Filthy (New Adult Romance) - #3 Fierce Series (5 page)

BOOK: Filthy (New Adult Romance) - #3 Fierce Series
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My mouth desperately clings to hers; I crave her kisses for as long as possible, wanting as many as she can give me. I need to feel her one last time, need to remember what it’s like to swirl my tongue around hers and leave little pecks on the side of her mouth. I need to remember her smell, her touch, her taste. Because after tonight, it’ll all be gone.

She won’t come back. The boarding school is states away. It’s the best there is. It cost a fortune, and her parents spent it all on her, because they want their daughter to get the best education there is just so she can earn it all back and make her parents proud. Her family needs her right now.

As she unlatches her mouth from mine, I can see it in her eyes: it doesn’t matter how much I tell her I love her, how much I beg her to stay, or how many kisses I give her … I’ve already lost her.

To her, this must be done. Her parents’ will is law. There is no other choice.




Present time


Now I have her in my arms again. Her lips are tantalizing, smoldering hot. My cock is hard and throbs in my pants as I lick her lips. I’m just getting into the mood when she unlatches her mouth from mine. Her eyes are wide, her mouth open, and for a moment she just stares at me, breathing loudly.

“Shit,” she mumbles. “Shit, shit, shit!”

“What?” I ask as she jumps up from the bench.

“We can’t do this.”

“Yes, we can,” I say, chuckling.

“No, Bobby would kill you.”

“Let him try.” I get up and grasp her hand, preventing her from leaving. “I’m not letting you get away again.”

She cocks her head. “Jaret—”

“Don’t deny yourself this. Don’t deny me this. You want this as much as I do.”

She sighs. “I know, and you’re right … I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.” She rubs her forehead, smashing her lips together. “Could you just take me home? I need to think about this.”

I let out a breath. “If that’s what you need right now, then okay.”

“Thank you,” she replies, smiling.

We walk to my car. She fumbles with her shirt while I will down my cock. It was getting too enthusiastic again. After all this time of not seeing her, a simple kiss made me hard as fuck. All I can think about is burying myself deep inside of her. I wonder if she’s as snug as I imagined her to be all of those years ago, if her pussy is as wet and lickable as I imagined it to be. Hmm …

When she opens the door, I’m pulled from my delicious thoughts. She sits down on the passenger seat while I walk around and get inside, too. In silence, I start the engine and drive off. There is an awkward moment between us right now. Neither of us says a thing and I’m kind of fucking nervous about it, which is odd, because I usually don’t get nervous around girls. Usually, it’s the other way around. Not with her, though. Lin knows me. She knows me better than any other girl does; my weaknesses, my stupidity, my power, my love, and my pain. She knows everything, which is what makes it exciting. I don’t have to hide anything from her, and I know she’ll still accept me, no matter what I do. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and that’s why it’s scary to think about losing her again.

I want her. I need her. I have to have her.

“Listen …” I mumble, not even knowing what I’m going to say. All I want is for her to say to me that she’ll let me. Except, I don’t even know what to say next.

We roll up to a traffic light and the sign turns red. Time is ticking and my fingers thrum on the steering wheel. Lin’s eyes dart toward me, tentatively gazing at me from time to time.

“Yeah?” she mumbles, in response to my question.

My eyes travel up and down her beautiful body, taking in her curves. Controlling the urges to put my hands all over her, I clear my throat and look at the traffic. “Never mind.”

From the corner of my eye, I see that she is still looking at me. She takes off her belt. I wonder why, so I quickly glance at her. Holy fucking hell, she’s biting her lip. Her eyes are half-mast, her lips curving up into a wicked smile.

“Screw it.”

And then she lunges forward, planting her lips on top of mine. I’m taken aback by her sudden abrasiveness. The way she kisses me, no holds-barred, is enough for me to take my hands off the steering wheel and cup her face. In the middle of traffic, we’re kissing like crazy. She doesn’t even take the time to breathe. Her moans make me delirious. She’s never been this straight-forward. Fuck me, this is hot.

The driver behind me slams the horn a couple of times, causing her to stop. Her raw, pink lips are enticing, but I know we have to get going before people start yelling. I hit the gas and slap myself on the cheek so I can focus on traffic. “Keep your head straight, Jaret,” I mumble.

She giggles. “Do you always talk to yourself?”

A half-smile creeps onto my face. “No, only when beautiful girls are distracting me.”

She laughs. “I bet you say that to all of them.”

“Ha, they wish.”

“Oh, c’mon. Every girl wants to hear that. It’s a nice tactic to get them into your bed.”

I cock my head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know what it means, you man whore.” She smiles cheekily, and it makes me want to grab her and spank that filthy ass of hers.

I know she’s teasing me, and it’s working. “You’re the one to talk,” I say.

She punches my shoulder. “Jerk.” She sticks out her tongue. “You know you woo every girl out there.”

“Hmmm … except, none of the girls I’ve been with are as beautiful as you are.”

“Now you’re just kissing my ass.” She purses her lips. “But I like it.”

I chuckle. “You’re more than just beautiful, but if I were to tell you, that inflated ego of yours would only grow bigger.”

She scoffs. “Now you’re the one to talk.”

I smile, making a turn. I love bickering with her. Actually, I love just being around her in general and being able to talk to her. She makes me forget, makes me focus on the good stuff in life. Like her.

When we’re around the corner, I realize I’ve actually driven to my house instead of hers.


I guess I was so distracted by all of that kissing and touching, I couldn’t even get my head straight. Oh well.

“Uh …” I stammer.

“It’s okay.” With a cocked head, she says, “I actually didn’t want to go home anyway.”

The cheeky smile on her face makes me want to grab her and kiss her senseless. God, she used to hold back a lot, but now … fuck, I like this. She’s really up to no good. So am I.

