Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (3 page)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“It would seem my father is very busy at the moment.”

Sin laughed as he spotted Em’s father. “Yes, I see.”

Em nestled against Sin, baring both her breasts to his hands. “Touch me more,” she demanded.

Sin immediately complied. Clasping her breasts in his rough hands, he ran his fingers back and forth across her nipples until they were swollen and stiff.

Em, not to be denied, was also busy teasing Sin’s body. Turning so she was facing him, she put her legs over Sin, resting her thighs on his. Now, he had easy access to her breasts and open cunt, and she had a clear view of his rapidly growing cock. She loosened the flap at the front of his hunting pants, and his cock and balls were bare to her eyes and hands.

They were having a hard time sitting still. Sin’s hips rose and fell at each stroke of her hands, and Em wiggled and sighed as Sin pinched and played with her nipples. “Suck me,” she ordered. Sin frowned.

“What?” Em questioned. His furrowed brow made her wonder if she had done something wrong. Sin’s frown turned back into a soft smile. “If I lean over you, you will not be able to touch my cock.”

She grinned. “Oh, you like when I touch you?”

“Yes. Can’t you feel my excitement?” He took her hand and moved it up and down his stiff shaft. “See how hard you make me.”

He was wet and hot. “Yes. It is very nice. You are large. Almost as large as Lef’s brother, Let.”

“Oh, so you have been spying on Let?”

She giggled and smoothed more moisture over the head of his cock. “Well, yes. But he is mated and too old for me.”

Sin’s hips lifted to follow her hand. “I am not too old, and I want you for my mate.”

She leaned forward and rubbed her nose on his before touching her lips to his. “I want to mate with you also.”

“Lie down,” Sin ordered, smoothing his hands down her body to clasp her waist.

“Not on the ground, Sin. We need a bearskin. This will be my first time, and I do not want to fuck on the rocks and dirt.”

Sin slid his hands down the rest of her body and along her opened thighs. Slowly, he ran his hands over her thighs and up to her cunt. Using his thumbs, he opened her cunt and began stroking her clit. Em groaned and whimpered, lifting her hips off the ground. At first she had felt she was in charge, but now, with Sin’s hands in her cunt, she lost control. All she wanted to do was let him put his cock into her body.

Moisture rolled out of her cunt and pooled on the ground under Em’s hips. “More,” she whimpered. “More.”

“I would fuck you, Em.”

“Yes. Yes.”

Sin took his hands out of her cunt, and Em protested with a whimper.

“I will find us a bearskin.” He lifted her legs and pushed her gently aside. “Take off your hunting skirt. I will be right back.”

Sin stood, and his cock was at mouth level for Em. She could not resist and took him in her mouth before he could stop her. She had seen other women do this to their mates and had an idea what to do. Wrapping her tongue around his weeping cock, she sucked hard.

She clasped her hands around his hard ass and pulled him close. Sin’s hips followed the motion of her sucking, and Em, oblivious to the people lounging around the camp fire, began to tug at Sin’s hunting pants, trying to figure out how to get them off his hips.

Em couldn’t believe she was sucking on Sin’s handsome cock. She’d been thinking about it since she was a very young girl, and now, she was doing it. His cock was much larger than she had first realized, and she could not take him all the way into her mouth. She was very disappointed, but Sin didn’t seem to notice. In fact if the motion of his hips told her anything, he was enjoying her sucking.

She was beside herself with desire. Her body trembled and shook from want. She whimpered and moaned around the cock stuffed in her mouth. Would he explode in her face?

She’d seen the other cave dwellers fuck many times before, and sucking a man until he exploded on a woman’s face was quite common.

Nude, aroused men and women were often seen in the cave. When so many people lived in an enclosed space, there was little or no privacy. Em had been watching and learning since she was a small child. Nothing surprised her, and everything sexual excited her. She was ready to mate and make babies.

Her breasts swelled and ached for his touch. Her cunt ran with honey, and her whole body screamed for release.

The night was dark and full of strange noises and also familiar sounds. Other couples fucked and moaned while Pot, the volcano, continued to grumble and spew ash. The air was stifling hot, and yet the ground was cool and damp. The ash burned when it landed on bare skin.

Sin threw his head back and growled. “No, Em. No more. You must stop. I do not want to explode on your face. I want to be inside you.” Clasping her head in his hands, he gently pulled his cock out of her mouth. When she protested, he touched his nose to hers and rubbed softly. “I will get a bearskin.”

“Oh. Yes.”

“Take off your skirt. I will return soon.”

She was untying the sinews holding her skirt together when he strode away. He should not have left her. What if she changed her mind? But Em was right. They could not fuck the first time on the rocky ground. She deserved better. There had to be a spare bearskin around somewhere. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take long to find a large, soft skin, and while he was gone, Em would not change her mind.

While he was searching, Sin thought about asking Em’s father for his approval to mate with his daughter, but his cock was throbbing, and his balls ached for release. He didn’t have time to wake her father, who had finished fucking Mar, and now lay asleep with a leg and arm thrown over his mate.

Better to fuck Em now and ask permission later.

* * * *

Em was having second and third thoughts. She shouldn’t have let him walk away. She should have not insisted on the bearskin rug. So what if the ground was cold, rocky, and hard? It wouldn’t have been the first time her butt had been rubbed on rocky ground.

Em sighed.

She really wanted her first time to be special, on a nice, soft skin. She wanted softness under her butt and Sin above her. She couldn’t wait for him to slip his long, hard cock into her soft, wet cunt. She’d been thinking about this for a very long time, and if she was going to die in the burning rocks of the volcano, she wanted to die happy and satisfied.

Where was he? He should have been back by now.

Em, nude and nervous, began to pace in the space she’d found behind a boulder. No one could see her from their spots around the fire.

