Read Desperate Seduction Online

Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Programming Languages, #Computers

Desperate Seduction (6 page)

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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“But, Blake, I have to work!” she protested, not daring to move her ass.

“So work, Claire.” He paused, rotated on his heels and returned to her. Grasping her by the shoulder, he pulled her upright. The plug shifted inside her. “See, it’s not that difficult. Now get dressed, get some coffee, but don’t you dare stop thinking about me. Or tonight.”

“Blake, but I want…I need…” Heat rose to her cheeks, mingling with her red-hot yearning. “I can’t possibly.”

He cupped her face. “You can and you will, for me? Won’t you Claire?” Despite herself, she couldn’t help but agree.

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Good.” He planted a loving kiss to her forehead as if there was something normal and sweet about this situation. He turned and left, leaving her hanging, her mind shocked, full of questions and worse, her body riddled with lust for him.


Alyssa Brooks

Chapter Four

Blake couldn’t contain his smile as he walked out. If anything, he’d managed to shock Claire. But that was the point—at least, part of it.

He didn’t want a lackluster marriage full of restrictions and stifled emotions. He wanted a woman as uninhibited as he, someone not afraid to try new things, to take risks.

Claire, he was almost positive, was that woman. But, he needed to be one hundred percent sure. If she kept the plug in and actually returned to him tonight, knowing full well what she was in for, his chart would tip in her favor.

Blake unlocked the Mustang’s door and swung it open. Sitting in the seat, he gave his bedroom window one last glance and then backed out the drive.

His palms were sweating as he gripped the wheel and sped off. His heart accelerated with the velocity, beating with heady thoughts of Claire. Already he could imagine himself buried deep in her, filling her with his cum. Making a baby. He’d never come in a woman before, only in a condom, or on her ass. The notion of being free to shoot deep within Claire thrilled him. He pictured her bent before him, his shaft swelling and exploding within her silky cunt and his cock twitched with anticipation.

He could hardly drive for thoughts of Claire. Another image of her, at her office today, shifting in her chair as the plug drove her crazy, overpowered his mind. His cock hardened, standing upright and ready. The temptation to turn around tugged at him, but he held fast to the steering wheel and kept driving. How the hell would he ever get through his day?

* * * * *


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Claire gulped. Again. Did anyone notice how weird she was acting? Completely uncomfortable standing and walking, she’d stayed at her desk as much as much as possible, which meant her secretary, Kate, was getting a workout. She’d sent the woman on more errands today than she typically did in a week.

God. Claire couldn’t sit still. The plug was killing her. Not that it hurt. The trouble was, it felt a little too good. She couldn’t forget it was there. She couldn’t banish her thoughts of him…or the dripping wet desire that consumed her. Blake’s promise ran through her mind over and over, driving her nuts. All day long, she’d sat in soaking wet panties, with her nipples rock hard and her mind in the gutter.

How could she go on another second? She had to get back to work. Finish this account and then get out of here.

Despite how hard she tried to concentrate, she fumbled as she entered numbers into her calculator. Hitting clear, again she punched the simple equation in. Then she accidentally hit the times key. Damn! She couldn’t concentrate! Damn Blake! The bastard! Right now he was probably sitting at his desk, laughing in amusement.

Maybe she should take lunch. Get rid of the damn thing. Go home early.

But Blake had told her to leave it in all day. Not to take it out.

Claire sucked in a breath. It wasn’t that she was afraid to disobey him, but that she wanted to please him. To prove herself. Not just because she wanted his baby, but because deep inside, being at his mercy thrilled her.

Bottom line, nut that she was, she wanted to suffer like this.

She shifted once again. The movement allowed the plug to apply pressure to a sensitive spot, one that sent a gush of desire through her. Her clit pulsing, she clenched her pussy.

The numbers on her computer blurred and Claire shoved aside the calculator.

Leaning forward, she rubbed her temples. She had no choice. She was going to have to masturbate.


Alyssa Brooks

She ought to make Blake listen to every moment of it. In fact—

A sharp, abrupt knock interrupted her thoughts. She jerked her gaze up, looking at Kate. Her secretary reminded Claire of herself, only younger. Mousy, with brown hair and eyes, glasses and a no frills black pantsuit, Kate was all business, no play.

