Her hands were rubbing and probing and plunging.

“Sarah,” she heard and the voice was suddenly close. She opened her eyes and there was the shadow. It was in her bedroom, standing before her. It was in the shape of a man but tilted. The proportions were long, too long. He seemed to stretch on forever like the towering trees. His skin was fuzzy, indistinct. His eyes were bright and white and hungry. She raised her hands toward his face and he smelled her essence, and rumbled and stretched around her. She felt a touch, warm and wet. A phantom tongue that licked her fingers, that consumed her pleasure and desire.

The shadow lifted her and swirled around her. She floated to the bed and was again in between her silken sheets. Her sex was wet again. She felt the touch of his ethereal fingers. They parted her labia and opened her up. They pulled up the hood that sheathed her clit. Her vision grew murky. Her head was swimming. The walls of her bedroom disappeared and around her trees shot up from the ground. They melted into streetlights and cast down pools of illumination onto her bed. They were all pointed at her, like spotlights. Buildings built themselves. The street outside her house was formed and her bed was in the middle. She wondered if a car would come and hit her and kill her.

The shadow did not fear the light. The light did not blitz it like the sun blitzes darkness. The light fell into him, went through him. The shadow did not cast a shadow.

“Sarah,” the shadow said again, its breath a dark and freezing cloud that wrapped around her midriff. His head was low on her body and she looked down as the shadow descended, its fuzzy form moving and changing, like currents of ink twirling in water.

She moaned. She sighed. A touch on her clit and soon it was in vacuum, sucked into the shadow, flicked at by darkness. Pleasure shot through her and she bucked and thrashed and vines crept out from under the bed to take her arms and hold them high. Her arms were bound and ankles too and she was spread on the bed that billowed and undulated beneath her, like the rolling hills of the forest, which were like the rolling waves of the sea.

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Bonus Material 3

Check out this excerpt of Audrey Grace’s sci-fi tale of an alien abduction that takes a turn for the erotic:

Virgin Mate to Aliens

By Audrey Grace

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Fresh graduate Brenda has gotten herself lost on some winding, narrow, and empty country road. Suddenly, her car mysteriously dies, the ground begins to shake, and a great neon light floods down to swallow her. She only barely makes out the hovering triangular craft before she blacks out. When she comes to, she realizes she is bound at the wrists and ankles, spread-eagle. She's been abducted by aliens, and they tell her that she's going to help them repopulate their species, whether she likes it or not...

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Brenda opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, and she couldn’t make out any detail. All around her were indistinct and vague shapes, hints at structure, but nothing her brain could process. Her sinuses stung, and she felt dizzy and disoriented.

“Ugh,” she groaned, closing her eyes, and retreating back into the comforting darkness. She didn’t want to think where she was. She tried to move her hands down to rub her eyes, but metal clinking told her she was restrained. She tried to move her legs, but found that they were bound, too.

It was the tilting forward of her head that alerted her to the fact that she wasn’t lying down — she was vertical. Opening her eyes slowly, her vision adjusted to the low light and she saw, surrounding her, a least a dozen… creatures.

“What?” she said, the word broken in three places. She was struggling to breathe and her heart was racing and the blood was whooshing in her ears. The creatures were… well, they were fucking aliens! They looked straight out of some sci-fi television series! Six feet tall and with spindly arms and legs, concave chests and heads with tiny mouths and gigantic eyes.
they were all naked except for dainty loincloths tied around their narrow waists.

Brenda felt the panic set in. She began to thrash uselessly at her binds, shaking her whole body, rocking it on the contraption that held her restrained, star-like, with arms and legs held straight and spread. A moment of dreading realization froze her muscles as she looked down her body.

“No, no, no, no!:” She winced, shaking her head and biting back the tears. She was completely naked!


Brenda’s hair stood on end, and goose bumps erupted along the length of her body. She looked up to see that one of the aliens had stepped forward, and was now staring at her out of those endlessly black eyes, its head tilted to one side.



“Fuck!” Brenda wailed, shaking her head and shutting her eyes. The alien was in her head! It was the strangest feeling, like she had a little intruder inside her brain navigating the noodle-like tissue.

Do you understand me?

“Yes,” Brenda whispered, punctuating it with a sob. “Fuck, why’d you have to be mind readers?”

We don’t read minds. This is how we communicate.

“Wait, wait. Why are you speaking my language?”

I am not. I am speaking my language.

“Then why can I understand?”

Because we put that knowledge in you.

“What?” Brenda cried, mouth hanging open. “You did
to me? You can’t just put stuff into my—”

Please calm down.

It was unmistakable. Somehow, without intonation, the alien had conveyed a threat.

Good. You have many questions?


Well, your curiosity will go unsatisfied. I’ll tell you what you need to know. Our species is dying. We are comprised entirely of males. Our reproductive cells are able to meld with female reproductive cells of nearly any species. This is how we procreate.

“Wait a minute—”

Please don’t interrupt. You may think we are animals. We are not. We require females like us. That is, bipeds with intelligence. We do not dilute our bloodlines with inferior species. That would also be… undesirable to us. I’m sure you understand.

“You need to let me go,” Brenda said, her voice shaking.

No, we need to keep you here. You are naked and restrained. That is for your own safety. We don’t want you to hurt yourself.

“Or one of you!” Brenda spat, thrashing once again against the binds in a futile display of impotent anger.

You could not if you tried. You will be bred by each of us in turn. There is nothing you can do. Don’t fight it, and you might enjoy it. This is not our first time with a human woman, you know.

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by Audrey Grace


Additional Tests
(Medical OB/GYN Erotica)

Annual Checkup
(Medical OB/GYN Erotica)

Bound and Humiliated
(Master's Bondage and Humiliation Vol. 1)

Bound and Humiliated Again
(Master's Bondage and Humiliation Vol. 2)

Bound and Humiliated Firm
(Master's Bondage and Humiliation Vol. 3)

Bound and Humiliated Forever
(Master's Bondage and Humiliation Vol. 4)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle 2
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle 3
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle on Mars
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle on Mars 2
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Alien Tentacle on Mars 3
(Alien Tentacle Breeding Impregnation Erotica)

Bred by the Beast Tribe
(Monster Breeding Gangbang Erotica)

Bred by the Tentacles
(Monster Breeding Gangbang Erotica)

Bred by the Zombie Horde
(Monster Breeding Gangbang Erotica)

Captured by the Sasquatch
(A Paranormal Beast Erotica)

Claim Me
(Your Pet For The Night)

Claimed by Aliens
(Alien Abduction Erotica)

Controversial Methods
(Medical OB/GYN Doctor Erotica)

Different Doctor
(Medical OB/GYN Erotica)

BOOK: Followed Home (Erotic Tale of a Vampire)
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