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Authors: D.M. Sears

Eden's Mark (16 page)

BOOK: Eden's Mark
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“This staff has passed from each medicine man or woman in our lineage since the beginning of existence in Ellethny. All the essence of magic from each individual has been fixed into this staff. Each person has added a symbol harnessed with their core power, imbibing the staff for the next generation. When the high mage feels their power weakening, they pass it to the next person to do the same. The cycle will continue until the world comes to an end.”

“Why are you telling me this?” It was cool to hear the history, but this was not the best moment for the lesson. Besides, what would happen if the high mage died before they passed the staff on?

“That is a good question.”

“You heard that?”

“My dear, I hear everything. If a high mage dies before they pass the staff on, it will go into a hibernation-like state until the rightful heir comes to claim it. I am telling you all this because when my time is up, you, Eden Knightly, will inherit next. The staff of our people will belong to you, and with it, the responsibility of wielding such power.”

My mouth dropped open. I was stunned, shocked. Me? How is this possible? “There must be someone else who has worked and strived for such an honor, I don't think it would be fair to just take it out from under them. What if I had never made it to this world?”

“There are many who desire the staff and the power that belongs to it, but only one can feel the power and thus carry such a burden. You are the one who has been chosen to carry it when I am gone. One way or another, Eden, you would have been brought here to claim your birthright.”

After the initial shock wore off, I bowed my head, “I am honored.”

“Now my child, we need to get down to business or we will lose my nephew. No matter what happens, do not let go. Continue to focus your energy into the staff, do you understand?”

His voice was stern now and I nodded my answer. “Good, let’s begin.”

Amend began to chant, the fire died down to blue flame only, the heat rose in the small hut. The staff shook in our hands, but I was instructed not to let go, so I tightened my sweaty grip. Lex thrashed under us, his body contorting as he moved. The horrible noises he made caused my blood to chill. Evil was in the room with us, vying for Lex just as we were.

I let the earth ground me and I closed my eyes tight as the little man across from me spoke. Leaving reality, I concentrated on the words echoing between us. The power from the staff calling me to meld with it. I let the energy inside me join with the ancient power buzzing in the white wood. Wood heated under my fingers searing my flesh to the stick. I would not be letting go now. My birthmark pulsed adding to the fevered rhythm of energy.

Amend’s voice rose louder and I found myself joining in. I had no idea what I was saying but it registered in that part of me my energy flowed from. I watched crooked shadows dance on the walls around us. Lex’s painful dance ended abruptly.

“Eden, why have you come? You are not welcomed here.” The voice was Lex’s, but not at the same time. The voice made my skin crawl. “Don’t you know your mother and father didn’t want you? Why would they have sent you away if they really wanted you, if they loved you? No one wants you. We kept you because we had no choice. You will never be wanted. Our lives were perfect, then you came along and now, all this destruction is because of you.” His lips upturned in a gruesome smile that left me chilled to the bone. I froze; I looked at Amend for something, anything, to settle me.

“Do not listen to him, my dear, that is the shadow talking. He is not himself, stay strong and do not let go!” Amend was a pillar, the wind gusted around us and we chanted louder, hoping to drown out Lex’s words.

I watched my uncle’s almost translucent eyes roll back in his head. He had spittle coming from his mouth, adding to the gross effect. I wanted to run, but I knew if I did, he would turn.

“ Gregor is only using you. How could anyone love you? You bring death wherever you go, why, look what you did to me. This was your fault. You never listen, do you? Now you are pregnant, just like your whore of a mother. You are a tramp, just like her. Do you think he will stay with you once he finds out what you’ve done? Maybe we can find a use for a slut like you.”              

His tongue came out of his mouth like a snake and it weaved its way to my cheek. I wanted to scream as it tasted my flesh. My angered rolled and boiled inside me. Pregnant? He was only saying this to get to me.

“Stop it!” I clenched my jaw and tried to concentrate.

“My, you taste sweet. No wonder Gregor is playing the love-sick fool. I bet others would love a taste.” Lex laughed a terrible laugh at me and I lost it.

I stood up; holding the staff tightly, “Get out of him NOW!”

I pushed every ounce of energy I had from the earth and the staff in hopes the shadow would leave him. The energy exploded from the staff and straight into the chest of my uncle.

