Read Dreams of Ivory Online

Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

Dreams of Ivory (2 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Ivory
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Jackson waved him off and drove toward his own home to take care of his groceries. The Cooper brothers had regular guys’ nights out, though now they were down to maybe twice a month with everyone getting married. He enjoyed the time with his family, though he would never confess it. He might be an ass according to some people, but he loved his family more than they knew.

They were the ones who kept him going since he had little else to do it for him.

It took him a bit to get to his house since he was right on the outskirts of town in the woods. His house—the Cooper place—had been his parents’ home before they died. He held back the usual shudder that came with that though, and as the eldest son, Jackson had been the one to inherit the house. All his brothers called it his place, but he’d never thought of it that way.

No, it would always be the Cooper place. His name might be on the deed, but his brothers and their families were always welcome.

He put away his groceries then headed back out to work. He always wore slacks and a button-down shirt unless he would be staying home. Then it was jeans and a shirt, so he didn’t have to change to go to work.

As much as he wanted to go to work because it was his life, he honestly didn’t know if he could take those steps into the building. He really just wanted to take a nap, but he knew that wouldn’t be possible.

Jackson walked into his office and nodded to his receptionist, a pretty blonde who, thankfully, was married and didn’t hit on him. He wasn’t vain but, hell, it was hard to be the only single Cooper left. Maybe he should invite his cousins Chase and Caleb to move in so he wouldn’t be the only one. Caleb, though, was a recent widower, so Jackson wasn’t sure if he was even ready to date.

He went through his normal routine, looking through his emails and charts, getting ready for the day. It was odd to start in the middle of the day, rather than at the crack of dawn, but he’d needed the time to get groceries and sleep. He hadn’t had a day off in two weeks, and because he was open weekends to accommodate his working patients, he’d been at his wit’s end.

After three fillings and a child’s checkup, Jackson made his way back to his office, his temples throbbing. Nothing a little coffee wouldn’t fix. His two hygienists were working on cleanings so he’d have to go and finish the checkups soon.

As he took a sip of the dark brew from his fancy one-cup maker—his one splurge—he closed his eyes, trying to regain the energy he’d had as a man in his twenties and early thirties, rather than the man who was on the downhill slide to the dreaded forty.

Hell, he wasn’t ready to hit forty.

Wasn’t he supposed to have his whole life ahead of him? Yet, here he was, alone and a workaholic, watching as his magical younger brothers found the loves of their lives and were making a future for themselves.

Not that he wanted the wife and kids, but a future beyond work would be nice.

And he
didn’t want their magical abilities.

Holiday, Montana, seemed to be the mecca of holiday paranormals, and the Coopers were so deeply entrenched in it, Jackson wasn’t sure how he’d been spared. They had witches, Santa’s elves and executives, cupids, leprechauns, harpies, and ghosts. Even his new nephews and niece were half-gnome.

Magic and the paranormal seemed to touch everything in his life, and he was so dammed grateful he’d been spared.

Jackson hated magic.

Hated it all.

With magic came instability and the possibility of things he’d rather not think about. Enemies came with those powers, and one never knew when such an enemy would pop up and try to destroy it all. He’d had to watch as his brothers had been almost taken down one by one by magic forces, and Jackson had been helpless to fight against it.

He was the only Cooper untouched by magic, and he’d be damned if he’d let it happen to him. 

There was a knock on the door and he looked up as his receptionist, Veronica, stuck her head in, an odd expression on her face.

“Yes?” he asked, annoyed his moment of peace was now over.

“Uh, Dr. Cooper, there’s a woman out there who says she needs to speak with you, but she doesn’t have an appointment.”

Jackson didn’t miss the curiosity in her gaze, but he ignored it. “Did she say exactly what she wanted?”

Veronica shook her head. “No, but she said it was personal. She also doesn’t look like one of those Cooper groupies, so I thought I’d ask you anyway.” She winked, and Jackson held back a smile.

“Did she say what her name was?” he asked, a little bit of that curiosity peeking through his stubbornness.