A hand grabbed her on the shoulder, and Em squealed, thinking it was her father. She turned and came face to face with her friend Ria. “What do you want, my sister? I thought you were sleeping.”

Ria giggled, staring at Em’s naked body. “I was, but Sin woke me looking for a bearskin. I had a feeling you were going to be fucking, and I wanted to come and see if it was true. Because you are naked, I guess you are going to fuck.”

Em nodded and made no move to cover her nakedness. Why bother? Her friend had seen her naked many times.

“Have you asked your father if you could mate with Sin?”

Em shrugged her shoulders, and admitted she had not and didn’t plan to. “Did Sin find a skin yet?”

“Not when I saw him.”

“I hope he hurries.”

Ria put a hand on Em’s arm. “Are you afraid?”

Em squatted in the dirt and stared into the dark. “Yes. Aren’t you?” She knew Ria had not fucked anyone yet either and was dying to be taken by Lef, but he was a shy man. Quiet and always shadowing Sin. Ria was getting tired of waiting for Lef to ask her father for her.

“A little.”

“Why don’t you go find Lef and rub noses with him for awhile? Let him touch your tits—it feels really nice. You will like it. Let him lick them and suck them.”

“What will happen when my father finds out?”

“What can he do but give you to Lef as a mate? You want to be his mate, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then go to Lef. Rub against him, tease him, brush your tits against his bare back. Whatever it takes to get him to notice you. It will be worth it, I promise. If he will let you, be sure to play with his cock. It is like the softest cattail fluff on the outside, but the inside is as hard as a large rock. Just thinking about Sin’s cock makes me wet.”

Em peered around the edge of the boulder and did not see Sin. It was very dark. The air was full of ash and soot. The large fire built to keep away the night creatures was dying down to a low pile of red embers.

Sin was not going to return.

“Go to Lef, Ria. Open your legs for him. Let him lick you and suck your tits. It will be the most exciting thing you have ever done.”
And it may be the last, if Pot has his way.

Ria hugged Em and ran from behind the rocks in search of Lef. Em was sure Ria and Lef would be mates before the night was over. In the light of Tec, there would be two angry fathers, but with Pot about to explode, the fathers would be too busy moving their families and keeping the clan together to get into an argument with the young men.

Oh, Tec. What had she gotten herself into? What had she convinced Ria to do? They were going to be in so much trouble. She should call Ria back.


Let her go. Let her enjoy what might be their last days in the valleys—their last days of life.

The ground rose and sank, as did Em’s insides. How long did they have before Pot would explode? A deep grumble filled the air. Not long, it would seem.

Em couldn’t stop pacing. Where was Sin? If he didn’t return soon, Tec would begin climbing, and it would be light. They would not be able to fuck once it became light. Her father would see her and stop them.

Sinking to her haunches, knees spread, Em squatted and stared at Tec’s sons. Their little fires gleamed so brightly.

A large, rough hand touched her shoulder. She knew it was Sin. His presence made the air around her buzz like the little flying beasts her mother called bees. She rubbed her cheek against his hand and purred.

His hands slid over her shoulders and cupped the fullness of her breasts, and Em could not stop the groan that ripped its way from her belly. “My mate,” she crooned in a low voice.

“Yes, Em,” Sin whispered in her ear.

His fingers were driving her mad. He touched each nipple so gently it was as if he’d brushed a flower across her skin. Crazy with hunger for his body, Em reached behind her and tried to touch his balls. He still stood, and she could not reach them from where she sat. He seemed to understand what she wanted and squatted behind her.

Sin hissed when her fingers closed over his swollen balls. “Did you find a bearskin, my mate?” Em asked in a low voice, gently rolling his balls through her fingers.

“Yes. I spread it over there.” He motioned toward some large rocks. “We will be well hidden, and the ground is flat and dry. She continued to pet his balls, and Sin arched his back. “You make me feel so good. It is nice. We will play this game many times before Tec rises.”

Afraid to turn and yet excited at what was to come, Em ran a finger up the length of Sin’s over-large cock. There was no shame in nakedness. It was an accepted practice among the cave dwellers. It was especially nice during the heat of the dry months.

Em had seen Sin walk about without his work apron, and she knew every line of his beautiful body by heart.

Now, with her fingers, she was memorizing every inch of his cock and balls.

Sin groaned, and Em turned to place her free hand over his lips. “Silent, my mate, or we will be in trouble with my father.”

Sin lost his balance, and they landed in a sprawl on the ground. Em giggled and nuzzled her nose against his neck. His special man-smell filled her nostrils, and her cunt began to weep. The scent and the feel of him were almost more than she could stand. She moved her body, trying to get closer to him, and succeeded in bumping his cock with her knee.

“Don’t wiggle,” Sin warned.

She stopped moving and lifted her head to gaze into his eyes. “Why? Is someone coming?”

Sin laughed silently, his belly lifting and lowering, and Em rode along with a smile. “No, my sweet mate, but your knee was a little too close to my man-shaft.”

Em sucked in a deep breath. “Oh. I am sorry. I would not hurt you, Sin.”

Sin put his large hands around her waist and lifted her easily and waited until she was standing before sitting up. “Go to the skin, Em, and lay down,” he directed. “We will fuck now.”

Em put a hand over her lips to hide the fact they were quivering. Suddenly, she was afraid. What if her father caught them? What if she did not like fucking? What if he hurt her?

Sin put a hand on her arm. “I would never hurt you, my mate. Never.”

She bent and placed her hand under his firm chin. Leaning into him, she nuzzled his nose with hers and placed her lips against his. “Never?”

“Never,” he assured her, returning her kiss. His sister and her mate had long ago learned to kiss and now, mates frequently kissed.

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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