Read Experiment (Hybrid Book 2) Online

Authors: Emma Jaye

Tags: #menage, #scifi romance, #scifi erotica

Experiment (Hybrid Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Experiment (Hybrid Book 2)
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Feigning a yawn, she gave him an apologetic smile.

“Sorry Tenset, I think I’ll have to start the healing tomorrow, I’m wacked.”

Without another word, he leaned over, cupped her cheek, and brought his lips to hers.

His kiss was possessive, knowing, and consuming. Like a punch to the gut, he steam rolled her body and her mind into submission with a single kiss. With only a moment’s hesitation she gave it back, the kiss, the caress, the warmth and did she just moan?

Her nurse back at the clinic would be having apoplexy, this was her third man in only a couple of hours, and she’d been a virgin this morning, at least she’d thought she had been.

Following in the footsteps of many other women, including herself apparently, she was travelling faster and faster down the slippery slope to the carnal pleasure that was Tenset Shamir. She felt herself melting into his body, drifting away from rational thought on a sea of physical sensation. Damn it the man was terrific with his hands. And his tongue. And that body was just so bloody hard under his shirt, muscles on muscles. ‘Son of a Kackbad,’ she thought but she couldn’t pull away, it just felt too right.

“Thinking about you like this is the only thing that kept me going, I need you Chesara,” he breathed against her ear, before he sat her up on the table and pushed between her thighs.

As their mouths pressed together, hungrily, urgently he pulled her shirt up, lowered his head and took her nipple in his mouth. Automatically she pushed her hands into his silky hair and she held him against her.

His passion made Chesara dizzy, she was being carried away in his touch, his scent, just like before. Was she really such a slave to her alien nature?

She was too confused, overwhelmed and certainly way too horny to make a considered, rational decision.

Lightly flicking both nipples with his thumbs, he whispered against her mouth, “Please don’t say no.”

Even with his caveman behaviour, he was giving her a choice, treating her like a person, not an object, and it melted any resistance away, to be replaced by pure, sweet lust.

“God, I’m such a stoephoer,” she murmured and tried to kiss him again, but he’d gone still, frozen against her. He pulled away from her, and sat down beside her on the table. She looked at him in surprise before she was quickly up ended over his knee, and her backside was smacked sharply.

“What the fuck,” she managed to get out before another slap hit her ass. She tried to push herself off his lap, but his other hand held her firmly down across the shoulders. A third smack hit her, and she yelped. Tenset called out to Connor.

“Don’t worry troll, I’m just teaching our little hellcat some manners.”

She didn’t hear Connor reply, but as he didn’t appear, she guessed he didn’t mind her being spanked like a child.

“Shit, stop it you wanker!” she shouted as another hard slap connected with her butt cheek. She wriggled and struggled but he didn’t stop, and frankly she was starting to find the whole thing rather erotic. Judging from the hard length pressed against her side, so was he.

“At least tell me what the fuck I did,” she screeched at him.

“I promised you that you’d get a paddling if you called yourself that again,” Another whack landed.

“But I don’t remember that do I, you fucking retard? As far as I’m concerned, I only met you a couple of hours ago. When is that going to sink into your fucking thick skull you son of a stinking Kackbad?”

The hand hesitated, and she thought he’d accepted her excuse, before another slap hit her, and she shouted before finding herself pulled upright into his lap.

“I’d forgotten about that,” he said with a grin before kissing her passionately. She tried to resist for a moment, but she couldn’t help it, if anything the warmth of her backside made her even more horny.

“Fuck me, Tenset.”

His head shot up and he looked at her in surprise. “What?”

“I need it, you need it, so let’s go scratch that itch.” Placing both hands on the side of his face, she delivered a kiss the highest paid courtesan in the all the known worlds would have been proud of, but he remained still.

She opened her eyes, to see him staring at her with regret. Shame flooded her body, the rejection felt like a knife in her gut. She started to push away from him, wondering if the escape pod was still functional, because right at the moment, being several light years away from any other person seemed to be a damn good idea.

Placing both hands on his chest, she shoved hard, but he didn’t move.

“Don’t make me knock you out like I did the crew,” she growled.

