Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance
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They took turns
rubbing sunscreen on each other before they gazed out at the water.
Gianni had packed her sunglasses too. She slipped them on before she
went back to watching kids play in the sand, teenagers goofing around
in the water and in the distance, surfers riding the waves. It all
felt very peaceful. She heard her phone ring from inside of the bag.
Reaching in, she saw Cassie’s face on the screen.

“I thought you
were mad at me,” Kenzie said when she picked up.

“I was, but I’m
not anymore. I’m sorry I snapped at you. Do you think we can
meet up, have a drink?”

Kenzie bit her lip.
“I’m at the beach right now…”

“I can meet you
there in an hour. Is that okay? I’m going to rent a room. Do
you think you can ditch the bodyguards? I really want to talk to you,

Kenzie glanced over at
Gianni who was still staring off into the distance, a smile on his
face. “I can do that.”

“Great! I’ll
see you in an hour.”

Kenzie spent the next
hour going back into the water. Every time she came out again, she
immediately wanted to be back under the waves, but she was getting
tired. Gianni bought her a sports drink that she thanked him for.
When she glanced at her phone there was a text.

“Meet me here.”

There was an address
in the text that she knew well enough. She tied a white wrap around
her waist before she headed into a nearby restaurant. It was easy
enough to slip out of the window in the bathroom, take the alleyway
to the hotel. She wondered what Cassie had to talk about that was so
important? Her grandfather dying was obviously important, but talking
about it didn’t have to be done in secret.

Kenzie walked up to
the front desk, expecting to ask what room her friend was in.
Instead, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped, pressed a hand
to her chest as she saw Cassie. Her friend had definitely looked
better. Her eyes were red lined from crying, she had lost weight and
Kenzie quickly realized that she wasn’t wearing a single
designer label. At that moment she knew something was wrong.

“Hey, let’s
go to my room.”

Kenzie nodded as she
followed behind her. Quickly, she slipped out her phone, texted
Gianni before she shut the volume off. As they stepped off of the
elevator, Cassie was moving so fast it was hard to keep up. She
glanced at the room number, 231. She texted that to Gianni as well.
When Cassie beckoned her into the room, she hesitated. There was a
knot in her stomach, something screaming at her to get out of there.

“Maybe we could
talk at a restaurant or something,” Kenzie said slowly. “I
forgot how hungry I was after all that swimming.”

Cassie grinned. “Well,
I guess you figured it out. I should have known you would get it. You
know me too well.”

The woman reached
behind her before she pulled out a gun, aiming it at Kenzie’s
chest. She gestured for the woman to come forward into the darkened
room. Kenzie’s feet felt like they were encased in lead. The
last thing she wanted to do was step foot inside of that room. Once
she was inside, Cassie slammed the door shut before throwing on the
lock. Kenzie pressed her back up against the door as Cassie walked
over to the bed. Her fingers fumbled with the lock,but she flipped it
with a small click. She pushed herself off of the door.

“Why are you
doing this Cassie? We’re friends.”

The woman scoffed.
“No, we were friends. Until all the world heard Kenzie’s
voice and fell in love. I was completely forgotten. We started
singing together, remember that? Whatever happened to not leaving a
friend behind?”

“That wasn’t
my fault. I wanted you with me. You couldn’t sing, remember?
Besides,” she said quickly as the woman walked towards her,
“you have your modeling career. You’re great at that.”

Cassie laughed. “Not
so great. I was fired last year. You didn’t notice because you
were too busy talking about yourself as usual. Don’t worry, I’m
not going to shoot you. I’m just waiting for a friend.”

Kenzie had some idea
who that friend was. A door connecting Cassie’s room to the one
next to it opened. The hooded man walked through, glancing at Kenzie
before he talked to Cassie.

“No one followed
her. She ditched them.”

“Good girl,”
Cassie said with a grin. “I always knew you were a moron. Well,
Frankie’s going to kill you now. I’m just here to watch
the show,” she said as she settled into a chair. “It’s
kind of perfect don’t you think? Make you think you have this
obsessed stalker when really it’s me the whole time? I was the
one who left the letters in your room at the concert too, no one ever
suspects the best friend. Frankie’s just the hired help.”

