FALLING: The Negative Ion Series (10 page)

BOOK: FALLING: The Negative Ion Series
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He nodded then slowly pushed
more of himself inside me. That hurt like fuck and I screamed as I gripped him.

“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to scream!”

“Don’t apologize, baby,” Jaxen breathlessly soothed. “I know this is bad but I promise it will get better.”

“I know… I’m sorry. Sorry! Shit! Sorry! Dammit…”

Jaxen chuckled in my ear then pushed all the way in, making me gasp as he laid still as I got use to him inside me. I dug my fingers in his back and we panted together, gripping one another.

“I’m going to move now, okay?”

I nodded and slowly Jaxen began to move. It hurt at first, then gradually, I forgot about the pain. I started to feel that glorious tingling and knew I was coming again. I moaned and moved with him. His thrusts picked up and he started panting like a dog, and I felt desperate for him to keep moving as I clawed at his back.

“God! Yes!” I moaned.

“Yes, baby! Let go with me!”

And I did. I came so hard I got a headache and
Jaxen started moving like he was having a seizure while inside me. Suddenly, he stilled and held his breath against neck. Finally, he panted, long and hard breaths into my neck and I held him to me.

Jaxen chuckled. “You would think it was my first time, too!”

I giggle
d and rubbed his back. “It was your first time with me.”

Ohhhhh! Right! How could I forget that?” he chuckles again. “Well, my first time with you was awesome. For me at least.” He raised his head and worriedly looked at me. “Are you okay?”

’m more than okay,” I grin. “I just had sex for the first time and it was with the man I love.”

“I love you, too,”
Jaxen smiled then softly kissed my lips. He rolled off me and laid behind me after he threw away the condom.

“I can’t wait to do that again.”

“Baby, give me at least five minutes before you start making demands on me,” Jaxen chuckled.

“Sorry, I just really enjoyed that.
Well… not the beginning. That really sucked!”

I know it did. I’m so sorry, baby. It shouldn’t ever again.”

I know. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Are you sure it was okay for you?”

turned me around then and looked deep in my eyes. “It was more than okay. Well worth the wait.”

I leaned up and kissed him
, holding him close to me. After a few minutes of that, I felt him harden again and he grinned.

I swear my smile was as big as Texas.

And yeah… over the next day and a half, we used all sixteen condoms.


51 Days to go…


Itsy, please!”

I grinned at her and kept snapping.
“One more, Mom! I swear!”

Kimber, honey,” Daddy sighed. “You said that 2 megabytes ago!”

I tutted them all.
“My parents just got married! I need to commemorate this for my little brother or sister!”

I continued
snapping. Even Jaxen tried taking the camera but I wouldn’t let him. Even though I would never forget May 29th, I still wanted as many pictures I could get.

Mom looked beautiful
. She had her auburn hair piled high on her head with long tendrils kissing her shoulders. She had minimal makeup and was still glowing. It must be the baby, I thought as my eyes swept down her body in the peach lacy dress she chose. She flat out refused to wear white, no matter how much Jaxen’s mom Sara, Samantha and I tried to talk her into it.

“Look, I’m 39
½ and very visibly pregnant. I sorta think the cat’s out the bag, babe,”
Mom sighed in the dress shop when the sales girl brought out yet another beautiful white dress.

flew out the next morning and has been here since, reassigning his cases and working via email, refusing to leave Mom’s side. It was quite funny to see Mom arranging a quickie wedding on one phone and Daddy working on tortes and writs on another but somehow they both succeeded and never complained.

My grandparents came in from New York for the wedding and were now pinching
Jaxen’s cheeks. Gramps while asking when he was proposing and Grams while complaining that he was too thin. I giggled at the sight and refused to save him. To his credit, he smiled through it all and nodded, agreeing with everything they were saying.

and Parker set a date for their wedding after Mom threatened them not to do it any sooner than it took for her to get her body back. They both said they weren’t going anywhere in the interim and agreed. They set the date for the last weekend in July of next year. I told myself I better start praying now. Mom and Terri in the same church, reception hall and after party. That was going to be beyond tense.

Mom’s parents both passed away. I was 7 when Grampa died, 13 when Grammy went. M
om was devastated at both of their deaths. They supported her with everything including having me and Grammy and I had fun when she babysat while Mom did her police training.

