Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (9 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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“What he said.” Paul confirmed when his
Uncle’s gaze fell on him. “For what it’s worth Matt, that’s one hell of a right
hook you have.”

“Thanks bro. You know I could’ve taken you
down though right?”

“Yeah, in your dreams Matt.” Paul grinned.
“I’m bushed, I’m going to bed.” He began to rise.

“Hold on just one minute. Have either of
you given any thought as to what you are going to tell your parents?”

“Ah.” Paul sat down again.

“It would sort of depend on what you’ve
already told them.” Matt, ever the diplomat, stepped in.

“I told them I came across you in my
favourite take away and brought you back here and as it was late, I suggested
that you stay with me but those bruises are going to tell a completely
different story.”

“I tripped and banged my face?” Paul
asked, shrugging when Matt scowled at him.

“Yeah ok Paul, that excuse has worked so
well for us in the past. How about we saw some old biddy in the process of
getting mugged and came to her rescue?”

“Mum would buy that.” Paul confirmed.

“Yeah and we really only have to worry
about her because Dad won’t believe a word we say anyway, he’ll just see red
when we turn up at the office with bruised faces.”

“Great, so by getting John to collect us all
we’ve done is prolong the inevitable.” Paul groaned.

“Look.” John spoke. “I told Monica I would
call her when we were home, I’ll plant the seeds of Matt’s fairly plausible
story and we’ll let her run with it where Michael is concerned.”

All three of them were woken the following
morning by the loud banging on the front door. John stumbled to answer it and
wasn’t in the least bit surprised to see his sister standing there, two suit
bags over her arm.

Ushering her into his flat and starting a
fresh cup of coffee, he left her to rouse her sons which she did with a
remarkable lack of complaining and startling efficiency.

“Nicely done Mon.” He told her as she
accepted a cup of coffee.

“Years of practice.” She told him. She
turned to face her sons when they entered the kitchen, washed and dressed in
their suits. Both boys began to fidget under her scrutiny. “What happened?” She
asked even though she had heard John’s version of events.

“We were fighting.” Paul blurted.

“Jesus, Paul.” Matt breathed.

“Sorry, I promised her I wouldn’t lie to
her, I won’t, I can’t.” Paul answered his brother.

“Who were you fighting?” She asked,
addressing Paul.

“Him.” Paul replied, gesturing to Matt.


“He pissed me off.” Paul shrugged “And I
guess I pissed him off. That’s about the extent of it, it’s over now, we’re
both sorry and it won’t happen again.” He finished.

“So where did the cock and bull story of
you saving some old dear from a mugging come from?”

“That would be me.” Matt admitted, “I
thought it would be better than the truth.”

“Did you now.” Monica placed her hands on
her hips.

“Yeah, I figured saying hi Mum, don’t
worry about my bruises because the other guy’s are worse oh and by the way,
Paul was the other guy probably wouldn’t go down too well.”

“You at least got that bit right.” She

John grabbed his toast as it shot out of
the toaster, “If it helps, I read them the riot act last night.” He told her.

“You did? Good, well then, this time I can
probably let it pass but it had better not happen again. I have told your
father that you have dental appointments first thing this morning and that you
will both be late but even so, we’d better make a move, go and wait in the car
please.” She waited for her sons to leave before turning on her brother. “I
appreciate what you’ve done here John but encouraging my sons to lie to me
isn’t something that’s ever going to sit well with me.”

“I know but I was just trying to protect
them from Michael. You’ve just stood there and told them that you lied to him
to give them an excuse to be late to work so it’s not just me now Mon is it?”

“No, it’s not. I’m glad that they feel
they can come to you.” She smiled at him.

The office fell silent as they walked in
through the main doors. With Matt buttoning his jacket and Paul straightening
his tie, it took them a few moments to notice the silence;

“This can’t be good.” Paul muttered to his

Matt stopped beside Paul, casting his gaze
around the typing pool and finally letting it come to rest on Michael’s
secretary fidgeting in her seat, “Wait for it.” He murmured back.

“Matthew? Paul? Mr. Jensen would like to
see you.” Hyacinth, the secretary informed them.

“There it is.” Matt finished, “We’d better
get this over with.” He nudged Paul ahead of him and into Michael’s office.