He blinked in surprise. “What’s wrong?”

Her mouth opened and then snapped shut. “What’s wrong? Really? What is wrong, you arrogant, male chauvinist stronzo, vaffanculo.”

Tenset held on to her biceps. “I have no idea what you’re saying, but I am picking up on the fact that you are a teeny bit upset. I’m a man. I’m stupid. Please enlighten this unworthy excuse of a man.”

The slight twinkle in his eye, made her growl, then she slapped at his chest. “What am I going to do with you?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “I’ve certainly got some ideas.”

His chest received another slap. “Don’t start with that again. A girl can only take so many rejections in one day.”

He pulled her hand down to the front of his trousers and rubbed it firmly on his very large and bold erection.

“Does that feel like someone who’s rejecting you?”

“You know what that does to me don’t you?”

He smiled a wicked smile and she cupped his hard-on.

“Then why did you just look as if I’d shot your favourite puppy when I suggested we go scratch our mutual itch?”

“Because my love, I’ve been ‘scratching itches for years, I don’t want to do that with you,” he put a finger on her lips to stop her protest.

“I want to make love to you Chesara, something I’ve never done before. I want to give you everything and take you to heights you’ve never dreamed of. Is that all right with you?”

She swallowed hard. “Does that mean slow? Because I don’t think I can do slow.”

She looked over to see Connor leaning up against the doorway, a slight smile on his face.

“It means we want to show how much we love you rather than just ‘scratching an itch’ like we did in the shuttle, isn’t that right Blackbeard?”



edroom’s set,” Connor said quietly. Tenset glanced at him, nodded briefly and pulled Chesara up into his arms then carried her down the corridor to the captain’s quarters. Connor had been busy. There was now a large bed, made up of four of the smaller beds from the crew rooms placed side by side, and pushed up against one wall. He’d shoved the desk up against the free side to prevent the makeshift bed coming apart too easily.

Tenset shot his new partner in crime him a grin, and placed Chesara on the bed before tearing off his own shirt, not caring about exposing his scarred body. They worked together to remove her outer clothing, but as he inched his hand between her legs, Connor backed off.

Connor shrugged as Tenset gave him an enquiring look.

“Watching’s ok with me. Besides you have a little catching up to do. Dagus and I...”

Chesara didn’t seem to care as she grabbed his hand and pushed it between her legs. He forgot all about anything else apart from the way her scent and body wrapped around his mind.

Sliding down her body, he kissed her stunning skin as he was drawn towards the place where her intoxicating scent originated. Settling between her legs, he pulled them over his shoulders, spreading her wide. The first touch of his lips on her sex, made her jerk so hard that if he hadn’t been holding on to her firmly, she would have shot up the bed.

“Please...” she moaned.

“Hang on sweetcheeks, I’m just going to take the edge off for you.”

A quick glance behind him showed that Connor was also undressing.

“She’s never going to be alone again, agreed?” The former Federation man said forcefully.

“Agreed troll.”

Tenset’s free hand traced her folds, outlining her clit through the cloth. Repeatedly he teased her clit, only then did he tear her panties off and dip inside with his long finger. He had no desire to be cruel by withholding what she needed, too much longer and she’d begin to feel pain.

“Please,” she moaned as she squirmed on his hand, trying to draw him in deeper.

Connor sat on the side of the bed, making no move to touch either of them.

“This doesn’t bother you? Watching me touch her?”

“Does it bother you that both I and Dagus had her earlier?”

Tenset searched his feelings, as he continued to play between her legs. It didn’t appear that she was aware of anything that was going on around her, all her focus was on the physical sensations he was causing, and he knew that if he stopped, she’d be in pain as she was on Kalzir. She needed what she needed, as he realised that as long as she got it, and was safe and cared for, it didn’t really bother him that it might be someone else giving it to her as long as he was involved. The thought of seeing the expression on Dagus’ face as he experienced her for the first time made him smile.

“It’s weird, but no, it doesn’t bother me, although I wish I’d been there.”

He kissed the inside of her thigh, and moved up to lick at her folds. Her hips jerked, and she let out a gasp. She was glistening, dripping with desire for him. His balls tightened at the sight and smell of her.

