Read Embrace the Wind Online

Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Embrace the Wind (5 page)

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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“How long is it, Reaper?” Argent queried.

He raised his chin. “I once measured it and it’s ten inches when fully erect so I’d say

I’m on the large side,” he said with male pride.

“Huh,” Corallin replied. “Will it all fit inside us or will it hit our wombs?”

He felt a tremor pass down his body. “Ah, most of it, aye, but probably not the first

time I take you.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to hurt you, wench.”

“Oh, I don’t mind!” the redhead said, eyes excited. “Really I don’t. I want it to hurt

so I’ll know you’re inside me!”

“Corallin has a slight problem with liking discomfort,” Argent said, shooting her

sister a disapproving glance.

“I want you to throw me down and slam your body over mine,” Corallin said, eyes

wide. “Then you can ravish me. The harder, the better.”

Eanan felt sweat gathering in his palms as he gripped the brass rail. It took every

ounce of his mettle to turn away from the hot, greedy look on the redhead’s face.

“W-What about you, Blondie?” he asked, his lips feeling numb. “Have you a


Aureolin looked to Argent, who shrugged disdainfully, then she locked eyes with

Eanan. “Argent made it possible for us to watch you when the woman suckled you in


Embrace the Wind

the storage closet. You seemed to like it. Will you teach us how to perform that act upon


Another hard shudder rippled down Eanan and his hands tightened around the

brass rail. “Aye,” he said in a gruff voice. “I will be more than happy to teach you.”

When she looked satisfied at his answer, his eyes shifted to the silver-haired woman

standing at his left side. “And what of you,
?” he asked, using the old language

word for silver-haired. “Is there something you’d like to ask?”

“Aye,” she said and ran the tip of her tongue over her upper lip.

His belly clenched and he felt an intense stab of desire rip through him. He was

mesmerized by her action and felt his cock spring straight up between his legs. When

her eyes slid down him to that hard shaft then back to his, he stopped breathing.

“What?” he whispered.

Her eyelids closed halfway. “Which of us would you like to breach first?”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Chapter Three

He told them to decide who among each other would be the first for him to take.

When he’d allowed them ample time to study his body—turning over so they could

look at his backside, which they seemed to “Oooh” and “Ahhh” over almost as much as

his front—he turned over again.

“Now you can touch,” he said, and jumped as first Red then Argent practically

leapt upon the bed, and Blondie climbed over the footboard like an eager adolescent

scaling a fence to reach forbidden fruit. Before he could take another breath, Argent was

shooing him over to the middle of the bed with a fan of her graceful hand so both she

and Red could kneel to either side of him. Blondie contented herself with wedging

between his legs once he was settled and bending forward to avidly study his cock.

Fingertips trailed over his arms, through the hair under his arms and onto his chest.

Palms spread over his pecs and fingers raked through the chest hair, plucked at his


He ground his ass into the mattress, trying hard not to groan or grunt, not to make

the first sound. No woman had ever pinched his nipples and he found the sensation

intoxicating, so despite his best efforts, he could not help making little sounds of

enjoyment he was sure the women were noting.

His nerve endings were firing like crazy as fingernails dragged gently over his flesh

and an inquisitive finger plunged into his navel to trace the spiral there. He shivered

and drew in a sharp breath as Argent leaned over him to inspect a scar on his right arm

and her bare breast grazed his chin.

“How did you come by this scar, warrior?” she asked.

He turned his head to see what she meant. “Oh, Owen did that with a wooden

sword when we were boys.”


Embrace the Wind

“And this scar?” she asked, trailing her fingers along the side of his neck.

“Shrapnel during a battle,” he said. “Nearly took my head off.”

“Isn’t it odd that the hair under his arms isn’t curly like the hair on his chest and

over his cock?” Blondie asked, her head tilted to one side as she observed him.

“I think the hair under a man’s arms is very sexy,” Argent replied.

“I like the feel of the hair on his chest,” Red commented, rubbing her palm in a

large circle over his pecs.

“I am anxious to see how it feels against my nipples,” Blondie commented. “I bet it


Eanan clamped his teeth together. He had invited them to touch him but their

observations were doing strange things to his body. His cock was burning with need

and he ached to have one of them touch it.

Blondie was running her hands all along his thighs and knees but her attention was

once again riveted to his crotch. She seemed enthralled by it and it looked to him as if

she were working up her courage to touch the thing she wanted most. When Red’s

hand strayed a bit too close to the crop of curls below his navel, the little yellow-haired

minx shooed her sister away.

“This is mine for now!” she proclaimed.

“Well, the hair is mine,” Red argued, and threaded her fingers through his nether


Eanan could not stop the groan her tugging on those wiry curls caused. His thigh

muscles contracted to bulging ridges.

Argent, on the other hand, seemed fascinated by the hardness of those muscles and

was running her palms over his thighs then his pecs and biceps, pulling one hand down

from his iron grip on the headboard to examine each of his fingers in turn.

“I like a man who keeps his nails trimmed and clean,” she told him.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

But it was Blondie’s tentative stroke of his cock that nearly sent the Reaper over the

edge. He snatched his hand back from Argent and grabbed the headboard as though his

life depended on it.

“I think he liked that,” Blondie said, and wrapped her fingers delicately around his

cock. “Oh sisters! It is hard as steel but velvety soft! Feel it!”

Eager hands touched him, stroked him, fingers swirling around the engorged head,

delicate little fingernails dipping into the slit that had garnered more “Ooohs” and

“Ahhhs” as liquid oozed from its depths.

“It’s like a little mouth,” Blondie suggested.

His eyes widened as Red put a finger to the ooze then brought it to her mouth.

“Taste it,” she encouraged her sisters. “It’s salty and slick.”

