Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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Tess’s face turned crimson red and Ana laughed delightedly.

“Do not be embarrassed. I think it is wonderful. You are what Matthew needs in his life. I am very happy for you both,” Ana beamed.

Ana turned and left the room. Jaclyn clapped her hands delightedly.

“You can’t get anything by Ana,” Jaclyn laughed.

“It seems not. But at least she is pleased about it,” Tess said.

“Just as I am. Matt is a good guy,” Jaclyn said.

“How would you know? You’ve only met him last night,” Tess said in astonishment.

“That encounter was all I needed to assess him. He’s the real deal, Tess. A keeper if ever I saw one,” Jaclyn said.

Tess plucked a strawberry from Jaclyn’s tray.

“You know what, Jax. I’m beginning to think the same thing,” Tess smiled.

“Good morning, Jax,” Matt said as he entered the salon.

“Good morning, Matt,” Jaclyn responded amiably.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” he asked as he sat in an armchair adjacent to the sofa.

“I would like to shoot the interior of the house,” Tess said. “Also, is there a room that I could turn into a dark room? I would like to develop some of the photos that I’ve taken to see how they look in print.”

“Of course. There’s a room that I was going to use as a wine room but realized it was too small,” Matt said. “I think we can get it dark enough for you to use.”

“Ah! That would be great. I’d better get started,” she said.

Tess left the room.

“So, Jax. Let’s talk,” Matt said.


Sergio Mendez looked down at the twenty pound cakes of cocaine on the wooden table. There was a half of million dollars’ worth of crack in front of him and he was expecting another shipment in three days. His Brazilian buyer would be pleased and he would make a bundle in the transaction.

“Looking at the source of your profits?”

Sergio glanced at Todd as he walked into the dim, dingy room and approached the table. Todd was a tall, thin man of average looks and dull brown hair. Not handsome and not ugly. He was a non-descript man which was perfect for their business. He had known Todd for three years and so far their partnership had been successful. Todd secured the product and Sergio negotiated the transaction. Their business was growing and they were earning the reputation of an outfit that could deliver the goods. It was only the two of them which was just as well. The fewer involved the less expecting a cut. They only hired henchmen when needed.

“Just making a few plans,” Sergio said. He began packing away the cocaine in a deep briefcase. “Are we on schedule for the next delivery?”

“Yep. Everything is on track. They will show up on Thursday evening as planned,” Todd said.

“Good. The buyer will be here the next day and I don’t want any unexpected disturbances. I don’t like surprises,” Sergio said.

“I know. Neither do I,” Todd agreed. “And there shouldn’t be any.”

“Make sure of it,” Sergio snapped.

Todd looked at the huge man sharply and wondered what was eating at him. Sergio turned away. He was on edge and he wasn’t sure why. Things had gone smoothly since they been on the Aruba Island. They were tucked away in an isolated section of the island and didn’t have to worry about intruders. But for the last week he’d had an unsettling feeling of doom. It was ridiculous for him to feel this way. They’ve been operating from the island for over a year now with zero problems. So why was he so uneasy now? He didn’t know and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. Sergio was an intuitive man. He relied on his instincts and they never steered him wrong. Something was up and he needed to find out what it was.

Chapter 5

“Is there something in particular on your mind, Matt?” Jaclyn asked.

Jaclyn was curious as to what Matt wanted to speak to her about. She surmised that this should be very interesting.

“Tess,” he said frankly.

“What about her?” Jaclyn replied.

“You know her better than anyone else. What are her feelings toward me?” he asked bluntly.

“Why aren’t you asking her?” Jaclyn countered.

He leaned forward to rest his forearms on his knees.

“Because I’m asking you,” he returned.

“Then this could very well be a short conversation,” Jaclyn responded.

“Possibly. But I do not believe you would leave me hanging,” Matt said.

“A huge error on your part. I will not betray my friend’s confidence,” Jaclyn said firmly.

“I’m not asking you to. I’m merely asking your opinion,” he stated.

