Read Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #High Tech, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Hard Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground (8 page)

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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“Something like that. The two are identical initially but they start changing immediately.”


“Once the new one is placed in a ship, it leaves to find its own destiny. It will live through different life experiences than the first and will thus be changed over time. After a thousand years, it’s really hard to determine where we originated.”

“So you’re saying your life experiences are what make you who you are?”

“The same is true of you.”

“The jury is still out on what has the most impact on a human, genetics or experience.”

“Why are you so ready to fight?”

“I guess I was born with that in me.”

“Don’t you often describe yourself as having to fight for anything you ever received? No one ever gave you anything?”

“I thought you didn’t read our minds.”

“We saw that initially before we opened a dialogue.”

“That’s how my life has been.”

“And that’s why you are like you are today.”

Jason thought for a moment and slowly shook his head, “Yeah, I guess I can see that.”

“You didn’t have to fight for this planet.”

Jason started chuckling and said, “Piper, I think I’m going to like talking with you. You’re right. We didn’t have to fight for it.”

“Perhaps there’s a lesson there to be learned.”

“You think?”

Piper laughed and said, “Yes, I think this is going to be fun.”

“By the way, how long does it take before your species splits into two beings?”

“It really varies. What usually causes it is when our minds get full of experiences and need a refreshment. It’s at that point that the reproduction process starts.”

‘How long does that normally take?”

“Anywhere from nine hundred to fifteen hundred years.”

Jason was stunned, “Piper, how old are you?”

“Age is a relative term.”

“How old?”

“Twenty thousand of your years, give or take a thousand.”

“Oh my God! I have so much to learn from you.”

“And I, you.”

“Come on, Piper! What could I teach you?”

“For starters, how two species that are so different are so much alike? This has really been a refreshing time for me. I find tension, stress, humor and happiness in equal measures in you and they appear to all function in harmony. I want to see how that happens.”

“Does this refreshment cause you to want to reproduce?”

“It’s close to my time but not soon.”

“Now that should be interesting.”

“You should also start thinking about finding a mate. You’re overdue.”

Jason’s mouth fell open and he could only shake his head.

• • •

Six hours later, Audrey contacted Jason, “The Admiral says you can take a break and come on board.”

“Audrey, I’m fine out here. I have enough to eat and I’ll contact you and let you know when I need to return.”

Audrey’s head went back and she looked at Chad. Chad smiled and nodded. “That’s fine, Captain Goddard. If our guest has any needs, please let us know.”

Jason thought, “Do you?”


“He’s fine, Audrey.”

• • •

Audrey turned and looked at Chad, who said, “It appears our lad is learning.”

Audrey tilted her head, “It appears he is.”

• • •

“Lukas, it looks like our delaying tactics are about over.”

“It does look that way. I’ve ordered Gunny and Kitchens to stay out of harm’s way.”

“Do you think it worked?”

“I don’t know. The invaders still have millions of ships that are going to arrive here.”

“The fleets are out of DM rounds to fire at them.”

“We’ve had the converters working overtime at the Magnetar but they’ll have to come back home to replenish their supplies. The invaders will arrive at the edge of the galaxy before they could rearm and go back out.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“I’m skipping the converters out to Andromeda to start collecting there. We’ve pretty much done all we can here.”

“What about the Fellowship?”

Lukas leaned back, “I’ve sent diagrams of our technology to the Welken Royal. I don’t think the Invaders will waste time attempting to conquer them. They’ll be scanning for Pat and won’t have the provisions to really go to war. Most of them are sending colony ships to another galaxy.”

“Are they going to Andromeda?”

“No Salud, I sent them the videos of the trouble we had there and they’re moving toward galaxies further away from the Virgo Cluster. Andromeda is too close.”

“Why did we go there if that’s the case?”

“Because it is our intent to continue the fight. We needed to be relatively close to make that happen. I’m still not sure we’ll be able to build the necessary forces to fight them.”

“But we’ve destroyed so many of their ships.”

