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Authors: Desconhecido(a)

Double_Your_Pleasure (3 page)

BOOK: Double_Your_Pleasure
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“I’d appreciate it,” Jenny said climbing into the back seat. “My car broke down a few miles back and I’ll have to call a tow truck to haul it to a garage. If you don’t mind, could you take me to Willow Lane?”

“Of course, dear,” she answered, turning to glance at Jenny. “We have to pass there. It’s not too safe for a young woman to be stranded on this lonely highway.”

If she only knew what luck she’d run into on the lonely highway.
She’d met the two most exciting men anyone would ever encounter. Just visualizing their sexual romp set her pulse throbbing.

When the car drew to a stop at her driveway Jenny got out, thanking the couple for the ride. In her house, she
checked the listings for garages. She called the only one listed near their small town and made arrangements to have her car towed to the repair shop and checked out. She gave the man her address and telephone number, and he said he’d be in contact with her as soon as he found something out.




Two days passed slowly without a word from the garage. By the third day, Jenny decided to call the mechanic right after she showered to find out what was taking so long. She had just dried off and slipped into a robe when she heard a car in the drive. As she made her way to the door, she belted her robe tighter before opening it.

Shock was her first reaction when she saw who was standing on her doorstep. It was the handsome hunk from the cabin and she couldn’t believe her luck; he had magically appeared just when she thought she’d never see him again.

“Come in,” she whispered breathlessly. “It’s good seeing you again.”

“And you,” he said, the honeyed tones of his voice stirring her loins. “We brought your car back.” She didn’t miss how he gazed longingly at the curves beneath her robe. “This is really an amazing coincidence.”

“I didn’t have any idea you were the mechanic from the garage.”

“I’m not the mechanic. I’m Sam and I have a twin named Seth. We own the garage you called, plus several others in the state.” He walked into the hallway as she closed the door behind him. “In fact, my brother’s outside waiting to drive me back.” His eyes twinkled, “By the way, what’s your name?” A huge grin split his sexy lips, after all they’d been through together, names hadn’t seemed important at the time.

“Jenny Logan,” she whispered. “Why don’t you invite your brother in? Maybe the two of you could stay for a while.”

He smiled at her suggestion. “A very good idea, Jenny Logan.”

His meaning was obvious to Jenny. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he wanted a repeat of what had taken place in the cabin, and she wasn’t against the idea.

Jenny couldn’t wait for the two men to join her. Her sole thought was on how she’d like to continue what they’d enjoyed together a few days earlier.

He started for the door, but stopped. “Are you alone?”
His gaze lifted to the winding staircase behind her.

“Yes, my parents are out of town. They won’t be back for another week or so.”

He nodded, his dark head turning to the door. After cracking it an inch, he motioned through the opening and stood near the door waiting for his brother to come in.

Jenny felt something tug at her heart seeing the two standing alongside each other in the hallway. Thoughts quickly raced through her mind on how she was going to choreograph her activities that day. No doubt she’d fuck each of the brothers again as she had in the cabin. Just the thought moistened her sex.

Without giving her any clues to his intentions, one of the twins reached for the belt on her robe and pulled it loose. The robe fell open revealing her creamy supple curves to both men. For several seconds, each set of eyes feasted on her silky skin, devouring every inch of her.

The only sound in the room was the heavy breathing from the excited twin brothers. Jenny’s spiraling emotions erupted in the sound of her labored breathing, as well.

While Seth continued to watch, Sam knelt down on his knees and used his hands to push her legs apart. Those same sensuous lips captured her clit, sucking the prize into his mouth greedily. He hungrily ran his tongue into her tight sheath making sure he didn’t lose a drop of the moistness coating her pussy.

She never wanted the experience to end. She didn’t feel a moment of embarrassment over his brother watching. Ecstasy filled her. They had made love so freely and passionately in the cabin, but there was one difference. She hadn’t known her identity at the time and embarrassment was the last thing on her mind. Without an identity, she’d been free to experience unlimited pleasure.
I know who I am now, and I know what I want.
Jenny felt her head swimming with arousal; she spread her legs wider, accepting his darting tongue into her vagina, only to have it move back to her clit. Her knees began to wobble and she thought she might fall, but she stood, her eyes closed, giving in to the intense pleasure. When she felt Seth join them, she couldn’t believe the delirious rapture that enveloped her.
One twin knelt in front of her, sucking on her silky fold, while the other lay beneath her, running his tongue into her waiting cavity. Suddenly, she felt an explosion racing through her body.

