Read Faithful to a Fault Online

Authors: K. J. Reed

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Faithful to a Fault (7 page)

BOOK: Faithful to a Fault
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He gave her a side glance, surprise edging out the wariness in his eyes. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t resist when she pushed his shoulder to lie flat on the bed. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, another under his ear, working around his jaw.

“You know, I think we could—”

“Shh.” She cut off his words with a kiss. Anything he had to say, they could talk about later. He was unresponsive for a moment, then a deep rumble from his chest sounded and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her over his body. It was like lying across stone, his body was so hard. Especially one bit of anatomy she was particularly interested in. She wiggled her hips and he thrust back, his denim-covered cock pressing into her groin.

Maybe later they’d get to that. But first, she had payment in mind. A little thank-you for the morning wake-up call. She slithered down his body, not letting an inch of space between them, until she could unbuckle his belt and tug his jeans and boxers down his thighs. His cock sprang free, lying against his stomach. He lifted up to help her push the jeans down to his calves.

“Sarah, I—”

“Nope. I don’t want to hear it.” She bit the inside of his thigh and he hissed in a breath. “I want to do this for you. So you’ll shut up and like it,” she said with a grin.

Pete closed his eyes and muttered something that sounded like “God help me,” but she didn’t stop to confirm. Instead she took little nibbling bites all around his erection, making sure to miss the appendage completely. His hips rotated, trying to find her mouth, but she pressed a palm down to keep him still.

Sarah drifted lower until her chin rested in the line between his thighs. Without thinking
she drew a path with her tongue
up between his balls.


Sarah paused, but could tell by the way his hands fisted in the bedspread the expletive was a very positive response.

With one hand she pulled his cock away from his stomach. Resting on her elbows, she licked the tip like an ice-cream cone. Just enough to make him squirm, way too little to make a dent in the tension he was carrying. His head was back all the way. She could see the strong line of his throat as he swallowed, the square cut of his jaw. But not his eyes.

She took his cock in as far as possible, using her fist to cover the rest of his length, then sucked. Each pass she increased the pressure, then she would change the pace. Inching down and up, followed by a few quick passes had Pete groaning curses. If her lips weren’t wrapped around his shaft, she’d have smiled.

Pete gave up the battle and threaded his fingers through her hair. When she glanced up, he was staring at her.

“Swallow it,” he rasped. “All the way.”

The thought was intimidating. What did he think she was, some super-star porn magnet? But after one failed attempt, and Pete’s soothing encouragement, she swallowed as she went down, and the fear slipped away.

“Holy mother of—” Pete’s head dropped back again. He was close, she could feel it. Taking her free hand, she cupped his balls and ran a thumb down the middle, massaging them in time with her suction.

“Oh fuck. That’s it. That’s—” He didn’t finish before Sarah felt the warm streams of come slide down the back of her throat. She sucked and licked until he was done. Pete seemed unable to move, so she shifted until she could pull the covers over them. Curling up on her side next to Pete, she rested one hand on his chest. The even beat of his heart, the rise and fall of his deep breathing was a comfort like nothing she’d had before.

* * * * *


An hour later, Pete woke to the smell of lavender, the feel of a soft body pressed against his, and too many thoughts to process.

They were still dressed. Christ, they hadn’t even taken the time to get undressed. Well, his pants were chilling around his ankles, but the rest of them was fully clothed.

He shouldn’t have let that happen. Not with everything so up in the air, so unbalanced. But the look she’d given him. Just the feel of her arms around him after the end of a long day. He’d been undone. He didn’t want to give it up. Give up the comfort, the intimacy they were working toward.

Pete let his hand stroke Sarah’s hair absently. She stirred then settled, her breath fanning his neck. Never did he think sharing a bed with someone, having them invade his space, would be such a luxury. One he was loath to lose.

Maybe he wouldn’t have to. Things might get fucked up at first, but Trav was his best friend. He knew that whatever happened in the past, whatever mistake Trav made with his sister, it was unintentional. He wasn’t the kind of guy to ditch and run.

But Sarah… Sarah was still an unknown. Something he’d like to change. Because whatever happened, the possibility of more wasn’t something he was ready to forfeit.

Sarah shifted again and rolled over, her eyes sleepy. “Hey. You’re thinking so loud you woke me up,” she teased. “What’s going on?”

Here was his chance to explain. Set the record straight.

But he couldn’t. He wasn’t a good enough man for that. There was a pliant, willing woman in his arms. A woman he wanted for more than just one night. And likely after the shit hit the fan, he wouldn’t have another night with her for a while. It couldn’t be all that bad to indulge for one more night, steal away a few more memories before he had to step back and figure out the solution.

Decision made, Pete decided that tonight was for making love, and tomorrow was for having a chat. He fiddled with the neckline of Sarah’s sweater. “I’m just wondering what you have going on under this sweater.”

She smiled and gave him a coy look. “Long johns,” she joked.

“That would be a crime against man,” he sighed. With lightning speed, he flipped her so she was under him, giggling. “I hope you were ready for a long night. Because that little display you put on was only an appetizer, as far as I’m concerned.”

Sarah bit her lip and looked to the side before stage whispering, “Can I tell you a secret?”

He nodded, wondering where it was going.

She scooted until she was away from his grip and opened the nightstand drawer. Then she tossed a bottle onto the bed between them.

Pete picked up the cool tube and turned it. Yup, it’s exactly what he thought it was. Lube.

“Sarah.” He looked up, saw her cheeks on fire. But her eyes were steady. “Are you asking for—”


Chapter Six


Why was asking for something so hard?

