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Authors: Megan Keith

Eraser (3 page)

BOOK: Eraser
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“No, of course not!  I have a name and you can use it.  I won’t allow you to change it into the name of a damn insect!  Who the hell do you think you are?”  Her angered words were whispered harshly.  This was not the kind of place where people raised their voices.

“You knew that?” he asked
, looking at her with what seemed to be appreciation.  It only angered her more.

That papillon is French for butterfly?  I may be just a barmaid to you, but I’m not completely uneducated.  And my name is Mack, Mackenzie or nothing,” she said sternly.

It happened so fast, his hand came up to the side of her face, his palm resting on her cheek, his fingers tangling in her hair, he pulled her forward, knocking the breath out of her.  Their faces were so close that she
could feel his breath on her, smell it.  He smelled of good scotch and cigarettes, his breath combined with his cologne made her close her eyes, savouring the scent of him. 

“Nothing it is then,”
he whispered harshly, causing her to open her eyes wide.

No, that’s not what I meant, I
– god, those eyes... the way they bore into me, like he can see my soul.  I know I need to argue, I know I need to say something… anything…

He let her go
, roughly pushing her back.  For some reason it turned her on. She flinched when he raised his hand near her face a second later.

“I won
’t hit you unless you ask me to,” he said to her reaction. 
Ask me to?  Why would I ask him to hit me?

He raised two of his fingers, signalling to Alex at the bar behind her an order for two more drinks.  She watched him as his eyes made their way back to hers.  She sighed, resigned to th
e fact that this man was strong-willed and she knew there was no point in arguing about her name.  If he didn’t want to use it, he wouldn’t.

“So we’ve apparently established my name.  What is yours?” she asked the question that had been bothering her for months.  What is this mysterious man’s name?

“It can be whatever you want it to be.”

“Is that so?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.  “How about-”

“I’m warning you though, don’t get smart with me.  I said my name can be whatever you want it to be, you can call me bastard, asshole, whatever, but keep it to yourself, don’t say it aloud.”  At her obvious confusion he continued, “You will continue to address me as ‘Sir’.  My name is not important.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but the look on his face made her pause.  He was serious.  There was no doubting the strength of his conviction.  To her
, he would be
and that was final.

“Do you have anything to say?  Any more questions?”
he queried.

e was sure that she should have plenty more questions, but looking at him, with his face so close and his scent so strong and enticing, she couldn’t think of a single one.  Her mind had gone blank.  All she could think of was how stimulated she felt.  She should feel appalled at his behavior, at his rudeness, at how abrupt he was, but she couldn’t look past her own arousal.  Squeezing her thighs together she leaned into him a little, needing to get closer.  He didn’t move, just drilled those eyes into hers turning her on even more.

They were
close, but not touching.  They were still staring at each other when Alex came over with their drinks interrupting them, they both shifted slightly so he could reach the table past their legs.  Alex gave her a look that was asking if she was right.  Of course he must have seen their heated exchange, even if he didn’t hear it.  Mackenzie gave him a wide and reassuring smile.  She heard the dark and mysterious
breathe in as he watched her face, it made her smile broaden even more. 
Maybe he didn’t hold all the power here after all.  Maybe I affected him too.

“So what more is there to say?” he questioned her once Alex departed.  “If there is anything, say it now because once we leave here there will be no more talking.  You will not speak unless I demand it.”

His words made her feel a little panicked, not because he scared her but because she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to ask what she needed. 
What is there to say?  What do I need to ask?  There must be something!  Am I really agreeing to this?  To go to this mysterious stranger’s house?

“What if I don’t go with you?”

“You will.”

You are one cocky son of a bitch, you know that right?”  She laughed at him, not sure how her sense of humor could kick in at a time like this.

“I’ll let you have that one,” he said, smiling.  “But that will be the only time.”

She swallowed back her next smart remark and instead reached for the glass of scotch. 
did the same and their fingers lightly touched.  The electrifying current was felt all the way to her toes.  Again, it didn’t take much to illicit such a strong reaction.  She wondered how she could survive having actual intercourse with him when the tiniest of touches were so powerful.  A shiver ran through her at the thought of him naked and moving inside her.  Mackenzie ran her eyes over his tailored suit.  The jacket was open but she could only see the barest hint of his physique, it looked good, he looked good, well-built and she’d like to see more.

“Where do you live?”

“That’s not information you need.”


He didn’t answer, just continued to bore those dark orbs into hers.

“How can I trust you?”

“You already do.”

I do? 
Her eyes wandered over his handsome face, focusing for a moment on his lips before latching onto his dark and intense eyes. 
Oh my god, yes, for some reason I do.

ou need to know that this is a one-time offer.  I don’t do repeats.”

“Ever?”  She smiled, not believing him.

His head moved from side to side, no.  He was serious.  His expression solemn.  She was to take up his offer, go home with him for one-time, tonight or never. 
How could I possibly say no to this man?

He knew he had her.  He’d known it from the start.  He probably knew it weeks ago.  There was no point in pretending otherwise.