“An opinion that I’ve deduced from my discussions with Tess. That’s a very thin line that you’re asking me to dance around,” Jaclyn declared.

“You care about her a great deal and only want what’s best for her. So do I,” Matt said gently.

Jaclyn looked into his clear grey eyes and was stunned at the pure intensity she saw in them. She could only imagine how they must appear when he was passionate. Tess didn’t stand a chance. Jaclyn averted her eyes and cleared her throat.

“Just how much do you care about her?” Jaclyn questioned.

“A lot,” he answered.

Matt was not going to reveal more and Jaclyn sensed it. She sighed.

“Tess cares about you probably just as much. But I don’t think she realizes it yet. She needs more time to come to that conclusion,” Jaclyn said.

He sighed.

“I thought as much. I don’t want to push but—

“Then don’t. She’s dealing with a lot right now. Trying to get her career on track and handle the pressure from her father is a lot for her to manage,” she said. “Don’t allow her to think that her relationship with you is a burden. She’ll run if she does.”

“Thank you, Jax. See, you were able to provide insight without betraying Tess’s trust in you,” Matt smiled.

“Well, you have a way of extracting information from a person before they know it. You should use that technique on Tess next time,” Jaclyn smiled wryly.

He laughed and stood.

“I’ll try but things seem to go in a different direction when I’m with her,” he said ruefully.

She chuckled.

“I think I know of the direction you’re intimating but I’ll not say,” she grinned.

His answer was to wiggle his eyes brows roguishly and laughed.

“See you later,” he grinned and left the room.

Jaclyn watched him go and thought Tess was the luckiest girl in the world.


Hours later Matt stood in the discarded wine cellar that had been transformed into a dark room. He’d bought every item associated with developing pictures that the store clerk had suggested. Trays, an enlarger lens, a safe light, photo paper and developing chemical were all on the bench before him. He could only hope that everything she would need was here. He knew that Tess preferred film photography rather than digital. He would have to ask her why. He was about to leave when the door opened.

“Matt! I wondered where you were,” Tess said gaily.

“You’ve found me. I was just making sure the dark room was ready for you,” he explained.

She looked around and was delighted with what she saw.

“It’s perfect! But you didn’t have to do all of this. I was going to purchase the equipment I needed,” she said.

He shrugged.

“No need. I hope there is nothing missing,” he said.

“There isn’t. Thank you,” she said.

Tess stood on her toes to loop her arms about his neck. She kissed him deeply then pulled back.

“I really like your gratitude. What else can I do for you,” he grinned.

She laughed.

“Nothing for now. But I may think of something later on,” she flirted.

“I’m at your service…now,” he whispered.

He tried to kiss her again but she backed away and giggled nervously.

“I should get started. I have a lot of pictures to develop,” she said.

“And you will….later,” he responded.

He pulled to against him and spun her around to pin her to the wall.

“I’ve been waiting to do this all day,” he whispered.

He lowered his head and captured her lips in a scorching kiss. Tess immediately felt the rumblings of desire. She simply could not resist this man; nor did she want to. Tess slipped her hand under his shirt to caress his chest, back and everywhere she could reach. He pulled his shirt over his head and her lips followed her hands. Matt hands moved to her blouse; his nimble fingers quickly unbuttoned the shirt and sought her breasts. He unsnapped the front closure of her bra and his mouth devoured her nipples. Tess was on fire with want. Desire was coursing through her veins making her wild in her need. She held his head to her breasts wanting more and more of him. She couldn’t get enough of the arousal that was taking her to new heights. Matt pressed into her and she felt his full erection. He began grinding against her and she cried out in exultation. Tess felt her shorts fall to her ankles and she kicked them off. Her panties soon followed and she writhed wildly when he caressed the length of her body as he knelt to the floor. He kissed her stomach and tongued her navel. Her desire was fever pitch when he trailed his mouth further down her torso. Tess was dying to feel his mouth on her heat.

“Matt! Please,” she begged.

“Please?” he teased.

