Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (7 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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“That’s sweet of you, Will. Why don’t you ask her to come up here
with you?” his mother asked and continued to hold his sister on the couch.

“I’ll try, but you know how she is,” he chuckled. He could see
his mother was trying to decide if she wanted to let him out of her sight.

“I promise I won’t leave the building,” he said, rolling his eyes
and faking exasperation.

“Okay, be back in a few hours,” she warned. Not wanting to give
his mother any reason to be suspicious, Will forced himself to walk slowly out
the door and down the hall to the elevator. Once inside, he hit the button for
the fourth floor and began to take off the huge shirt as the doors started to
close. Lifting the T-
Will sprayed one good dose
of cologne on his chest and abs before he rubbed a little up to his neck. The
smell overpowered the small confines of the elevator, but when he stepped off
onto the fourth floor, it dissipated and he walked down the hall towards 4D.

As he stood in front of the door, Will wiped his sweaty palms on
his jeans and stared at the wood. It looked remarkably like his door, and like
the dozens of other doors on every other floor. He wanted to raise his hand and
knock, but he just couldn’t make it move. For all of the bravado he’d felt in
his room, it seemed to have failed him at the crucial moment.

Just when he’d decided to head downstairs and visit the old lady
after all, the elevator opened and 4D stepped off. Nearly a head taller than
Will with a lightly muscled athletic body, he intimidated and excited Will. As
4D approached his apartment, the man looked up and Will saw a wild look on his
face framed by long, loose waves of hair. He stopped and shifted a small
backpack higher onto his back.

“What are you doing in front of my door?” the older man barked.
Will jumped back immediately even as he wished to stand at the door and listen
to that beautiful accent. “Were you looking to steal from me?”

“No!” Will
desperately. The
constant stutter of his heart racing made him feel light-headed, and he
couldn’t understand how things had gone so wrong in an instant.

“Then get away from there.”

Will took another step back and froze. The perfect opportunity to
talk to the object of all his fantasies was about to pass him by. He would die
without ever having known the feel of another man’s touch.

“I came down here to see you,” Will whispered. The man stopped
and ran a hand through his shoulder-length hair. It looked as if he were trying
to decide if that explanation was true, his brow furrowed and he rubbed his
forehead lightly with one delicate hand.

“Why would you want to see me? You do not know me,” he replied
after a moment as he moved closer to the door in an obvious gesture to shut
Will out. The key scraped in the lock and Will knew it would be his last

“Because I think about you all the time,” Will said softly and
felt the blood rush to his face. The hallway suddenly heated ten degrees as he
stared at his feet. Silence hung heavy in the air while both of them stood
perfectly still. Will’s embarrassment stopped his voice in his throat, and it took
a moment for the other shocked man to speak.

“Come inside, I think we should talk.”

Will followed him inside the apartment and looked around as the
man walked over to a nearby table and put his backpack on it. Hovering
nervously near the door, Will shifted his weight, almost bouncing a little on
balls of his feet. After focusing so much of his energy and attention on
getting into the apartment, Will had no idea what to do. The small side table
sitting next to the door rattled as he bumped it. He looked down to see the
table held keys, a cell phone and mail.

Stefan Chavez

“You can sit down,” Stefan said with a gesture toward a battered
futon on the far side of what looked like an artistic battle zone. The space
was so different from the one Will shared with his parents that it could have
been in a different building. Where his own living room looked like a museum
for antique furniture, Stefan’s had been cleared of almost every piece of
furniture to make space for his work. Pieces of clay, pencils and sketchbooks
were scattered throughout the room like casualties of war. Half-empty bottles
of liquor littered the breakfast bar around a closed pizza box. The kitchen
appeared barren, but the garbage can teemed. Will passed the kitchen door and
noticed takeout bags and containers sitting idly on the top of the heap,
threatening to spill their greasy contents onto the faded tile floor.
Navigating the dust and debris, he walked gingerly to the futon where Stefan
sat. Will tucked a leg beneath him and sat down. The wooden frame of the futon
was nicked in some places and gouged in others, and Will wondered if maybe the
guy had pulled it from a dump somewhere.

Sitting in the artistic ground zero, Will was better able to see
the supplies and projects that sat placed randomly throughout the space. He
noticed a larger sculpture sitting off to the side and his breath caught. The
figure only consisted of a torso, no head or legs, but it was that of a nude
man. The smooth muscle and detailed lines made Will wonder what it would feel
like to have the hands that created it on his body.