Both deaths were a shock: Grampa had a heart attack while golfing and Grammy was in an auto accident. Mom was one of the first on the scene and had to be restrained when
she saw her mother’s car. Grammy was already gone and her fellow officers kept her from seeing her body.

When Mom told me about Grammy, I cried and cried. I knew then I would miss her
every day. I have. They both would have loved seeing Mom so happy and glowing as she is right now, marrying the man she has always loved.

“I’m so jealous right now,
Itsy,” Samantha sighed as she nudged me out of my daydream.

Really? Why, Sammi?”

“I’ve never seen my parents look at each
other like this.”

I popped my tongue.
“Your parents
look at each other like this. How have you not seen that?”

frowned at me. “Are you kidding?”

“No,” I laugh. “
Jaxen rolls his eyes at them. Look! They’re doing it now.”

turned to where I was looking and her jaw dropped. Her parents were making goo-goo eyes while dancing slowly. Jaxen was focusing elsewhere and Macy was making gagging gestures with some of my cousins.

“Oh, God. How have I never seen this before?
is so embarrassing!”

I giggle.
“But you were jealous a few seconds ago!”

“Not anymore! Ewww,”
Samantha shudders. I laugh as Parker walks over and puts an arm around both of us.

I need to disappear for a couple of weeks,” Parker sighed. “My mother is home seething and blowing up my cell. I had to shut the fucking thing off. I think this is the worst day of her life.”

“Why? She has Rafe,”
Samantha frowns.

Parker shrugs.
“She says Dad was the love of her life and it hurts that he never wanted her like he did Shay. Rafe is basically a settle. Shame, too. They could have made more babies together if she had just loosened up.”

I nod at that. Parker could have had more than me growing up. He was
good to me but not enough. We rarely saw one another until we were old enough to travel on our own. It wasn’t until Mom got pregnant did I realize I missed having in-house siblings. My poor new sibling won’t have in-house siblings either, since I have work then law school and Parker will have work and will be married and hopefully starting a family soon after. I made a mental promise to try and make time for the new baby.

My grandparents finally let go of
Jaxen and he walked over to where we were. He frowned as he dropped in a chair while rubbing his cheeks.

“I so lost street cred just now. Fuck. I thought old people had arthritis
or some shit and couldn’t use their hands that much.”

“Imagine going through that for 25 years, dude
,” Parker grinned. “Every fuckin’ time they come around they are reaching for my cheeks. Thank God I had the sense to send them to you!”

,” Jaxen snarled. “Dude… I swear I’m fuckin’ you up later! Damn warning would have been nice.”

“Dude,” Parker chuckled. “
Warning? What’s the fun in that? Nothing you can do, man!”

Jaxen snorted. “Samantha, your engagement is off. I take back my permission for you to marry this guy.”

sighs and lowers her head. “Okay. Can I keep the ring? I kinda like it.”

“Keep it
for now. Itsy and I can pawn it later for matching motorcycles.”

I choked on my water at that.

Parker scowled and shook his head as he patted my back. “You both are nuts if you think I believe this bullshit.”

“You better believe it, Parker.
Samantha listens to me.”

Parker smirks then leans into
Samantha’s ear, softly whispering then, as her eyes hood, he softly blows into her ear.

Jax…” Samantha croaks. “Fuck off. I am definitely marrying Parker.”

and Parker laugh and I join in as Samantha goes bright red.


Mom and Dad left the party right
after they cut the cake, going on a brief honeymoon to Mexico. Jaxen and I planned to stay in the hotel where the reception was being held. We’d done, um… something… once in Mom’s house and it was beyond… whoo… but I felt funny being intimate with Jaxen in my mother’s house, and his, so this was a compromise. Four days alone with Jaxen. I couldn’t wait.

Over the days we’d been together, I accompanied him to see what his life was like outside of me. I’d been to the tattoo parlor damn near every day and watched closely as he turned bare skin into works of art.
He gave skulls and crossbones, crosses, flowers, animals, crests… anything that was put in front of him. One guy actually had the golden arches tattooed on his rather large back side with the words ‘
McD’s is responsible for this’.
When he left, Jaxen and I had a good long laugh.

I’d also seen
Jaxen give some piercings. He mostly did navels and ears but a couple times, someone came into the parlor for something personal pierced. Nipples, clits, crowns… I left the room the first couple times that was requested and it killed me to know he hand his hands near another woman’s sensitive area and had to remind myself it was just a piercing. I really wanted to lose it when a woman would leave the room with a huge smile on her face. After the third time, I asked Jaxen why some smile afterwards.