“Honor. Honor Bridges.”

Jackson coughed up the sip of coffee he’d taken then cursed as he spilled some on his shirt. Veronica’s eyes widened, and she stepped in the office. He held up his hand.

“I’ve got it. Hell, tell her to give me a minute while I change my shirt.”

His receptionist looked as though she desperately wanted to question his reaction and the fact that he wanted to talk to this woman, but she thankfully held her tongue.

“If you say so.”

He turned his back to her to grab a new shirt from his closet, and she left, closing the door behind her. As he buttoned up his new shirt, he tried to stop his fingers from shaking.

What the hell was Honor doing here?

He hadn’t seen her in…almost eight years.

He rolled his shoulders and made his way to the door. He’d just get this over with. There wasn’t anything between them—there hadn’t been for too long. He’d just nod and say hello to an old…friend…then get back to his day.

She stood in his waiting room facing the wall so he only saw her profile, and damn if he didn’t lose his breath.

She had to be at least in her early thirties now, but she looked at least a decade younger. Her long black hair fell to the middle of her back, straight, yet thick and exotic. He could remember how soft it had felt against his chest late at night.

She turned to him then, and he set his face so he wouldn’t gasp. Her striking blue eyes had always called to him, and now was no different. Since she was average height, her curves suited her well, her hips just wide enough for his hands…

No, not the time.

It would
be the time.

Her face was elegant, her cheekbones sharp, but not too sharp, her chin pointed like an elfish goddess.

Hell, she looked even more beautiful now than she had eight years ago.

Honor would have to go.


“Honor,” he said, his voice surprisingly steady despite the emotions warring through him.

“Jackson,” she said, her smile making her whole face brighten.

Veronica stood between them, her gaze traveling between the two.

“I had called before, but you didn’t say anything,” Honor said, but Jackson didn’t say anything back.

He remembered her first call months ago, and the few calls afterward, but he’d never said anything back, thinking it couldn’t have been her—
have been her.

She couldn’t be here…not the one who’d left him.

No, he didn’t want to think about the past.

“Um…” She looked down at her hands as she wrung them together then squared her shoulders. “I just wanted to say that I’m staying at the inn.”

He swallowed hard and nodded. “You’re visiting your aunt then?”

Honor shook her head. “No, I’m staying here in Holiday, Jackson. That’s what I wanted to say when I called and why I’m here. I know it’s been forever, and you don’t care, but I thought I’d say it anyway.”

“You’re moving here?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

No, hell no. She couldn’t move here. Holiday was
home, and there was no way he could share it with her.

“Yes, I’m staying. I left before because…” She shook her head. “No, that doesn’t matter, not anymore. I’m here to stay though. My aunt needs me, and I have responsibilities that I’ve been ignoring too long.”

He didn’t know what kind of responsibilities she could possibly have since she’d been gone for eight years, but he ignored it. “Why can’t your brother, Tucker, help?”

Surprise then hurt crossed her face. She must have been surprised that he’d remembered her brother’s name, and he cursed himself for letting that slip. For a woman he was supposed to have forgotten, he remembered too much about her. 

The hurt was obvious, but he couldn’t show that he cared. 

“Tucker’s busy,” she said shortly. “I’m sorry to take your time, but I wanted to tell you I was in town.”

“Why should I care?” he asked, trying to put distance between them.

He ignored the gasp from Veronica and cursed himself for being so rude. He’d forgotten they had an audience. The news of this confrontation would be all over Holiday’s grapevine as soon as Honor walked out the door.

Honor rolled her eyes and smiled. Hell, he’d never understood this woman. “Whatever, Jackson. Play the stoic man if you want, but I wanted to tell you anyway. Bye.”

She turned on her heel and walked out of his practice, her hips swaying, leaving him breathless.

He forced his gaze to Veronica and frowned. “I take it there’s no way I can make you keep this between us?”

“Huh?” she asked as she looked up from texting on her phone.

He shook his head. “Never mind. Let me know when my next appointment shows up.”