Kenzie shook her head.
She felt disgust and revulsion take over her. How could her best
friend betray her over something that wasn’t even her fault?
She didn’t have time for questions, so she didn’t ask
them. Frankie was advancing on her, a new knife in his hand. This one
looked bigger. She was prepared to fight, prepared to do whatever it
took because she refused to let him hurt her again.

There was a knock on
the door behind her back. She glanced at it. Frankie stopped, his
eyes wide as he glanced over to Cassie. The woman rolled her eyes,
stood up before she walked closer to the door.

“Who is it?”
Cassie called.

No response. She held
the gun up higher, but Kenzie moved out of the way of the door
entirely, sliding to the side bit by bit. When she was sure Cassie’s
eyes were still trained on the door along with Frankie’s she
threw it open. Gianni was in the room before she could warn him about
the gun. Cassie pulled the trigger.

Gianni kept moving. It
was enough to give her relief that he hadn’t been wounded.
Kenzie ran at Cassie, pushed her to the ground. The gun fell from her
fingers. Kenzie scrambled after it as Gianni went after Frankie. The
man had tried to slip back into his room on the other side, but
Gianni was blocking his path. It was Gianni’s turn to do a
little damage.

Kenzie’s head
snapped back, her hair pulled so hard that it burned. She yelped and
gripped her hair as Cassie crawled past her. Kenzie pushed the pain
aside as she jumped on her back. There was no way she was going to
let the unstable woman get her hands on the gun again. Out of the
corner of her eye, she saw Gianni deliver such a hard punch that
Frankie lost his footing. He landed on the floor, howling as he
clutched his bleeding nose.

Gianni left him on the
floor as he walked over, picked up Cassie’s gun and shoved it
into the back of his pants. The other two guards rushed in. Each one
grabbed Cassie or Frankie as they waited for the police to show up.
They were taken downstairs while Gianni and Kenzie caught their

over,” Kenzie said finally as she wiped her cheek. “It’s
really over.”

They made their way
downstairs among a crowd of people. Gianni agreed to make a statement
at the station. It was only then that she noticed blood on his arm.
She pushed his sleeve up quickly.

“It’s just
a graze, I’m okay. Your friend had really bad aim.”

They both laughed. It
dissolved into a mess of her crying, laughing. Relief flooded her
body. They followed the police to the station, gave their statements.
As they left, she passed Cassie. Her eyes were cold.

“I still can’t
believe she would do this to me. If she had asked, I would have
helped her.”

“You can’t
help those who don’t want to be saved.”

“Still, I kind
of feel like it is my fault. I mean, I was only thinking about me.
None of this might have happened if I’d just paid her a little
more attention.”

Gianni gripped her
arms. “Kenzie, listen to me. There is nothing you could have
done to change things. If she was having trouble, she should have
said something to you. It’s as simple as that. The fact is, she
didn’t want help. She wanted to feel sorry for herself. She
wanted to make someone hurt. Her misery doesn’t excuse

Kenzie nodded, tears
brimming on her eyes again. He took her against him, hugged her until
she’d stopped crying. His hand stroked her back, as she held
onto him. She was sad to see the end of their friendship, but that
still didn’t stop the feeling of relief that flooded her body.
She was free.

She already knew her
picture would be all over the papers and the TV the next day. Part of
her wanted to retreat to the little house, but the other part of her
didn’t want to go. They rented a room on the beach. The other
guards left after she’d thanked them. Kenzie made sure to give
all of them bonuses. It was almost sad to see them go. Still, it was
a relief to feel like a regular person again.

She and Gianni settled
into the room. First, she made him let her clean his cut. After that
was finished, she ran them a bath in a huge tub. The water was almost
steamy when she shed her clothes and slipped in. They ordered up a
bottle of champagne, toasted their success.

“I have to say,
it was kind of a turn on seeing you fight like that,” Gianni
said after they’d downed their first glasses.

“Maybe I’ll
go into your line of work,” she said with a grin.

He laughed. “Really?”
He said as he moved closer. “I might like seeing you be a bad

Kenzie giggled, her
mouth close to his. “I’m already a bad ass.”