Claire tried hard not to shift again, or sit back, which would expose how hard her nipples were. Not even her suit could camouflage the stiff peaks.

“Yes, Kate?” Claire nodded in hello and clenched her teeth so she wouldn’t scream at Kate to get out.

Kate hesitated, gave her a funny look and then continued. “Here are the invoices you requested and this week’s inventory from the warehouse.” Kate laid two manila files on her desk. “If you don’t need anything else, I think I’ll take lunch now.” Claire softened her jaw through sheer will and smiled a thank you. “Sure. It’s been a busy morning, but I’m about caught up now.” What a total lie. She hadn’t gotten a damn thing done. And if she didn’t shift her position soon…

“Why don’t you take an extra half an hour? I am.”

“Sure, if it’s okay.”

“Of course. Go ahead.” Claire flashed another fake smile. “Do me a favor, shut the door behind you. I’m going to take a power nap.”

“Okay. See you.” Kate walked out, quietly closing the door behind her.

Relief rushed through Claire. She settled back in her chair and reached for the phone. Dialing Blake’s office number, she punched the speakerphone button and she settled in the chair, unbuttoning her blouse.

* * * * *

Still in uniform from teaching a women’s self defense class, Blake stared at his disaster of a desk. He wanted to shower, he needed to clean up his office, but neither 46

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task was being accomplished as he stood there dwelling on Claire. The butt plug. Their future together.

Sighing, he commanded himself to pull his thoughts together. There were accounts to balance and advertising to arrange. He stank like a locker room. He didn’t have time for feeling useless. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think straight.

Claire was on his mind. Big time.

To hell with it. Slapping his Stetson on his head, he headed for the door. The paperwork had waited this long, it could wait another few days. The organized side of him protested, insisting he must clean his desk.

Maybe he should just bite the bullet and hire a secretary. If Claire was going to be a part of his life now—and possibly a baby—he’d have even less time.

That was, given he hadn’t scared Claire off today…

The jangle of the telephone interrupted the thoughts just as he opened the door to leave. Turning, he quickly crossed his office to his paper-scattered desk and searched for the phone. Annoyance crept through him and again he chastised himself. The desk was really out of control, especially the last two days. It was final. He needed a damn secretary.

He grabbed the phone on its fifth ring.

“Wolfpack Martial Arts. How can I help you?”

“My blouse is unbuttoned,” Claire’s husky voice breathed over the line. “I’m running my fingers over my hard nipples. Pinching them. Rubbing them. Wishing it was you.”


Blake clenched the phone cord. “Oh yeah?” he choked out, dizzy from the immediate desire that slammed into his body, swelling his cock. Lifting off his hat, he sat on the edge of his desk. “Hell, I wish it was me too. Like you wouldn’t believe.” 47

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“My hands are slipping over my belly, into the patch of dark hair covering my pussy. Mmm…” she moaned. “I’m so wet for you. So ready.” Shoot. Ready? If she sounded any sweeter, he’d explode.

“Feel yourself,” he urged. “Touch your pussy for me.” Blake didn’t know whether to be thrilled or stunned, but he was taking advantage of this. A call like this from Claire was a hell of a treat.

“Oh, I am. I’m rubbing my clit in circles, feeling myself.” She moaned again, this time much louder. “I’m so hot. Do you know what I’m doing right now?”

“Tell me, baby.”

“I’m diving deep in my cunt with three fingers, humping my hand. If only it could be you.”

“You like that plug?”

“It’s driving me crazy. I can’t even think. Work. Mmm…I think…I…Ahhh…” Blake’s cock jerked in desperation and he fought the urge to wrap his fingers around it. The image of Claire at her desk, her hair in a tight bun and her glasses on, with her business suit ripped open, seized his mind. He could picture the passion on her face. The way the chair creaked from her fucking herself.

Damn, he wanted to be there. He wanted her. Now.

“Claire, clearly you have the time, so take off the afternoon. Meet me at my house.

Now,” he half commanded, half begged. He could not wait for her another second, much less all the way until tonight.



