DOMINATED BY THE WEREBEAR (Steamy Shifter Paranormal Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: DOMINATED BY THE WEREBEAR (Steamy Shifter Paranormal Romance)
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The man in the leather jacket turned languidly from his conversation with the eager blonde woman who was draping herself all over him. He watched Kelly closely as she started towards him.  His sardonic smile brought a moment of self-doubt. What was he thinking?


She shimmied forward, close enough so that the man could devour her with his eyes, but far enough that conversation could appear accidental. When she was sure that her curvy body had his full attention, she slid forward, leaning so that he could get a clear view of her high, jutting breasts and down the deep valley of her cleavage.  The pendant swung from where it nestled.  His eyes followed it as it swung back and forth like a metronome.  As if it was trying to hypnotize him all on its own.


But rather than lavish her with sudden attention, he continued to stare at her, lazily running the tip of his finger around the empty shot glass in front of him. The blonde woman seemed to notice she no longer had his full attention and ran her hand plaintively up and down her arm.  It was time for Kelly to make her move.


“This bar needs more men like you,” she opened, arching her eyebrows playfully.  But his looks were disarming. She could now see that the cool, predatory eyes that seemed to penetrate through her were a color she couldn't quite discern.  They flitted between stormy grey and emerald-green and they blinked at her slowly, as if bored.  He stared at her longer, letting her discomfort grow.  Just as she was ready to open her mouth and fill the uncomfortable silence, he licked his lips.  The side of his mouth quirked upward into an amused grin.  He finally broke his silence with a deep basso rumble.


“That’s true.”  He thumped the bar twice and the bartender immediately appeared with another shot glass.  Kelly sniffed the heady scent of bourbon.  His rumbling voice still echoed through her body.  She leaned against the bar again, this time to support her weakening legs. He made her feel like a child.


“But then,” he put the shot glass down without drinking, “how would you know what I am like?”


Kelly saw her opening.  “I don’t.  But I’d like to.”


He leaned forward, his bent elbow balanced on the bar.  The blonde woman pulled a stricken face and slunk off to nurse her wounds over a fruity drink. He didn’t even spare her a second glance, just stroked a strong hand over his stubbled cheek and grinned lazily at Kelly. She tried to smile back, but couldn't keep herself from staring at him like a schoolgirl with a crush.  In the low light of the bar he was a dark menace; shaggy brown hair, dark stubble, deeply tanned skin an even, burnished gold. His eyes shifted again, from gray back to emerald green and she was held in his gaze, mesmerized, frozen as if caught in a tractor beam.


“What do you want to know?" he asked, reaching out for and catching her swinging pendant in his huge hand.  She gasped as he used it to pull her forward so that her face was inches from his.  Her breath hitched and she licked her lips invitingly, waiting for the kiss she was sure was about to happen.


But instead of kissing her, he turned the pendant over in his palm, carefully inspecting the marking. "This is a nice piece, where did you get it?" 


His nearness was messing with her and she had to catch herself before she answered, "My...father," she squeaked. 


He looked at her. "He has good taste.  He must have if he raised a girl like you."


Kelly smiled nervously. "What kind of girl am I?"


His eyes flickered.  "One that shouldn't be approaching strange men in bars.  Guys like me could get the wrong idea about you."


"Guys like you?" she prodded, hoping he would betray his interest.


He didn't answer except with a wicked grin.  Kelly felt a strong downward rush and pressed her thighs together.  His grin grew wider as if he knew exactly what had happened.


Kelly pressed her hands into the bar.  He was making her feel dizzy and unstable.  She didn't like feeling this out of control


"What if you have the right idea about me?" she purred, masking the tension on her voice.  Kelly reached out her finger and traced it along the rim of his glass.  Then making sure she held his gaze, she wrapped her fingers around the glass and brought it to her lips.  Closing her eyes, she knocked back the rest of his bourbon. 


Kelly relished the burn as the whiskey slid down her throat and into her belly.  The spreading warmth radiated through her body and she moaned softly in spite of herself.


When she opened her eyes he was staring at her.  "You drank my drink," he said matter-of-factly.


"I did."


"That wasn't very nice."


"Wasn't it?"


"Bad girl."


"I guess so."


"I think," he said, leaning closer and catching her pendant again.  "I think I'm going to make you pay for that."


"What does it cost?"


"Coming home with me.


Relief and desire flooded through Kelly.  It was working.  In spite of how dizzy this man was making her feel, the pieces were still falling into place. "Is that all?"


"You'll get your punishment there."


"Better make it my place," she smiled.


He tugged lightly on her chain.  The metal bit into her flesh and made her choke a little.  "Your place then." He stood from his stool.  Kelly was surprised to see he was even taller than she had realized.  His broad shoulders and barrel chest made everyone around him seem small in comparison.  He was huge and yet he moved elegantly.  He was powerful and aggressive.  She wondered how he would sound in bed.


With a flick of his wrist, he left a crisp one hundred dollar bill on the bar and turned to her without another thought.  "Lead the way, naughty girl."


"My name is Kelly," she smiled, extending her hand.


"Sawyer," he murmured, bending his lips to her fingers. 




"First door on the left," Kelly squeaked.


