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Authors: Allison Hobbs

Disciplined (8 page)

BOOK: Disciplined
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oyin had to admit that Ka-le’a was really a lovely island. Perhaps the most beautiful place she’d ever seen. She was glad Merrick had agreed to let her stay. Basking in the sun, she lay in a hammock while Palila and Kina walked along the white sand, carrying wicker baskets and stopping along the way to stoop and collect seashells and other insignificant objects. They held each finding with wonder and admiration as if they’d unearthed chunks of gold.
Silly nillies
, Yoyin thought with the fondness one would bestow upon dull-witted children.

Yoyin watched the pretty women with interest and amusement. They were absolutely gorgeous; watching them in the sunlight was a delight to her eyes. Still, it was a pity that women with such striking good looks were nothing more than blithering idiots. Yoyin closed her eyes and enjoyed the sway of the hammock and imagined engaging in rough, wanton sex on the beach with her anonymous lover while the bright sun shone on their naked skin. Of course, Palila and Kina would be standing at attention, ready to serve her and the mystery man a cooling exotic drink

She dozed off—for no more than a few moments, she was certain. Yet the setting sun suggested otherwise. Clumsily, she sat upright in the wobbly hammock, her hand shielding her eyes as she searched the stretch of bright white sand for her companions.
They were no where in sight, but a trail of their tiny footprints went on forever.

Curious, Yoyin eased out of the hammock, deciding to follow the footprints. Annoyance creased her brow.
How dare the little minions run off without permission?
Wearing a breezy cotton dress with a fitted bodice and a pair of white Burberry slide sandals, she plodded across the sand. She’d give those two a thorough tongue lashing for leaving her unattended. For such a grievous offense, perhaps a light paddling was in order. Hmm. Maybe not. She promised to be respectful and treat them with kindness. Damn, what a backward place this Ka-le’a was. She’d been allowed to paddle servants since her adolescence. Her overly indulgent and doting mother had provided her with her own small paddle to use on her nanny whenever the young woman got out of line. “Bend over, Nanny,” she remembered saying. Her red-faced nanny had no choice but to bare her bottom and receive a paddling from her young charge.
Yes, I was a privileged child


Dark memories resurfaced from out of the blue. Fleeing the frightful recollection and trying to escape the demons of her past, she began running along the beach, panting as she ran behind the footprints in the sand.

After what seemed like many miles of running, Yoyin stopped abruptly. Her companions’ tracks stopped at the mouth of a cave. A shudder went over her body. Had they gone inside the cave? Curious, she made faltering steps inside the cave. The waning sun provided a dim light.

“Palila! Kina!” she called. Her voice echoed. She took a few steps forward and heard a loud boom—like a falling rock or a boulder. She was instantly enveloped in pitch blackness. “Palila!
Kina!” Yoyin shouted, terrified. She whirled around, tried to retrace her steps but couldn’t find the opening. Instinctively, she realized that the entryway was now blocked. Biting her lower lip, she looked around the darkness.

Having no other choice, she forged ahead, taking a direction inside the cave that led her down a narrow passageway. Frightened, she took timid steps, then steadied her gait by pressing her hip against a dank wall and running her hands along the great expanse of crumbling, rugged stone. She could feel her dress tearing as she squeezed through the narrow space. A sudden frightful noise made her flinch. The flapping of wings.
Bats? Oh, God!
For a horrible moment, she wanted to scream until her lungs were raw! But she kept her wits. Screaming might bring the winged beasts in her direction, so she yelled in her head and whispered, “Help!” She uttered the dreaded word unashamedly. “Somebody help me!” With her hands protecting her head, she hurried along, squeezing through the dark narrow passage.

After what seemed hours, she saw a flicker of light, and she moved at a faster pace. Finally, the narrow confines widened and Yoyin found herself in a more open space. She gave a whimper of glee.

Torches jutting out of walls lit a path, guiding her to the sounds of drums and music…And her companions’ tinkling laughter.

Yoyin picked up speed to a trot. Laughing and crying with joy, she ran toward the glowing light and the sounds of high-spirited merriment. As she grew closer, she was blinded by brilliant light. Rubbing her eyes, it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the light and for her heart to get acquainted with an overwhelming feeling of utter bliss. Inside the cave, a party was in full swing. Everyone wore masks as they danced, sang, and chatted.

