Read Destined for Harmony Online

Authors: Leia Shaw

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires, #Contemporary

Destined for Harmony (8 page)

BOOK: Destined for Harmony
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Every muscle froze.
Fear. Harmony. He could feel it in his bones, like there was a string attached from her heart to his. And hers was beating hard and fast.

“Something wrong,

’ voice snapped him back to attention. “Something’s wrong with Harmony.”

“Go,” he said. “We’ll manage.”

He nodded then pointed to Tomas. “Start a plan. I’ll check back later.” Fear nudged at him more and more each second. In a panic, he left the room and ran to Harmony’s cabin. If anyone dared harm her…

He swung open her cabin door.

“Sorin!” She gasped and spun around, giving him her back. Her bare back. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

Darla and Monica giggled from where they sat on one of the beds.

“You were afraid,” he explained. “I could feel it.”

She huffed as she pulled on her cotton t-shirt then turned to face him. Glaring, she put a sweatshirt over the tee, cutti
ng off his view of her hardened nipples. If she thought she was safe in that…

He gave his head a shake.
Safety. He was here to check on her, not check her out.

“I wasn’t afraid. I was just…” her gaze shifted around the room, “a little nervous.”

“She felt a presence,” Darla said. “Outside the cabin.”

“Again?” he asked Harmony.

She nodded.

He looked at the other two girls. “Did you feel it too?”

Monica and Darla eyed each other, hesitating as if they didn’t want to tell the full truth. Finally, Monica shrugged. “A little.”

“It was probably nothing,” Harmony chirped. “We’re fine.”

Sorin was shaking his head before she even finished. “I’m not taking risks with you. You’re coming back to my cabin. Get your stuff for the night.”

Her brow furrowed.
“What? No.” She took a deep breath and traded the confused look for a patient one. “I appreciate your concern, Sorin, but I’m not leaving them here alone.”

“Of course not.
I’ll have someone outside the door all night.”

“I…I’m fine
. It was nothing. Really.”

took away her excuse and she still scrambled for more? Why didn’t she want to sleep in his cabin? “This isn’t negotiable, Harmony.”

She looked to her friends and t
hey nodded. “Just go with him,” Monica said. “We’ll be fine.”

on him, she toyed with her bottom lip, reminding him of when she’d sucked his finger last night. His erection was starting already and she wasn’t even in his bed yet. He tried to adjust himself discreetly, but when Harmony smirked he knew she’d noticed.

Little brat.

“Pack your things,” he ordered, leaving no room for backtalk. Satisfied she’d obey, he stepped outside to call a guard for the cabin.

He did a sweep of the area outside but didn’t detect anything out of the ordinary. Could it all be in her head? He thought for a moment then discarded that idea. Harmony had good instincts. He couldn’
t have asked for a better mate. At that, the urge to hold her, smell her, became too much.

He knocked on the cabin door then walked in. Harmony was just on the other side and he scooped her into his arms
, inhaling the flowery scent of her hair. She smelled like home.

Vaguely, he regi
stered the girly
behind him. He barely refrained from placing a proprietary hand on her ass. Instead, he whispered in her ear, “You’re mine. You go where I go.”

Her small shudder made him smile.

She tried to pull away, he held her a couple seconds more, just to show her he could before releasing her.

After grabbing her bag from the floor, she said a qu
ick goodbye to her friends. Marcus was already outside for the first watch.

“Thanks, Marcus
,” Harmony said as they walked down the cabin stairs.

took her bag and they walked toward his cabin on the other side of camp. It was quiet tonight, which unsettled him even more after Harmony’s concern. The air felt more still than usual – like just before a storm. He hugged Harmony to him, feeling the overwhelming need to protect her.

She peered up at him, her forehead crinkle
d in an adorable look of uneasiness. “Are we going to…”

“Fuck? Yes.”

In the dimness of the night, he couldn’t tell if she was blushing or not, but he imagined she was.

“Are you going to…tie me up

Her audible gulp made him grin. “Did you like that?

“It wa
s okay.” She shrugged nonchalantly, but he wasn’t fooled.

With an arm wrapped around her waist, he pulled her behind the closest cabin, in
to a shadowy spot where no one could see.

She yelped when he threw her up against the wall.

“This,” he shoved his hand down the front of her jeans, “tells me it was more than just okay.” As he’d expected, her underwear was wet.

She moaned and buried her head in his neck.

He pressed on her clit and held her there. Her weight fell on his shoulders.

Sorin,” she rasped. “Please.”

His cock twitched at the sound of his name on her lips, especially with her voice so needy.
She was a lusty thing. This pleased him. He removed his hand before he lost control and fucked her up against the cabin. He wasn’t even sure whose cabin it was.

“I won’t tie you up, love,” he said, placing little kisses on her neck.
“As long as you behave.”

That brought his feisty
demoness back. She snorted and adjusted her jeans. “Behave my ass.”

“Your ass will behave if it wants to stay out of trouble.”
To send the message home, he gave that ass a hard squeeze.

She squeaked, which sent his inner predator into overdrive. When she gazed up at him, wo
rrying her bottom lip, he growled. He wanted to tell her to run – to chase her down like the delicious prey she was. But he hadn’t been able to get one specific idea out of his head in two days.

Grinning down at her nervous expression, he teased, “
You look worried. Don’t tell me Harmony, Vampire Slayer is afraid of staying overnight with her mate?”

