Read EntangledTrio Online

Authors: Cat Grant

EntangledTrio (9 page)

BOOK: EntangledTrio
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Colette kicked off her boots and quickly shed her slacks and sweater, then curled up on the king-sized bed with a smile. “I believe I’m in a mood to be entertained. Carry on, gentlemen.”

David’s mouth went instantly dry. The adrenaline hangover from their previous encounter had worn off sometime during the limousine ride back to the apartment, leaving him jittery and wondering what the fuck had possessed him to say yes to Colette and Aleks’ proposal. Then Aleks started to undress him, those strong, steady hands that wielded a baton with such amazing expertise now deftly unbuttoning his shirt, and it all became clear.

“Your heart’s pounding,” he murmured, his palm pressed to David’s bare chest. God, it felt so warm. His fingertips had these tiny, rough calluses that tickled David’s skin and gave him the shivers. And because it was Aleks, that just made it twice as sexy. David’s eyes drifted shut as he drank in this first touch, savoring it. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

“You mean a threesome, or sex with another man?”

One corner of Aleks’ mouth quirked up. “Both.”

“I went to college in New York, remember? There isn’t much I haven’t done. But it’s been awhile, so…”

“We’ll be gentle,” Colette interjected. “Won’t we, Aleks?”

“Oh absolutely.” So he said, but there was a mischievous glint in his eye that told David he’d best be prepared for anything. The mere thought made his cock throb.

He started to unzip his pants, but Aleks knocked his hands away and took over. He quickly skinned down David’s jeans and shoved him onto the edge of the bed. Then, flashing a devilish grin, Aleks sank to his knees, nudged David’s thighs apart and swallowed his cock to the root.

For several blissfully endless moments, David wondered if it was possible to die of pleasure. Aleks’ mouth engulfed him like the world’s warmest, wettest velvet, sucking him with a mastery that put his skill at the podium to shame. He coaxed David ever so slowly to the brink and then eased off, gripping his cock at the base to stave off his orgasm.

“Jesus, you’ve got to be kidding.” David barely recognized his own ragged, desperate tone. “Don’t stop now!”

“I have no intention of stopping. But you might as well lie back and enjoy it. I’m not nearly done with you yet.” Then he slid both hands under David’s ass, tilting his hips back, and plunged the tip of his tongue into David’s hole.

Talk about seeing stars—literally. Head spinning, gulping down air, David crumpled onto the mattress, his fingers buried in the snowy white comforter. Then Colette’s soft, familiar hand caressed his shoulder, her lips close to his ear.

“Your mouth looks lonely. Perhaps I should give it something to do.” She moved swiftly, straddling his chest, maneuvering herself into position with her silky-wet cunt right over his face. Taking care not to cover his nose, she lowered herself slowly, popping her clit between his lips like a succulent slice of ripe fruit.

Her honeyed flavor exploded onto his tongue, but it was a little difficult to concentrate on sucking and licking her with Aleks doing the same thing to him. Still, he couldn’t have been doing too bad of a job, because it didn’t take long before Colette started grinding against his mouth in earnest, her hand clutching his hair as she gasped and groaned. David opened wide and waited for it, his eyes locked on hers at the moment of her climax.

She moved off once her tremors subsided, then collapsed on her back beside him and leaned in for a kiss. “I taste good on you,” she murmured, glancing down at the foot of the bed to take stock of her husband’s progress. “I think we’ve tortured our poor David enough for one evening, don’t you? Shall we finish him off together?”

“A fine suggestion, my angel.” Lips now pressed into a thin, cruel line, Aleks gestured for David to pull his legs up and out of the way, then drew back with both hands and brought them down hard on David’s buttocks. The impact tore through him like lightning, a jolt of liquid heat surging straight to his cock, just like the night Colette had beaten his ass in San Francisco.

One, two.
The blows rained down again, vicious, open-handed smacks that ripped startled yelps from David’s throat. His eyes stung, but he blinked back tears, steeling himself for more. This was Aleks’ way of seeing how much he could take, and David wasn’t about to disappoint him, even if his ass was on fire and his dick felt ready to burst. More blows fell, one after another, until David had lost count.

“Enough,” Aleks spat at last, rising and wringing his hands. “And I thought Colette was a masochist.”

