Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She moved with a confidence that proved this wasn’t her first time wearing this outfit. He struggled with the idea that any man had seen her like this. Her skirts were so sheer one would have thought it easy to see through them, but the many layers prevented him from seeing anything. If she moved a particular way, the panels shifted and he caught a hint of her knee and the shadow of her thigh before it was stolen from his view. A bustle of silk gathered above her bottom, and three long lengths flowed to the ground and fluttered slightly behind her as she walked.

“Kass, you’re breathtaking.” Miguel leapt to his feet and held out her chair. “Thank you for joining us. Did you enjoy your bath?”

Kassandra flushed to the tops of her creamy breasts, making Julien wonder what happened her in bath. Had Miguel already started his seduction? When did he find time for that?

“Thank you, Miguel. It was very relaxing. I suggest you try it one day.”

Miguel leaned over her shoulder and placed his lips very close to her ear. “Let me know the next time you’re having one and I’ll join you.” He straightened and winked at Julien over her shoulder as he moved to sit on the other side of the table from her, leaving Julien’s customary chair open.

“Are you joining us, Julien? Or are you planning on standing in the shadows as well?”

“Interesting choice of words. Who else has been lingering in shadows I wonder?”

Miguel grinned unabashedly at him. Julien sat down and reached over, clasping Kassandra’s fingers in his. “You look like a goddess, precious.” He raised her hand to his lips and brushed a chaste kiss over her knuckles.

“You exaggerate as you often do, but I appreciate it.” She took her napkin and placed it across her lap, avoiding his gaze.

Julien pressed the button located under the arm of his chair. That alerted the staff they were ready to eat. Then he stood and poured her a glass of wine.

“I take it you have already adopted some of your previous habits?”

“For the time being.” She sipped from her glass but continued to avoid looking at him. That rankled and he was sure that was her intention.

Charles, Julien’s most trusted manservant, entered the room carrying a tray with their meals.

“Mrs. Kincaid.” Charles nodded his head at Kassandra as he placed the tray on the table, clearly uncertain what his reception might be.

“Charlie!” She pushed her chair back and closed the distance between her and Charles and gave him a hug. “I’m so happy that you’re still here.”

Charles blushed as red and as bright as his hair and patted her on the back after returning her enthusiastic embrace. “I’ll never leave the captain, you know that.
is my home and my family is here now.”

Julien glanced over at Miguel, who simply arched an eyebrow at him. He would explain Charles’s relationship to Kassandra later. When he first rescued her from the slave dens, it was Charles who’d managed to get her to speak first. She’d been terrified of Julien at the time. Kassandra’s trust had been slow to earn, and knowing that bond had broken so easily made him wonder if she’d ever really trusted him.


“Aye, my sweet girl. I married Dugal and we claimed a sweet lass named Abigail.”

Kassandra hugged her friend again. “May you three be blessed with a long and wonderful life together. I would love to meet them.”

“Aye, and tell them all my bad habits I’ve managed to keep hidden this long?” He kissed each of her cheeks. “As soon as Cook found out you’d come home, she made your favorite.”

Kassandra stilled and Julien saw her shoulders stiffen for a moment before she relaxed again. “Please pass on my many thanks to her. If it’s acceptable, I’ll visit her soon.”

Sneaky wench. Kassandra knew there was no way he would refuse Cook anything, but if he allowed Kassandra into the kitchens, he might as well give her a key to the top portal. It was almost impossible to keep her secure unless he handcuffed her to himself.

“Sit yourself down, my girl, and eat. You look too thin, but we’ll take care of that soon enough,” he whispered loud enough so they all could hear. “Cook made bread pudding and custard for dessert.”

“Oh, wonderful, I haven’t had a proper custard since the last time she spoiled me like this.”

Charles’s smile was as bright as his hair as he served them. His staff had adored Kassandra before, and it was obvious that they’d forgiven her desertion. Charles placed his plate in front of him, his smile tight. For the first time, Julien wondered if she hadn’t had help leaving. He’d always wondered how she managed to escape so cleanly.

Miguel was the first to pull the cover off his plate. The hot, delicious smell of Cook’s shepherd’s pie filled the table. “Sir, I believe I’m about to have the best meal of my life if the mouthwatering aromas are any indication.”

Charles bowed. “Thank you, Mr. de la Vega. I’ll be certain to pass on your compliments to Cook.”

Kassandra took a bite and treated them all to a low, sultry moan. Julien’s cock leapt to life at the sound, and Miguel’s hand paused halfway to his mouth.

Charles laughed. “I’ll be certain to pass on your compliments to Cook as well, my girl.” He glanced at Julien, who nodded. “I’ll leave you to your meal.”

The entire meal was an exercise in restraint as far as Julien was concerned. Kassandra was thoroughly enjoying her meal by the delighted sounds she continued to make. Miguel adjusted his position in his chair a number of times, no doubt in reaction to her sultry sounds. They made some light conversation, but it was obvious that they were all hungry and ate more than they spoke. When Charles served dessert, Julien decided he needed to hear her making all those sounds while his cock was buried inside of her.

