Read Erin M. Leaf Online

Authors: Joyful Devastation

Erin M. Leaf (3 page)

BOOK: Erin M. Leaf
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He nodded. “You bet.” He opened his
legs wider and held the drape aside so she could work. He was gratified to see
her look at his cock again, as if by accident. He had just enough vanity left
to feel pleased that he’d managed to impress a no-nonsense doctor. “Just so you
know, I am
grateful you’re
not a sixty-year old doctor with really bad case of ear hair and no sense of
humor. That would be worse, as Mondays go,” he said.

She grinned as she started
injecting him with the anesthesia. “Wouldn’t that actually have made it easier
for you?” She glanced at his dick, still standing at attention hopefully, then
hastily injected him a few more times.

Theo gritted his teeth against the
pricks. “No,” he replied emphatically. “Not in any universe would that be
better, trust me.” Her blouse gaped open a little as she moved.
Should I
tell her? Hmm, no. Definitely not,
he thought as he caught a glimpse of
lace for a split-second.

She turned around to get the
sutures and a pair of forceps. “So, what will your partner do when he finds out
about this?” She stitched one side of the wound closed and knotted the suture.

Theo stared fixedly at her bosom.

“Or are you going to try and
pretend like you don’t have a hole in your thigh? Not tell anyone?” she asked.

He shrugged, careful to hold his
leg still. “Since he’s picking me up, he’ll likely try to take pictures of me
with my ass hanging out.” He made a face at the sensation of the thread going
through his skin. It didn’t quite hurt, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable,
either. When her knuckles brushed against his dick again, he hissed.

“Sorry,” she murmured, still
working on her sutures. “I’m almost done.”

He didn’t think she realized he was
reacting not to the stitching, but to her hand. “Take your time. I wouldn’t
want it to scar. Might scare the ladies.”

She snorted. “No, we certainly can’t
have that.”

He grinned, looking down at the top
of her head. The heat from her body warmed the inside of his thighs. A lock of
her hair had escaped her ponytail and swung down along the side of her face,
softening the clean lines of her jaw. She had a tendency to bite her lip as she
sewed. She was definitely one of the prettiest women he’d ever seen. He
wondered what Gideon would think if he saw her.

“Okay, I think that’ll do it,” she
said, cutting her last suture. She dabbed the wound with some antibiotic
ointment and then grabbed a gauze pad. As she taped it to his leg, her hand
brushed against him even more. He squirmed a little, not sure if it tickled or
felt good. She glanced up, then blushed furiously.

Theo raised his eyebrows. Dr.
Gorgeous was blushing? He smiled at her and she hurriedly looked down,
smoothing the tape along his skin. When she was done, she tugged at the sheet
and covered his still-erect cock as if hiding it would make it disappear. Theo
stifled a laugh as she turned around and stripped off her gloves with a bit
more force than the situation warranted.

“Change the dressing once a day,
more if you get it wet. It’ll be red and sore for a day or so, but if it starts
oozing, definitely go see your doctor,” she said, tapping something into the
computer on the side desk. To his amusement, she wouldn’t look at him.

“Can I shower?” he asked, trying to
get her attention.
I should just ask her out. Especially before Gideon gets
here and makes her swoon with those blue eyes of his,
he mused.

She nodded. “Give it a day. After
that, showering is no problem, as long as you pat the area dry and reapply the
bandage. The stitches should come out in a week or so, maybe longer because the
area is so sensitive.” She coughed, not meeting his eyes. “And don’t pick at
them or take them out yourself. I know your type.”

He sighed loudly. “You would
definitely get along with my sister.” He hopped down from the bed. “Thanks,
Doc. I guess I just go to my regular guy to have the stitches out?”

She nodded, then snapped closed the
laptop and tucked it under her arm. She turned to him and visibly steeled
herself, sticking out her hand. “Sorry I acted like such an idiot,” she

He took her hand, shaking it and
letting it go slowly. “It’s no problem, Dr. Morgan,” he said huskily. He was
even more aroused now. She was cute when she got flustered.