It hit him with a thud and I watched Lex scream as the vapors and toxic ooze left his body. The hut smelled of putrid chemicals as we finished eradicating the black sludge that poured out his nose and mouth. Amend held the staff upright and the black smoke was sucked into the staff turning a bright green stone onyx black.

“What happened?”

“I trapped the darkness, my dear. Each stone has the power to trap dark magic. Be careful though. If too much dark magic enters the stones, the balance of magic will shift. The staff will no longer be for good, but twist to the darker side.” His voice boomed with warning.

We cleaned Lex up and he slipped into a peaceful slumber. Amend sent a sweet smelling breeze through the hut, cleansing the area from the darkness. I was weak, but I managed to make my way outside to Val.

“Eden!” Val caught me as my legs went out from under my body. “Gregor, help me get her over by the fire. She is ice-cold.”

Gregor took me from Val and set me by the fire. The sun was gone and stars had replaced the light in the sky. “You can go see him now, Aunt Val.”

I leaned against my vampire. His scent reached my nose and I savored his smell. I needed him tonight. I was so tired, mentally and physically exhausted. Though my brain was mush and my body useless, the words spoken by the shadow replayed over and over.

Val took off for the tent, desperately wanting Lex to be back to normal. Amend greeted her, “He is sleeping. You will find him weak but healed.”

Val nodded and went with Amend into the hut. I returned my attention to the man sitting behind me. “I am so tired. Can we go to our meadow?” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

“When you are stronger, my heart, right now you are too weak to make it to the meadow. You need food and rest.”

“I only need you in our special place.” My words and voice trailed off as I fell into slumber.

My dreams were a mix of the horrors of the day. Blood and foul smelling ooze filled my nostrils; Lex’s snake tongue was hot on my cheek. I tossed and turned as the images floated in and out of my dreams. I woke in a cold sweat, still wrapped in Gregor’s arms.

You okay, my heart?

Yeah. The shadow was creepy. It said horrible things that made me uneasy.

I am here for you. Nothing will hurt you, Eden.

“Are you hungry, Eden?” Maiya’s voice always calmed me and right now, it was much appreciated.

My stomach gave me away as it grumbled. I smiled weakly as she handed me a plate of food. I looked at the contents and my friends noticed my excitement. I recognized scrambled eggs, hash, and the bacon meat that I had on my first morning at Gregor’s. I dove into the meal, the creamy eggs melted in my mouth, the salty bacon and hash warmed me. I ate every bite and could have had more, if any were left.

“Thank you, that was nice.” I place one hand on my belly and let the full feeling spread.

“I am glad you enjoyed it. How are you feeling?” Maiya looked genuinely concerned for my health.

“I feel much better, just tired. I feel like a train has hit me.” I gave a short laugh.

“Where are Val and Amend?”

“They are still in with Lexington, they haven’t come out of the hut. Here, drink this.” Gregor handed me a wooden cup filled with an unknown liquid.

I gave the contents a sniff and found it coppery. I looked up at Gregor in a questioning look.              

“What is it?”

“You know what it is, it is the best way to revive you, drink it fast if it makes you uneasy.”              

Gregor gave me an encouraging nod and I downed the blood as fast as I could. To my surprise, it tasted good. I could feel it replenishing my drained body.

“Feel better?” Gregor smiled at me and I leaned back against him.

“Much, thanks.” I kissed his hand and allowed myself to once again drift. This time, I had no dreams.











Chapter Twenty-Three

              The fire was burnt out when I woke. The sun was just rising, and Gregor was nowhere to be seen. I reached out with our connection to find him.


Eden, I am here. I am just beyond the village in a hollow tree. I will return to you at sunset.

I know, I just don’t like being away from you. Thank you for all you did for me last night, I know you need to rest after all that.

I did far less for you than you did for me. It is my privilege to serve you.

I love you, sir.

I love you…my heart.

I broke the connection so he could rest. I felt him slowly sinking into a deep sleep. I walked around the bodies of my sleeping friends towards the hut my family was in. I opened the flap and saw Val and Lex sleeping side by side. They looked so peaceful, I backed out, and went looking for Amend.

“Good morning, my child.” I looked around me for the slight man, but didn’t see him. I grabbed a water skin and drank deeply.

