Read Fate (Choices #2) Online

Authors: Sydney Lane

Fate (Choices #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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Chapter 20


m so not a morning person, but I’m awake long before Quincy. I get this rare moment to study her before she wakes up and her walls crash into place, fortifying her defenses.

She’s lying on
her stomach, her head resting on her arms. Her hair is wild, cascading down her back and across the pillow. The blanket is pushed down to her waist, and her shirt has ridden up in the night, exposing a small sliver of creamy skin just above her panties. My eyes follow the curve of her back to her ass. It’s perfect. She’s perfect.

As my eyes travel over her body, I realize one thing. I like waking up to Quincy Priest in my bed.
I never bring girls here, and I usually don’t let girls stay with me at the house. We do our business then they have to go. But this? This feels right, like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. With the girl I’m supposed to be with.

It’s not until I reach her face that I realize she’s awake
, watching me devour her with my eyes. I could get used to this. Smiling, I say, “I was beginning to wonder when you were going to wake up. You slept later than I did.” It’s almost noon.

“It’s been a long week, and I needed the sleep.”
Her voice is coarse with slumber, husky and sexy. It sends all sorts of signals to my groin. Damn, I’m never going to be able to do this right if I keep thinking about her like this.

“Hey, I didn’t mind at all. That was the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. And I loved waking up next to you, being able to watch you sleep. I still can’t believe you came.”
I wonder if I sound as giddy as I feel. Seriously, like a kid in a candy store. I’m relieved when she smiles. “I don’t know why you did or why it means so much to me, but I'm happy you’re here.”

“Yeah, I bet that’s what you say to all of the girls.”
She says it jokingly, but there is a brief flash of anger in her eyes.

“Quince, I have never brought a girl up here before. This place is special to me and to my family. I never really wanted to bring anyone here, but I couldn’t get the memory of you in this bed out of my mind.”
The truth is, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep here again without thinking about her just like this. For some reason, it’s important for her to know this.

Quincy falls silent, but her eyes ar
e busy. They roam over my face, finally coming to rest on my lips. Ever so slowly, her eyes rise to meet mine, and they reflect the desire stirring deep inside of me.

“If you want to get out of this bed today, now is your chance. If you keep looking at me like that, we’re not going anywhere.” I’m only half-kidding. There is only so much a guy can take.

“If that’s the case, I need to get
moving because I need food. I'm starving!” The words come out of her mouth, but she doesn’t make a move to get out of the bed. As she nervously glances around the room, it hits me. She’s looking for something to cover up with.

Now, Quince, don’t tell me you’re afraid to get out of bed in front of me after sleeping next to me all night?”

“Of course not. I just didn’t remember where I left my things last night.”
Reluctantly sliding out from under the blanket, she crosses the room and goes through her bag. The pink blush on her cheeks gives her away. She’s self-conscious, and if I were a better man, I’d look away. But I’m not, and I don’t. She has on some shorts and a little strappy top. Nothing sexy by itself, but on her, it’s more than enough.

“Go. Go now. Before I drag you back into this bed. I’m trying to take things slow, but you’re making that difficult to do.”
She grabs her clothes and scoots out the door. When she looks over her shoulder, there is a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes, wondering where to go from here. I know she’s getting dressed, probably naked right now.
Holy shit.
I’m beginning to sound just like Seth. Sex on the brain.

m up and getting dressed when I feel her presence. I don’t have to see her, but I know she’s there. From the corner of my eye, I catch her checking me out. Her eyes travel down my body, lingering on my exposed stomach. The tension in the room is so thick it’s tangible.

“Poker face, Quince. P
ractice your poker face. How am I supposed to think straight with you eye-fucking me every time I turn around?” Seriously, I want to do the right thing for once, and she’s making it hard as hell.

“You wish.”
She grins. “Let’s go eat. I can’t wait to go exploring outside.” She turns and glides out of the room, taking a little bit of sunshine with her. After brushing my teeth, I rush downstairs. We have the whole day, but I don’t want to waste a minute of it.

“Hey. I went to the store last night and got us a few things. We have cereal, oatmeal, eggs, bacon, and pretty much whatever you want.”
She looks surprised, and I don’t know if I should be offended or if I should just be glad she likes my idea.