“You know what I want,” she panted.

“Indeed I do,” he whispered.

He lowered his head and she cried out when she felt his tongue push through her curls. Her knees went weak as he suckled and teased her clitoris. She caressed the back of his head as he caused erotic sensations to consume her body. She soon could not support herself and she began sliding down the wall. Matt pulled her to the floor and preceded to thrust into her. She didn’t know when he had removed his pants and it didn’t matter. All that was important was that he was shooting her to the stars where she spun out of control. She contracted her muscles again and again and he yelled out in passion. Their climax took them to a place that was electric and magical; a place where they melded into one and was in perfect communion with one another. Matt came down to earth and felt incredulous.

“How do you do that to me, sweetheart?” he panted.

She cuddled against him.

“I had the same question for you,” she rasped.

He chuckled.

“I have no answer. Just don’t ever stop loving me like that,” he whispered.

“Only for you, my love,” she murmured.

He stroked her back and remained thoughtfully silent. She had never used that endearment before. Although he didn’t want to jump to conclusions, his heart was doing somersaults.
She stirred and sat up. Smiling at her he brought her palm to his mouth and caressed it with his tongue. She returned his smile then pulled her hand away.

“Stop that or I’ll never get any work done,” she chided.

“You’ve been working all day. It’s time to relax,” he pouted.

“As soon as I get these photos developed and sent to Homes Extraordinaire. Then I can play,” she reasoned.

Matt palmed his cock and pointed it at her.

“He’s impatient. He wants what he wants now,” he teased.

He rubbed his penis head along her thigh.

“Stooop!” She giggled. “You’re impossible!”

“Just reminding you of what’s in store for you. I wouldn’t want you to forget,” he smirked.

“That isn’t likely,” she scolded. She pointed to the door. “Now out. I won’t get anything done if you stay in here.”

He grinned but rose from the floor. She did the same and they put their clothes on. She reached for her panties and he grabbed them first.

“Matt, give me those,” she demanded.

He shook his head negatively.

“You won’t be needing these tonight,” he argued.

He stuffed them in his pocket and briefly kissed her mouth. He then left the room before she could further object. Her shock turned t excitement and she laughed out loud as she moved to the table to begin her work.


Tess became lost in the process of developing film. Some people said that film development was old fashioned and digital was the best way to go. But she found that the pictures turned out cleaner and crisper with film. And although film costs were expensive, the film camera would last for decades whereas a digital camera would need to be replaced in two to three years. And if it were dropped then it was history. A new camera had to be purchased. And furthermore, she simply enjoyed watching her pictures come to life. There was nothing like it. She had processed the waterfall photos and caught her breath all over again at the magnificence of the natural wonder. She looked at the photos of the waterfall’s surrounding landscape and noticed something in the background that was caught on camera. She saw two trucks and what looked like an old shack in the distance. There were two men walking toward the shack carrying large containers. How odd. Why would anyone be in the area? Although the section of land was remote from the main estate it was still Matt’s property. Who were those men and what were they doing? And did they have permission to do it on private property? She needed to show these photos to Matt. Tess carefully removed the now dry photos from the elastic line she had mounted and left the dark room. She ascended the steps to the main floor and walked down the hall. She soon heard laughter coming from the salon. She entered the room.

“Tess, are you finished already?” Jaclyn stopped laughing long enough to ask.

“No. But I wanted to show Matt something that I inadvertently captured on camera,” Tess answered.

“What is it?” Matt asked as he moved to stand beside her.

Jaclyn also walked over to her side. Tess pointed to the two men in the distance behind the jungle.

“See these men. Aren’t they on your property, Matt?” Tess questioned.

Matt looked closely at the photo.

“Yes they are. My property extends beyond the jungle to the small clearing where the shack is. Beyond the shack is more jungle,” he frowned.

“And the shack is yours?” Jaclyn asked.

“Yes. I purchased it when I bought the land. I haven’t taken the time to remodel it yet,” Matt answered. “Who are these men and what are they doing?”

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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