“It is polite to say good morning back, I think.” I heard his high-pitched laugh echo above me. I looked up and saw him sitting in a tree looking down.

“Good morning Uncle. How…” I just gazed at him in the tree. It was the only tree like it and I knew he had made it grow, for whatever reason. I knew the tree, though it was a Douglas fir. The smell was fabulous and reminded me of home.

“Ah my child, I have been on both sides. This tree in particular is one of my favorites from the outer world.” He gave another laugh and jumped off his branch. Amend floated casually down and landed in front of me.

“We need to talk, Eden. Follow me if you would.” Amend motioned for me to come beside him as he walked away from the small village. “I love Ellethny. It is rich in culture, people, and good food. The darkness is spreading though, and it pains me to see the destruction that is being wrought.”  Amend shook his head at his own comment. I simply walked along beside him listening. “Last night, when we cured my dear nephew, can you tell me what happened?”

I kicked at a dirt clod before I spoke. “I don’t know, really. I was getting angry at the thing inside him and just wanted it to stop. The things it said, it just made me mad, that’s all.” I looked into the almond-colored eyes of Amend and waited for his evaluation.

“You have much power, that is for certain, but you will never be able to harness it if you don’t understand it. Have you gained your fey powers yet?”

“I don’t know. Gregor says I have ‘the sight,’ although I am not sure what that even means, but nothing else that I know of. This, again, is hard, because I know nothing about the people here, or my parents, for that matter.” I kicked at the clod harder now and it broke into pieces.

“Calm yourself, I can help you. I hope you ate a good breakfast.”

“Why?” Before I could get anything more out, I was spinning in a vortex.

The vortex spit us out and I hit the ground on my face. I sat up nursing an aching nose taking in my surroundings. The grass was waist high and a brown-mauve color. The blades were soft as a feather and tickled me as the wind blew it slightly. “Where are we?”

“We, my dear, are in a sacred place that only the high mage can get to.” Amend was on his feet and walking through the grass towards a rundown shack in the middle of a deep blue lake.

“If only high mages can get here, then what am I doing here? I am not a high mage, or full mage.” I had to half run/walk to keep up with him, he was faster than he looked.

“Eden, you will learn in good time. Keep up.” I followed after him and we stopped at the edge of the lake. “In there you will find what you seek. I must tell you that this will not be easy for you. There are things that you are not ready to know.”

“If that’s true, then why did you bring me here?”

“It is the only way for you to understand what you mean to Ellethny and how to control your power.”

“What if I don’t want to know?” My heart was pounding.

“Some things are not a choice, and this, dear, is one of them.”

“Look, is that shack even safe? What if it falls down on me while I am in there?” I glanced at the rundown wooden shack and felt the snob in me come out.

“ It is whatever you perceive it to be. I will warn you, you will not leave this place until you have figured out the answers. Be on your guard, you will be tested as you seek the answers you need.”

I looked back at Amend, but he was gone. “What? Wait, you can’t leave me here! I didn’t ask to be brought here!” I was absolutely yelling at nobody. I was frustrated to say the least.

I sat on the edge of the blue lake not knowing what to do. I found small black pebbles and chucked them into the water. As the rocks hit the water, it changed colors. The blue turned red and in my mind, I thought the lake was getting mad at me for hitting it. “Sorry, I didn’t want me to be here either.”

The lake burbled and water spewed up like a fountain, and then all was silent again. I was losing it, definitely losing it. I lay back in the grass, I sent my essence out into the ground searching for Gregor, nothing. I tried to feel the Earth’s song, but again, nothing, total silence. I was cut off from my family and friends, alone. I wasn’t sure how long I laid in the grass, but the two suns were high in the sky beating down on me.

I took off my shoes; the water would feel nice on such a hot day. I scooted down to the water and dipped my feet into the water. Hot. Scalding. I scrambled backwards and saw blisters covering my feet. Tears ran down my cheeks involuntarily from the impact of the boiling water. I should have been able to heal myself, to cool my skin, but my mind was a total blank.

My feet throbbed up to the ankle and the heat continued to bore through them. I finally got tired of my pity party and dug around in ground by the water. The mud was significantly cooler, so I covered my scorched feet with it.