“Tell me why you are here, today of all days,” Stefan prompted as
he turned, pulling a leg up into the space between them, and looked at Will
intently. He rested one strong arm on the back of the futon and waited for an
answer. Rather than looking at Stefan, Will stared at the futon cover and
slowly fingered a hole in the frayed cover beneath him.

When Will did not speak, Stefan tried again as he started to lose

“Look, we don’t have a lot of time here…”

“I’ve never… I want…,” Will stammered and closed his eyes as he
tried to calm his racing heart. “I’ve never been with anyone, and I don’t want
to die without knowing what that’s like.” His face flamed, and he felt his
whole body go warm in the following silence. Picking at the futon cover seemed
far easier than looking up into the face of the man next to him. After what
seemed like hours, Stefan spoke.

“I’m flattered, honestly, but you are a child,” he said gently.
That was probably the only thing that Stefan could have said to make Will look

“I am not a child. I’m nearly seventeen,” he said, the sting
evident in his voice.

“And I am thirty, nearly twice your age. Do you have no friends
your own age that you could…” Stefan trailed off, but Will understood.

“None of my friends know I’m gay. I guess that doesn’t matter
now, but I don’t…I don’t want them,” he finished in a whisper. “And…and I don’t
want you to be alone when it comes.” That stopped Stefan from whatever he had
planned to say. He closed his mouth and looked at Will, a soft speculative look
gracing his fine features.

“Do you even know my name? I do not know yours.”

“Stefan,” Will said looking up with real hope shining in his
eyes. “My name is William, everyone calls me Will.”

“Come here, Will,”

Stefan’s voice sounded quiet above the muted chaos from the
street. Will hesitated only a moment before sliding to his left and into the
center of the futon. He could feel the heat of Stefan’s body growing as the
older man moved closer to the center, closer to Will.

“Have you ever kissed another man?” Stefan’s breath caused goose
bumps as he asked the question against the skin of Will’s throat. He shook his
head because he didn’t trust his voice and found it hard to breathe with Stefan
so close.

“Let us start there,” he murmured against Will’s cheek as he
moved closer. The boy nodded, turning his head slightly, and was rewarded when
strong, confident lips closed over his own. Nothing could have prepared him for
the overwhelming sensations that raced through him. As the kiss deepened, and
Will felt a warm tongue enter his mouth, he started to get hard. A deep moan
reverberated through his chest, caught by Stefan’s waiting mouth as it escaped.

a boldness
he didn’t know he
possessed, Will lifted a hand and stroked Stefan’s face with his fingers. The
skin was soft and smooth was inviting under Will’s fingers, so he pushed his
limits farther and caressed Stefan’s tangle of brown curls. In his dreams, he’d
never been able to appreciate the silken texture as the tendrils wrapped around
his fingers. To his delight, Stefan rewarded him with a quiet sound of

Instead of merely moving closer to Stefan, Will swung a thin leg
over Stefan’s lap while never breaking their kiss. Stefan responded by sliding
his hands down Will’s back and cupping his ass through the thin jeans. The
man’s hands were hot against Will’s skin and he ground his hips down, rubbing
their groins together with a long moan. Skilled hands slid under the back of
Will’s T-shirt and pulled it up until he had no choice but to break the kiss
and allow Stefan to remove it.

“I had thought to send you away with a kiss, But, I do not think
I have the strength,” Stefan murmured quietly into his ear and trapped Stefan’s
mouth in another kiss.

“I don’t want you to send me away,” Will replied between long,
heated kisses. He wanted to crawl inside Stefan and never leave.

“I want to take you to bed,” the older man whispered. Even as
Stefan said it, Will nodded into the kiss.

It had been so long since Stefan felt someone want him as that
boy did. Looking down into Will’s nervous eyes, Stefan seemed to lose himself.
Their warm caramel color drew him in, as did the boy’s sweet untouched skin.
Stefan had to admit that Will’s attraction made the most potent aphrodisiac. To
take an innocent kid and show him all the carnal pleasures men could find in
each other had to be the perfect way to spend his remaining hours of life. In a
sixteen-year-old boy, Stefan would find solace.

Stefan felt a shiver run through Will as the boy’s mouth closed
again over his own.