Both boys went to sit on entering their
fathers’ office but soon regained their feet when Michael, deep in conversation
on the telephone, gestured for them to remain standing. So they stood, Matt
ironing board straight, his hands clasped in front of him and Paul managing to
look like he was lounging with a slouch of epic proportions that lowered his
height to that of his brothers’ while his hands were planted firmly in his
pockets, their eyes skimming over the familiar interior of the office as they
waited, studiously avoiding looking at their father.

Michael regarded his boys as he continued
his conversation. His sons were striking looking young men with broad shoulders
that filled their somewhat crumpled suits well. His gaze concentrated on their
faces, now clearly showing the bruises from the previous night and he scowled.
Matthew wouldn’t be able to attend meetings with him while he looked like a
prize fighter meaning the note taking would be solely the responsibility of his
long serving, loyal secretary Hyacinth.

Ending the call, he sat silently for a few
moments knowing that doing so would further unsettle the boys and even Paul,
with his projected aura of calm, began to fidget. Michael sat forward, his
hands resting on his desk, scrutinizing the young faces in front of him.

“I have spoken to your Mother and Uncle
and while I don’t believe a word of the story either of them is telling me, I
will have to let it go in the absence of any evidence to the contrary. So for
now, let’s say that you were playing at good Samaritans and did indeed prevent
someone from being mugged. It doesn’t make you hero’s in the unlikely event
that it is indeed the truth, what it did do is leave me with two employees with
faces like boxers who I cannot allow to be seen in front of my clients so until
your bruises heal, you will stay out of sight which includes taking your lunch
breaks in your office as I will not have you walking in and out of the building
looking like that, it lowers the tone and doesn’t present the professional
image our clients expect. You will both work through lunch today to make up for
the time you have missed this morning and I don’t expect to find either of you
slacking due to your late night. Have I made myself clear?”

Both boys mumbled that they understood,
neither meeting his gaze, they knew they were in the shit and had the common
sense to at least look humbled and contrite. “You’d better get to work.”
Michael told them as his phone began to ring again.

“That was easy.” Paul murmured as they
left the office.

“Yeah, I think we have Mum to thank for
that.” Matt agreed turning to face his brother, “This is the part where you
keep your mouth shut Paul, no sudden pangs of guilty conscience that have you
spewing the truth ok?”

“Ok.” Paul’s voice rose an octave with his
irritable reply accompanied by his fingers scraping through his hair “I only
made that promise to Mum. There’s no way the truth about this is getting out,
especially in the office, I do quite like my head attached to my neck.” He
scowled at his twin but soon smiled as one of the lovely typing pool girls
strolled towards him, “Hey.” He said through his grin as he turned away from

Matt heard his brother blatantly
proposition the girl who had walked by as he headed to his own office, today
was going to be a very long day.

Dinner that evening was a sombre affair,
made more so by Michael’s announcement that both boys were grounded for the
duration of their bruises. They didn’t even bother to argue the point, instead
choosing to eat in silence, eyes cast down.

With dinner over and the washing up done,
Matt headed upstairs and Paul settled down at the breakfast bar to tackle the
paperwork he had been avoiding but that had been steadily piling up from his
gardening company. Of course the outward calm of the two boys was simply a
ruse, while Paul literally had nowhere to go that evening; Matt had a date with
none other than the delectable WPC Holland for which Paul was willing to cover
his brothers tracks.

Chapter Seven


Over the next few months, time literally flew.
Paul seemed to spending more and more time making excuses for his brother who
would disappear at random times, often returning home in the morning with
barely enough time to shower and dress for a day at the office, sometimes he
would simply turn up at the office without bothering to come home at all.

He was cagey when Paul questioned him,
particularly when he mentioned Emily’s name and it wasn’t long before Paul
realised that Matt’s irregular hours were down to Emily’s shift patterns.

Having been the dutiful, well behaved son,
in other words, bored out of his tiny mind, for months now, Paul decided it was
high time he had a little WPC loving himself and what with his hours being far
more flexible than Matt’s, he had time to play with and was also fully
conversant with when she was working. He raided Matt’s side of the room and
finally hit gold when he found his brothers’ little black book and Emily’s

He really should tell Matt what he was
going to do but figured if their roles had been reversed, Matt would do exactly
the same to him, besides, he was heading to Gloucester for the weekend and his
brother would have calmed down by the time he returned.

“You.” Emily stated on opening the door.

