Ethan Justice: Origins (Ethan Justice #1) (35 page)

BOOK: Ethan Justice: Origins (Ethan Justice #1)
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“All in good time. First watch and be entertained,” says Burlington.

I lean forward on my sofa and look into the blue eyes of Jackson as he gazes at the laptop. Despite the clear picture, I can’t see enough detail on the thirty-two inch LCD television. I need a bigger screen. I will treat myself later today. Bushy eyebrows shoot up as the star of the video clip recognises himself. Surprise evaporates and shoulders slump. Mouth drops and eyes close in shame. My body quivers anticipating his next reaction. I’m guessing threats. It’s usually threats.

Jackson launches himself up and bangs his fists down onto the desk. “You bastard. I want the file and all copies, or I’ll close you down.”

Bingo! Burlington jerks back in his chair at the ferocity of the outburst. He’s such a girl. We’re pulling the strings here.

“Stay calm,” I say. “Don’t screw this up, or I’ll ...” I stop myself. Best I don’t add to his worries now.

“Did you hear me, Burlington?” rages Jackson, striding around the desk, grabbing the solicitor by the knot of his tie and hoisting him out of the chair with impressive ease. “The files now before I snap you in two.”

Tingles erupt at the back of my neck, and I’m tempted to let Jackson carry out his threat for my amusement, but I have to think of the bigger picture and dampen my playful urges.

“Tell him her age,” I say into the mike. “And get this thing wrapped up.”

Burlington is on tiptoes, his words croaking due to pressure on his windpipe. “Vanity is fourteen years old, Sergeant Jackson,” he says, his face an inch from the snarling officer’s. “She’d never been touched before.”

Jackson pulls Burlington closer until their noses press together. “I could crush you here and now.”

A shrill scream emits from the laptop. Both heads turn towards the source of the noise.

“You made a real mess of Vanity, Sergeant Jackson,” reminds Burlington. “A service like that doesn’t come cheap.”

The officer releases his grip on Burlington’s tie, and the solicitor drops back into his chair. Jackson’s hands clasp the top of his head. I can almost hear his teeth grind behind the pained grimace. “What do you want from me?”

Now we’re getting somewhere.

A red-faced Burlington loosens his tie and releases the top button of his shirt, panting as he recovers his breath. “We’ll let you know.”

Good. I told him to use that line. Burlington is regaining his confidence. He has his uses.

Jackson drops his arms by his sides. “I want this sorted now. I don’t want it hanging over me. I have some savings, a few thousand.”

Burlington rides the advantage. “I don’t think so. Consider it a long-term relationship. You do as you’re told, and we’ll allow you to indulge yourself every once in a while. Let’s call it a marriage of convenience.”

Jackson steps forward and raises his fist above Burlington, who cowers, hands in front of his face, legs lifted and bent into his chest. For a moment I think there’s going to be a brutal assault, and I consider my options. A setback for Burlington but it would cement a much stronger hold over Jackson. The fist lowers, and shoulders droop once again. Victory is mine. “Fuck you, Burlington,” spits Jackson, stepping back.

“So we understand one another?” asks Burlington, a mild trembling evident as he repositions himself on the chair. I’m impressed by the speedy recovery.

“For now.” The policeman narrows his eyes thoughtfully. He’s already thinking of ways out of the mess he has dug himself into. There are none. “Are we done here?”

“We’re done,” confirms Burlington.

The police officer grunts, turns and slams the door on his way out.

“Bravo,” I cheer. “Another pawn at our local nick. Do you want an extra copy of the file so you can watch your cowardly performance?”

Burlington swivels in his chair and looks up at the camera, sweaty head gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lighting. “Yes, very funny. I don’t think we should recruit any new officers for some time. If they find out about each other, they could team up against us.”

He’s high on his success and has forgotten his place, not to mention he’s talking drivel.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” I say. “Do you know where I can buy a large-screen TV for my den? I’m talking massive, the money-no-object kind of thing.”

“Of course not. I’m a solicitor, not a sales assistant.”

It must be the adrenaline messing with his head. “I know exactly what you are, and you’d best not forget it,” I remind him.

“I’m sorry, Mr Windal. I didn’t mean ...”

“Get back to me about the TV within an hour.” I hang up the connection, tear off the headset and throw it to one side.

I lie back on the sofa and consider the dead body a few feet behind me.


Ethan Justice: Relentless
is available from
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My Books:

Ethan Justice: Origins (#1)

Ethan Justice: Relentless (#2)

Ethan Justice: Incendiary (#3)

Lust Knows Where You Work

The Mystical Wood

If you’d like to know a bit about me first:

I am a man whose goal in life is to discover my goal in life. I live with my wife, who keeps my dream alive and my stomach tight against my trousers; my son, a dreamer just like me; and a dog who receives fuss like he’s the one doing the favour.

For more information, check out some of my
‘Personal Crap’
blog posts, such as ‘The 10 Most Interesting Things About Me’, ‘Selling Myself In 10 Words Or Less’ and ‘The Story of My Life in 250 Words’.

My website also includes features on other indie thrillers that I have read and personally recommend. Take a look at my
‘Killer Thrillers’

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Table of Contents


1: Sunday 18th September, 13:30

2: Saturday 24th September, 06:30

3: Saturday 24th September, 08:00

4: Saturday 24th September, 12:42

5: Saturday 24th September, 13:15

6: Saturday 24th September, 14:05

7: Saturday 24th September, 15:30

8: Saturday 24th September, 16:45

9: Saturday 24th September, 18:00

10: Saturday 24th September, 19:20

11: Saturday 24th September, 21:30

12: Saturday 24th September, 22:15

13: Saturday 24th September, 23:00

14: Saturday 24th September, 23:35

15: Sunday 25th September, 01:20

16: Sunday 25th September, 09:00

17: Sunday 25th September, 10:50

18: Sunday 25th September, 12:30

19: Sunday 25th September, 13:45

20: Sunday 25th September, 17:05

21: Sunday 25th September, 21:25

22: Monday 26th September, 08:45

23: Monday 26th September, 10:25

24: Monday 26th September, 11:35

25: Monday 26th September, 12:15

26: Monday 26th September, 12:40

27: Monday 26th September, 19:20

The End

What Happens Next?

Ethan Justice: Relentless - Prologue

Thank You

BOOK: Ethan Justice: Origins (Ethan Justice #1)
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