“Greetings, madam,” Palila said and removed her mask.

“Welcome to the celebration. We’re so happy you joined us,” Kina said, revealing her face.

Yoyin beamed, but her smile slipped away when she took notice of her dirty hands and fingernails. To her horror, her dress was ragged and filthy. And her once white sandals were now as black as soot.
I must look like a beggar.
Embarrassment flushed her face. But no one was concerned about her haggard appearance; no one had judgment in their eyes as they met her humiliated gaze. In fact, only happiness filled the air. Men and women, scantily clad in traditional island clothing, milled about, laughing and talking and drinking from hollowed-out coconut shells. Two rows of musicians, clad in loincloth and wearing tribal masks, were playing a variety of percussion and stringed instruments. The musicians bowed their heads in greeting and continued playing a beautifully melodic tune.

Her companions wore short wrapped skirts and anklets made of whalebone. Their small breasts were bare. She couldn’t take her eyes off their high, perfectly formed breasts. This cavernous place was breathtakingly beautiful. Tiki torches illuminated the wondrous display of ancient rock art and the elegant arrangement of the masterful, handcrafted tropical wood furnishings were fit for a queen. There were abstract carvings and bronze sculptures—all with excessively erotic themes.

Awestruck by the majestic setting inside the cave, Yoyin looked at her companions in wonder. “I don’t understand. What are you celebrating?”

Kina, wearing a red flower on each side of her head, unpinned one of the flowers and attached it to Yoyin’s hair. “We’re celebrating
,” she informed.

Just before she asked what
meant, Palila approached
with a cup for Yoyin. This was not an ordinary goblet; rather, it was a coconut shell that was carved in the shape of a goblet and high-polished to a magnificent shine. “For you,” Palila said with a warm smile.

Yoyin humbly accepted the fine goblet with her soiled hand. “Thank you,” she murmured, her voice cracking with emotion and shame. Surprised by her humility and her uncharacteristic good manners, she took a quick sip to clear her head. “Mmm. Delicious. What is this?” she asked her companions, feeling instantly invigorated and suddenly uncaring of her untidy appearance.

“Coconut milk, mango juice, and other blends of tropical fruit juices—and spirits,” Kina said.

Palila nodded. “It’s the elixir of

“Hmm.” Yoyin raised the goblet in good-natured jest. “A toast to

Hands suddenly slapped conga drums at a more enlivened pace. Fingers plucked various stringed instruments into a charming mix of a tuneful melody.

“Please sit down, madam.” Kina gestured toward a high-backed wicker chair. “In honor of
, Palila and I would like to perform a sacred ritual dance.”

“What is
?” Yoyin finally asked.

means awakening,” Kina whispered. “Tonight, we celebrate

My awakening? What had she awakened from—sleep?
Yoyin shrugged. She was feeling pleasantly intoxicated and saw no reason to question her so-called “awakening.”

Cymbals crashed. Palila and Kina began moving their hips and their hands. They closed their eyes and softly swayed. With the delicate hand gestures, they communicated a sensual message.

The beat quickened. The masked musicians began chanting in an ancient language. The two women revolved their hips as rapid as the drummers could beat out time. Yoyin sat transfixed and mesmerized, her eyes wide and keen with excitement. A trail of perspiration trickled down her neck and pooled inside her cleavage. Palila and Kina perspired also as they danced. Faster and wilder, their feminine voices joining in on the chant. Covered with sweat, their breasts looked slippery. Wet. Yoyin resisted the urge to rise from her seat and dry off her companions’ lovely breasts.

Something—the sound of the drums—the chanting—or maybe the drink she sipped—had taken a hold of her. It lifted her up, causing her to kick off her dirty sandals. Moving her hips in time with the beat, she joined her companions in their ritual dance. Circling her pelvis, she moved her long arms in graceful gestures and spun around, dancing as if motivated by the very heartbeat of Ka-le’a.

At the end of the song, Palila motioned Yoyin to follow her and Kina. Gripping the handles of the wicker baskets they’d carried on the beach, the two women escorted Yoyin through winding, well-lit corridors. “Where are we going?” Yoyin asked out of curiosity, but she felt so lighthearted and happy that she didn’t care.