He took another swig of his drink then placed the empty glass on the table.  Reaching into his jacket pocket he took his wallet out.  Pulling a couple of hundred dollar notes from inside, he placed them on the table, signalling it was now or never.  He was leaving and she needed to make her decision.

o… that had already been made.

“Are you coming?” he asked leaning forward once more.  He gra
zed her knee with his fingers.

Not yet, but I plan on you making me come later.
  God!  Where did that thought come from?

He drew a circle on her knee with his fingertip and then moved it upwards
, gliding it just under the hem of her work skirt.  She sucked in a shuddery breath then tilted her own glass upwards and drained it.

she breathed, focusing her eyes on his face.

He stood and she followed. 
As she was bending down to collect their glasses and the cash, he caught her wrist and shook his head.

“No.  You’re not work
ing now.  Go get your things.”

His hand glided up her arm, fire burning in its wake before he moved away.  She followed
, leaving the cash and glasses for Alex to collect.  She felt guilty, she was meant to be working and now he would be doing her job as well as his own.  Sir stood by the bar and watched her as she walked past him, behind the bar and out the back door to collect her jacket and bag.

She was just about to walk back thr
ough the kitchen to the bar when Alex popped his head in.



“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?  The boss called and told me to cover your shift.  You’re really leaving with that guy?”

“Yes.”  She bit her lip as she imagined what lay ahead of her this night.

“He’s not pressuring you to-”

“Alex,” she said, laying a hand on his forearm.  “It’s not like that, I promise.  I want to do this.”

“Okay.  Have you got your cell?”  She nodded.  “You’ll call me if you need to.”

Yes Dad
,” she said, rolling her eyes.  Alex gave her a pointed look.  “Sorry.  You’re a good friend Alex.  Thank you.  But you needn’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

She said it with a confidence, because she felt it.  Sir (she felt ridiculous not being able to refer to him by name) scared her a little but in a good way
.  She was nervous of the unknown, but deep down she knew he wouldn’t hurt her.  She wasn’t sure how she knew, she just did.

“I’ll see you Monday.  And I’m sorry to be leaving you in the lurch.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s dead here tonight anyway.  Plus Mel’s been called in to cover for you.”

“She has?  Now I feel even worse, making her get called in on her night off.”

“Honestly, I think she’d be grateful for the money, so I wouldn’t worry about it.”  He was right, she knew, but she still felt guilty, Mackenzie never took time off.  “See you Monday.”

“Good night Alex,” she said
, walking past him and back into the bar where Sir was waiting.

Chapter Three



Her body warmed instantly once she was back in his sights.  His heated gaze drilled into her and she suddenly couldn’t wait to get back to his place.  She came near him and he turned on his heel, walking towards the door.  He pulled it open and motioned her through.  She had watched him leave this place dozens of time and she’d dreamed he would be leaving with her and yet she never thought it would happen.  His trademark move as the woman left was that he placed his hand on the small of her back.  Mackenzie held her breath expecting that touch but it never came.  It left her feeling hurt and confused.  He always, always did that and he never bought them a drink, yet she had been given three, and expensive ones at that.

Why i
s he treating me differently?

She had felt special because of the drinks but now she felt disappointed, he didn’t touch her.  It was confusing.

He stepped towards a car parked directly in front of the building.  It was black, sleek and sexy, a Bentley if she wasn’t mistaken.  A man appeared and opened the back door to the vehicle.  Again Sir motioned to her to get in by a sweep of his arm and again he avoided touching her.  She climbed in and, as gracefully as possible, she slid across the black leather seat to the far side so Sir could follow her.  She put on her seatbelt and held her purse and jacket on her lap.

The man who had opened the door, she now realised was the driver
, shut the door behind them. Sir leant forward and pulled something from the back pocket of the seat in front of him.  Being dark in the car now, as the interior light had faded, she couldn’t make out what it was in his hands.  City lights were all around them and headlights of the cars passing by on the busy city street filtered in through the dark tinted windows.  His head was turned towards her, watching her, and when she looked upon his face she decided that, in this light, he looked menacing.  Again though, she wasn’t the slightest bit scared.  In fact, she felt like this was where she belonged. 
Well that’s weird.

“This is where it begins.”

“What begins?” she asked.

“My game and my rules,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Oh.”  Mackenzie’s heart rate peaked. 
No, I think his games may have started long ago.

“Now when I ask you a question you must answer ‘
yes sir’ or ‘no sir’.  You will not speak unless spoken to and you will do as you are told.  Is this understood?”

“Yes sir,” she replied softly, looking up at his face in the darkness.

“Good.  I’m going to blindfold you now.” 
So that’s what was in his hand.
  “Face the window,” he requested, nodding to the passenger window to her side.

She did as she was told, taking one last look at the bustling city.  She felt his breath against her ear as he moved toward her, then his arms came around to the front of her face.  His cologne hit her at full force and she felt the heat radiating from his body.  Her heart rate took off at an alarming pace.  She reminded herself that he still hadn’t touched her and she needed to calm the hell down if she were to make it through this night.  The strip of black material was placed over her eyes and quickly
, and expertly, it was tied at the back of her head.  Other than when she hit a piñata at childhood parties she had never been blindfolded before.  It felt unusual and intense.