Blondie and Argent had to experience it for themselves, each running a thumb over

his aching head.

“I like that,” Blondie declared. “Oh, I
like that. I can’t wait to put him in my


“Argh,” Eanan groaned, and squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t know how much

more of this torture he could take. He couldn’t remember being as hard and full as he

was at that moment, and with their hands pulling lightly at him, sliding under his balls

to cup him, weigh him…

“Interesting piece of anatomy,” Argent said. “Heavy.” She removed her hand so the

redhead could touch him.

“They are wrinkled like corduroy but they are so warm!” Red exclaimed as she

fondled him. “And hairy.”

“Didn’t that whore put her finger inside him?” Blondie inquired.

His eyes flew open. “No!” he yelped, and he lifted his head, repeating the word

firmly. “

“But why not?” Blondie asked, her lips thrust out in a pout. “She did it.”


Embrace the Wind

“Aye, and if you do it, I’ll come like a race horse, wench, and you really don’t want

me to do that before I’ve had at least one of you,” he protested.

“Why not?” Argent queried with a sharp frown.

“Because it takes men half an hour or more to be able to do it again after they’ve

climaxed,” he said, hearing the wheedling in his voice and embarrassed by it.

Argent leaned over him and traced her fingertip along his bottom lip. “Don’t worry,

warrior. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Aye, but…” he began.

Before he could stop her, Blondie wriggled her finger beneath him and inserted that

wicked little digit as far inside him as it would go. He gasped and stiffened, making a

strangled sound as she jiggled her finger and his hips shot off the bed.

“He is going to do that thing. I can see it in his eyes,” Red warned. “Look at his

shaft and his balls are all tight and tucking up.”

“He is going to spill his seed,” Argent labeled it.

“Oh goodie!” Blondie exclaimed, and she leaned over him, taking him into her hot,

wet little mouth.

That was all Eanan could stand. His iron grip on the headboard was the only thing

he still had a hold on. He came so violently he felt the blood pounding in his ears with a

mighty roar. His heels dug into the mattress, his hips pumped upward and with three

sets of hands fondling his body in different places all at the same time, he came and

came and came until he thought the top of his head would blow off.

He shot hard over and over again, trembling violently with each spasm and his ass

ground against the mattress, his neck arched, head pressed hard against the headboard.

“Aye, warrior,” he heard Argent say as she spiked her fingers through his hair and

pushed it back from his sweaty forehead. “That is what we wanted.”

The stroking went on and on.

“Enough!” he shouted, trying to writhe away from those eager hands. “Please!”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Blondie still had him in her mouth and was sucking him as though he were a

lollipop. He could feel the pressure of her flat, little tongue against the underside of his

cock as she swallowed—moaning deep in her throat—and a hard shudder traveled

from his head to his toes.

“Please, wench, please!” he begged. The sensation was sheer torture—exquisite

though it was. “No more please!”

“I think you’re hurting him, Aureolin,” Argent said softly.

Blondie sat up, letting his cock slide limply from her mouth. She licked her

glistening lips.

“Oh sweet, merciful Alel,” Eanan groaned at seeing that innocent act.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Reaper,” she apologized.

He turned his head but there was no way to escape the eyes on him. He looked into

Red’s green gaze and she smiled gently at him.

“I am aching to taste you, warrior,” she told him.

He groaned helplessly and looked back at Argent.

“I will be the one to be your first mate then Corallin will have you,” Argent said,

and at her sisters’ protest, she held up a hand and spoke clearly and firmly, brooking no

argument. “It is my right as
kied er ny gheddyn,
firstborn. I claim him first and it will be

my maidenhead that will blood his stalwart body.” She stared into his eyes. “Then I will

taste your seed, warrior. I will suckle you.”

Eanan whimpered for already his body was beginning to react to the seductive


“You will like it, Argent,” Blondie stated. “I did.”

“Warrior?” Red asked, drawing his eyes back to her. “I’ve a question.”

Weakly he rolled his head toward her. “Aye?” he managed to croak.

“Where Aureolin touched you, did that give you such pleasure that you could not

stop the spurting of your seed so forcefully?”


Embrace the Wind

A strange expression akin to pain passed over the Reaper’s face. “Aye,” he

answered, and realized he had just sentenced himself to being poked and prodded in

the ass any time the little sweethearts wanted to invade him. He moaned again and

mumbled something about the gods helping him.

“Could you…?” Red lowered her voice as though her sisters couldn’t hear her.

“Could you put your cock in my hole like she put her finger in yours? Would it fit?”

“You’re killing me here, wench,” he complained. “Have you women no idea what

such talk does to a man?”

“I can see perfectly well what it is doing to you, warrior,” Argent answered,

glancing down at his cock—a recalcitrant muscle that was coming alive much too soon

and far too eagerly.

“You didn’t answer, Eanan. Can you put your cock in me there?”

He nodded. “Aye, Red, but it will hurt.”

“Oh, don’t tell her that,” Blondie snorted.

“I wouldn’t mind,” the redhead said with a grin.

“Merciful Alel, take me now before they turn me into a shriveled husk,” he whined.

Argent shooed her sisters off the bed. “Go. Let him have a moment of rest.”

“Why?” the two asked in tandem.

“Because I don’t think either of you should be here when he takes me and that is

what is going to happen very soon now.” She gave them an arched brow. “Go sit in the

corner with your backs to the bed and wait your turns.”

“Why can’t we watch?” Red asked.

“Because I don’t want you to!” Argent snapped. “I want him all to myself. Once

we’ve each had him then we can watch one another, share his body. One can suckle him

while one kisses him and another plies his nipples since he seems to like that, but I

think he will be more at ease if we do this first taking one at a time.” She looked down

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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