A sparkle lit Palila’s eyes. “We’re going to one of the smaller, adjacent caves for you to bathe. It has a glorious hot spring.”

“Sounds lovely.” Yoyin was being polite. Honestly she couldn’t imagine taking a decent bath inside a cave. Moments later, the three women arrived at the adjacent, horseshoe-shaped cave. She heard the sound of running water, and the air was thick with humidity. Yoyin clapped her hands at the sight of the heated spring, dimly lit by a few torches.

Kina made a grand motion toward the steamy shower of mineralized water that fell from the cave’s roof and formed a waist-deep pool. “For your pleasure, madam. We’ve prepared a rejuvenating natural steam bath.”

Yoyin yelped with glee and rushed ahead. Hurriedly, she pulled the tattered dress over her head and discarded it on the moist, stony pathway that led to nature’s bathtub. She stepped in the warm swirling water and closed her eyes. “Oh, this is heavenly. Absolutely divine.”

Kina and Palila stripped off their skirts. They waded into the warm water, holding the wicker baskets up over their heads. When they reached Yoyin, they placed the baskets on a stony ledge and began playing in the water. Their laughter echoed as they romped and splashed together in the steamy, swirling water.

After a while, the companions drifted over to the baskets and retrieved a small towel, a seashell, a stone, a loofah sponge and a bar of soap. “We collected these items from the beach and made the soap from fresh papaya,” said Palila.

Enormous shame washed over Yoyin. She stiffened as she recalled the haughty manner in which she’d scoffed at her companions’ treasure hunt in the sand.

“Relax while I wash your back, madam,” Palila cajoled and then soaped the back of Yoyin’s lean body, scrubbing her back and round buttocks with the loofah sponge.

Kina used the edge of a seashell to scrape out the dirt beneath Yoyin’s toenails. She used a roughened stone to scour and soften the heels and the soles of her feet.

Palila passed the bar of soap to Kina. Yoyin’s heartbeat quickened as Kina lathered her breasts. Her nipples, imprisoned between Kina’s pinched fingers, swelled in arousal. Yoyin moaned. Kina’s hand snaked downward as she smoothed papaya suds over
her tummy and the small hump of her smooth mound. Kina stretched her fingers and delicately separated Yoyin’s feminine folds and began washing Yoyin’s pussy.

Behind her, Palila used three soapy fingers to clean the hidden area inside her buttocks, making Yoyin squirm and murmur softly.

Simultaneously, Kina and Palila slipped a finger into Yoyin’s front and back openings. Yoyin didn’t resist the intrusion. Rocking back and forth, she cried out, her naked body quivering from the dual stimulation. She bit her lip as she struggled to hold back the rush of pleasure spiraling through her body.

“Let it go,” Palila urged.

Yoyin shook her head stubbornly, her face set in a grimace as her companions skillfully tormented both orifices. “No. I must hold back. My lover is coming back to me. Tonight.”

Kina and Palila inserted their fingers so deeply, the tips of their fingers were separated only by a thin membrane of flesh. Yoyin whimpered and cried, her body shaking as she struggled to hold back the flood of ecstasy.

“Release it,” Kina cooed seductively. “It will be easier for you if you do.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Don’t you want to remain conscious when you climax?”

“Oh yes! Yes!” she cried out, her body gyrating at the memory of his powerful penetration.

“Then allow us to assist you.”

Yoyin nodded in agreement. Both women withdrew their fingers. They guided Yoyin to a smooth ridge. Palila lay down on the stone.

Without a word, Kina guided Yoyin and assisted her into a squatting position over Palila’s lovely face. Palila captured Yoyin’s clit between her lips and sucked the distended flesh. In ecstasy, Yoyin squeezed her eyes tight and clenched her teeth.

Kina hovered closely, surprising Yoyin as she entered her warm tunnel with a dainty finger. The sensations were so overwhelming, so all encompassing. Yoyin’s body bucked. She was close, about to explode. She froze at the sound of approaching drums and stringed instruments playing melodies. The musicians played in time to Kina’s finger strokes and Palila’s rhythmic suctioning on her aching clit.

The musicians gathered in the entryway. In the throes of ecstasy, she stole a glance. The men moved closer, still playing music as they stepped into the shallow part of the spring. Though the tribal masks were in place, one man was familiar to her, standing out from the crowd.

BOOK: Disciplined
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