Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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Chapter Three


Tania was having the time of her life. She liked the audacity of Riley, his sheer nerve. He thought he could play her, while she was the one who was stringing him along. Well, not so true. She nearly grimaced as she realized that she had fallen a little under his spell. The man oozed sexual chemistry. No other man intrigued her quite like this in such a long while.


She never wanted this conversation to end. He was an enemy, and she wasn’t supposed to mingle with him, but it was getting more and more difficult for her to ignore him. She shouldn’t have accepted the invitation for dinner. She did so thinking that she would retain the upper hand on the dinner table, but it was obviously not happening. He wasn’t like other men whom she found so easy to control and manipulate. The discovery should have irritated her, but, instead, it energized her. He was a challenge, and she was more than willing to see how far she could go with him.


Of course, their sexual chemistry was off the charts. As he talked, the palms of her hands beaded with sweat and desire careened through her nerves. He was a gorgeous man and, more than that, his intelligence sparked her passion. It wasn’t often that she came across a man who intrigued her on so many levels. She loved it. It was heady to be in the company of a man who could keep her excited for so long.


When the dinner came to an end, he walked her out. “Do you have a car?”


“I took a cab.” She brushed back her hair and dug into her purse to take out her phone. “I’ll call one now.”


“No need.” He put a hand over hers to stop her from making the call. “I can drop you home.”


She glanced at him, acutely aware of the way the warmth from his fingers seeped into her skin. The desire that already lanced through her exploded and drenched her insides. Suddenly, she was a quivering, shivering mass of jelly. With an effort, Tania maintained her composure. Dare she allow him to drop her home? Where would that lead them?


She was quite sure that allowing him to drive her wasn’t going to lead to anything good. Already, she was attracted to him. If he made a move, would she be able to resist him? Did she want to put up a fight in this particular battle? For once in her life, Tania wanted to give up even before the fight began. Not for the warehouse, of course. But this was personal. Surely, she could give herself permission to enjoy him for the night. “All right, thank you.” She heard the words come out of her month even before she was aware that she’d made up her mind.


His lips lifted in a smile. Putting his hand on the small of her back, he guided her to his car. The black, gleaming Mercedes was a classic. She sure liked a man who enjoyed fast rides and knew how to handle them. Would he be able to keep up with her if they fell in bed? Her breath hitched as images flashed across her mind: their naked bodies sweating and straining as they kissed and licked ever inch of each other’s skin, his hands on her curves, and her fingers sliding over his torso.


Color flushed over her cheeks as she settled in her seat. What the hell was she thinking? She’d never been so shameless, so blatant in her desire. This was unprecedented. Tania didn’t quite know what to say or do as he drove quietly, decisively.


“Your address?”


She gave it to him. “It’s kind of you to drop me off.”


“Kindness is certainly not what I have in mind,” he admitted.


Shit! Did he have to be so blunt? What the hell was she supposed to say? “Hmm…I don’t know what you mean.”


He chuckled in that infuriating, know-it-all manner. “I doubt that there is anything that you don’t understand, Tania. A smart, capable woman like you is always sure of what she is doing.”


Her house came into view and she pointed it out. “I think you overestimate me.”


After parking the car, he got out and came to the other side to open the door for her. She slid out and stepped away. He closed the door, held her hand, and drew her towards him. Tania was too flustered to fight. Actually, she didn’t want to battle again. Although, this date wasn’t going exactly the way she imagined, but, somehow, she liked it.


He ran a finger over her cheek and then on her lips. Her heart pounded so loud she was sure he could hear it.


His lips lifted in a smile, and her gaze was fixed on them. She couldn’t look away. “Sweetheart, you know exactly where this is going and all I want to know is if you are okay with it. Is it a yes or no?”


He was giving her a choice. It was her decision to make. The man was dangerous, not because he could harm her physically, but because he could peep into her heart and read her emotions. He appeared capable of outthinking her on every level. Naturally, she wanted to know if he would be able to do so when they were in bed together.


She gazed into his eyes. He wasn’t promising anything and she didn’t want any fake assurances. This was exactly what it looked like. They were both scratching an itch, nothing more or less. Tania didn’t fall in bed with men easily. Instead, she was extremely choosy. All of her partners were people she trusted and knew, and she liked to keep the upper hand in a relationship. But this wasn’t anything more than a one-night stand.


It wasn’t her cup of tea, but, just this once, she was tempted. What the hell? Life was short, and she wanted to gather as many experiences as she possibly could. Tania believed in living life to the fullest, and if this opportunity fell in her lap, she didn’t want to let it go.


Putting a hand on his shoulder, she pressed her body into his. His cock strained against the trousers and she could feel it thickening. Her lips were inches away from his. They were so close she could see the silver flecks in his hazel eyes. “This doesn’t change anything work-wise.”


“Of course it doesn’t,” he muttered.


Their lips met. The kiss was slow, soft, but they were both too impatient to keep it like that for long. When his tongue pressed against her mouth, she opened her lips and accepted it. As their tongues danced, she felt the slow burn of need in her veins. Desire, molten and hot, swam through her nerves and awakened a passion that she hadn’t felt in a long time. This was truly a defining moment in her life. She didn’t remember feeling this desperate for any other man.