“Sit. I’ll whip us up something.”
It’s my turn to be surprised. Little Miss Perfect is going to cook for me, and I bet it’s the best meal I’ve ever had. This could only get better if she’d cook in the nude…

She walks around the kitchen like she’s done this a thousand times, gathering utensils and supplies. I can’t take my eyes off of her. I don’t know what I like most. Quincy or Quincy cooking.
She approaches it like she does everything else, her face lost in concentration. While she works, she’s thinking. Her face is like a map. If you can read it, you will know every single thought she has. Right now, she’s beating herself up, and she’s as nervous as a whore in church.

“You’re over thinking things, babe. You have worry written all over your face.” I take her hands, trying to reassure her. Instead, it just makes me want to do the exact opposite of what I say. “Look at me, Quince. Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to happen. This doesn’t have to be about sex. Let’s just have a good day and see where it takes us.” Times like these, I wonder who has invaded my body and what the hell he’s saying.

She looks up briefly, her eyes hidden under her lashes, and announces,
“Lunch is ready.” She pulls away from me, but the tension eases in her shoulders, and she breathes a little easier.

I can’t resist. I tell her I want to go slow, but my body wants something entirely different. She doesn’t resist when I pull her to me or when I lower my head. Her lips, so soft and sweet, part for me. The kiss is slow and sensual, and I feel it all the way to my toes. It’s just a taste of what is to come, and I want her to think about it all day.

“Now, let’s eat and get moving. I wanted to show you some things today.”

After we eat, I start clearing the dishes. She stands by, nervously twirling her finger in her hair. Damn, if she keeps that up, we won’t be going anywhere. There is a part of me, a part I’m trying to ignore, that says we should just go upstairs and get it over with. Maybe she’d loosen up if we just got it out of the way, but then, there is the part that says it will be so much better if I let her come to me. That part wins.

I send her up to finish getting ready. I can
’t wait to show her the farm. It’s just one more thing I like about her. She likes nature as much as I do.

“Make sure you put on some good shoes. I plan to take you down by the lake. There is a trail, so you w
on’t need boots or anything. And make sure you put on sunscreen. You don’t want to get burned today.” I have ulterior motives for not wanting her to get sunburned, but I keep that tidbit to myself.



Chapter 21


Quincy bounces down the stairs, taking my breath away. She has on shorts and a tank top, and her hair is in a ponytail. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I get totally turned on when I notice she isn’t wearing make-up. She may be shy, but she’s comfortable in her own skin. I love
it that she can get ready in fifteen minutes, and her make-up bag isn’t attached to her hip. To be honest, a lot of girls I’ve been with are just plain scary the morning after. You go to bed with Katy Perry and wake up with Elvira, or maybe that’s just what happens when the beer goggles come off. Either way, Quincy looks sexy as hell no matter what time of day it is.

Walking to the edge of the woods with absolute wonder on her face, she looks eager to get started. I remind myself that I’m trying to get to know her better.

“So, tell me, Quince. How did you end up at UT?” Seems like as good a place to start as any. There is a moment of hesitation when I don’t think she’s going to answer me.

“Jenna has always wanted to go to UT. I grew up hearing all about it, and we are so close, I guess her dream kind of became my dream. I didn’t want to stay in Collier, but I still wanted to be close to my family. What about you?” I get the distinct impression she doesn’t like to talk about herself.

“My dad is an alumnus, and my sister is a senior here. I just always assumed that’s where I would go. I grew up visiting my grandparents here at the cabin.
I love the mountains, and I have hiked all over this place. It’s just where I wanted to be.” I’ve walked this trail so many times I could do it in my sleep, but it never gets old.

We step into the clearing, and the lake becomes visible. Quincy looks around in
awe, and I know she feels it too. Taking her hand, I walk down to the pier overlooking the water. “Yeah. I knew you’d like this. When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to fish here.” We take our shoes off, sit on the pier, and dip our feet into the water.

Leaning back on her arms, she raises her face to the sun.
My eyes roam over her features, her soft lips, the curve of her jaw. I notice, for the first time, the very faint, very cute, freckles sprinkled across her nose.

“This is great, Brody. If this were mine, you wouldn’t be able to keep me away. I would come up here every chance I had.”
Yeah, and if she were mine, she wouldn’t be able to keep me away either.

“I try to come when I can, but school and work keep me pretty busy. Maybe you can come back up here when there is snow on the mountains.”
Winter in the mountains is my favorite time of the year.

When I first saw the cabin, I imagined how beautiful it would be in the snow.” I study her face, and I realize she means it. She’s telling the truth when she says she loves it up here. She hasn’t complained even once about the heat or sweat. That is strangely sexy.

