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Authors: Ker Dukey

Tags: #novel

Empathy (7 page)

BOOK: Empathy
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Clive can’t stop eye raping her as she stands looking uncomfortable, stepping from one foot to the other, her hands fidget at her side, her eyes scanning everything but him. She nudges the prick’s arm and gestures towards the bag his friend is holding. He reaches for it and pulls out a bottle. They make their way around the house to the backyard where the party is in full swing. I blend in to a crowd of guys laughing and catcalling at a girl whose top is completely transparent; her tits are on full display reminding me I haven’t got laid in a couple of weeks and I need a release. I stay in the background, watching as Melody accepts a red cup from a guy standing at a keg, filling drinks for everyone. She takes a shot from the dick who brought her here and shrugs off his over-familiar hand, shaking her head at him. He pouts like a woman and offers her another shot which she necks then hands the empty cup to him. We have officers who give talks about accepting open drinks from people at parties in high school. She is being flippant with her safety and it irritates me. The fact I’m getting irritated irritates me further. A growl crawls up my throat but I focus my energy and push it back down. The friend that came with them seems to be glued to a bottle while he watches them, and I bide my time on the outer edge looking in, waiting.



The night wears on with more of the same. Her goal is clearly to get wasted, and they all look pretty much there. The best friend can hardly stand, he looks like he’s about to fall in the pool. I find the head brother of the fraternity and suggest he makes dick take his friend home before he has an accident and it comes down bad on the house. He thanks me for the heads up and makes his way towards Clive, throwing his keys in his direction. “Take my truck and get your buddy home. He’s wasted.”

“Sure, man.”

I shake my head and follow them to the front of the house, take the plates and call it in. Clive forces his friend in to the truck and turns. “You coming Melody?”

I walk up behind her and place my hands on her shoulders. Her body stiffens under my touch.

“Tell him to come back for you.” Her breathing accelerates.

“Come back for me,” she chokes out. He narrows his eyes and taps his fingers against his leg “Why not just come with me? We can go somewhere quieter. Talk and stuff”

And stuff” the little piss ant
. “Just come back for me” she reinforces. “Don’t leave this spot then” he commands before sighing, jumping in the truck and taking off.

Her body trembles under my hand.

“Hey, calm down.” I turn her to face me. There are tears in her eyes and her chest is heaving from her deep breaths. Green eyes roam my face, her head tilts then she lifts her hand to slap me.

“You can’t just come up behind people like that you, you ass.”

My eyebrows shoot up as I hold her wrist up a few inches from my face. She’s panting now, eyes searching mine before dropping to my lips, and her tongue darts out to wet her own. I drop her wrist and step back. “I was stopping you from being stupid.”

Her brows furrow. “What?”

I point in the direction the truck took off in. “He was drunk driving, so unless you wanted to end up as road kill, you can thank me and stop trying to fucking hit me.”

She rubs her delicate wrist where I’d gripped her. “I wasn’t going to go with him, I can’t stand him.” Her green eyes bore into mine. “You’re him, aren’t you?” My heart beat stops for a brief moment. I stand mute. “The guy I bumped into a couple of weeks ago?”

I release the breath I was holding. Fuck, what is wrong with me?

“You’re not weak.” I speak without thinking it through. Her eyes soften and a small smile tilts her lips.

“Yeah? I feel pretty weak and I’m sorry for calling you a fuck.” She chuckles then looks away, abashed. God, hearing the word
coming from those lips makes my dick stir.

“Fucking dick, I think it was.” I raise an eyebrow.

She smiles and nods. “Not my finest insult. I think you knocked the sense out of me that day.” She looks off into the night; she’s gone somewhere in her mind. That’s when I realise she’s gone back to that day, that night her world changed.

I checked and re-checked the details on that hit. If her brother wasn’t the only family she had left, I would have killed him for the mess.

“Hey.” I reach out and stroke her arm. Her olive skin feels like silk under my fingers. “I’m sorry.”

She shakes her head, mistaking my gesture as affection when I just wanted to pull her back from her memories so I didn’t have to feel the aggression and unsettled pandemonium rattling around in my mind when I think of her and why she still has a pulse.

“So, is this your house?” she asks.

I smirk. She thinks I belong to a frat house. How wrong she is. I shake my head. “No I don’t go here.”

“Then why are you here?”

I look around, taking in the overflowing party goers, the loud annoying music that is just a beat and an out of tune bitch hollering into a mic. “I was looking for someone.”

She fidgets, kicking at imaginary dirt. I take in the length of her bare legs. She’s stunning but seems insecure. How can she not know how attractive she is?

“Oh, okay. Well I’ll let you go find them.” She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“They already left.” I slip my hands into my jeans pockets and look down at her. “Do you want me to walk you home?”

She nods. She’s a little unsteady on her feet from the alcohol she’s consumed.

I walk beside her and have to stop her when she starts to walk into the road. My hands are on her waist, the heat from her skin seeps into my palm. Turning slowly so she’s facing me, her head tilts up, her eyes half lidded. She reaches up onto her tiptoes and crushes her soft, full lips against mine. She tastes sweet, like cherries and a hint of vodka. My arms fasten around her waist, pulling her supple body into mine. My lips taste hers; her tongue shoots out and into my parted mouth. My head wages war with my cock but I wouldn’t be who I am if I let weak impulses control me.