She nodded sharply. “Well, good
luck then, Detective Gray.” She turned on her heel and strode out of the room
before he could say another word.

“Well, damn,” he said, staring at
the swinging drape. He been about to ask her to dinner, but she had fled the
scene of the crime. He smiled wryly. “You snooze, you lose, idiot.”

He stood up and grabbed his
underwear, grimacing when he saw the blood on the fabric. His sister’s hideous
gnome dishtowel was also a loss, but he was much less dismayed about that. He
tossed both into the trash bin, then began to put on his jeans commando.
my junk into this is going to be a treat,
he mused, glaring down at his
erection. Carefully, he put a foot into the leg, but before he could pull it up,
a woman’s scream sounded from just outside the room. He dropped his pants and
lunged for doorway half-naked, shoving the drape aside. What he saw curdled his
blood. A crazy man held Dr. Gorgeous around the neck from behind, a scalpel
pressed just under her ear.

“If you don’t let me go I’m going
to cut her!” he yelled, dragging her back a few feet.

Her eyes snapped to Theo’s. He
forgot all about his wound and lack of pants the moment her frantic grey eyes
met his.



Chapter Two


Gideon sauntered through the double
doors, hands shoved in his pockets. He was late, but Theo would have to deal.
He’d needed a shower before he left his apartment. He also needed a full
night’s sleep, but whatever.

“Shit, call security,” one of the
nurses behind the central desk hissed as he walked by. He frowned, wondering
what was happening. Theo’s room was at the end of the next wing. When he heard
glass break, he started jogging.
Shit is
, he thought as he took the corner a little too sharply, clipping his
elbow. He rubbed it and headed towards the increasing noise. Two security guys
came out of a door on his right and ran down the hall. He followed, sprinting
to keep up. When they burst through into the second wing of the ER, he stopped,
shocked. Theo was wrestling a wild-haired and bloodshot man to the floor. He
had the man’s right arm wrenched up behind his back as he crouched over his
legs, controlling his movements.

Holy shit, he’s got no pants on,
was Gideon’s first
thought. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he stared at his partner’s bulging
thigh muscles for a moment, before moving in to help. Theo was in damn fine

“I’ve got him, Theo,” he said,
security right on his heels. He grabbed the man’s left arm and moved it into a
position that would make it easier to subdue the man. Theo gave him a quick
glance, eyes bright. Gideon almost lost his grip at that look. Theo always made
his heart beat a little faster. The madman on the ground tried to pull away,
writhing and yelling, and Gideon didn’t have any more time to moon over his
partner. He gripped harder as two security men moved in, zip-tying the man’s
hands and taking over.

Letting go carefully, Gideon
straightened up, eyes going right to Theo’s cock. It was half-hard and dusky
pink against the stark white bandage on his upper thigh. Theo let go of the man’s
hands and stood up, turning immediately to an extremely pretty woman slumped
against the wall. She wore a doctor’s jacket over her pink blouse. Even though
she was clearly upset, she kept calm. And nothing could disguise how lovely she
was. Gideon’s eyes wandered down her body, feeling light-headed from the
double-whammy of his partially nude best friend standing right next to a
gorgeous woman.

“Dr. Morgan, are you okay?” Theo
asked, putting a hand on her arm. He slid it up and tilted her head to the
side, ignoring the pandemonium around them.

“I’m okay,” she said, glancing past
him at Gideon. Her forehead wrinkled a little.

Gideon smiled at her as Theo ran
light fingers across her neck. She blushed. He knew she was wondering who the
hell he was.

“I think you’re okay. There’s no
wound,” Theo said, letting go of her. Her neck was a little pink.

She nodded. “I’m okay.”

Gideon frowned. “The guy grabbed

Theo nodded. “Yeah. Held a scalpel
to her neck.” He gestured to the floor. “I disarmed him and wrestled him down.”

Gideon let his eyes crawl down Theo’s
body. “Dude. You have no pants.” He wasn’t about to let this go, oh no.