“You’re forgetting the other civilization in M-87. I suspect that if the Orange Ships fail, they will be called in by the ones leading the attacks.”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Why do you think they’ve divided that galaxy without going to war? Their version of the Sentinels have probably prohibited it. That means they control both forces. Have you looked at Loree’s latest reports?”

“No. Have I missed something?”

“If you remember, when she left M-87 after the destruction of the conduit, she deliberately flew toward M-84.”

“I remember.”

“Our probes have shown a huge fleet of green ships leaving M-87 and headed toward M-84. I suspect they’re being sent to check out if there is a civilization that could represent a threat to them there. I believe they would have sent the Orange Ships if they weren’t tied down invading us. That has to mean their Sentinels can direct both of them.”

“So we haven’t even put a dent in the total number of ships they have to use?”

“It does appear that way. Remember, M-87 is three times larger than Andromeda and the Milky Way combined. This is not a war that can be won or lost quickly.” Lukas paused and took Salud’s hands, “I was wondering if you would go back to Boston with me before we’re forced to leave for Andromeda?”

“Why do you want to go there?”

“I was hoping you would agree to marry me there.”

Salud’s eyes went wide and she wrapped her arms around Lukas’ neck. She started crying and Lukas said, “If you don’t want to, I understand.”

“No, I mean yes. I’ll marry you, Lukas. I’ve been hoping you would ask for so long.”

“I was afraid you would say no; I am, or was, an alien.”

“You’re not any more. You’re more human than any of us. Let’s go now! I’ll contact Dad and he can meet us there.”

Lukas leaned back and looked into her eyes, “Are you sure about this?”

“I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. We’re wasting time.”

Lukas smiled and said, “Willow, will you take us to Boston?”

“I’m waiting in the silo. I do trust you’re going to allow me to attend?”

Salud wiped her tears and said, “You’re going to be the maid of honor.”

Lukas said, “Contact Joey and see if he’s available to be the Best Man.”

There was a moment of silence and then Willow said, “He’s on the way to Boston. He’s honored you would ask.”

Salud said, “Contact Jack and see if we can do the ceremony at the restaurant.”

Lukas smiled and nodded.

“I hope you don’t mind but I also contacted Trevor and he’s on his way from Andromeda with Amanda. Jinks is also coming in with Stoney and Kathy.”

Lukas started shaking his head, “I thought we’d keep it small. But I’d love to see all of them.”

Salud stepped out of Lukas’ arms and took his hand and pulled him toward the door, “We’re wasting time. Let’s go!” Lukas moved toward the door as Salud started running and he ran with her.

• • •

“Captain Goddard?”

“Yes Sir.”

“I need you to report to the Troy.”

“Yes Sir. Is something wrong?”

“No, Julie and I are making a fast run back to Earth to attend a wedding. You’ve been promoted to Commodore and will be in command in my absence.”

“But Sir. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

“I believe you are ready; don’t disappoint me. I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Yes Sir.”

Jason shook his head and Piper said, “You’re ready.”

“But Piper. I could have caused a huge mistake if the Admiral had listened to me and attacked. I’ve still have a lot to learn.”

“That is what tells me you’re ready. You won’t rush into anything now.”

“Will you go with me so I can use your council if I need it?”

“Jason, I’ll certainly be a resource for you but you’re ready. If I were going into a battle, you are the one I’d want fighting with me.”


“I also consider you a friend as well. You’ve come a long way over the last two months. You really are more than I thought and your Admiral was wise to see it in you.”

“Thank you, Piper. You’re much more than I thought as well. Let’s move over to the Troy.”

“I’m right behind you.”

Chapter Six

he restaurant was full and the staff were still crying from the ceremony. Salud was absolutely stunning. Joey got her measurements on the way and a dress was waiting for her when she arrived. She was amazed at how it fit her so perfectly. She kissed Joey right on the mouth and he turned six shades of red. Salud smiled and said, “Your partner is just going to have to accept it.”

Joey laughed, “He will. Congratulations. The two of you are perfect for each other.”

Salud walked over to her father and hugged him, “I love you so much, Dad.”

“Your mother would be so proud, Saludie.”

