Read Deliverance for Amelia Online

Authors: Bonny Capps

Deliverance for Amelia (7 page)

BOOK: Deliverance for Amelia
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Chapter Fourteen: Amelia


O ON.” HE MURMURS, “Pick it up.”

I know that look in his eyes. He’s not being kind. He’s up to something. Another sick fucking game, and I’m not sure how much more I can handle.

I shakily pick up the phone and place it to my ear. I’m sure my father picked up on my uneasy breathing, because soon after, I can hear his voice.

“Amelia, sweetheart. Are you okay?”

A single tear escapes my eye. The sound of his voice makes my heart soar with hope.

“Y-yes.” I stammer.

He lets out a sigh before continuing, “I’m so happy, baby girl. I really am. Look, I need to talk to you about something, okay?”

The tone of his voice is familiar, filled with the same political charm he would use to bait others during campaigns and speeches.

“Okay…” I whisper.

“Gabe is not going to hurt you, alright sweetie? He cares for you, and wants to have you stay with him for a while.”

“Daddy.” I warn. What in the hell is going on?

“I know you’re scared, and that’s normal – but you need to behave, alright? He cares for you, and will not harm you.”

I feel absolute rage pulse through my body at his words. I leap to my feet, “FUCKING BEHAVE? ARE YOU KIDDING?!”

“Amelia, calm down-”


Before he can say another word, I hurl the phone towards the wall and it shatters on impact, my entire body is shaking, I can’t believe him. No. I can. What a piece of absolute garbage. I feel strong arms wrap around me, and a hard chest against my back.

“Shhh.” Gabe whispers into my ear. I feel my knees buckling, but he holds me tightly against his chest. Finally, I regain my composure and whip around, glaring up at him.

“So, you struck a fucking deal? Is that it? I’m in the middle of this sick fucking game? I’m a goddamn pawn?”

I go insane in that split second and pound on his hard chest, and he lets me until I grow exhausted and crumple to the floor. He scoops me up and carries me up the stairs and to his room.





Chapter Fifteen: Gabe


’M REALLY GETTING SICK of her moping around. She’s barely spoken since she spoke with her father. It’s been

Am I really that terrible? I dress her in cashmere and satin… shit, just last night I made her a decadent meal and presented her with a diamond, studded tennis bracelet. You know what she did? She fucking
it at me. So, she’s been punished. Stripped naked and bound spread eagle on the bed. I was so fucking pissed that I left her there all night and most of the day… but I’ve calmed down, and it’s time to play.

I open the door to the bedroom. All she does is stare at the ceiling. I walk to the closet and retrieve a black tie before stalking towards her.

“You still don’t want to speak to me?” I whisper as I wrap the tie around my knuckles. She eyes my hands nervously.

I’m feeling the familiar rage rush through me like a tidal wave, the control that I was trying desperately to hold on to drains from me as I lunge at her. She squeals as I straddle her small waist. I see the tears fill her eyes and her bottom lip begins to tremble. She’s shaking so bad that her breasts are trembling along with her, and my cock gets hard at the sight.

“Baby…” I whisper as I trail a finger from her temple and down her cheek.

“Please, Master… I’m sorry.” She pleads.

I reach towards her with the tie and she flinches as I place it over her eyes and tie it behind her head. Tears begin flowing from the outline of the black silk.

I move down and kneel between her legs, the fact that her pussy is glistening in her juices is not lost on me. She may not want this mentally, but her body deceives her in the most beautiful way. I swiftly untie her ankles from the foot of the bed and press her knees down to the mattress. A sigh escapes her beautiful, soft lips as I dip my head down and spread her slick folds. I blow gently and her back arches.

“I want to taste you, baby. Can I kiss you?”

Her head rolls to the side, “Yes.” She whispers.