“I thought you said the wait was worth it. I…I…Mmm…” She squealed, panting.

“How could I possibly disobey you, master?”

“You are now,” he gritted from between his teeth.


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“Mmm… I suppose you’ll just have to spank me then, master.” She giggled and the line went dead.

Blake sat stunned, his cock so hard he was in pain. My God, the sex-crazed woman on the phone most definitely had Claire’s voice, but that was not sweet, innocent Claire.

Who would have ever guessed she was such a bad girl?

Calling him at work? Masturbating? His little hellcat needed to be taught a lesson and he was just the man to make sure she received a proper punishment.

* * * * *

Claire shook, her fingers sticky wet from her orgasm. Sitting in the chair, she stared into empty space, shocked.

She felt so alive. So free. Wonderful.

Before today, she only could have imagined doing something like that. But now…

She looked at the files on her computer. The screen went fuzzy. Just the thought of returning to work sickened her. She was done. Really…seriously…permanently…done.

She looked down at her ripped-open suit. At the degrees on her walls. At her computer again. None of this mattered now. She didn’t want the job or the life that went with it. She just didn’t love numbers anymore. She didn’t even care. Sooner or later, she’d be fired for slacking anyway, or worse, she’d be caught masturbating at her desk. She might as well take the initiative and leave. Why not?

All she wanted, all she needed, was Blake. His child. With any luck, she was a day away from having both. She needed to apply herself if she wanted to prove to Blake that she was what he wanted. Needed. She was positive now that they were meant to be. Designed for each other.

Quickly, before she had time to change her mind, she tucked her potted cactus under her arm and reached for her briefcase. The rest she didn’t care about. She hurried toward the door, a plan forming in her mind.


Alyssa Brooks

If she was going to romance Blake, she needed to get sexy—to vamp up her wardrobe, her house and her life. Right away. Tonight.

Time was short and she needed to hurry. All that mattered to her was Blake, a baby and living a simpler, more fulfilling life. From this day on, she planned to focus on just that.

* * * * *

The Mexican Hat Dance tune of his cell phone was barely audible under the loud music playing in his Mustang. Because it was in his duffel bag and he was almost home, he let it ring.

He’d check his messages after he got the cold shower he was in desperate need of.

Claire’s phone call had left him in bittersweet hell. He needed to chill out and fast—it was that or erupt in his pants.

Reaching to swipe the sweat from his brows, he tilted back the wide brim of his Stetson. His thoughts remained wrapped around Claire as visions of what he planned to do to her tonight—and the future they might have together—flashed through his mind.

Swept into a fantasy, he forgot all about the fact that he was driving. He never noticed the red light or the Volkswagen directly in front of him or the cars stopped ahead. Not until it was too late.

The accident happened all at once, the sudden realization, the loud, jolting crash, the air bag exploding into his face.

* * * * *

Legs crossed, Claire sat at the table dressed in the negligee she’d bought this afternoon. The plug was still driving her insane, but somehow, it didn’t seem as acutely noticeable now—if she sat the right way.


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She stared at the dinner she’d prepared. The rosemary lambchops were cold, the chilled, vinaigrette-dressed avocados now warm. The oysters were likely bad. And forget the silky smooth chocolates. She’d eaten every last one. And consumed the entire bottle of wine. By herself.

She’d been sitting there that long.

All afternoon had been spent researching aphrodisiac foods in an effort to create a romantic meal to share with Blake. She’d bought a flimsy black negligee and curled her hair. Even her once bland bedroom was now covered in red, from silk sheets to a velvet comforter.

She’d thought it was the perfect plan. To turn the table on Blake, to wine and dine him, to show him how much she really cared about him. How much she loved and enjoyed this newfound sexuality between them.

Perhaps she’d made a huge mistake.

Claire stood, cleaning off the table with abrupt motions. She dumped everything on top of the stupid lamb, not caring if thirty bucks went straight into the trashcan. When he hadn’t responded to her call, she figured he’d get the message and simply come over. But he hadn’t. She knew Blake. He checked his messages. Besides, as far as she could tell, he hadn’t even come home, despite the fact that originally he’d been expecting her.

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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