Jackson left Veronica to her gossip and closed himself in his office.

Honor was back.

What the hell was he going to do now?

Chapter 2

Honor Bridges ran her hand through her hair and cursed herself. It had been over three hours since she’d left Jackson’s office, and she was still shaking. It had been eight years, and the man still made her want to jump him and never let go.

He might act all stoic and broody, but she knew he could smile—that he could feel.

Well, at least he had eight years ago when she’d known him. Honestly, she didn’t know this new Jackson at all. For all she knew, he’d encased himself in even more ice than he’d had before and was such a complete ass he didn’t have a feeling in him.

His words had stung, but she quickly got over them. She’d seen the look in his eyes when she’d turned to him. It was fury, confusion, arousal, and hurt all rolled into one. Though he’d masked it quickly, she’d seen it.

It gave her hope, though, hope for what she had no idea.

It wasn’t as though she wanted to get back together with him—not that they’d been truly together before. She had only wanted to let him know she was there because she hadn’t wanted it to be a surprise, though, in retrospect, that seemed a bit self-centered and foolish.

She’d been so afraid he wouldn’t have even remembered her, and then she’d seen the way he’d looked at her. She’d called him those few times before, but he’d acted as though he didn’t know who she was, but he’d known her name—and her brother’s name.

He’d remembered.

For some reason, that made her feel all warm and giddy inside.

Not that she’d do anything about it.

Honor was back in Holiday because she had a job to do. She’d neglected it for so long and had only been able to do so because of who her aunt was. Shame flooded her, but she pressed it down. She’d do what was right and get over herself and her past.

After all, she was a tooth fairy and there were little kids who needed her and the hope she’d bring with her job, but she’d get back to that soon. Her aunt would help her get acclimated, and she’d find her way.

She just had to get out of her room and get on with her life.

The sun beat down on her as she walked out of the inn, passing the innkeeper on her way. Connie seemed like her own fairy godmother. The woman always seemed to know what she needed and when. Honor put on her sunglasses and tilted her face to the sun, needing its energy and warmth to do what she had to.

Her aunt was waiting for her, and she’d put this off long enough. 

She hadn’t stayed with her aunt because they were both old enough that they needed their own space.

A shout made her turn, and then a heavy object pushed her to the ground, skinning her hands and bare knees.

“What the hell?” She gasped and turned, she was laying under a hard body. Honor tried to push off the warm weight and winced as her palms burned. She blinked as she looked into Jackson’s deep blue eyes, filled with fear.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he looked down at her. He knelt above her, lifting his weight off her body, then ran his large hands up and down her sides.

She pressed down the heat her libido seemed to love and pushed him away. “Why did you knock me down?”

He frowned at her then stood, bringing her up with him. “You’ve hurt your knees and palms. Let’s go in and get Connie to help me clean them out.”

Honor pushed him away again, ignoring the sting in her cuts. She looked up at the man who towered over her at over six feet and narrowed her eyes, taking in his thick hair. It was cropped to his head, a little bit of gray coloring his temples.

Heck, he looked hotter now than he had before.

Her nipples pressed against her sundress, and she fought not to rub up along the man like a cat in heat.

No, no, totally not the time.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do, and why the hell did you push me? Didn’t get enough barbs in before so you decided to push me down instead?”

She winced at the look of hurt that crossed his face before he schooled his expression again. “I’ll let that one go since you’re clearly addled from your near-miss.”

She opened her mouth to say something about that, but he shook his head and moved out of the way so she could see the broken remains of what looked to be a large flowerpot on the ground. The ceramic lay in shattered pieces amongst the dirt and dying flowers.

“What…what?” She blinked, not knowing what to say.

“That was coming down for your head, so I pushed you out of the way. You could have been seriously hurt or killed, Honor.”

Her palms went clammy as her body shook. She looked up to the open window but didn’t see anyone. “I guess it just fell…”

Jackson followed her gaze then nodded. “Accidents happen, but hell Honor, that scared the shit out of me.”

BOOK: Dreams of Ivory
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