The orgasm in the car had left her shaky and breathless. Sawyer had held her arm, carefully and like a proper gentleman as she wobbled through the parking lot of the non-descript hotel. They had taken the elevator, and she stepped wobbly out into the hallway and pointed to her room.


Sawyer stepped out of the elevator, once more making her throat go dry at the sight of him. But what he did next had her trembling even harder.


"This isn't working," he muttered.  And with an easy swoop, Kelly suddenly found herself flung over his back and carried down the hall like a caveman. She felt a cool breeze hit her as her skirt flipped up and exposed her ass to the ceiling.  His face was right there, inches from her wetness and the thought of what he might do to her made her shiver in expectation.


Sawyer took her room key and pushed open the door to her room with a bang. Then he flung her onto the bed where she landed with a light bounce.  He let his jacket fall to the floor and jumped onto the bed to straddle her.  Kelly lifted her face for the expected kiss, but instead he pressed her backwards until she was flat on her back.  His rock hard chest crushed her breasts. He looked at her from above, his eyes flitting back to the predatory green that held her magnetically. 


She exhaled and was about to speak when his lips slammed into hers once more.  His huge hands were suddenly everywhere at once, threading through her hair, stroking down her bare arms, and lifting her skirt up to her tummy and stroking the soft skin.  She responded at once.  Wiggling invitingly, she shimmied her dress over her head.  Her breasts jutted high in their lacy red confection and he moved his lips to them instantly.  She bent her head back and groaned delightedly to feel his hands cupping and lifting her generous orbs.  He ran a finger along the lace and tweaked her nipples free.  Curling his tongue around one and then the other, his practiced touch drew tiny jolts of electricity that spread warmth down her belly and into that soft place between her legs.  Eager for him to continue, she reached behind her back and undid the hook, allowing them to spill free.


“I need to know that you’re ready for this… Tell me you’re mine.”


She was ready. Heat pulsed in between her thighs at the proximity of his cock.  She could feel it pressing his jeans, its rock hard insistence unable and unwilling to be denied.  She moved her hands down, ready to stroke his length, testing, wondering if it was as long and as smooth as she hoped. 


“I’m yours…”


Her hands traveled past Sawyer's rippling abs and moved to cup around his member, but he pulled away with a grunt and grabbed her firmly by the wrists.  With a sudden violence he pressed them into the mattress above her head, pinning her down with all his strength. She cried out in surprise and then shrieked out loud once again when he snaked a hand under her back and flipped her onto her belly with a practiced motion.  He covered her with his weight, pinning her underneath him so thoroughly that she could barely inhale much less protest. 


She looked up in shock when the rope appeared out of nowhere.  Before she could react, she was moored to the headboard.


Kelly looked at her wrists in shock.  He had tied them together before she even had time to react.  She tugged at the rough bonds, the excitement building inside. No man had ever controlled her so completely, and she wanted nothing more than to give herself away to the sensation. His eyes seemed to sparkle triumphantly, and she decided to play his little game.




"I told you," Sawyer breathed in her ear, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her earlobe, "you needed to pay."


"This is my punishment?" She tugged again incredulously but only succeeded in tightening the knots.


There was another low noise, and this time it was definitely a growl. And with a resounding
he cracked his open palm across her ass.


Kelly shrieked in protest even as the feelings of pain and pleasure welled up inside.  She squirmed to pull her legs underneath her torso and sit up but another smack sent her sprawling back flat onto her tummy.  "Oh fuck!" she swore.  The stinging heat from the blow was ringing through her body, sending all her senses into red alert. She flushed red with desire.


Sawyer cupped her throat from behind.  She wasn't able to see him despite twisting and tugging against her bonds.  So she jumped when his voice filled her ear once more.  "No, I don't think I will," he breathed. 


Oh God…
She thought to herself. Was he serious? She needed this. She needed this more than air!


He cupped her ass again.  She squirmed futilely as he kneaded and stroked the soft skin.  He spread her ass cheeks wide, exposing even more of her sex than before.  She shuddered to feel his cool breath near the base of her puckered opening. The anticipation of the coming blow wracked her nerves.


When the spanking finally came, she found to her shock that she welcomed it.  The entirely new feeling of helplessness intensified the sensations until the blow felt just as welcome and exhilarating as a kiss. The heat from his palm created heat in her groin.  And just like how he knew in the car, Sawyer seemed to sense when her pussy flooded in response to him.  He hugged her around the waist and lifted her to her knees.


Kelly found herself face down, ass up in the bed, her sex pointing nearly at the ceiling.  Never had she felt more exposed and vulnerable.  The stinging heat of his blows had brought fire to her cheeks, but now the blood rushed to her head as she was suspended nearly upside down.  She rocked forward onto her elbows and looked through her legs to see Sawyer pulling his pants down.


But instead of the thrust of a cock at her entrance, she felt the slow lap of a tongue.


"Uuuungh." The guttural sound ripped from Kelly's throat before she could catch hold of it.  He was flicking an expert tongue along the whole length of her sex.  As his quicksilver tongue moved faster and faster, Kelly felt herself poised to explode.  She pressed backwards, grinding herself into his face. Just as the pressure reached its peak...he pulled back.

BOOK: DOMINATED BY THE WEREBEAR (Steamy Shifter Paranormal Romance)
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