“Surprise.” Paul grinned. He was aware
that he made her uncomfortable. He wasn’t the soft and gentle man that his
brother was developing into. He knew what he wanted and how to get it and he
wasn’t leaving without it.

“Matt will be here in a couple of hours.”
She warned. She didn’t like him one little bit but she’d be damned if just the
sight of him didn’t turn her on. There was something dark and dangerous about
Paul Jensen and it drew her like a moth to a flame.

“That’s ok.” He told her stepping over the
threshold and into her space, forcing her to take a step back and allowing him
enough space to close the door. “We’ll still be at it when he gets here and by
that time I should be ready to sample that pretty little arse of yours again.”

“So sure of yourself.” She taunted.

“Of course I am and you needn’t try denying
that you want a piece of me again, I can see it in the way you look at me, the
way you try to be defensive but fail miserably.” He taunted right back, all the
while moving forward, forcing her backwards. “You want me bad. You want me to
bend you over and power into you, don’t you Officer Holland?” He had her pinned
now, her back to the wall, chest to chest. He bowed his head, and pressed his
lips to hers briefly before delving inside as his hands began to roam.

She sucked in a breath as his tongue invaded
her mouth. She’d only kissed him the once that night at the club and it had
been a proprietary, you’re mine type of kiss. This one was full of want; he
wanted her as badly as she did him.

He pushed his hand between the waistband
of her tailored trousers and her belly as she sucked in a breath. There was no
hesitation on his part as his fingers discarded the elastic holding her
underwear up and he plunged his fingers between her lips.

Breaking the kiss, he sighed as he touched
her, his lips still sweeping against hers to whisper “Beautiful, so wet.”
Before going in for the kill. She was hot and ready and he wanted to taste her,
right now.

Making short work of the trousers and
underwear, he told her to put her shoes back on. Her insanely high, bright red
shoes that were a turn on by themselves, his next instruction was to tell her
to spread her legs as he dropped to his knees and looked his fill.

“Play with yourself.” He demanded.

“Paul, not here.” She began to protest but
quietened and acquiesced when she saw the fierce look on his face. Spreading
her lower lips for his viewing pleasure, she began to rub slow circles over her
clit before feeding her fingers inside.

He loved this, this was his absolute
favourite thing, watching a woman, any woman, play with herself and as Emily
was already so wet, the delicious sucking and slurping noises coming from her
pussy only heightened his enjoyment.

Easing her fingers out of her, she started
in once again on her clit, completely forgetting that Paul watched and jumping
when a warm mouth began to lick her juices from her digits as she rubbed her
clit a little harder. Looking down her body at the decadent sight of him, still
fully clothed, mouthing her sex just added to her arousal.

He pushed her fingers away and used his
own to spread her lips apart before closing his lips around the sensitised nub
of her clit and giving it brief flicks of his tongue as he slowly but surely
increased the suction.

She had come countless times to his once
by the time she persuaded him to take this liaison to the bedroom. Propping his
back against the headboard, he accepted the glass she passed him and took a
long, slow drink of her tart, homemade lemonade before handing it back to her.
She jumped at the sound of the door bell. “That’s Matt.” She said, stating the

“So let him in.” He grinned, placing his
hands behind his head as he made himself more comfortable. As the voices of his
brother and the woman he had spent the morning fucking drew closer, Paul’s body
began to harden at the prospect of a very enjoyable afternoon.

“What are you......?” Matt began as he
stepped into the room and clapped eyes on his brother; he stopped when Paul
held up a hand and sat forward.

“You never said you were exclusive.” Paul

Stunned, Matt stood silently, considering
Paul’s words and weighing up his options. He could make a scene, have it out
with Paul and risk both of them getting kicked out of the house. He could leave
and come back later when Paul had had his fill or he could join in. He had
enjoyed the last time with his brother and Emily but he had become accustomed
to having her all to himself and if he was really honest, he didn’t like
sharing her.

“True.” Came the slow reply. “But I’m not
heavily into the sharing thing.” He admitted.

“Well, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon
so why don’t we let Emily decide?” Paul answered.

Emily felt two sets of eyes turn on her,
both asking the same question. Shit, now she would have to admit to them as
much to herself that she wanted both of them, together or apart, she didn’t
care how she got them, just as long as she did.

“Emily.” Paul prompted. “We’re waiting.”

Impatient asshole.
“I want both of you.” She blushed and couldn’t meet
their gaze.

“Together?” Matt asked.