“Those are usually the ones that have had their clit hood pierced.”

Still confused, I shook my head. “And?”

“And they are… stimulated, baby.”

“You mean they…?” I asked in a screeching tone.

“Oh, yeah. All over my hands sometimes. You’d be surprised how sensitive some women are in that area. Moving through the procedure faster only gets them there faster so I take my time and wear two pair of gloves.”

After that, I admit, I got curious. I wanted to see. It took weeks, but a woman came in an
d specifically asked for Jaxen, who had just finished a four hour tattoo on a woman who wanted a vine of colorless roses up her side. He’d done a beautiful job and I told him so. He sat me on his lap and we started making out when the intercom chimed in his cubicle that he had a customer.

The woman was beautiful with flowing black hair that looked stunning. I
decided I wanted that hair color and started making plans in my head to get that done soon.

My boyfriend held out his hand and nodded
to the woman. “Hi, I’m Jaxen. What can I do for you?”

I’m Asha. My girl was in here, maybe a month ago with some friends. She said you did her tats and pierced her clit hood. I want the same thing. Clit hood, I mean.”

“Okay. Horizontal or vertical?”

“Horizontal. And she said you made her squirt. Try not to do that with me.”

“Miss, I never do that on purpose. You kn
ow how sensitive that area is, moreso to a few, to any stimulation and sometimes it happens.”

“I guess. Just as long as it’s not on purpose if it happens.”

“It won’t be, I promise. That’s not the type of shop Skull runs,” Jaxen said then started telling her the pros and cons, risks and possible benefits.

“Are you sure yo
u want to go through with this?” Jaxen asked her when he’d finished his speech.

“Oh, yeah. My girl can’t have all the fun.”

Jaxen laughed then pointed to me. “This is my girlfriend, Kimber. She’s never seen it done. Mind if she watches?”

looks me up and down, a slow smile crossing her lips. “Nope. Wait… are you training her? Cause if you are, I’ll wait until she’s ready and come back and let her pretty face do me.”

I blushed and
Jaxen laughed as he put a fresh sheet on his table. “No, Asha, she’s just a curious observer.”

but it’s still okay for her to watch,” Asha grinned. “I’m ready when you are and I’m waxed.”

Jaxen nodded. “Sign the consent and the form that says you understand everything I’ve explained.”

Jaxen closed his curtain and put up his ‘personal piercing in progress’ sign as
Asha took a moment to look every sheet of paper over then signed and handed the clipboard back to Jaxen.

Take off everything below the waist and hop up here. Try to relax. It’s almost like going to the doctor except I won’t be sticking anything inside you.”

Asha nodded as she stripped. She got on the table and I quietly watched as Jaxen put on two pair of gloves and opened a sterilized utensil pack.

“Okay, I’ll explain what I’m doing before I do it. Ready?”

“Wait. Okay. No, wait. Okay. NO! Dammit. Kimber, hold my hand!”

I smiled then took her hand, which she gripped tight.

I watched the entire thing while she squirmed on the table, Jaxen softly telling her the steps before he did anything and patiently waited after his explanations for permission to continue. Finally, he screwed on the end of the curved barbell she chose and cleaned her up. She came twice.

I looked at
Jaxen and he appeared to be normal, as if he hadn’t noticed either release. He had to, right? He was right there at her opening with his eyes intent on what he was doing.

said he was finished then again gave her after care instructions.

Jaxen, I understand and be as diligent as my girl was.”

“Good. That wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be, right?”
Jaxen smiled at her.

“What? The piercing?
” Asha smirked as she put her clothes back on. “Uh, that’s not why I was nervous.”

Jaxen shook his head.
“It wasn’t? Mind if I ask why then?”

“Nope. I haven’t had a man
touch me there since I was 17. You made me cum twice. Shit. The last guy couldn’t even get me to pant. Good job, you. Let’s do my navel while I’m here.”

I couldn’t help
but to laugh at her. Jaxen quickly did her navel and gave her the instructions on that after care. After she left, I laughed hard while Jaxen cleaned off the table.

“What’s so funny, baby?”

I snorted as Jaxen washed and dried his hands, trying hard to control my giggles as his arms came around me.

BOOK: FALLING: The Negative Ion Series
10.54Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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