Just looking at her brings back the memories. God, I’ve dreamt years about this day and now it’s finally here. She’s back. She’s here for the taking. How the fuck am I supposed to say no to that?



Chapter 5



She gets out of the car and slams the door, pulling me from my thoughts. I quickly follow her to the front door of my three-story house and fish my keys from my pocket so I can unlock it. With a devious smile on her face, she looks at me as I open the door.

“After you.” I hold out my hand.

She rolls her eyes.

“What?” I say, shrugging.

She raises an eyebrow. As she steps inside of the house, her eyes light up like candles and a pearl-white smile brightens her face. “God, it looks just like I remember.”

“You know my parents. Never change what shouldn’t be touched.”

“I kinda like it. Reminds me of the old days.” She gazes at me, her lips parted, words begging to roll over her tongue, but she swallows them instead, finishing the sentence with a smile.

“I’m reminded of it daily.”

“Is that a bad thing?” she says.

“Nope.” I shrug and step closer. She’s fishing for it, but I’m not going to tell her. I’m not going to spill the fact that I think about her every single day.

My fingers briefly touch her skin as I take off her jacket. Sliding the fabric off her shoulder is enough to create goose bumps on her skin. I love looking at it; love seeing what I do to her. She’s still sensitive to my touch. I guess some things never changed.

“I could use a drink after all of that gambling,” she states as I hang her coat on the rack.

“Coming right up,” I reply with a boyish smile, because I can smell her intoxicating perfume on her jacket. It’s like a love potion drifting through the air, seducing me.

Turning on my heel, I cock my head and give her my cocky smile before heading toward the kitchen. Tension is blowing up between us. I can almost feel the electricity sizzling through the space that separates her from me.

Lin stalks behind me as I stroll to the fridge, settling against the countertop of the kitchen island. She casually leans back with her elbows, swaying her black hair back over her shoulder. I turn around and open the fridge before she teases me so badly I won’t be able to stop myself anymore. As I peer into the fridge, I think about what we’re doing. She has a boyfriend, one who is eager to beat me up if I were to touch her, and she knows this. I willingly offered my help, knowing it could get me into trouble. I want to help her, because she’s her … she’s Lin. The girl who was always so nice to me, always so willing to help, always willing to be my friend. Now, after having to earn her money by being a stripper and being the girlfriend of an abusive guy, there’s little left of her pride. I sigh.

I shouldn’t be doing this. Her being here is not good for either of us. I’ll only drag her down more. I don’t want to do that to her. I want to help her get where she wants to be, and that’s it. Why did I bring her here in the first place?

That’s right. My own selfish lust. I want her. Not just her body, but her heart, too. I want it back. However, it’s not a good idea, and she and I both know that. I should just give her this drink, bring her home, and leave. She can pay off her debt and work toward a better future. At least I won’t ruin it with my fucking. It’s better if I just stayed away.

Except, when I turn around, she’s right in front of my face. I freeze when she reaches for the glass in my hand, leaning forward with her tits pointed at me, and takes it from me. Just a brush of her fingers is enough to send chills down my spine. Fuck, I can’t take this.

I take a deep breath and turn around again, grabbing my own drink. Jesus, I’m glad I spiked my Coke with a little rum.

Suddenly, I feel her fingers running up my spine. I shiver. Her arm drapes along my shoulder, her face inches from mine. “C’mon, Mister Fuck-a-lot. Show me what you got.”

“Don’t call me that,” I say through gritted teeth.

“It wasn’t an insult. I want you to show me what you can do,” she whispers in my ear.

Fuck me, my cock just throbbed. She wants me to fuck her? God, it’s such a tempting offer. Before she left, we only kissed—I never got to know her body that way—but fuck me, I sure would love to.

I shrug off her arm and take a step away. Frowning, she leans back as I turn around to face her. She hops on the countertop and places her hands behind her, propping up her tits. Jesus Christ, is she trying to kill me?

“You know as well as I do there’s still something between us. It never went away.”

“Just because it’s still there, doesn’t mean we should act on it.”

Her eyebrows draw together. “What are you afraid of? If you’re worried that you’ll hurt me, trust me when I say I know how to handle rough boys.”

I cock my head and smile. “Oh really? You think rough is what describes me the best?”

Her lips curl up into a smile as well. “You tell me. How rough can it get? I’m curious …”

Squinting, I take a step forward. “Does kitchen-table-banging sound familiar to you?”

She grins. “Go on …”

I take another step. “How about hair-pulling?”

“Now you’re talking!”

I set my drink down on the table and place my flat hands on the top, leaning in. “You’re crazy.”

“Just as crazy as you then.”

“What happened to your pride, Lin?”

“I threw it out the window. Screw pride. Screw everything. Screw you.”

“What?” I chuckle.

She bites her lip, sucking it gently. Fuck me, I want to do the same to her lip. “I mean it. I want to screw you.”

I laugh. “This is so not you.”

“No, I know,” she grins again, “but I like it.”

“Why?” I purse my lips, inching ever closer. I can’t stop myself. Every fucking pore in my body tells me I should grab her and never let go; that I should fuck her until the night ends and the sunlight shows me that she is still as beautiful as she was the day before. Lin was always that girl, the girl I could never have again, the girl I was never worthy of. The girl I came to love.

She’s still that girl, only she’s traded some of her best assets to save what’s left of her pride. She cares too deeply for her parents to flip a finger at everything standing in her way to her dreams. I want more for her.

I never wanted anything for anyone except myself. I’ve always only cared about one thing, and that was being my own best man. I’d take what I want, give nothing back, feel no regret, and save my own ass, above all else. My parents taught me life isn’t fair and that you have to take what you want the most. Regardless of what other people want.

BOOK: Filthy (New Adult Romance) - #3 Fierce Series
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