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Authors: Kasey Martin

Designer Desires (3 page)

BOOK: Designer Desires
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The party looked amazing. Lauryn, of course, had a red carpet full of paparazzi and fashion bloggers. Korrine’s design was a big hit.  She had been anxious all night wondering about how her design would be perceived.  She also had interviews to do with some of the top fashion bloggers.  She was excited to get her name and designs out there, but she hated doing interviews; she felt tongue-tied and like she was saying the wrong things.  However, Korrine knew that it was part of the process and she would do what she had to do to be a success. After all the paps took pictures of her, just like Lauryn said they would, and her interviews were complete, she went in search of the open bar or a waiter…whichever she came across first. She was in dire need of a drink. Now that the party was underway, she could finally relax and let loose.

Korri knew that Lauryn and Brandon were in the VIP section, so she headed to find that drink. There were throngs and throngs of partiers, but she didn’t care. Korrine was determined to get a rum and coke or maybe even a shot if it killed her.  The VIP section was on the other side of the club so, instead of trying to make it there, where the free drinks were, she decided that she would head towards the bar that was closest to her.  Korrine wanted to stay true to her word and get loose, so instead of a rum and coke, she took two shots of tequila that went straight to her head. Then she headed to the dance floor to dance the night away. She forgot, for once, about the endless pressure she put herself under to be a success.

Korrine was happily dancing by herself when a stranger walked up behind her and started to grind against her backside. Korri stepped away but kept dancing. The stranger, however, did not take the hint and tried to grab Korri around her waist.

Korrine tried to smile to soften her rejection. “Whoa, big boy, I don’t know you like that.”

“Hey, baby, you’re a fine piece of ass. I was just trying to give you a little play…no sense in a hot little number like you dancing by yourself,” the stranger replied.

“I’m fine with dancing by myself, thanks.” Korrine frowned looking around for Brandon or Lo.

The stranger ignored her and kept advancing forward.

“Look, baby, I’m just trying to show you a good time. Stop being such a stuck up little bitch,” the stranger huffed.

Korrine sucked in a breath, trying to rein in her temper. She wasn’t a hothead, but being called a bitch was one of her triggers. This bastard was trying her. She was a successful, educated, strong black woman, and she would not make a fool out of herself or embarrass her friend by cussing this man out and making a scene.

Sweet baby Jesus, give me the strength not to punch this man in his throat,
Korrine thought to herself.

Before she could snap on the stranger, a deep, sultry voice came from somewhere behind her. “Hey, man, I think it’s time for you to get lost. I believe the lady said she didn’t want to dance with you.”

The stranger started to say something when he looked up…and up some more…to where the voice was coming from. Whoever he saw, he didn’t want to deal with, so he put his hands up in defeat and quickly scurried away.

Korrine knew exactly who the voice belonged to. With the stranger gone, she no longer had a buffer. She turned slowly to face the voice.

There he was standing masculine and strong; his presence was almost too overpowering.  Korrine’s heart started to flutter as she took him in.  He was dressed in a midnight black suit that had to be tailored just for him.  The slim cut of the pants hugged his muscular thighs, and the jacket hung just right. The crisp light blue button up was opened at the top with just a peek of light brown hair that covered his muscular chest.  His chiseled jaw was soften by the broad smile, and his deep dimples that would make any woman melt were on full display while his dark brown eyes twinkled with mischief.  His brown hair had that tousled look that fell slightly in his eyes.  It was long at the top and short on the sides that gave him a slightly edgy look.  Even his cologne had Korrine’s head swimming.  He smelled fresh with a hint of spicy sweetness. Yes, Antonio Cameron was trouble!  

“Tony,” Korrine greeted as she looked up into his smiling face.

“Korrine,” Tony replied with a sly smile.

Tony perused Korrine’s body slowly. Looking at her from toe to head, taking in her smooth chocolate brown skin covered by the red lace that left enough to the imagination but made a man hurt wanting to see more, he licked his lips in appreciation.

Korrine shifted, feeling the heat rise in her face at Tony’s obvious perusal and from his overwhelming sexiness. Korrine took a deep breath, getting a hold of her hormones before she spoke again.  

“Thanks for that, but I had it all under control, really,” Korrine shouted over the loud music.

Tony quirked an eyebrow at her. “Well, it looked like you were fine until ‘Mr. Grabass’ had his hands all over you,” Tony nearly growled in response.

“Ummm, o-okay, I was fine,” Korrine stuttered thrown off by Tony’s comment, and did he growl? Was he watching her? How did he know she was having fun before “Grabass” came along?

“So how about we continue with the fun, shall we? Want a dance?” Tony asked with mischief in his eyes.

Korrine was lost in thought.
Oh shit! If I dance with Tony, that means close personal space, bodies touching, rubbing, caressing. Shit! I can’t touch him right now with all these people around. I just might jump this man right here on this damn dance floor. He looks so good…better than I remember…As much as I thought I had the curve of his jaw and the hard muscular lines of his body memorized, those memories have nothing on the big piece of juiciness standing before me. Damn! Did I mention he looks good!


was he talking to me, and I was just standing here gaping at him?
Korrine cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I think I need a drink if you don’t mind.”