She scowled up at him. The little wrinkle in her forehead,
her pouty bottom lip…he finally snapped. With a grunt, he shoved his shoulder into her belly and flipped her up over his back.

She squealed as she hung upside down off his shoulder.

He marched toward his cabin, his prize in tow.

“Sorin! Put me down!”

Grinning, he gave her a playful smack. “Quiet, love, or all of camp will come out here to see your fine ass on display, knowing what we’re about to do.”

Miraculously, she shut up. And he didn’t hear a single peep all the way to the cabin. Inside, he set her on her feet. Her face was beet red and she was still scowling at him.

With a hand on the back of her neck, he tugged her up on her toes and kissed her deeply. Her soft lips followed his movement,
sucking and nipping at him. He pulled away and let out a big breath. Gods, that mouth could bring a man to his knees. Speaking of knees…

He led her next to the bed and placed a pillow on the floor.

“You know where I want that pretty mouth,” he told her, hand on her neck again.

Eyes wide, cheeks flushed, she nodded.

He pushed gently – a small hint – and she sunk down to her knees.


Harmony had never given a blow job before. For some irritating reason, she was desperate to please him. He stared down at her – all dominance. It burned between her legs. She almost wished he’d fucked her up against the cabin a few minutes ago. At least she wouldn’t be so frustrated right now.

When she hesitated, he stroked his fingert
ips over her cheek. Warmth and tenderness poured out of him. “Come on, love. You can do it.”

Slowly, she reached up and undid his button then zipper. His cock tented his plaid boxers. She froze.

“Take it out,” he ordered.

She obeyed. H
is erection was overwhelming from this angle. That thing was inside her? It would never fit in her mouth. Just when she was about to tell him this, a hand fisted tight in her hair.



The twinge of pain and stern command sent
her heart racing. Her stomach fluttered and a need so deep she could feel it from between her legs all the way to her heart demanded he come inside her. She wanted to beg him to fuck her, but he gave her hair another tug and she dutifully opened her mouth.

He fed her his cock. It filled her mouth but wasn’t unpleasant. She started by running her tongue over the underside. When he grunted and jerked, she felt a twinge of pride. She watched his face as she licked and sucked. He held her gaze then when she took him deeper, his eyes rolled back and he groaned.

“Fuck, woman,” he rasped.

Abruptly he pulled away. Had she done something wrong? She frowned up at him.

He chuckled. “No, love. You were perfect. But I want to come inside you.”

Yes! Her inner wolf couldn’t have been
more satisfied. But reason was quick to return. “No! I’m not on the pill.”

took her by the arm and lifted her to her feet. “Fuck the pill. I’ll get the doctor in here now to give you one.”

“That’s not how it works.”

Looking up at the ceiling, he let out an agonizing sigh. “I know.” He lowered his jeans and stepped out of them but pulled his boxers back up over his cock.

Were t
hey not going to make love now?

“Strip and get on the bed while I hunt down a condom,” he told her.

Though she was starting to find his orders unbelievably sexy, she couldn’t let him control her that easily. She was a warrior, not his little woman.

Hand on her hip, she asked, “Any specific position, your majesty?”

He quirked a brow at her tone. “Now that you mention it, on your knees, ass in the air.”

“Fuck you.”

In three steps, he was inches from her. “Patience, love.” He smirked. “We’ll get to that.” Before she could reply, he spun her around and gave her ass a slap. “On the bed!”

He was impossible! With an irritated grunt, she obeyed.
The saying “flirting with the devil” came to mind.

Her devil rustled through a drawer before pulling out a condom and holding it up with a grin.

She smiled back. “Good. Now hurry up! I need you.”

He strode toward her, cocky look on his face.
“Oh yeah? How much?”

She already knew he liked to tease her, making her hold out for as long as possible, but she could be a tease too. It was time to turn the tables

With her best seductive smile, she trailed her finger down her chest, between her breasts, continuing slowly to her belly. He watched, transfixed as she circled her bellybutton then moved lower. Between her lips, her clit was swollen. She stroked herself, moaning at the sensation. She’d make herself come any second.

A growl tore through the cabin, startling her. “No. Don’t you make yourself come. That’s my job.”

A second later, he was on top of her, her hands trapped between them. Messy kisses and nips along her neck made her giggle and squirm. His wet lips latched onto her nipple and sucked, hard.

She arched her back. “Sorin!”

He did the same to the other until each one ached. Then he sat up, straddling her hips. “Stay.”

She whimpered when he rose from the bed. Was he going to make her wait like last time? She brought her hand down to touch herself while he shed his boxers.

when she found her aching clit. “Uh, uh. Bad girl.”

Sorin,” she whined when he grabbed her hand and gave it a little slap.

“You touch here,” he told her then placed her hand on his cock. She stroked it and he rocked against her.

“Mmmm.” With her other hand, she grabbed his ass and yanked him closer so his erection ground up against her clit.

He gave an exasperated sigh then removed her hand from around him.
“Greedy girl.”

A moment later, she was on her stomach. He maneuvered her far too easily. Strong hands stroked firmly down her back followed by soft kisses
on her spine. She moaned and melted into the mattress. But she didn’t want gentle now. She wanted rough and demanding. A good hard fuck.

She tried to turn back over but he pinned her with a hand on her back.
The crinkle of the condom wrapper sounded behind her. Finally!

He hissed in a breath and she guessed he’d rolled it on.

BOOK: Destined for Harmony
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