Read Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2) Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Contemporary, #Multicultural

Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2)
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She gifted him with a smile. “I’m going to make you squirm, Kurraine. You just wait and see. Pinkie swear on it?”

She held her hand out, pinkie extended. He did the same thing, and they shook on it.

Chapter Four

Tianna scraped the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Her lips tingled, even now, after the kiss. She wanted more. So much more. Prickles skittered up and down her inner thighs. Her panties had become so damp she wanted to change them. Every move he made behind her, she couldn’t ignore. Her awareness of him had increased tenfold. Every step that thudded on the floor echoed in her head. When he cleared his throat or coughed or sneezed, she stilled, wondering if he had a cold. Right now he stood at the island, scooping out ice cream while water boiled on the stove to make her after-dinner treat, the Irish cream hot chocolate. He didn’t even ask if it was what she wanted. He just did it. It was a truly comforting feeling having someone who just knew you without even having to voice your wants and needs. She didn’t want to get too complacent about this new development in their relationship.

There were a lot of things they would need to clear up before she could really, truly give him all of herself. Her new job for one thing. She couldn’t just pick up and move back to Witch Fields no matter how much she wanted to. Even though she was settled, she hadn’t wanted to admit to missing him like crazy, more than her father. Alexi’s confession of wanting something more serious had come at the perfect time. Her thirty-fifth birthday had gotten her thinking about her future. She’d dedicated most of her adult life to the law firm.

Alexi’s revelation didn’t change much except for her outlook in her personal life.
Could it work between us? We know we’re good in the bedroom. And we’re best friends in real life. Is that all it takes?
Would it just be like their usual interactions? She tried to wrap her head around possibly calling Alexi her boyfriend or significant other.

“You know this relationship, you and me being best friends, really matters to me. I just want you to know how precious this is to me. Besides my pops, you are the most important man in life.” She let the words come out rather than thinking them through. “I want the romance as well. I want it all.” There, out into the ether. She waited for him to say something, make her feel silly for worrying about losing what they originally had.

“We’ve been with each other in good times and bad. We can’t go a day without talking even if we’re mad at each other. You’re the first person I want to talk to when I have news.” He paused. She hung on to that little gap in his speech, waiting to see if there would be a letdown. “We’ll take it slow, but I won’t deny how I feel about you. Like I said before, I love you, Tianna, and I’m in this for the long haul.”

You think that now, the little spear of doubt thrust into her brain. She didn’t dismiss it outright. Instead, she turned over his words and nodded. “Okay, slow it is.”

She knew she was poking the bear, and that’s just what she wanted, so they didn’t get too serious or too worried about what may happen in the future.

“Oh, honey, you have no idea what you’ve started. Ice cream is done. Paranormal or action tonight?” He moved behind her, opened up the freezer, and put the ice cream away before he returned and dumped his utensils in the sink. She rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher.

“Both, duh. And in space.” She followed him into the living room area while he carried a tray with their food into the seating area. Behind her the kettle whistled.

“Damn, almost forgot about that.” She turned around, ready to go back.

“No, sit, get comfy. I’ll make the hot chocolate.” He stepped aside and went back into the kitchen, brushing past her, raising goose bumps on her bare arms and across her chest as he went. She shivered. Her nipples tightened, and her stomach muscles tensed as her panties became damper.

She doubted she’d be able to keep her hands to herself, not when she wanted to cuddle into his heat, feel all that solidity and his muscles against her and under her hands to explore and remind herself that reality was better than her imagination. It had to be better than her daydreams, right? She shook her head and dismissed those thoughts. Take it slow, she ordered herself. Easier said than done when he returned and bent over the table as he put down the mugs. The denim of his jeans stretched tight, molding his muscular ass. Her fingers tingled to pinch, mold her palms around the muscular cheeks, and give them a good squeeze, maybe while he pumped into her.