“Let’s go into my bedroom,” Stefan murmured against Will’s lips
as he broke the kiss long enough to speak. Neither of them was willing to lose
contact even for the time it took to move to the bedroom. Stefan followed the
kid’s lips, and arched against Will as they rose off the futon. Every moment
wasted brought them one
more minute
closer to death.

As they stood kissing in front of the futon, Stefan hunched to
meet Will as he stood on his toes. Finally, Stefan pulled away and took Will’s
hand, leading the way down the short hall to the only bedroom in his small
condo. Clothes lay scattered on the floor and his bed was unmade, but he didn’t
care and it appeared that Will didn’t either. In a shy desperation, the boy
pushed Stefan back gently and he sat on the edge of the bed. Pulling Will to
stand between his wide-spread knees, Stefan moved his tender kisses over the
boy’s chest and down to his navel. Given a few more years, Will would have
grown into a strong, well-defined man, but right then he was thin and soft
under Stefan’s lips. Stefan was used to hard muscled abs, and the contrast
excited Stefan, reminding him of Will’s youth and inexperience.

“Are you sure?” Stefan asked as he looked up through long black
lashes. at his young companion. Will swallowed once, nodded and ran his
trembling fingers through Stefan’s curls. The older man popped the button on
Will’s jeans and closed his eyes, touched by the affectionate stroking of his
hair. When he pulled the pants open and found nothing beneath, it surprised
him, but he didn’t hesitate. He ran his lips over the boy’s hip, and down over
his groin to the untamed course hair peeking above the zipper.

“That is sexy,” he moaned against the tender skin beneath his
lips and felt Will’s breath catch. Stefan carefully pulled down the boy’s
his long, thin cock like a gift. He
helped Will step out of the pants and pulled off his socks, leaving him naked
and vulnerable.

“Lay down, baby,” Stefan whispered and pulled the shaking boy
into his bed as he stood up. With his eyes never leaving Will’s, he unbuttoned
his shirt and watched the boy’s eyes grow wide with each successive button.
When he removed his jeans and boxers, the boy swallowed hard at the sight of
Stefan’s erection jutting from his lean, toned body. He’d had his share of
admirers over the years, but, no one had ever looked at him with such raw
emotion, such unguarded desire. It gave him chills.

He crawled in bed with Will, but rather than taking the boy in
his arms, he lay next to him with his feet pressed against the pillow next to
Will’s head. Propped up on one arm, he wasted no time taking Will’s straining
cock into his mouth. Licking the bit of liquid that had accumulated on the tip,
Stefan swirled his coarse tongue around the head and heard the boy whimper. The
sound, an almost high-pitched whine suffused with need, made his cock ache.

“Touch me,” Stefan pleaded in a low voice before feeling a
hesitant hand rest on his bare thigh. When it moved no further, he reached
down, took the hand in his own and wrapped it around his cock. Taking Will’s
erection further into his mouth, Stefan stroked his own cock with the boy’s
hand for several long minutes before finally letting go. Will continued with
clumsy, unsure motions that made Stefan’s heart race. He could hear the boy’s
labored breathing and the sounds he failed to suppress, but he wanted to hear
the boy scream.

Rubbing his lips up and down the length of Will’s dick as he
bobbed his head, Stefan pushed the boy’s legs wider apart, baring everything to
his gaze. Will’s back arched and his slow, awkward stroking stuttered, but he
started again in an instant. With light, gentle fingers, he caressed the boy’s
sensitive balls—weighing them, massaging them, and soon he wanted to taste

“Oh my God,” Will cried in a breathless whisper as Stefan stroked
his wet dick with one deft hand while dragging a hot tongue over the sensitive
skin of his balls. Will’s hand stopped moving on his cock as the boy tensed all
over, and for a moment, Stefan thought maybe the kid would come, but he didn’t.
Instead he panted as if he’d just run for miles, the muscles in his legs
remaining taut. Stefan smiled to himself and pulled back long enough to
lubricate a finger with saliva before taking Will’s cock back into his mouth.
The boy’s entire body stilled again as Stefan slid gentle fingers into the
cleft of Will’s ass and spread him open. Yelping quietly when the slick finger
entered him, Will clenched around it as he was penetrated for the first time.
Stefan sucked Will’s cock deep into his throat attempting to get the boy to
relax. After several minutes, Stefan’s finger was all the way inside, and he
moved it around gently… searching.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
11.71Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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