“Wh-What happened to you two finishing me off?”

“Oh, that’s still in the cards. After I make myself more comfortable.” Off came his unknotted bow tie, gold cuff links and shirt studs, followed by his crisp white tuxedo shirt, revealing a powerful, well-muscled upper body dusted with springy black hair. David looked on in rapt silence, his libido cranked so far into overdrive he could barely form a coherent thought, much less say anything. But when Aleks dropped his pants, David’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Between his legs hung the thickest, meatiest cock David had ever seen outside of a porno movie—and it was pointed right at him.

His panic must have been pretty apparent, because Aleks and Colette both started to laugh. “Don’t worry,” Colette reassured him. “Once it’s inside you, you’ll love it.”

Aleks skewered her with a pointed look. “I’m not going to fuck you, David. Not tonight anyway. But you
going to make me come. You and Colette have already had your turn after all.” He climbed up on the bed and knelt by David’s head, rubbing the plump tip of his cock over his lips. The musky, spicy odor of male perspiration and pure sex rolled off him in a heady wave. “Open up. I want to see how it looks spearing that gorgeous mouth of yours.”

He didn’t need to ask twice. Wrapping his fingers around Aleks’ shaft, David sucked on the head, which was all he could comfortably take. Luckily, Aleks didn’t try to force it, just gave a few shallow thrusts and pulled out, then slapped his cock across David’s cheeks and chin, anointing his face with sticky, fragrant streaks of pre-come. David had never seen that outside of a porno flick either, but damn if it didn’t feel every bit as hot as it looked on video.

He reached for his own cock, but Colette had already grabbed hold and started stroking him. In all the times they’d fucked, she’d never done this for him. Her amazingly strong grip barely had time to register before he let loose with a groan and spurted all over her fingers.

A few precious seconds to catch his breath, and then he turned his attention back to Aleks. David swallowed down the tip of him again, sucking hard while Aleks jerked himself off into his mouth, filling it at last with salty cream.

They crumpled to the mattress, a sweaty, sated tangle of arms and legs. It took a little while before the world stopped spinning and David came to the slow realization he was lying between them, spooned up against Aleks with Colette curled in front of him. They had their arms wrapped around him, their lips pressed to his skin.

It was…comforting. Warm. Intimate. What he imagined being cherished felt like. He didn’t actually know. He’d never felt this way before.

Still, it was probably best to err on the side of caution. No one had said anything about staying the night. But when he started to get up, Aleks’ hand closed firmly over his arm. “Be still. You’re not going anywhere.”

“I should get back to my hotel.”

Colette lifted her head. “Absolutely not.”

“But don’t you two want to stretch out and be comfortable?”

“We’re perfectly comfortable. Aren’t we, Aleks?”

“Of course we are, my angel.”

“See?” She smiled. “You’re staying, and that’s the end of it.”


Aleks heaved a mock sigh and reached over to stroke Colette’s cheek. “Give up the fight, David. When my angel wants something, I’ve learned it’s best not to deny her.”

Then David recalled how the evening had begun, and decided it was indeed a sound policy.


* * * * *



David awoke by himself the next morning, with the comforter pulled up over him and the rumpled sheets beside him still warm. Stretching slowly, he cataloged each lingering achy twinge in his muscles with a smile and a chuckle. His body wasn’t going to let him forget last night for a good long time.

Rolling carefully to his feet, he padded into the bathroom to relieve himself and jump in the shower. The hot spray hit his skin like another open-handed slap, then slowly worked its way into him, loosening his sore muscles and helping him relax. Afterward, he dried himself with a decadently soft white cotton towel and went back into the bedroom, where he found his clothes folded neatly on a chair. He wondered which of his lovers had done the folding while he slipped them back on. Then, stomach grumbling, he followed the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee into the dining room.

Colette sat at the table wrapped in a pretty blue silk robe, hair pulled back in a twist, sipping from a delicate porcelain cup while she flipped through the newspaper. Her face lit up like Christmas morning when she saw him. “Glad to see you’re finally up.”

He stole a glance at his bare wrist. His watch must still be in the bedroom. “What time is it, anyway?”

“Almost ten. I thought it best to let you sleep. You truly gave it your all last night. On and offstage.”