A slow, wicked smile graced Tony’s beautiful face. “No, sweetness, I don’t mind. I would love to get you a drink.” He grabbed her by the hand to lead her off the dance floor. Upon contact, Korrine felt a zap that ran down her spine and directly to her soft spot. That’s why she tried so hard to stay away from this man; one simple act of hand-holding and she knew she was going to have to change her panties.  She definitely needed more to drink.

Tony led Korrine to the bar where he ordered more shots of tequila.  After the fourth shot, Korrine lost count. She was having a great time, and couldn’t remember the last time she had so much fun.  They eventually found their way to the VIP section where even Lo and Brandon joined in the shot taking.  Tony had her wrapped in his arms as they cozily sat in the VIP.  Korrine was so relaxed and the more she drank, the looser she felt, so she continued to drink more and more.



Korri was uncomfortable; her usually luxurious bed didn’t feel the same.
Did I
drink so much last night that my bed feels different, and why is it so dang hot? Who turned on the heat? It’s May in Texas. Why is it so hot?!
Korri’s mind raced and her head pounded. She slowly opened her eyes and...
Oh shit!
The hard-muscled leg and arm wrapped around her body explained why she was so hot.

Antonio freakin’ Cameron! I knew I shouldn’t have “let loose!” What the hell was I thinking? I’ve never had a one night stand. How am I supposed to sneak out when this big tank of a man has me pinned to the dang mattress?! Okay, Korrine, calm down. This is what you wanted…Let loose and have some fun…Calm down…Calm…
Korrine’s mind was screaming with so many questions that she failed to notice that Tony was awake and watching her with that ever-present look of mischief in his eyes.

“Good morning, sweet Korrine,” Tony said while licking his lips.

Korrine shuddered.
Why does he have to say my name so sexy? 
Even though he had just woke up, the deep rumble of his voice and the sexy pout of his full lips as he said her name made her heart beat faster.  She cleared her throat. “Morning. I didn’t realize you were awake.”

She studied him a little, wondering how she ended up in bed with such a beautiful man and not remember a damn thing about it.  His hard chest and chiseled abs were on full display, and those damn lips were so full and kissable looking.  But she had to get the hell out of dodge before she attacked his fine ass, but how was she going to do that?

“Hmm, I see. Planning your escape, were you?” Tony laughed.

How the hell did he know that?
Korrine thought to herself.

Tony laughed again. Oh shoot, maybe I didn’t think that after all. Korrine hung her head in embarrassment. If her complexion was a little lighter, she would’ve been bright red. She was never so thankful for her mocha colored skin than at that moment.

“Uh, look, I don’t know the protocol for this sort of thing, so…” Korrine let her words trail off.

“Oh, sweet, sweet Korrine, what exactly do you think we did last night?” Tony said with a cheeky smile.

“Well, since we woke up together, I figured we had sex last night,” Korrine responded, more than embarrassed.

“You figured? I might be a lot of things, sweetness, but a lousy lay is
one of them,” Tony replied slightly annoyed.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I just assumed. I never said you were lousy,” Korrine said with her own annoyance starting to show.

“Sweetness, if we slept together…believe me, no matter how drunk off your sexy little ass you were, you would definitely remember.”

“Oookay, so what happened? Because I really don’t remember. I haven’t been that drunk since I was a co-ed at college.” Korrine said still feeling both embarrassed and annoyed. She felt embarrassed because she had to look a hot mess, and annoyed because she was never so drunk that she couldn’t remember what happened. What thirty-one-year-old woman did that type of thing? Certainly not her.

“Korrine, I assure you nothing inappropriate happened with us last night. If you haven’t noticed, you are fully clothed. We drank, laughed, and had a great time at my little cousin’s birthday.”

“Uuhhh,” Korrine groaned. “I’m such a bad friend. I was supposed to be there for Lo, and I get drunk and end up in bed with her cousin. And what about B? What is he going to say? Shit!”

“Korrine, relax, okay? Lo was fine. She was taking shots with us, and who the hell is B?” Tony asked, feeling some kind of way about a mere mention of another man from a woman he spent most of the night wrapped around.

Korrine sighed in relief.
At least she didn’t leave her friend on her birthday, and was that annoyance at the mention of Brandon? Hmmmm…interesting.

Korrine raised a perfectly arched brow. “Well, I’m glad nothing happened and that I didn’t leave Lo on her big day. I guess I should say thanks for taking care of me last night. But, if I remember correctly, a large men’s t-shirt is not what I had on last night.”

Tony smirked. “What kind of host would I be if my guest was uncomfortable in any way? Besides, as beautiful as you looked in that hot little number you had on last night, I didn’t think you would want to ruin it by sleeping in it…and…again, who is B?”

Is he jealous?
Interesting indeed.
Why would a man like Tony be jealous of anybody?

Korrine smiled a saccharine sweet smile and replied, “Well, again, thank you for… you know… undressing me and making me ‘comfortable’ in your home.”