I smirk as I flick my tongue over her clit as she moans and bucks her hips. That’s all it takes for me to take her clit into my mouth and suck while I continue to lick her clit in quick, soft motions. I dip a finger into her and she’s already clenching around me. She’s close, but I won’t let her have a release until she’s begging me to fuck her senseless. It’s all part of my sick, twisted game. She’ll be brain washed in no time. I thought I’d gotten there quicker than anticipated when she became jealous and slapped Mrs. Brooks. However, she snapped back to obeying her conscience, and we just can’t have that. I’ll enjoy the fight she puts up, because quite honestly, it turns me the fuck on.

When she’s almost unraveled, I pull away abruptly, removing all touch. She whimpers and begins bucking up and down on the bed.

“What’s wrong baby?” I ask and she shakes her head dubiously.

I dip a finger into her once more, and her hips quickly meet the same rhythm as me.

“What do you want, Amelia?”




Chapter Sixteen: Amelia



Goddammit. I hate him. He literally brings out the worst in me. He’s a horrible man, but I know what he can give me. I’m taken back to when I was a child. I would visit my grandmother, her home was always so comforting and I always felt as though it was an escape from the pressures that my parents surrounded me with. I would lie on her plush, white carpeting and stare at the blinds that would sway occasionally with each breath of wind that would cool her home through the surrounding windows. The blinds would remain still for some time – dark gray, they would hide the sunlight from outside. Each time they would slightly move, you’d see of sliver of light behind the darkness, bringing life to the swirling specs of dust that you wouldn’t know were there otherwise.

That’s how I see Gabe, a horrid man with the darkest soul. Perhaps there is some light in him. He just needs a push to help uncover it. Even if I do not fully uncover it, an occasional sliver of goodness would suffice for a time.

It’s impossible to see past what he is, a serial killer. He claims to be a hit man, but he said it himself – he lives to kill people. Like most would have a passion for music or writing, he is passionate about hurting people. Making them bleed, slowly sucking the life from them. He plays God.

He’s extremely appealing to the eye, but upon discovering the monster that he is – you wish that you’d never seen him, and all you want to do is run as fast, and as far as you can.

Most of the time, that’s exactly how I feel. In fact, all I’ve been doing for hours, as I’ve laid bound and naked is try to plan an escape.

How he can make my mind go from how to escape to how I can get him to love me is beyond me. I want him, and I am desperate for a release. Unfortunately, I will not be able to obtain that with his finger pumping into me. The beast that he’s built up inside of me can only be tamed by one thing – his substantial length inside of me, claiming me as his.

“Please Master…” I whimper as my hips move along with each thrust of his finger.

I feel his heavy body lingering over my small frame as he continues to fuck me with his finger. He nips at my neck before taunting me once again, “Tell me what you want baby.”
“I – I….”

He picks up the pace and I can hear how wet I am as I focus on coming from his finger, but I know what I want. What’s the use of lying anymore?

“I want you to fuck me, Master.”

I can hear him growl as he rips the tie from my eyes. I look into his hungry gaze with lust filled eyes. He’s only wearing sweat pants, making the bulge in his pants clearly evident. His chiseled abs and pecks ripple with each movement as he pulls his pants down and begins stroking his rock hard cock.

He quickly moves over me and unties my hands before leaning over me, his hurried breaths meeting my lips.

“Then take what you want, Amelia.” He whispers as he grasps me under my arms and pulls me onto his lap so that I’m straddling him. His legs are tucked under him, my breasts are pressing against his hard chest.

I lift myself before grasping his cock and placing his head at my entrance. He has both palms on my ass and his fingers dig into my sensitive skin in anticipation.

I slowly lower myself onto him, sighing as he begins filling me completely. Apparently, I’m not going fast enough because he slams me down onto him.

“Ahhh!” I holler in ecstasy. Why does he have to feel so goddamn good?

“Ah, your pussy… is… so fucking tight.” He grits out as he continues to slam into me.

It feels like our bodies were meant to connect, the way his length hits my sweet spot is the epitome of perfection and I’m quickly feeling my body coming undone. He nips at my ear before grabbing my jaw and kissing me with extreme passion, his other hand gripping my hip as he continues to control my movements.

I pull away and my head falls back as I clench around him. “I’m coming, Master! Ah, oh my God!”