Damn it! She’d gone almost eight months with just her vibrator for comfort. Being around the very center of her fantasies wore some of her control away, especially after that kiss. She squeezed her eyes shut. Get it together. She inhaled and exhaled slow and steady until some calm settled on her. She opened her eyes to find him crouched in front of the TV slipping a DVD disc into the player.

A small giggle erupted before she could stop herself. “You know, there’s that streaming movie service, right?” She reached over and grabbed a small tray with her ice cream and a mug of hot chocolate on it and settled it on her lap.
This will give me something to do rather than grab and pinch.

“Can’t I just be old-fashioned? Besides this is how we used to watch movies back in my day,” he teased. “Don’t you remember our old summer sleepovers before we hit puberty? The VHS tapes and then the DVDs and now we do movies on the computers when we’re not in the same city.”

A ping in her heart reverberated around her chest. “Yeah.” Her voice grew soft as old memories rose up. They had spent most of their lives together. She couldn’t suppress how unbalanced her life had become without them being in the same city. As long as they lived close by, she could walk to his place and spend more time with him. Now not so much. Being around him hit her in the emotions. How to surmount what their lives were now, that was the question.

“No need to get sad about it. We still make time for each other. We’re just not in the same place anymore.” Something in his voice tugged at her heartstrings.

“Yeah, but we’re in different cities. And if I’m honest, I hate it. Now I have to take your word for it.” One of many things she’d come to realize while watching him from her new home.

“And?” he pressed.

With his back turned, she couldn’t see his expression, but by his tone, she could tell he wanted to hear more from her.

“Okay, fine. I love my new job. I’m making friends and learning my new city, but I’m homesick.” She snuggled into the back of the couch. “I miss you like crazy. I was used to you being on the road, but with so much distance now everything is…different, and I hate it. I can’t just take you out for coffee. I won’t be able to get you up at the ass crack of dawn to take me out to get doughnuts. I won’t be able to drag you to a Christmas office party because you may be off, and I don’t want to stab someone with a candy cane for yet another round of karaoke. You won’t come pick me up at the office during the summer to take me out to dinner or a barbecue or hanging out with your teammates.” As she listed all her grievances, she realized just how much she was missing out on due to the distance and their schedules.

She dug into her ice cream to avoid looking at him to see his reaction. No way to back out now that they were baring their souls or anything. Not even she could predict how much she’d spilled in that short time.

“I know. You’ve been more talkative as of late. Hell, you’ve been asking about Mom and Papa
you’ve visited with them, even going on and on about the friggin’ weather here.
The weather
, Ti.” He stood up and walked over to her. The sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor caused awareness to flare along her arms and legs. From under her lashes she watched his confident stride in that short space. For a second, she wondered why he hadn’t changed. She studied her own outfit: tank top, cotton shorts, and flip-flops. Simple and comfortable but the cold air swirling around her did nothing to stop her nipples from being on constant alert. Her only saving grace to shield him from her body’s reaction to his nearness was her bra. Thank goodness for small wonders.

“Alexi, why didn’t you change when we got here?” No exhaustion or lack of enthusiasm. They were the only ones here, and as far as she knew, no company was on the way.

“Because I was too hungry to? And you used up all the hot water.” He settled next to her, rested his arm over the back of the couch, and his hand came down to trail over the bare skin of her shoulder. She shivered as a lick of fire raced along her arm to caress her fingers. Goose bumps rose on her bare skin.

“Cold?” Alexi lowered his head and nuzzled her ear with his nose as he picked up the remote and hit Play.

Her brain short-circuited at his touch. Any witty response died a quick death in her head. The blare of previews couldn’t pull her out of the cozy sensation that ran through her as she snuggled into him, wanting more of that contact.

“Nope, just perfect.” Her hip bumped his before her leg pressed against his fully. She wanted as much contact as she could get away with before this turned from friendly to steamy in a matter of seconds.

The urge to get closer, to lay her head down on his shoulder, prickled at her consciousness. She gave in without hesitation, wanting to continue the sensation of his closeness. Snuggling into his side, she laid her head down. He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her closer. After a few seconds of watching the previews, her body stilled.
This is sort of weird. He’s my best friend and one-time lover, and we’ve never really done something like this before. I’ve kissed him, seen him naked, felt him inside me, and am now snuggling with him as if we’ve done this forever.