“I don’t care if you are together or one
on one, someone needs to fuck me now.” She stated to two amazed faces.

“You’ve really done a number on her
haven’t you?” Matt sniped even as he removed his clothes.

“Yep. I am that good.” Paul grinned at his
brother as he reached for Emily. “Come here sweetie and lower that lovely bum
of yours down over my dick.”

The walk home from Emily’s was a long one.
Long, cold and wet, they were both drenched as they scaled the fence at the
bottom of the back garden and ninja’d their way into the house before stripping
down to their underwear and creeping up the stairs to the warmth of their beds.

“Paul.” Matt croaked into the darkness,
his throat dry from sleeping with his mouth open. “Paul.” He forced his voice
box to work and spoke a little louder, this time throwing a glare in the
general direction of his brothers’ bed. Lifting his head, he grabbed his pillow
and flung it across the room.

A sudden thunk of something hitting him in
the back of the head had him stirring and that’s when he noticed his alarm bleeping
and stretched out a hand to blindly bash the button.

“Turn your alarm off, it’s five o fucking
clock in the morning.” Matt hissed.

“I’m doing it, keep your hair on.” Paul
hissed back, finally managing to hit the correct button and easing his legs over
the edge of the bed. Sliding from the bedroom, he silently made his way down
the stairs and to the kitchen, only flicking the light on once the door was

Switching on the kettle and grabbing a mug
and some milk, he leant his forearms on the work top and rested his head on
them. God, he was tired but perhaps he would be able to sleep during the four
hour train journey to visit his son.

He made a quite a pleasant sight this
early in the morning, leaning over, smooth skin stretched over taught muscle,
long legs snaking down from slim hips to end in bare feet. He was only just
covered by his boxers but she knew what pleasure the hidden goodies could bring
her. She gave herself a shake, knowing she shouldn’t think of him that way as
she closed the door behind her.

The kettle switched itself off and Paul
prepared to move from his relatively comfortable position to finish making his
tea when cool hands stroked his ribs and firm, full breasts pressed into his
What the hell was she doing here?
He thought,
how didn’t I
notice she was here?
Those pointless questions revolved around his head as
her hands traced his muscles. His spine tingled from her touch and then tensed
as he remembered what he had done the previous night along with the realisation
that he hadn’t bothered to wash before crashing into bed and he smelt like
another woman.

Still with his forearms resting on the
worktop, he turned his head to the side to look at her over his shoulder,
“Don’t touch me Suzie.” He spoke quietly.

“Why not? You like it.” She smiled at him,
her hands stilling but not leaving him.

“You told me you wanted to make a go of
your relationship and I think that perhaps you should so standing here,
touching me, isn’t helping your cause.”

“Good point. But by doing this, I’m not
undermining my relationship.”

“Ok. How about, I can’t do this Suzie. I
can be your friend or I can be with you but I can’t be your plaything when the
mood takes you. Ok, that’s a lie, I could totally be your plaything but I want
more and you know it.”

“Does the fact that you stink of sex and
another woman have anything to do with you not wanting me to touch you?”

He straightened then, his hands still
resting on the side. “Probably.” He admitted.

Suzanne stepped back, giving his back one
last stroke before she walked around to the other side of the breakfast bar.
“What’s her name?” She asked.

“What’s it matter?” He countered. “What
are you doing here?” He changed the subject.

“I have an early flight to catch, a
customer wants me to go to New York shopping with her for her daughter’s
wedding and as your house is closer to the airport, I stayed here. Why are you
up so early?”

“I’m going to Gloucester, got a train to

“Want a lift to the station?” She asked.

“Er yeah, do I have time for a quick

“A very quick one yes.”

And a very quick one it was. Before she
knew it, they were in her car heading for the train station. Finding a
convenient space for her little car, she hopped out to unlock the boot so he
could retrieve his bag.

“Have a safe trip Suzie.” He slammed the
boot and stepped away, “And thanks for the lift.” He began to walk away before
seeming to think better of it and turning back.

His fingers traced their way down her
cheek, before slipping around the side of her neck to gently cup the back of
her head. His lips lowered to hers in the merest hint of a kiss with the gentle
caress of his tongue over her lips as he pulled back, looked deep into her eyes
and turned away again, making his way to the guard at the platform.

He didn’t look back, didn’t even attempt
to and she had the distinct feeling he had just said goodbye.


BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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