He has both hands on my hips once more as he continues to slam me down onto him, “Ah – FUCK BABY! So… so fucking good… I’m going to fill up that little pussy!”

And we come undone together as our movements slow. I can feel his warm come filling me as my core contracts around him.

I’m not sure if it’s only my body that wants him as I grab at his unruly hair and look into his moss green eyes. They’re filled with something that I’ve not seen before; admiration… a softness I didn’t think he was capable of, and all I can do is kiss him with everything in me.







Chapter Seventeen: Gabe


WISH THAT I COULD SAY that it was enough, fucking a perfectly good piece of ass day in and day out. However, it’s not. This man has needs that will not only be fulfilled with a tight little thing that takes me like no other.

My business has slowed down, my clients are afraid to reach out for fear that they’ll have the same problem as the mayor. They aren’t stupid. My network of clients all know one another. In order to get to me, they have to be referred by an existing client. So, in turn – they all know that Amelia’s disappearance had to do with the last hit that I did for her father.

They’ll get desperate and reach out when absolutely necessary, they always do. This isn’t the first time that I’ve terrified the lot of them, and it’s not like it’s hitting me in the pocket too hard. I’m a fucking millionaire for Christ sakes.

Unfortunately for Amelia, this also means that I take out some of my – shall we say… anger… on her. I’m not hurting her necessarily – though I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to watch her bleed, but I’m definitely further breaking her down so she can properly meet my every need. She’s been with me for four months – longer than I’ve been with any woman. I imagine, if I were capable of love, I would indeed love her – but I’m not. Love isn’t an emotion that I’m capable of. I don’t even love myself. I like myself, shit, perhaps if I met a woman with the same fucked up tendencies as me, I would fall in love. Maybe I can turn little Amelia into a stone cold killer… the thought makes my cock twitch.

Anyway, Amelia has been asking to go outside. I’ve not allowed her outside since she’s been here, and I’m assuming that she’ll run. So, what do I do? I find the path in which she’ll choose to escape through in the woods surrounding my home. It’s the obvious choice, free of rougher terrain than you’ll find in the others and the vegetation hasn’t taken it over completely. I set a trap. A noose which lays waiting under the leaves. Once the contraption detects movement, it will cinch around her ankle and suspend her in the air. Dangling. Waiting for my next move, because she must learn how to wait on my movements. She must learn that escape is simply not an option. I’ve seen how she glares at me when I’m not looking. I’ve seen her eye knives and other kitchen utensils in my peripheral vision when we are preparing dinner. She wants an out, and it’s time that she learns that there simply isn’t one. No daddy dearest can’t save her. No. It’s just her and me in this big house, and she needs to accept it.

I open the double doors wide, the brisk air inviting itself into my home. It’s a cold, somewhat sunny day, and the light streams in through the foyer. So welcoming. So inviting. I’ve arranged that she dress in a white, sheer sundress. It will flow beautifully around her curves. I’ll imagine her as a white dove emerging from her cage. It takes me back to the “dove room” as my mother called it. White doves littered the interior of the green house. They’d remain still until you would enter, and then they would flutter about until you stood still for a minute or so.

Then, once again – they’d calm, accepting the stranger in their home. It was a game for me as a child. I would never hurt an animal, which is ironic I suppose. However, I would make it a game of capturing one. Holding the small, frail specimen in my small hand. I knew if I were to squeeze too hard, its small bones would break. I liked the feeling of its heart beating frantically under my thumb that was placed over its chest.

That small moment of fear would seem so much longer to the terrified dove. But it wouldn’t peck at me, it would look at me with a longing in its eyes. A fear… Fear and longing go hand in hand. I would allow it a couple of seconds of fear and then I would answer its longing. I would free the dove that I captured, and I would do it every day until there were no more.

Unfortunately for Amelia, she is one little dove that I will never let go. I long for her frail body and her heart beating away wildly in her chest. Her fear feeds my dark desires.


BOOK: Deliverance for Amelia
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