Theo glared at him. “Yeah, no
kidding, Mr. Obvious. Take care of her,” he said and ducked into a room.

Gideon stared at Dr. Morgan. Dr.
Morgan stared at Gideon.

“Hi, I’m Gideon, Theo’s partner,”
he finally said, holding out his hand. “You’re Dr. Morgan?”

She nodded and slipped her palm
into his. “Nice to meet you.”

Gideon smiled, hoping to set her at
ease. “You treated him?”

“Yes,” she said, suddenly
flustered. “Oh, I have to get his discharge papers.” She looked around.

A nurse abruptly appeared at her
side. “Dr. Morgan, oh thank God you’re okay! He was being treated for paranoia
and somehow he got out of the secure room,” she said, looking freaked. “I
called security, but they were hung up in the elevator.”

Before his eyes, Dr. Morgan turned
from a beautifully flustered woman to a calm professional. “Melissa, it’s okay.
I’m fine. It’s not the first time something like that’s happened.” She smiled at
the nurse. “Now, do you have Mr. Gray’s discharge papers?”

The nurse pulled herself together. “Yes,
I have them right here.” She handed them to the doctor then rubbed her face. “God,
what a day.”

Dr. Morgan chuckled. “Well, it’s
Monday. And it’s a full moon. What do you expect?”

The nurse rolled her eyes. “Yeah,
well, let’s hope nothing else goes wrong before I get off shift.”

“I hope so. I’m off now, but you’ve
got, what, another hour?”

The nurse nodded, then glanced down
the hall. “Yeah, and because of this I’m late to do the rest of my rounds. I
gotta go. Glad you’re okay Dr. M!” She hurried off.

Gideon’s job had its bad days, but
no way would he ever want to be a nurse. He shook his head, then watched as Dr.
Morgan read over Theo’s paperwork.

“Everything okay with my friend,
Doc?” he asked, wanting her to look at him again.

She glanced at him absently. “Oh,
yes. He’s good to go.” She looked at the drape where Theo had disappeared. “As
soon as he’s dressed, that is.” A faint flush ran over her face.

Gideon grinned, delighted. “Theo’s
a piece of work, dashing out to save the damsel in distress wearing his
birthday suit.”

She frowned at him, flushing

Gideon grinned wider, feeling no
remorse. She was sexy when she went all pink.

“Thank you for helping. I was
worried he’d tear out his sutures, wrestling that man down,” she finally said.

“The stitches are fine, Dr. Morgan,”
Theo said, shoving back the curtain. “The bandage didn’t move and there’s no
undue bleeding, not that my partner seems to care about that.”

Gideon gave him a look. Theo
smirked unrepentantly. “It’s just a little curtain, not a door. I could hear
every word you said.”

Gideon laughed.

Theo smacked him on the head.

“Ow.” Gideon rubbed at his skull. “You
probably just gave me a concussion.”

“Don’t be such a baby,” Theo
retorted. “I’ve been wounded.”

“You sat on your niece’s knitting
needle. I’m going to milk that for years,” Gideon threatened.

Theo pouted.

Dr. Sexy laughed. “Clearly you’re
good to go. Just sign here and you can escape.” She handed Theo the clipboard.

He dashed off a quick signature and
handed it back to her. She extracted the papers and gave him his copy.

“It was a pleasure meeting you,”
Gideon said, making sure to give her extra eye contact. When Theo glared at
him, he chuckled unrepentantly. He loved to rile his friend.

“Yes, it certainly was a pleasure,”
Theo added in a low voice.

Gideon was surprised to see her
blush again. What had happened in the room that he didn’t know about? He gave
his partner a speculative look. Theo ignored him.

The doctor nodded sharply, as if
realizing she was gawking at the two of them. “Remember what I said about the
sutures. Don’t be an idiot.”

Theo looked wounded. “Me? An idiot?”

The doctor shook her head, then
looked at Gideon. “Good luck with him.” With that, she pivoted on her heel and
walked away.

“Damn. Missed again. I was going to
ask her out,” Theo muttered, staring after her.

BOOK: Erin M. Leaf
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