“I know. Are your proud?”

“More than you could ever know. He’s a good man. I know he’ll take care of you. I’ve been praying you would find someone before I joined your mother.”

“You are going with us, Dad.”

“No, I’m not. My place is here with your mother in what little time remains. I’ve had a good life and I’m ready to be with her if it comes to that.”


“You know I’m right. I don’t have that much longer. I want to be here with her.” Salud sighed and wrapped her arms around him.

• • •

Jack was standing with Lukas and smiling, “It appears you have caused a rather huge traffic jam.”

Lukas looked out at the street and saw the police were having fits with the giant gathering that was still growing, “I guess the Pods hovering over the street are hard to miss.”

“That and the local news got wind of it. Everyone on the planet wants to see the one that saved us. You’ve managed to successfully stay behind the scenes. You’re going to have to go outside and at least wave.”

Lukas nodded and looked Jack in the eyes, “I have a shuttle coming in tomorrow at noon to pick you and the staff up to go to Andromeda.”


“Don’t argue, Jack. It’s time to go and they won’t leave without you.”

“Lukas, Mary is buried here. I won’t leave her behind.”

“Then plan to come back some day. This is not good-bye.”

“Tell me honestly, will we come back?”

“I will personally bring you back before all is said and done.”

“Do you promise?”

“I do. Earth may not be the same but I will.”

“Is Earth going to be destroyed?”

“I honestly don’t know, Jack, but the time to go is now.”

Jack stared at Lukas and looked at the workers that had been his life for the last fifteen years. They had refused to leave without him. “I’ll tell them.”

“Please do. They are just the sort of people we need on the new world.”

“There are billions that have refused to leave.”

Lukas shook his head, “I know. We’ve got four cities built and working on three more. More than a billion have left and I don’t know how to persuade the others to go.”

“We’ve all heard the announcements but I suspect there are many just like me that refuse to leave the ground where their families have been interred.”

“I know this is Holy Ground, Jack. We will not abandon it. One day we will come back and retake it. It might not happen in our lifetimes, but we will defend it as long as any of us are alive.” Lukas looked at Jack, “You will be buried with Mary.”

“Lukas, I want your absolute promise on that!!”

“I’ll make sure, Jack.” Jack stared into Lukas’ eyes and put out his hand. Lukas took it and shook it, before hugging Jack.

Salud came over and said, “I think we need to go outside and make an appearance.”

“We held the ceremony outside so Willow could take part.”

“I know, but the vast majority of them weren’t here when it happened.” Salud took his hand and led him toward the door.

He followed her outside and Joey lifted a microphone and said, “I present to all of you Mr. And Mrs. Lukas Axel.” Lukas turned and took Salud into his arms and kissed her tenderly. The huge crowd cheered and many began tossing flowers at them. Lukas looked out at the crowd and raised his arms. The roar grew in volume and was deafening. The news helicopters above the restaurant sent the feed to their stations and it was sent worldwide. Everyone agreed that the newlyweds were a beautiful couple. They stepped out to the police line and began shaking hands. Soon the other ONE WORLD officers joined them and the cheers continued non-stop. Stoney watched them and held Cathy under his arm. Christopher stood beside them and smiled. He looked at Kathy and whispered, “He’s my father.”

Kathy’s eyes went wide and she looked at her son, “How…how…”

“I can hear his thoughts. He’s really proud of me, Mom.”

Kathy pulled him into her arms and held him tight, “So am I, Chris; so am I?”

Christopher smiled, “I know.”

Lukas was shaking hands with people and heard in his mind, “Father, I think it’s time I was given my own Pod.”

Lukas’ head jerked around and he saw Christopher staring at him. “How do you know?”

“I can hear your thoughts, Father. If I’m going to make a difference, I need a ship to go out and find what we’ll need to win this war.”

“But you’re only…”

“I’m old enough! It’s time.” Lukas stared at the young boy and after a moment nodded. “I’ll keep this a secret; Stoney doesn’t need to know. He’s also a father to me.” Lukas smiled and turned back to the crowd.

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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