“I can’t believe how beautiful you are.” Tenset spoke almost to himself, before he kissed her sex reverently, taking in the unique taste of her.

He paused, to push his own mounting desire down. This was their first time together as far as she knew, and he wanted her fully aware, wanted her to know it was him rather than anyone else.

Tenset licked her, repeatedly. Long, luxurious strokes that sent his twitching cock into thundering rage. Chesara began to shake her head from side to side, her thighs trying to pull the teasing tongue further into her hungering core, her hands grasping his hair.

“I need, I need,” she gasped almost incoherent.

“She’s in pain, you’ll have to do something,” Connor’s voice was tight, but whether it was through worry for her or his own withheld need, Tenset didn’t know.

“I don’t want it to be quick, I want to last,” he managed to reply and he felt Connor shift beside him.

“Did you feel her vibrate when you were inside her before?”

“Yeah, it was amazing.”

“I think she needs that place to be touched to climax.”

“If I fuck her, I’ll be done,” he growled.

“I thought you were experienced at this? You’ve got fingers haven’t you?” Connor’s amused voice had the joint effect of embarrassment and dialling down Tenset’s lust to a more manageable level.

Connor moved up the bed and took her lips as Tenset pushed one, then two more fingers into her slick, tight channel. In and out, back and forth he probed, feeling her unique muscular sheath move in muscular waves around his fingers, trying to pull them in further.

The thought of that silken wetness being around his dick nearly had him climaxing, and he hadn’t even got his trousers off yet. Licking her again, he pushed in further, searching. Then something clamped firmly down on the tip of his finger and Chesara convulsed crying out. He sucked firmly on her clit, as he and Connor held her down riding the orgasm out with her, he never stopping his ministrations until her movements calmed.

Looking up he saw Connor gazing down into her face which were still closed as she breathed heavily. Clearly she still wasn’t with it, and he’d done that, he’d blown her mind, and it made him feel that everything was good in the world.

“Well troll? Dagus asked if I could make her squeal louder than he did. How did I do?”

Chesara frowned and pushed Connor away as she sat up, pulling herself away from both of them. He gave her a winning smile.

“Now you’ve calmed down a little, we’re going to show you what making love is all about.”

“You just had to say it didn’t you?” Connor groaned as Chesara got of the bed and headed for the door.

“What?” he asked in bewilderment.

She rounded on him, eyes flashing in anger. Standing there, her nakedness forgotten, he thought she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“I am not something that can be passed around like a pass the parcel,” she almost spat at him, and held up her hand to silence him.

“I may not have as much control as the women you are used to, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy to be used like a sex toy. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve had a very odd, very tiring day and I’m going to get some shut eye in one of the other rooms.” She gave him a sickly sweet smile that had about as much warmth as a glacier and turned to stomp out.

Thanks to her tirade at him, Connor had managed to get behind her, and she almost bounced off his chest before she’d taken a full step.

From the way she tried to step back, Tenset surmised she hadn’t seen this side of Connor very often. He hadn’t known the man very long, but he’d seen him oozing calm consideration whenever he was in Chesara’s presence.

Right now, Connor was the man Tenset had met when Chesara wasn’t around. Intense, confident and certainly not willing to take any shit from anyone in pursuit of his goal, and right now, that was Chesara.

She shifted uncomfortably as Connor’ gaze moved up and down her body, then he licked his lips. Tenset knew the feeling. Chesara made you hunger for her.

She glanced down at Connor’s erection, which Tenset had to admit, purely from a straight guy’s point of view, was pretty big. Probably bigger than he was. Chesara stepped back, and he could tell exactly what was going through her mind. If she touched Connor, she would forget rational thought until one or both of them had their way with her. But that wasn’t how either he or Connor wanted this to go down.

“Tenset helped you deal with your instincts, helped you deal with your ‘itch’ and new we intend to show you what else being intimate can mean.” Connor’s voice was low and steady, coaxing but firm.

Swiftly pulling her close, the Federation man reached a hand into the dark silkiness of her hair, and slowly tilted her head backwards, dipped his head to her neck and just breathed in her scent as he held her.

BOOK: Experiment (Hybrid Book 2)
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