He laughed nervously, though it struck him as rather ridiculous. After everything he’d done with this woman, there was no point being embarrassed anymore. “Where’s Aleks?” he asked, reaching for the coffee pot.

“Oh, he had another
Orchestre de Paris
rehearsal. But he should be home in time for dinner.” She handed him a basket containing some delicious-smelling baked goods. “Have some brioche. Simone bakes it fresh every morning. Or if you’d prefer something more substantial, she can whip you up an omelet.”

“This’ll be fine, thanks.” More than fine, actually. The flaky pastry melted on his tongue like butter, light yet decadently rich. “God, I’m glad I don’t eat here every day. I’d gain twenty pounds in a month!”

Colette laughed. “Oh I’m sure you’d find some way to work it off.” She handed him a section of the paper, the page folded back to a review of last night’s performance. “The critics have spoken. They’re calling it the sexiest
since Emma Calvé.”

“Wasn’t that back in the 1920s? I think standards may have changed a bit since then.”

“What’s a review without a little hyperbole? But they also have some very nice things to say about you, and the orchestra’s playing. Aleks will be pleased.”

He skimmed it quickly, stumbling over half the words. Hopefully his French would improve a bit before it was time for him to leave. “Good to know someone appreciates all our hard work. Although it usually isn’t the critics.”

“Popov called earlier. He said people are lined up out the door at the box office, buying up tickets for the rest of the run. That’s the kind of appreciation I prefer.”

“Me too.” They clinked their cups and drank. A short silence fell over the room. David sat back in his chair, idly drumming his fingertips on the table. “Mind if I ask a personal question?”

She gave him an
oh please
eye roll. “At this point I’d say you’ve more than earned the privilege. Go ahead.”

“Well… What’s the attraction between you and Aleks? Aside from you both being musicians, you just seem so different. Temperament-wise, I mean. And he’s older than you, right?”

“By eight years. And I do think that’s part of it. I didn’t have a father growing up, so I went a bit wild during my teenage years. My poor mother didn’t know what to do with me. I’m so grateful I discovered music. The discipline of studying helped ground me. And then when I met Aleks, it just felt like fate. He’s given me the strong hand I’ve always craved.”

David’s sore ass throbbed in silent reply. “Now I know where you learned how to spank people. Does he do it to you too?”

“Oh frequently. I adore it. In fact, I feel naked if I’m not wearing a few of Aleks’ marks.” She sighed and took another sip of her coffee. “But I didn’t mean to suggest that I see him solely as a father figure. I had a father, although I don’t really remember him. My parents divorced when I was five, right before my mother and I moved to Canada.” She shrugged. “Even after I returned to Paris, I didn’t bother seeking him out. He had no interest in being part of my life. He didn’t try to contact me once in all the years I was away.”

“Consider yourself lucky. Mine’s a hopeless drunk. I hate going home for holiday visits anymore. This year he got royally sloshed on Christmas Day and picked a fight with me in front of the entire family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, everybody. So I left.”

“Oh, David. You were by yourself on Christmas?”

“It wasn’t that bad. I went to the movies, then out for a nice, quiet Chinese dinner. Better than being trapped in that house with a father I can’t stand. Which is too bad, because the rest of my family’s pretty nice.”

“Aleks and I have made our own little family, just the two of us. My mother died while I was still at the
, and all Aleks’ relatives are in St. Petersburg. He hasn’t seen them in years.”

“That must be rough.”

“It is what it is. Sometimes we have to take our families where we find them.” She smiled and reached for his hand. “If you’d like to check out of your hotel and stay here with us, you’re more than welcome. I’ve already discussed it with Aleks, and he’s in complete agreement.”

Touched and amazed, all David could do for a long moment was stare at her. “You sure about this?”

“Of course we are. Aleks and I enjoyed our time with you last night. There’s no reason it has to end, especially since you’re here for three more weeks.”

An affair then, not just a one-night stand. David hadn’t expected anything like this, but now that the offer was on the table, he wasn’t about to turn it down. The frisson of fresh desire now snaking through his body told him how much he still wanted them, and they obviously still wanted him. It was nice to be wanted—wonderful, even.

“Okay,” he said finally, rising to give her a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll head over and get my things.”

BOOK: EntangledTrio
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