Read Emerald Green Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Emerald Green (6 page)

BOOK: Emerald Green
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She rose onto her hands and knees as he asked, back arched.


Connor reached around and moved the emerald pendant so it rested on her back. “I want them to touch you when I’m fucking your ass.” His voice was low and hummed with desire.


He positioned himself behind her and rested his hands on the globes of her ass, separating them. The hot lash of his tongue trailed a path along the crevice until it reached her anus. When he rimmed it with the tip of his tongue she started to shake. A dark ribbon of need began uncoiling in her belly, winding its way through her body.


As he lapped at her he slid two fingers into her cunt, maneuvering them against the heated tissues that she knew were already soaked. She was sure her juices were dripping out of her again but her body, exhausted as it was, seemed to have a mind of its own. She wiggled her ass at him, begging him for more, her cunt that had only been tantalized by her masturbation wanted satisfaction.


“You want it, don’t you,” he asked in a hoarse voice,


“Yes.” She didn’t even have to ask him what he meant.


Without a word he dragged his fingers from her dripping pussy and rubbed her cream around her anus, then carried some inside with his finger.


“I wish I had some lube to ease this for you, sweetheart but I’ll go as slowly as we need to. Okay?”


She nodded her head, beyond speech.


He fucked her asshole with his finger, sliding another one in beside it and scissoring them to stretch her tissues. When he pulled them back she tensed, knowing what was coming. She heard the snap of latex as he swiftly sheathed himself. And when the broad head of his penis pushed into that tight, dark hole she sucked in her breath.


“That’s it,” he encouraged. “Take in a deep breath and hold it until I tell you to let go.”


He braced one hand on the small of her back as he slowly, inexorably pushed his thick penis inside her virgin asshole. He adjusted his position slightly and she felt two lean fingers slide into her cunt again and his thumb find her clit.


“All right, sweet thing. Let that breath out now.”


She blew it out as he pushed hard and seated himself fully inside her. The pressure was almost more than she could bear and her tissues burned with the friction. But then he began moving his fingers inside her pussy and his thumb stroked her clit over and over. In spite of herself she responded, the walls of her vaginal sheath beginning to quiver and her cream pouring into his hand. That wicked thumb teased and tormented her clit until she thought she would go mad. And still she wanted more.


“Okay?” he asked, his voice rough with his effort at control.


She nodded. “Yes.”


“Then hang on for the ride of your life, sweetheart.”


His hips rolled and thrust, the tempo increasing as he moved his cock in and out of her tight, dark hole. At the same time he increased his movement in her pussy and the friction over her clit. The more he fucked her, the easier it became, until she started pushing back to him. The dual sensation of his penis in her rear sheath and his fingers in her cunt, rubbing against himself through the thin separating membrane, drove her to a fever pitch.


Harder and faster he moved and she matched his rhythm, her body demanding more and more of him. She heard him groaning with desire above her, his hand and his cock moving faster and faster. His thighs slapped against the backs of hers and his testicles bumped against the cheeks of her ass. She tried to hang on until she could feel him ready to explode but her body demanded its release.


“Please,” she begged. “Please now.”


“Yes,” he shouted. “Come now.”


They exploded together, his hot seed pumping into her ass while her pussy clenched around his fingers. He rode her through the spasms as she flew into space, splintering, shattering, her entire body shaking. She couldn’t breathe as the contractions seized her body and her juices poured into his hand. There was no beginning, no ending, just this endless peak of unbearable pleasure that she was sure would kill her.


She was crying and screaming his name, at the same time she continued to buck back against him, forcing him into her again and again.


And then the storm was over and they collapsed onto the blanket, Connor’s big body covering hers. His breath rasped in her ear and she could feel his heart beating hard against her back, competing with her own in volume and intensity.


Meredith had no idea how long they lay there like that. She began to shiver and realized the sun had dipped down toward the horizon, taking its heat with it.


Connor rolled to his back, taking her with him and kissed her so thoroughly she could hardly breathe.


“I have no words,” he told her. “You cannot imagine how you made me feel. And to know I was the first man to fuck your ass… It’s a gorgeous ass, Meredith. If I weren’t ready to collapse I’d stick my cock in it again and ride you to heaven.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Are you okay? Was it all right for you?”


“Oh yes,” she breathed. “It was wonderful. But I think I need a week to recuperate.”


“Just don’t take off the pendant,” he warned with a grin. “This all might disappear.”




“Yes, sweetheart?”


“Will-Will we ever see each other again.”


He brushed his knuckles against her cheek. “Life holds a great many surprises. You never know when the next one might come along.” He gave her one last kiss. “Meanwhile we need to get dressed before we freeze to death. And I have to get you back to your car. Surely there must be someone wondering where you are.”


She shook her head, her smile disappearing. “No, not anymore.”


He hugged her tightly. “Maybe the emeralds will bring you a prince.”


“At least someone like you,” she told him and reached for her clothes.


* * * * *




Meredith heard the voice calling her as if from a great distance. Her mind tried to shut it out and reach for the dream that even now was floating away. She could still feel the sand of the beach between her toes, hear the roar of the ocean, feel the salty breeze on her skin. She was languid, soporific after hours of unbelievable sex with the most incredible man she’d ever met and she didn’t want it to end.
Come back
, she wanted to shout.
Don’t leave me
. But her dream prince was already nothing more than smoke, drifting into nothingness.