She felt him shift away so
she righted herself, turning her body to face the front of the car, though now she couldn’t see it.  She couldn’t see a thing, not even a tiny shadow or a flicker of light.  Total darkness.  She felt the car move forward, though she couldn’t hear the engine.  It was nothing like her noisy Toyota that was for sure.

fingers twitched in her lap.  She wasn’t sure where they were headed or what awaited her.  She felt nervous yet safe.  Neither the driver of the vehicle nor the man beside her spoke.  There was no noise, not even music inside the car.  The thick windows barely allowed the noise from the city to filter in.

It felt dark and secluded
but the longer the ride took Mackenzie started to feel differently.  The silence in the air felt thick, filled with an anticipation that was heightening her arousal.  The fact that the man beside her was not touching her in anyway, unnerved her.  If it wasn’t for the electric pull she felt towards him she wouldn’t know he was there.  Not even part of his suit jacket touched her.  Nothing.  For all she knew his eyes were on her.  In fact she felt that they probably were.  She felt completely alone and vulnerable, but just knowing that he was more than likely watching her perked her up.  She didn’t want to appear too vulnerable to him.  She sat up a little straighter, readjusted her belongings on her lap and then, feeling a little naughty, she licked her lips slowly.  Still nothing.  She didn’t even feel the slightest movement from the man beside her.

A few more seconds passed and she bit her bottom lip.  She knew that men like
d when she did that.  Surely it would illicit something from him?  She moved her teeth back and forth a couple of times before stopping and letting out a sigh.

“Am I boring you?” h
is deep masculine voice finally spoke.



“No Sir.”  She smiled.  “Are we there yet?” she asked defiantly.

Suddenly fingers tightly grasped her chin and dug into her cheek.  The force took her by surprise and she gasped.  He squeezed tighter and it hurt.

“Are you speaking out of turn?”

“No sir,” she mumbled around his hand.

“Now that’s a lie.”  He squeezed tighter still
and she gasped once more.  She also felt a pull between her legs even stronger, desire flooded through her at his touch.

“Yes, I meant
, yes sir.”

He let go, slightly pushing her face away as he did.

“Now apologize.”

“I’m sorry sir,” she said meekly.

She felt him adjusting himself in the seat beside her.  She imagined him straightening his jacket and glancing out the window.  She imagined a disappointed look on his face.  And she decided, even though she couldn’t see it, couldn’t even be sure it was there, it was not something she wanted on his handsome face.  Intensity, broodiness, passion, anger, lust… not disappointment, anything but that.

“We’re almost there.”  He spoke and it thrilled her that he did.  Even though she wasn’t meant to ask a question, he had answered it.  It gave her a glimmer of hope.  He wasn’t all bad and unforgiving.  He’d given a little back.  It perked her up and made her smile.  She heard a quiet huff from his side of the car and she imagined that he was smiling, shaking his head at her.  Maybe even a little annoyed at himself for answering her question.  Perhaps that wasn’t something he would normally do for a woman.  She liked to think maybe she
different after all.

Moments later she felt the car come to a stop, her heart did too. 
This is it.

“Stay there,” he commanded as his
door opened and she felt his presence leave the car.

She was pretty sure the driver still remained with her as she thought she could hear him breathing. 
Her door opened a few seconds later and she felt
fingers touch hers.  He pulled her jacket and bag from under her arms and then tugged on her hand, silently willing her to move.  She moved her legs to the side, and found her footing on the ground outside the car.  She fumbled with her hands to find the edge of the car and then pulled herself to a standing position.

“Watch your head,” he said placing his hand on top of her head to guide her out.  It was swee
t and made her feel cherished.

Cherished?  It must be
heightened emotions getting drawn by being in the darkness.  He touched my head that was all.

She stood on wobbly legs.  She must have looked a funny si
ght.  Uncoordinated.  Unsure.  He held her hand and they started walking.  She imagined they were in a concrete parking garage or something as it was quiet but felt closed in.  She hoped that they were alone and that no one could see her being lead around blindly.  Her heels clicked loudly, echoing as they walked.  He paused and she guessed they were entering a building as she felt the movement that she figured was a door by her side and then what felt like carpet under her feet.  They stopped and she heard the ding of an elevator and again he tugged her forward.

As the doors closed she was conscious of his breathing in the confined space.  She felt the nauseous feeling in her gut like she sometimes did when riding in elevators,
though it was intensified by both the feel of her hand in his and the darkness of the blindfold.  It was a long and silent ride, Mackenzie could only guess they were going up a lot of floors.  It was obvious Sir was a wealthy man, perhaps it was a penthouse suite.  That made her suddenly nervous, she didn’t belong in such a place, she was a lowly bar attendant, nothing more.  She got a sinking feeling then, was she unworthy of this night with this man? 
It was a one-time thing, he had said, I may not be worthy but I can enjoy this for what it is.  One night.

BOOK: Eraser
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