“That’s my
They kissed, their mouths sliding against each
other’s slowly before they picked up speed. Gianni’s
mouth captured hers. The adrenaline hadn’t yet left their
bodies. It made him even bolder. His tongue slipped into her mouth
and ran over her tongue with ferocious strength that made her knees
shake. His hands gripped her slick, naked body beneath the water, his
fingers searching every inch of her curves.

Water sloshed over the
sides of the tub as they kissed each other passionately. Her fingers
went to the back of his neck, dug into his skin as she slipped onto
his lap. She could feel his throbbing erection pressed against her
pussy. He began to grind against her. It was enough to drive her mad.
She wasn’t going to let him have all of the control this time.

“Sit on the side
of the tub,” she said, her voice heavy.

Gianni raised a
curious eyebrow, but he did what he was told. She moved between his
thighs. Her fingers trailed over his skin as she looked up at him.
She watched his stomach clench in nervous anticipation, it made her
smile to see him on the receiving end this time. Her thin fingers
traveled the length of his cock slowly.

tease me,” he said.

“Say please,”
she teased.

“Please, don’t
tease me baby.”

Electricity shot
through her body, she felt her pussy clench tightly. Kenzie tilted
her head and dragged her tongue over his balls. She sucked them into
her mouth gently, teasing them with her tongue before she let them
go. Her mouth wrapped around his hardened cock. She sucked him down
to the base, sat there for a moment letting him twitch and throb
within the hot, wet confines of her mouth.

Kenzie let her mouth
slide over his shaft. The deep moans that slipped from his lips were
encouragement to her eager mouth. She twisted her head, let the wet,
sucking sounds pour out unbridled. His hands were gripping the edge
of the tub, fingers digging into the linoleum. She could feel his
hips bucking, his cock driving into her throat. She moaned around
him, the vibrations making him shiver as he looked down at her.

Kenzie slipped her
mouth off of his cock, let her tongue swirl over his flesh. Her lips
wrapped around the head of his cock, sucking until he was panting.
She could see the tenseness in his stomach muscles, knew that he
would explode in her mouth soon if she kept it up. She brought him to
the edge, then removed her lips from his cock slowly.

Gianni looked at her in
surprise as she grinned. “Okay, I see what this is. My turn,”
he said.

Kenzie squealed as he
slipped into the water. He gripped her hair, pushed her up against
the edge of the tub. His fingers slid against her already wet slit
before he pressed two fingers inside of her. Gianni didn’t go
easy on her as he pounded her pussy with his thick fingers. She
squirmed, and, cried out as he thrust into her. She could feel her
orgasm coming, her pussy clenching around his desperate fingers. He

A little growl of
frustration ripped from her throat as he laughed. She turned to him,
but he pushed her back around, her breasts pressing up against the
side of the tub. Kenzie felt his arms reach around her body and grip
her breasts. She moaned as his fingers twisted, pulled on her
nipples. The sensation made her drop her hand down the front of her
body, her fingers pushing her pussy lips apart to stroke on her clit.
His cock pressed against her ass, his teasing thrusts rubbing over
her skin. She found herself grinding back, wanting him to fill her.

Gianni couldn’t
take the teasing anymore. He rubbed the head of his cock against her
opening. She held her breath in anticipation of the moment he slid
inside of her, there was nothing like it. Gianni seemed to know this,
took his time building up both of their tension before he pushed
himself inside of her.

Kenzie cried out, her
moan traveling from the tips of her toes as they curled beneath the
water. His hands gripped her hips as he thrust inside of her deeper.
She felt his hands travel up her back before he grabbed a hold of her
shoulders pulling himself fully inside of her. Her fingers gripped
the tub so tightly she was slightly surprised she hadn’t broken
through it. His thrusting picked up speed, water spilling over the
side of the tub as she met his every thrust with her hips pushed

Gianni became
frustrated with the water. He slipped his cock out of her in one,
swift movement making her gasp. As he stepped out of the tub, he took
her hand, pulling her along with him. Kenzie was picked up into his
strong arms, her ass placed on the marble of the long sink. He yanked
her hips towards him making her fall back on her elbows. He sank into
her pussy once more, the warmth and wetness enough to almost make him
explode at that moment.

BOOK: Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance
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