“Meredith, are you out here, honey?”


She dragged her eyes open and looked around her. Instead of a beach she was on her grandmother’s sun porch at the bed-and-breakfast, wrapped in her usual afghan, a book open on her lap. She shook her head. Had it really been a dream? It had seemed so real.


“There you are.” Gram stood beside her, shaking her head. “I just got back from Portland and hoped I’d find you out doing something fun. And here you are, with just a book for company again. You’ve got to stop this.”


Meredith pushed herself up in the lounge and the book on her lap dropped to the floor.


Gram picked it up. “Is this your book, honey? It’s not mine.”


Meredith took the book from her. When she saw the title it almost burned her hand.
The History of Emeralds.
Where had that come from? It wasn’t hers, either.


She shoved her fingers through her hair. “I guess I was reading it and fell asleep. I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I know you wanted me to get out and I really meant to do something this afternoon.” She frowned. Why didn’t it feel as if she’d slept? Why did she feel like she’d been somewhere and done something? She must have been asleep but her body felt too spent to have rested. And sore, in the strangest places. Why did her rear end sting the way it did? A strange feeling meandered into her stomach.


“Well, go wash your face and brush your hair. Mr. Reilly’s decided he can’t take another evening with his computer and he wants to take us out to dinner. I told him I’m beat after this afternoon but you would be more than happy to go.”


“Gram!” Oh, lord. “I don’t even know the man. No, I can’t do this. I don’t want to. Make my excuses.”


Footsteps sounded on the stairs.


“Too late. Here he is now. And you still need to make yourself presentable.”


Meredith threw up her hands. “I can’t—”


“Can’t what?”


Oh, God. That voice. She knew it from her dream. But that was impossible. And then he walked out onto the porch and her breath caught in her throat. It was
! From her dream. It had been a dream, right? Every pulse in her body began to throb.


“This is my granddaughter, Meredith,” Gram was saying. “Honey, this is J.C. Reilly.”


“You didn’t tell me how beautiful she was,” he teased.


Yet while he wore his charm like a second skin she detected something unsettling in his eyes. Apprehension? No, impossible. He didn’t seem like a man who would be unsure of himself. And besides, they had just met. Right?


“I told Meredith I needed to rest after today,” Gram went on, “but she’ll be happy to have dinner with you.”


Those whiskey-colored eyes that were suddenly so familiar studied her. “I’d be more than pleased if you’d accept my invitation, Meredith.”


She couldn’t make her mouth work. Her brain seemed to have deserted her. Apparently she’d spent the afternoon reading a book she’d never seen and sleeping on the sun porch. Then how did she know J.C. Reilly?




“Aren’t you up for a little adventure?” he teased. “You never know what you might find when you venture out of the house.”


“But I…you…”


“For heaven’s sake.” Gram’s voice was edged with impatience. “Just go fix yourself up and come back here. It’s time you got out of here for a while.” She turned to Reilly. “That child would sleep in that lounge chair forever if I’d let her.”


“I think you look just fine.” His eyes dropped to the hollow at her throat. “By the way, that’s an exquisite piece of jewelry you’re wearing. A very interesting pendant. The emeralds just match your eyes.”


“Why, he’s right,” Gram said, reaching out to touch it. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear it before. Is it new?”


Meredith’s hand shook as she reached up to her neck and her fingers came in contact with a pine tree charm. She flipped it up and saw it was studded with tiny emeralds. So it hadn’t been a dream after all. Had it?


She remembered all the things she and her dream man had done on that beach and her face flushed hot. Impossible. This whole thing was impossible.


“Meredith?” Gram prodded.


“I-It was a gift. From a special friend.” She turned to Reilly, again aware of the indefinable look in his eyes. What was he so unsure of? She wet her lips. “Tell me, Mr. Reilly. What does the J.C. stand for?”


“The J is for John, like my father. But most people use my middle name. Connor.”


Meredith thought she would faint. Her legs threatened to buckle under her and her mouth went suddenly dry. She looked at Connor and saw a grin playing at the corners of his mouth. An invisible thread suddenly tightened between them, tugging her toward him. He reached out a hand for her. “Come on. I know a great place for lobster and they have a wonderful wine cellar.”


Meredith gave him her own trembling hand. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than have dinner with you.” She turned back to Gram, hoping she wasn’t making a mistake. “Don’t wait up for us.”


His fingers linked with hers. “Good. We can get a little tipsy and I can tell you all about emeralds.” He looked into her eyes and whatever tentative feelings had been lurking in his had disappeared. “Did you know they have mystical powers?”




About the Author




I always wonder what readers really want to know when I write one of these things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting journey. I’ve managed rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only female on the sports staff of a university newspaper. Immersed myself in Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived in five different states. Married two very interesting but totally different men.


I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because the minute I set foot on Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill Country gives me inspiration for more stories than I’ll probably ever be able to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who surround me and the gorgeous scenery that provides a great setting.


Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to life on the pages of my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive about it when I’m writing and thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such a terrific husband who encourages my writing and puts up with my obsession. As a multi-published author, I love to hear from my readers. Their input keeps my mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.




Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at







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BOOK: Emerald Green
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