I push her back. “What are you doing?”

I need time to clear the clouded thoughts raging in my head. She makes me
She made my heart speed up and my skin vibrate with electricity when she kissed me. I can’t have that. Why the fuck does she have an effect on me?

“I just want to forget for a little while,” she whispers, stroking her hands up my arms and into my hair. She reaches up onto her tiptoes again but I step away.

“You’re acting irresponsibly. I could be anyone and you let me walk you home, and then you throw yourself at me. Do you want to be murdered? Raped? Then again, you can’t rape the willing, so maybe you want to be used as a slut for a night?”

I’m being harsh, but I
harsh. I need to remember who I am. I need her to not want or like me.

She drops her hands and steps away from me. Torment swirls in those hypnotic eyes of hers and then I see pity. Understanding changes her features like she’s just solved a puzzle.

“Wow, you really are a fucking dick. A bitter fucking dick. If I was male and just wanted a bit of comfort, a kiss to help rid myself of memories that plague me it would be okay, but because I’m a girl, that makes me a slut who wants to be raped and murdered? I didn’t ask you to have sex with me, I just kissed you.” She runs her hands through her long, dark waves. “Thanks for stopping me. I went further than I meant to, but hell, there isn’t enough soap that would get your bitterness off me if I went any further. I clearly am a poor judge of character.”

She turns and heads back towards the dorms, alone in the dark, her words echoing around my brain. She is so feisty I can’t decide if I want to squeeze her throat and watch her eyes gloss over with tears, or rip her tiny shorts off and bury my dick inside her, making her scream, making her so fucking dirty she’ll never get clean. I stay back but follow her to make sure she makes it home. I didn’t kill her when she came home unexpectedly that night, so I refuse to let anyone else do it. I know what lurks in the shadows. I won’t let anything bad happen to her that’s not my doing.

God, I really am a fucking dick.

When I see her light turn on in her room I pull out my cell and text Abby.

You busy?

It takes her less than thirty seconds to reply.

Yes, I’m at a party, why?

She knows why. I only ever message her when I want to fuck.

You know why.

Well, you’ll have to find some other idiot to be your hole for the night. I’m here with a guy.

That’s new. My hole for the night? Guess she really is fed up with my coldness towards her. Shame, she has a lethal mouth. I don’t bother replying.

I head back towards the party where I know I’ll be able to take my pick from all the half-dressed sluts there. I just need to get laid so I can stop thinking about her, stop myself from feeling shit I don’t need to be feeling.

I spot Abby when I reach the party. Small world. She’s dancing with her girlfriends, not one guy anywhere near her.

You can’t make me jealous Abby, so don’t play a game you can’t win.

I scan the crowd and notice Abby’s best friend by the bar with Abby’s phone.

I smile. The devious little bitch, pretending to be Abby. I walk up behind her and look over her shoulder as she texts a reply to me.

“What the fuck’s your problem?” I ask, making her jump.

She turns and twists up her face in disgust. “You are. She drops us as soon as you call and you treat her like shit. She deserves better.”

I grab her hand and drag her outside, around to the side of the house. She doesn’t try to break my grasp; she fumbles along in her stupid shoes that she can’t walk in, clanking across the wooden decking. “What are you doing?”

“Showing you why she drops you as soon as I call.”

I push her against the wall, reaching for the hem of her dress and yanking it up to her waist. She gasps but doesn’t stop me. Her chest is brushing against mine as it rises and falls from her ragged breaths. I bring my lips to her neck and trace a line up to her earlobe, biting gently. Her perfume makes my nose sting and my tongue taste disgusting. This chick needs to lay off the cheap fragrance she’s laced her body in.

“What are you doing? Blake, stop it, you’re with Abby.”

Her ragged pants tell me she’ll let me do whatever the fuck I want.

“Abby knows what she has with me. Sex, that’s all I can give her and all I want. She knows this.”

I slip my hand to the front of her panties, and she gasps and grabs my hand. She’s dripping wet. “No, stop. I can’t. Abby loves you.”

I pull back so I can look into her lust-filled brown eyes. “Then you’re a shitty friend, sabotaging her by texting me. Now, instead of her getting to be with me, I’ll be fucking some slut tonight.”

Her hands rears back but I grab her wrist and laugh. What is it with women trying to slap me?

“I’m not a slut,” she spits.

I look down at her exposed panties and smirk. “I didn’t mean you, but if the shoe fits. And I stand firm on the shitty friend statement. Look at you, out here with the guy your friend’s in love with.” I tut at her and shake my head.

Anger then guilt fills her eyes and her head drops. I test her further by slipping my hand back in her panties. Her face lifts, her teeth biting into her lip, confliction raging in her gaze. Her hand slips over the top of mine and pushes me further until I’m almost at her entrance. She’s soaking wet and ready for me to do whatever I want, but I already have. I grin at her and pull my hand out swiping her juices across her lips. Her nose scrunches. I step back, her hands reach out for me, making me chuckle, a dark laugh at how pathetic she is. I walk back through the house passing Abby as I go, not acknowledging her. I’ve been a complete asshole and I don’t feel bad. I don’t feel anything for them which is normal, but
, Green Eyes,
is still niggling away at me.



BOOK: Empathy
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