Sitting in the sun, making small talk, I feel as if we have bonded for the first time. She’s more than a hot girl I met at a party that I just can’t get out of my head. We actually have a lot in common. I just hope it’s enough.

On the way back, Quincy begins to lag behind, and she gets quiet back there. Very quiet. I don’t want to give her too much time to think, so I wait for her to catch up, and I take her hand in mine. We walk the rest of the way back in silence, but unlike before, it’s a comfortable silence.

My hand feels as if it’s on fire, and I glance over to see if
the warmth is contagious. This feeling is what I tried to ignore, but I know now that it was impossible.
was always going to happen.

I know she’s tired, so when we go inside, I send her to rest. “
Go watch TV or take a nap. I’m gonna get some stuff together for dinner.” Suddenly, she seems a little shy. Leaning against the doorway, her face flushes as she watches me move around the kitchen. She stays for a few minutes, but when I turn around, she's gone.

Assuming she went to take a nap, I find the chicken and mix some marinade for it. I guess there are some advantages to having a mom who can cook. I love to cook, but the guys inhale it so fast they don’t have time to appreciate it.

After I get the kitchen under control, I go in search of Quincy. She’s not downstairs, so I figure she’s sleeping. I find some football on TV and sit back to watch the game. My mind wanders upstairs, and I wish I was up there with her.
Patience, Brody. Patience.

I’m kind of surprised when she walks down the stairs only a few minutes later. She walks, with her head down, to the couch and sits beside me, allowing a safe distance between us. Scooting closer, I put my arm around her shoulders to pull her
into me.

Hey, I’m not going to bite. Remember, nothing will happen that you aren’t ready for.”

Her eyes rise up to meet mine.
Holy shit.
She no longer looks timid and shy. Instead, she looks like a woman on a mission. Her eyes never leave mine as she slowly stands and moves across my lap. Straddling me, she looks deep into my eyes. If she had any doubts before, I think they have been erased. She went upstairs as one girl and came down another.

Her face comes down to meet mine, and I allow her to take control
. Her lips whisper across mine, tasting, exploring, showing me what she wants. Her eyes close, and she pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. I sit up straighter, pulling her to me as I take control of the kiss. Our tongues dance, a slow, tortuous rhythm, lighting a fire inside of me, feeding it until I almost come undone.

Reaching behind her, I gently pull her hair band loose, releasing her hair. I wrap my hands in i
t, using it to deepen the kiss. She begins grinding her hips into me, riding me through my shorts, and I start thinking I might lose it if she doesn’t stop.

mn, girl. What are you doing to me?” I feel like a teenager touching a girl for the first time.

“Touch me, Brody.”
Fuck me.
Little Miss Perfect talking dirty, telling me what she wants, is quite possibly the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Her hips push into me again, driving me a little crazier with each touch. I shift, lifting her across my lap to cradle her in my arms. When I stand, she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me close, as she continues to kiss me.

Up the stairs and to my bedroom
, right where I imagined we would be. I lower her to the bed and pull away. She lays back and gazes up at me with desire in her eyes. When I wanted her to come to me, I didn’t know it would be like this. That it would set every inch of me, inside and out, on fire.

Slow down, Quince. I want to memorize every detail of your body. I want to know where every freckle is, and I want to kiss every one of them.”

he watches, her eyes skimming my body, as I reach over my shoulder and pull my shirt over my head. Slowly, enjoying the show, I reach for my shorts, unbuttoning them and lowering them over my hips. Standing there, in only my boxer briefs, I look down at Quincy. She is breathtaking, stealing each breath as it escapes my chest. Her hair is loose and wild, pouring over her shoulders and pooling on the bed behind her. Her eyes widen when they reach my hips, but there isn’t a hint of hesitation. Laying here, on my bed, her eyes roaming over my body... there are no words to describe this moment. Beautiful. Amazing. A dream.

I crawl, slowly, up her body. My senses are overwhelmed with
everything that is her. Her smell, soft skin, ragged breathing, pounding heart. All of her. I force myself to slow down, for her and for me. This is her first time, of that I'm now certain, and she’s giving herself to me, though I know I don’t deserve it. I can, however, make sure she enjoys it, hope she doesn’t regret it. Maybe even make it… special. Worth it.