Korrine deliberately didn’t answer Tony’s question about Brandon. She noticed how “uncomfortable” he was with the simple mention of another man. There’s the arrogance showing its ugly head. She knew it wouldn’t take long for him to show his true colors. How can she, a measly mortal woman, think of another when this God of a man was in her presence? He was so irritating. Even though she wouldn’t, no couldn’t, think of any other man while lying beside a naked chest as glorious as the one before her, she couldn’t help but push his buttons just a little. She was irritating herself. Why play games with a man she didn’t plan on ever sharing a bed with again?
Damn, I’m petty.

Korrine sighed, “B is my best friend. He escorted me to the party last night, but we lost each other in the crowd. I should actually call him. He’s probably been blowing up my cell.”

Tony still had a frown on his face, which Korri thought was sexy.
Dang, get it together, girl. Stop lusting over this man, and get a move on.

Before she could move, Tony spoke. “If ‘B’ is the guy from last night, he was with Lo. He said he had somewhere to be, kissed you good night, and left you with Lauryn. What kind of man leaves his date with someone else?”

“The kind that has known his date for seventeen years and left her in the very capable hands of ‘The Lauryn Cameron.’ Besides…like I said…best friend.”

Tony’s frowned lessened, but he still wasn’t completely satisfied with her answer. But he let it go…for now.










Chapter 4



It had been a month since Tony woke up wrapped around one of the sexiest bodies he had ever seen…or felt, for that matter. Now Tony was no slob; he had beautiful women all the time. Models, actresses, pop stars; you name it, he had them. But Korrine; she was something special. Tony couldn’t put his finger on what it was about Korrine Taylor that made him lose all thought and control over his body. Yes, she was beautiful and undeniably sexy, but she had an endearing quality; a sweetness he couldn’t deny. She was strong willed and stubborn, which is why she shouldn’t be worth the hassle; but, for some reason, she was. Tony was a fun loving kinda guy. He didn’t need to settle down with anyone; there were far too many beautiful women in the world to savor.

As a sports agent with his own firm, Tony was very successful. He didn’t need his family’s fortune; he had his own. With the money he had, he could have as much fun as he wanted. “Work hard and play harder” was the motto he lived by. He had beautiful women throwing themselves at him, but he couldn’t get Korrine off his mind. She looked so damn gorgeous in that red dress. It hugged her curves without being tight. But damn, when she turned around, the back of that dress had him instantly hard. He was across the room watching the sway of her hips, arms in the air, the look of pure bliss on her face. He felt like a damn stalker watching without letting her know he was there.

She just looked so free and relaxed; he had never seen her like that. She was usually so uptight and stressed. That’s why, every time he saw her, he would flirt with her. She would always get so flustered. He loved to tease her, never thinking of her as anything but Lauryn’s friend, until one day when he saw her at work. He went to her studio in Addison to pick up Lo, and there she was…messy bun on top of her head…pouty lips wrapped around a pencil deep in thought. All she had on was a tank top and jeans…nothing special…but she looked so beautiful. Then she looked up at him and smiled the brightest smile he had ever seen, it clicked. He had to have Korrine Taylor; she had to be his.

The first thing he had to figure out was how to get Korrine to loosen up again.   He had spoken to her a few times after that night they spent together, and he even ran into her at a couple of events around town, but she seemed to always be on guard when he was around.  He even tried to get her to go to dinner with him, but she always declined, saying that she was busy with her work.  Tony understood that Korrine was an up and coming designer and he didn’t want to be a distraction, but she was distracting him by being on his mind all the time.  He had to do something to get her to let her guard down around him again.  So he decided the best way to do that was to get her out at a party.  He needed to get an event planned anyway for a new recruit he had just signed, and it was the perfect opportunity for him to get Korrine out, and he knew just who to call to get both done.

“Hey, my wonderful baby cousin,” Tony greeted with a fake sweetness.

“Tony?” Lauryn questioned.

“Of course. Who else would it be?” Tony asked.

“What is it that you want, my wonderful older cousin?” Lauryn asked sensing a favor coming.

“Look, I need a party thrown. Better yet, I need you to throw a party.”

“Now you know as well as anyone that I love to throw a party. But why, prêtell, are
to throw a party?” Lauryn asked.

“I just need you to organize this shindig. I don’t have the time. I actually work for a living,” Tony stated in a smug tone.

“For someone that needs my help, you are pretty loose with the insults, dear cousin,” Lauryn said in a smug tone of her own.

“There there, baby cousin, you know I didn’t mean anything by that. But we both know your work is playing.”

Lauryn laughed. “You’re right, so when do you need this party?”

“Saturday,” Tony stated simply.

“This Saturday?” Lauryn questioned.


“Like in two days, Saturday?!” Lauryn squealed.


“Oookay!” Lauryn huffed. “But it’s going to cost you!”

“Of course it will. Oh and one more thing; I need you to make sure that you have a VIP guest list. This party is to promote my new signing of a new quarterback,” Tony instructed.

Tony sat back in his chair with a satisfied grin across his modelesque face. He was confident that now that Lo was on board with throwing this party, he would have another chance at the unobtainable Ms. Taylor.


BOOK: Designer Desires
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