When he lifted his head, she gazed into his eyes. If he could make her feel like this with a kiss, what would happen if she actually took him to her bed? It was a scary thought. She should change her mind. It wasn’t too late yet, but she couldn’t do it. The desire that reeled in her veins wouldn’t allow her to choose a different path. She wanted this – and she was going to have it.


Tania put her hand in her purse and took out her keys. “Let’s go inside.”


He didn’t miss a beat. She turned to open her door and as soon as she turned the handle, he stepped in behind her. When she dropped her purse on the floor, he drew her in his arms and pinned her against the wall. His lips, demanding and hungry, descended on hers once more. Her thoughts vanished and she couldn’t worry about anything anymore. This was perfect. It was exactly what she wanted. Her arms went around his neck as she opened her mouth to receive his tongue. He explored every inch of her mouth, relishing the taste and texture of her. She did the same.


“Bed,” she muttered.


Picking her up, he lunged inside. “Where is it?”


“Straight through the living room.”


He hurried inside. Tania pushed open the door and he stepped through. He lay her down on the bed. They didn’t waste any more time on conversation. Instead their clothes came out. She didn’t care about anything else except the need to satisfy the waves of desire that coursed through her veins. His gaze remained fixed on her as he took off his shirt. Her imagination sure didn’t do him justice. He was far more handsome than she gave him credit for. Her gaze took in the smooth column of his throat down to the washboard abs, his narrow waist, and the dark line of hair that ended at his cock. His penis stood straight and proud. It glistened in the dim light of the lamp. She gasped at the sight of it.


All she wanted was to feel him move inside her. Tania took off her dress and threw it aside. His gaze lingered on her bra-clad breasts and the black panties that were already wet with arousal. Quickly, she took them off. When his eyes glazed over at the sight of her firm, heavy breasts, she felt a burst of satisfaction. She wasn’t the only one suffering from passion.


Putting her hands on the bed, she leaned back. He straddled her. His head bent and his mouth captured her nipple. Hot coils and loops of passion skidded along her skin when he flicked his tongue over it. Feeling delirious with need, she arched her back. He gorged on her nipples and she writhed under him. Her fingers speared over his back and it was nice to feel his muscles bunch and flex.


He was simply too good.


Tania was used to being in charge when she made love to a man but it was obvious that he liked to be in control. And, for a change, she quite enjoyed the way he took over. His fingers skipped and kneaded over her skin and every fiber of her body came alive. His hand slipped down and his thumb brushed over her clit.


The storm that already swelled inside her peaked. Grabbing his hair, she kept his mouth pinned to her nipple while his finger slid in and out of her hot, velvety center. The need was too great. She thrust up her hips in an effort to find release and, as if understanding her need, he pressed down hard on her clit. The orgasm that thundered through her muscles made her scream out loud. She shuddered and twisted her head from side to side.


Rising over her, he removed his finger. It was slick with her wetness. When he joined her on the bed again, she put her arms around his neck. Her breasts heaved as she struggled to control her breath. She should’ve been exhausted, but she was hungry for more. It was her turn to please him. Tania felt the need to even the score. Sliding her fingers over his lean, hard torso, she groped between his thighs and found his hard cock.


He raised his head and gazed into her eyes. “You’re driving me crazy, sweetheart.”


Was she? Although she was never hesitant in bed, Tania felt as if she were doing this for the first time. Everything felt new and fresh. Their eyes remained locked as she stroked his cock. A pulse beat at the base of his throat. Up and down, she pumped. Just as she thought he was about to come, he slid out of her grasp and slipped up her torso. His beautiful, long penis brushed over her lips. The scent of his arousal hit her nostrils and she sucked in a deep breath. Tania opened her mouth to receive it. She wanted to please him the same way he did her.


Hovering over her, he pushed his cock deep in her throat. She ran her tongue over it, caressing and fondling until he began to pant. With her fingers, she rubbed his balls, wanting him to come inside her. She wanted to taste him. Just as she thought it was about to come, he pulled out his shaft.


She groaned. “No!”


Before she could figure out as to what he was up to, he slipped down her torso, parted her legs with his hands, and slid inside her pussy. Tania groaned out loud. She loved it. Her muscles clenched and unclenched as her sheath stretched to accommodate him. A gasp escaped her lips as he stroked in and out. Over and over, he slammed into her with enough force to make her squeal. Every time he pushed his cock deep, a low growl escaped his lips. His lips tightened as he fought to find the release that he needed just as much as her.


Together they rocked and moved in unison. Swirls and coils of desire and need looped in and around her body while she was carried higher and higher on the tempest that brought her to the pinpoint of insanity. She couldn’t take the assault anymore.


She wanted the release that would free her from this delicious torture. Just as she clenched the bed sheets with her hands and arched her body, the second orgasm rippled through her muscles. She shuddered and screamed as it hit all her senses. Her toes curled. Her body jerked and, at the same instant, he came inside her with a loud cry. She felt his semen spill inside her.


He fell on top of her, but instead of crushing her with his weight, he put his elbows on the bed and held his body rigid. Even in this time, he could think about her. The realization sent a jolt of pleasure through her gut.


Shit! What had she done?


When he was her enemy, she could do whatever she wanted and not regret any move, but now he was her lover. Earlier, she’d thought that once they did it, she would get over this weird attraction, but clearly this wasn’t going to happen.

BOOK: Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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