When they felt her shuddering climax, Sam rose; it didn’t take Seth long to follow suit.
Both men led Jenny into the living room, to the couch. Gently lifting her, she soon lay on the soft material. Jenny let the robe fall to the floor as she watched the men undress in anticipation of making love to her.

They undressed quickly and she reveled in the magnificent bodies standing before her. Every inch of their sculpted torsos pleased her. The sight of both of them gave her a feeling of double pleasure.

She reached out and invited them both to join her on the couch. It didn’t look as if they needed a second invitation. One of the twins mounted her within seconds and slipped his cock into her wet heat. For some reason, Jenny knew that this twin was Seth. Sam leaned forward and straddled Jenny’s face. His cock loomed before her and she greedily took it into her mouth. All the while, Seth continued to stroke his manhood into her hot wet channel, sending Jenny into a world of pleasure and delight.

She could feel how wet her entrance became when Seth pushed his throbbing cock to the hilt into her womanly treasure. Her lips clamped over his hard shaft as she continued to hungrily suck him. She felt the uncontrollable shudders raking his body.

She couldn’t contain her passion; it filled her so intensely that she thrashed wildly under the sensual assault by the two men. All the while, her mouth kept giving one-man pleasure and her feminine core gave the other man even more pleasure. Excitement danced through her and it didn’t take long to feel the explosion ripping through her. Seth exploded inside her pussy and she felt Sam shooting deep into her throat.

Seth fell away from her and took several minutes to control his heavy breathing.
“I needed that,” he said raggedly.

“I agree with you,” Sam echoed his sentiments huskily after catching his breath.

“And I agree with both of you,” she murmured with a starry-eyed look. Sam rose on his elbow and looked down at her. “You can’t believe how we searched the woods for you when we returned later that day. We couldn’t believe we’d lost you so soon after finding you.”

“If I’d known, I would have waited for you both to return to the cabin.”

She caught a movement from the corner of her eye and saw Seth moving between her legs. Without saying a word, he captured her silky fold. She was ready and spread her legs wider, inviting him to her womanly font. As her gaze drifted to the side, she noticed Sam couldn’t take his eyes off what was happening. She saw his head move in a downward sweep and his lips claimed hers in a kiss that sent her thoughts spiraling. It didn’t take long for her to feel an orgasm from the attention of Seth nuzzling her core.

When his brother moved from between her legs and mounted her again, Jenny couldn’t believe the excitement gaining momentum in her body. As he took her for a second time, his brother continued to kiss her. He let his tongue trail a path across her creamy neck, finding her breast waiting for his capture. It didn’t take her long to feel another orgasm winging its way through her, as she felt hot cum filling her vagina.

When Sam lay next to her on the couch and Seth on the floor again, her eyes feasted on the nude brothers that were within touching distance. The sight sent chills through her at how sexy they looked.

“You’re all I’ve thought of for the last few days,” she said softly, running her hand across Sam’s hairy chest. In the back of her mind, Jenny kept comparing the two men, and knew in her mind there wasn’t any difference, but she still favored the man named Sam. They both sent her into a world filled with pleasure from which she never wanted to return. Her humdrum lifestyle was a thing of the past.

“And I can say the same thing for me,” Sam said. “My head was filled with an image of you lying on my bed and it wouldn’t leave me.”
He rose on his elbow to stare down into her upturned face, his gaze still looking as if he desired her again. “You do realize my name’s Sam, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I can see we’re going to be spending a lot of time together,” he whispered softly.

The lips she loved so lowered to hers and Jenny accepted his kiss, straining to get closer to his warmth. All other thoughts disappeared from her mind as she felt her lover start making love to her slowly. She raised her arms circling his neck with the silent promise passing between them that he would satisfy her every need tonight and other nights to come.

As for Seth, Jenny wanted to keep him around, but she didn’t find the same excitement with him as she did with Sam. Hearing a noise, she glanced over to see Seth pulling on his jeans and shrugging into his shirt. He saw her watching him and winked at her before leaving the room. Privacy was what Jenny yearned for after discovering how much Sam had ensnared her emotions.

Jenny knew that Seth would always hold a special place in her heart, but at the moment, she didn’t need a third party to complete her as she felt Sam’s sweet lips
recapture hers in a promise of fulfillment.








About the Author


Mary Suzanne is the pen name for Mary Reed and Suzanne Merritt. Romance is their favorite genre. They love to weave romantic tales, hoping to bring enjoyment to all who read their stories. The one thing that is a
, is that each book ends with a ‘happily ever after’.


[email protected]





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BOOK: Double_Your_Pleasure
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