Of course the “something” wasn’t a cookie or anything so simple. Maybe it was supposed to be hard. Because if you managed to ask without burning up in a fire of embarrassment, you really wanted it. And she wanted Pete. Oh God, she wanted him in every way possible. She trusted him to take care of her. And she wanted him to leave with something special in his mind. A memory that wouldn’t easily be forgotten.

She wouldn’t easily forget him.

Pete sucked in a breath and then with the speed and agility of a cheetah, rolled her over to lay under him.

Sarah waited for the clothing to be torn off. The hands to roam. The frantic need to claw at them. But instead he stood, his eyes never leaving her face.

“What?” She wiped a hand across her face self-consciously.

“You’re just beautiful.”

The words were stark, simple. But there was a complex honesty behind them that made her want to cry. Honesty was one of the things she admired most in him.

Instead, she joked, “You’re not too bad yourself, Marine. Now come down here and give me some attention.”

He shed his shoes and shirt, leaving his jeans on. She took the opportunity as he crawled over her body to admire his golden skin. She learned what she originally thought was a tan turned out to be a gift from a mixture of Greek and Italian heritage. She traced a pattern of thin scars that led from his shoulder down to cover one pectoral.

“What are these from?”

“Razor blades.” When her mouth dropped open, he shrugged and kissed her. “Foster care sucks. What can I say? Sometimes the biological kids take it badly when a new foster kid shows up.”

Sarah’s eyes watered, thinking of the boy being subjected to something so cruel.

“Don’t.” He nuzzled the corner of her eye. “Don’t go there. It’s fine now. No permanent damage done.”

She wasn’t so sure about that but blinked the tears away regardless.

“Good girl,” he murmured. He slipped her sweater over her head, taking his time to skim over every inch of skin he could find. And he found quite a bit, given she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Easy pickins.” He leaned down to nip the underside of her breast, then worked his way down her ribs. Tongue swirling around her navel, he unbuttoned her jeans and worked them down her legs. A thin scrap of lace was the only barrier left.

“A sweater, jeans and then this little flimsy piece of fabric? Interesting choice.”

“A girl has to feel cute sometimes.”

He let the lace scrape down her legs then flipped her over on her stomach with ease. Pushing a pillow under her hips, he massaged his way down her back. Tension she didn’t even know she had leaked out and she sighed.

His hand skimmed over her butt, goose bumps following in their wake.

“Cold? Want me to turn the heater up?”

“No, no don’t.” She turned her head enough to look. “I’m fine.”

He took her at her word. One finger brushed down her crease and she wiggled.

“Tickles,” she said into the pillow.

“You’re going to feel a whole lot more than some tickling.” A cap flipped open on a click. “Sarah, have you done this before?”

“Yes.” Though she knew to relax, she couldn’t fight the anticipation that tightened all her muscles. But instead of feeling the cool, wet brush against her ass, he reached around and flicked her clit with one fingertip.

“Oh,” she breathed and rose up to give him better access.

Slow, torturous circles around swollen flesh made her groan and fight for more. The tingling ball of energy burned low in her belly and she knew she was close. Then without warning, one cool slick finger slid in her tight hole.

She gasped and shifted.

“Shh, relax. You were doing so good. Focus on this.”

He pinched and rubbed her clit and she found herself relaxing, grinding against his fingers. The tension built once more, swirling and stretching for release. Then the bottled-up nerves exploded and she shuddered with release. In the back of her mind, she numbly registered another finger with the first, stretching and scissoring.

So far, just pressure, a slight pull. A new experience to layer on top of the last dredges of her previous orgasm.

“Doing okay, baby?”

“Mmm.” How did she explain that?

“Can you come for me?” His fingers shifted down again and tangled in her damp curls.

Could she? She nodded, willing to try.

His fingers continued to play with her, moving in time with the other hand’s play behind. Pete’s soothing voice smothered any worries, and she was backing up into him before she realized it, her breath coming in pants as another orgasm hovered just out of reach.

Then his stretching, playful fingers were gone. When she turned to look behind her, Pete was coating himself with lube.

He shot her a disarming grin and she smiled in return.

She would get through this if it killed her.

No, that was stupid. She was letting the nerves get to her.

But then he leaned over her, his chest covering her back, and brushed his lips over her shoulders and neck. His lips trailed gentle, opened-mouth kisses along her tingling skin. The nerves fluttered away, lost in the sea of contentment. His hand began its leisurely trail, tracing around her pussy, teasing her clit.

“Pete. Pete, seriously,” she panted out.

“Seriously what?” he asked against her neck, working his lips down her spine.

“I’m close.” The words were said through clenched teeth.

“Good. I want you closer.”

“I don’t think that’s poss— Oh.” The blunt head of his cock pushed against her entrance.

“Focus here,” he reminded her, rubbing faster circles around her swollen bud. “Clear your mind, then zero in right here.”

Sarah let her mind go blank as best she could. The stretch was impossible to ignore. It burned, but only a little. Mentally, she zeroed in, picturing what his hand was doing to her pussy. She visualized his long tan fingers against her damp, pink skin, the patterns he drew, how his fingertips glistened with her moisture. Sarah’s arousal climbed another notch at the erotic mental image.

“God, this is amazing. Tell me you’re okay.”

He was in. Seriously? The fullness, the feel of his balls against her backside when she squirmed confirmed it. “I’m okay.” And she was.

“Good. Then I’m just going to stay here a minute because if I move, it’s all over.” His voice was strained, but she didn’t dare look back. Seeing him fighting that hard for composure might end it for her faster than anything.

But before long, the pressure to stay still was too much and she wiggled.

BOOK: Faithful to a Fault
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