“What’s up?” Alexi shifted his body toward her but didn’t remove his arm. He paused the movie without looking at the screen.

“Is this weird? Are we moving too fast?” She titled her head back to gaze up at him, hoping he would reflect some of her confusion and understand her.

“It’ll take effort. I won’t lie and say I haven’t wondered about what it would be like to be here with you, among other things. We just have to take it one day at a time.” He dropped a kiss on her head. “And if things feel weird, we tell the other person.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Just like usual. But this is romantic. Not a need to fulfill some sexual desire or just hanging out as friends
. She wasn’t sure how to do what he’d suggested.

“So this week won’t be a feeling-out period at all. You just want to pass go?” She knew Alexi well enough to know he didn’t commit himself to something on a whim. He’d thought about it, run the odds, and took in all pros and cons.

“Very. I know we live in different cities now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t explore where this goes, and if things get really serious between us, we’ll cross that bridge together. Now shut up and watch the movie.” He dropped another kiss on the top of her head and shifted his body away from her and faced front.

She patted him on the stomach. “Now I’ll just talk through it all. You just wait.” Focus on the movie; think about everything else later, she thought to herself.

While digging into her ice cream, which was mostly soup, she commented on his pick—a classic about a woman being all that was left on a marine mission into space before they were overrun by aliens. No matter how hard she tried, and despite his words, she couldn’t help but think that their relationship dynamic had changed, but she didn’t know if it could be seen as for better or worse. She could never look at him as just her best friend ever again. Now she had to see him as a possible romantic interest. The question was, did she want to see him in this light with all the miles between them?

Chapter Five

Tension radiated off her and bounced off him. She didn’t seem to be able to find a spot that would make her comfortable. He gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to wrap an arm around her shoulder and hold her still. When she shifted for the fifth time in half an hour and her elbow hit his forearm, he couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.

“Ti?” He had an idea that would stall her. He just hoped she wouldn’t call him a cheater. This was not the way he would win the bet, that was for sure.

She tilted her face up at him, her eyes filled with confusion and affection; for a moment he allowed himself to get lost in her gaze before he lowered his head and kissed her. Her lips parted, and her tongue darted out to play along the seam of his mouth. He opened for her and engaged, tangling and sliding his tongue against hers as the taste of the ice cream and her drink rolled over his taste buds. With a groan, he threaded his hands in her hair as he took what he’d wanted for years, plundering, tasting, tormenting both of them with only a hint of what could come of this week.

She pulled back on a gasp. Huffs of air gusted against his bruised lips. Once his lungs were filled, he returned for more. She didn’t resist, responded by gliding her mouth against his. She placed a hand over his heart, which he covered with his own. The erratic rhythm pounded in his ears as desire warred with prudence. They had to go slow or this could lead to sex. Screw it. He wanted her, had needed her for weeks, waiting for this time with her to finally sate his fantasies made flesh. She moved closer only to have their lap trays clunk against each other and their empty bowls and mugs rattle.

He cursed and tried to move again, only to be blocked. She laughed until she started to hiccup.

He frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“This, us.” She gestured toward their trays and then between them. “God, it feels like eons since we’ve kissed and…” She shivered. “You’re a damn good kisser, Kurraine. Damn near had me forgetting my name, but it wasn’t orgasm-inducing…” She gave him a once-over that seared his flesh and caused his cock to twitch.

“And the humor?” He still didn’t get it.

“I’ve never wanted to kiss my exes like I want to with you. I just… Damn…I can’t explain it. Everything is so perfect when we come together.” She shook her head. “Just…screw it.”

Tianna picked up her tray and put it on the coffee table and did the same thing with his before throwing her leg over his thighs and straddling his waist. “Much better.” She scooted closer until they were groin to groin and his erection pressed against her stomach.

BOOK: Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2)
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