Lowering my head
, I trail gentle kisses down her neck and across her chest. Her body trembles lightly underneath me, and when I reach for the hem of her shirt and gently push it up, I can’t resist tasting the soft, creamy skin of her stomach. Her back arches toward me, urging me on. I tug her shirt upwards until she lifts her arms so I can pull it over her head. Throwing it to the floor, I reach for the clasp of her bra. Her body tenses beneath me, so I begin kissing her neck once more, distracting her as I lower the straps of her bra over her shoulders and throw it to the floor. A bead of sweat rolls down my forehead, dropping into the valley of her throat. My tongue skims over the tender spot, erasing my mark on her flawless body while my fingers linger and unzip her shorts. As I push them down, my lips never leaving her body, she raises her hips, allowing me to slide her shorts lower. Reaching her ankles, she kicks them off, and I raise up on my elbow, my eyes devouring her increasingly exposed body. A pink blush steals across her face, and she brings up her arm to cover her breasts.

I block her arm, saying,
“Oh, no, baby. I want to see every beautiful inch of you. Every. Single. Inch.” If possible, her face turns an even brighter shade of pink, driving me over the edge. When I lower my mouth to her stomach, she begins writhing against me, her fists tangled in the sheets. Raising up on my knees, I move lower. Lower, until my lips graze the inside of her thigh. As I lick, taste, and torture her, she begins to lose control. Her hands wrap in my hair.

“Brody.” That word, my name, on her lips is so fucking b

As I kiss up her thigh, her legs wrap tightly around my shoulders, both pulling me closer and pushing me away. I reach above my head, hooking my fingers in her panties, a scrap of light pink lace. I wouldn’t have expected anything else. Slowly, I slide them down until I'm kneeling between her legs. I'm overcome with something, some emotion I can't even name.

“My God, you are beautiful. And you have no idea. No idea what you do to me. I don’t deserve this.”
I should stop. But I don’t. I can’t.

Lowering myself on top of her, I settle between her thighs, my hips aligned with hers. And finally, I lower my mouth to hers, a melding of our lips, tongues battling one another. She arches into me, wrapping her legs around my waist, begging for relief.

“Brody, please,” she whispers, her breath heating my skin. This is it. The edge of never. We stop here or we go over.

“Quince, if you want to stop, say it now. If we go any further, I’m going to lose my mind.”
I may not want to stop, but if she gives me the word, I will. I look down into her face, and I see her answer. Her eyes meet mine, never wavering, whispering, ‘yes’. Each breath becomes more elusive, and in the pure innocence of this moment, I feel as if I could drown in her beauty. She nods a slight nod, one I’m afraid I imagined.

As our lips meet, I close my eyes, just feeling, trying not to think.
Her hands go to my waistband, a gentle tug, pushing them down. I break the kiss, my lips leaving hers only long enough to push my briefs down and off. Reaching into the bedside table, I find a condom and slowly roll it on. Her eyes follow my hands, wide with curiosity. Her legs nudge me, pulling me down.

Our hips meet, nothing between us, and she’s ready for me. We kiss, and I try to tell her everything in that kiss
, everything I can’t say out loud. My hips press into her, her legs tightening around me. This is going to hurt her.

“Baby, relax. I’m going to take it slow. Open your legs for me.”
She relaxes, her thighs falling open in invitation.
Holy shit. Crazy sexy

I run my hands down her waist, around to the back to cup her hips. With her legs open, our mouths fused together, I line up and push into her swiftly. Her body bucks against me, her legs tightening around my waist. After taking a few deep breaths, I feel her relax around me, and I caress her body,
rubbing the pain away. I begin to move, slowly at first, guiding her hips with my hands. She comes alive under my touch, wrapping her legs around me, hesitantly raising her hips to meet mine.

When I feel h
er still beneath me, I know she's close, and I roll my hips into her until she stiffens and convulses around me. Her quiet moans push me over the edge, and I explode inside of her. While I ride it out, her fingers gently stroke my back until I can no longer move. Draping my arms around her, I roll onto my back, pulling her with me. We lay together as our breathing calms and our hearts pound in our chests.

“Let me go take care of this.”
I sit up, reluctantly letting her go. Her eyes, wide and unblinking, follow me as I cross the room, remove the condom, and throw it away. She's either in heaven or in shock. Please, please let it be heaven.

I crawl back into bed with her, pulling her close to me.
“Are you alright, Quince? The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.” For a moment, she's silent. All I can think is that I’ve made a mistake. She wasn’t ready.

“Brody that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Instant. Relief.

“Me, too, babe.”
I smile and plant a kiss on top of her head. “Me, too.” Really,
doesn’t even touch it. There are no words for what just happened. I wrap my arms around her, feeling, for the first time, that maybe I didn’t screw this up after all.




BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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