The cool from the mud gave me some relief and I found myself packing more and more on. My feet felt like they weighed a ton when I finished. The mud began to insulate the heat after I got over the initial bliss of the cool contact. I needed something to wash it off. I tried to break it off, but it was like glue. I fell back ready to give up when I felt a drop on my face. It started to rain, the sky above me had turned deep gray and thunder rolled. Rain started to come down in sheets and I let the cold water wash the mud from me and cool my skin.

The rain kept coming and coming, and I was beginning to shiver. I needed to get to the house, but I couldn’t swim in the water. I had no way to ground myself to cast any spells, so this was not going to be fun. My resolve was weakened by the whole situation and I half-thought about just freezing to death, but that would do no good. There had to be something to get me across. I looked around the field and all there was around me was grass. No trees, bushes, animals…nothing.

Amend said that this place was what I perceived, so what if I only perceived the water boiling, and made it rain to cool me. I closed my eyes and imagined a warm summer day, cool water in the lake and my feet healed. I stayed in my trance for several minutes enjoying the thoughts I was having. When I decided to open my eyes, the rain was replaced by one sun and my feet were no longer blistered.

I tentatively made my way to the water and hovered my hand above it, then slowly dipped a finger in. The water was cool. I jumped in, since my clothes were already soaked, and swam to the island in the middle of the lake. I felt fatigued climbing onto the ground in front of the shack. Hindsight being what it is, I could have slapped myself for not imagining a boat of some kind.

I stepped up the creaky stairs and turned the worn brass door handle. I was afraid the whole thing was going to collapse on top of me. I gritted my teeth, clenched my muscles and opened the door. I walked into a palace. The room was brilliant with colors of red, orange, yellow, and accented with gold filigree. The furniture was covered in expensive fabrics of the same vibrant colors. A feast was set out on a table that sat close to the ground. Large pillows were placed next to the table to rest upon. I looked around the room for something dry but came up empty. I closed my eyes and imagined dry clothes. This time, nothing happened

I grabbed an orange and red silk blanket off the settee, and wrapped my body in it. The brazier in the center of the room was lit and drying my clothes. The cloth was thin, but next to the fire, it was bearable. My body continued to shake. I was tired, hungry, lost, and infuriated at my uncle for ditching me like that. Not cool at all.

“Next time, remind me to not follow Amend. Guess I should eat.” My belly gave its vote and I seated myself down at the table.

I reached for the golden pitcher and was happy to see hot tea pour into my goblet. The steam rose to my nose and I sniffed chamomile. I visibly relaxed at the aroma. The small sugar and creamer bowls were filled, and I happily set out sugaring my tea. The dish closest to me was very large. I lifted the lid to find a roasted turkey breast, still hot, sitting in its juices, making my mouth water. All around the bird, parsnips, carrots, potatoes, and other assorted vegetables marinated in its juice. Once I realized the food was from my world, I ripped the lids off every dish I could reach. There were dishes of stuffed tomatoes, barbecued pork loin, beef bourguignon, buttered peas, sautéed green beans with real bacon, roasted asparagus, pumpkin soup, fruits of every kind. I was in culinary heaven.  I ladled some pumpkin soup into my gilded bowl and filled my plate with small portions of as many dishes as I could fit on it.

The food was fabulous. Everything I tried was better than I remembered it back home. The honeyed carrots were my favorite. When I cleaned my plate, I moved down to the end of the table where the last few dishes were still covered…dessert! My mouth dropped open at the sight of all the sugary concoctions that waited my tasting. In the center of the truffles and other confections, stood a tall plate holding a rather yummy looking cheesecake. I almost cried. Aunt Val would make me one every year, on my birthday. Sometimes it was cherry, blueberry, lemon…each year it was different. My eyes teared as I took a bite of the sweet creamy cake. White chocolate and raspberry, mmm. I savored every bite until I ate the last off my plate.

I carefully covered each dish with its lid and feeling very stuffed, sat by the brazier. My mind started to get fuzzy and the room began to spin. My body felt numb and I started to sweat. What was happening to me? Was I drugged? I watched as scenes from my life played out before my eyes. Was this what people saw before they died their whole life in one fell swoop? I watched myself grow older, I saw all the arguments with my aunt and uncle, I watched us come here, then it all stopped and blackness claimed me.

















BOOK: Eden's Mark
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