Kassandra flopped back in her chair with her glass of wine in her hand. “That’s the best meal I’ve ever had.” She sighed. “Truly, I’ve never felt so content.”

Julien had missed the way she always took pleasure in simple things. Shepherd’s pie and bread pudding weren’t extravagant, but she’d enjoyed them more than if there’d been a multiple-course gala. He’d thought she was the perfect woman for him the moment he laid eyes on her. There was something magical about the way his heart had lurched and then skipped a beat. The almost violent urge to protect her from the universe had washed over him, and he’d vowed to do everything he could to make her happy. In the end, he’d driven her off.

Miguel stood and walked around Julien’s chair, trailing his fingers along Julien’s shoulders before holding his hand out for Kassandra. “May I escort you?”

Kassandra’s relaxed body language disappeared as she slipped her hand into Miguel’s. “Where are we going?”

“I imagine that Julien has somewhere for us to relax?” Miguel looked over his shoulder at him and winked lazily. Miguel was determined to seduce them both, and right now, Julien was in the mood to watch. “I believe Kassandra will remember the way to the observation room.”

He knew she wouldn’t want to be reminded of her life here, but Julien wasn’t going to let her go without a fight. The observation room was the place he’d first made love to her. It was also the room he’d used to aid Darien when he trained Shelby. He wanted to know once and for all if she’d seen them that night.

“If you would be so kind as to show me,
mi corazón
.” Miguel tucked her hand around his arm as she stood.

Kassandra lifted her chin. “Of course, this way.”

The observation room was exactly that, a room with one wall that had glass thick enough to withstand the pressure the ocean caused but thin enough to make out some of the larger sea life that swam past. A wall of tiny bubbles in front of the glass added a beautiful effect and also stopped any sea creatures from venturing too close and injuring themselves or
. Julien had requested the room be set for after dinner and candles be lit instead of the normal iridescent lighting.

As soon as they entered the room, Kassandra glanced over to the right and Julien’s stomach clenched. She’d deliberately looked to the opposite side of the room, where Shelby had stood, strapped to the St. Andrew’s Cross. Suspicions confirmed, he wanted to turn her over his knee and spank her for running away and not talking to him. He understood her aversion to the whip. That was why he’d quashed that side of his nature to spare her any undo upset. But it infuriated him that she would make assumptions about something she obviously hadn’t understood and had run away to avoid facing him. They could’ve talked and he could’ve explained exactly what she saw.

“Do you have any music, Julien?” Miguel led Kassandra into the room. “I need to move a bit to settle that incredible meal in my system.”

Julien promised himself that as soon as the opportunity arose he would kiss Miguel senseless. His instincts must’ve picked up on her aversion to this room, and he’d come up with a plan to take her mind from it.

Julien wound up the phonograph and gently started the music in the room. This machine would automatically sort through the discs and play the next one without interruption as long as they remembered to wind it up as it slowed down.

The music swelled in the room, and Miguel twirled Kassandra into his arms. He deftly avoided the trailing material of her dress as they moved. Miguel started with a waltz and Julien settled back into a chair to watch them dance.

Kassandra and Miguel’s seductive dance was entrancing. They flowed to the music as if they were one person. Miguel boldly traced her body as they moved and she was so caught up in the moment, he believed she hadn’t noticed. Julien did and loved watching the two of them move. Miguel stepped between her legs, brushing boldly against the apex of her thighs. Kassandra flushed deeply, her hands gripping the lapels of his jacket. They were passion incarnate as they danced.

Julien sat there and sipped a glass of port, his legs braced apart as he slowly teased his erection by tracing it through his kilt. It was the most exquisite kind of torture watching them, knowing that they each had been his lover at different times. Now they were here, surely a sign from the gods that he watched his future move together. The music reached its crescendo, and Miguel twisted sharply, bending Kassandra back as he dipped her deeply over his arm. He stared at Julien and then pressed a kiss between her breasts. From this angle Julien could see directly down the top of her dress and could imagine that he watched the two of them making love in front of him. His balls drew up sharply, and a white-hot tingle raced around his hips. One single touch and he would erupt.

Miguel lifted her back up as the music trailed off. Her fingers curled into the soft material of his shirt as she panted. Julien wondered if she even noticed that she currently straddled Miguel’s thigh, her skirts hitched up out of the way, exposing the ivory skin above her boots. And, he noticed with a bit of amusement, the hilt of a dagger tucked into the top of the boot.

Before he realized he’d moved, Julien found himself at Kassandra’s back. His hands rested over Miguel’s on her hips. He dipped his head and pressed an openmouthed kiss against the back of her neck and Miguel pressed kisses against her throat. Kass reached back and grabbed a handful of Julien’s hair, and he forgot everything else.

* * * *

Kassandra felt as though she was on fire. Never had dancing affected her as it had in Miguel’s arms. No man had ever taken such liberties, as if he had every right to touch her. When the music ended and the haze that Miguel had her wrapped in started to lift, she fully expected to hear Julien’s sharp retort in regards to her behavior. What she didn’t expect was to feel his lips against her skin or Miguel’s on her neck. Each pressed openmouthed kisses against her, destroying any rational thought that might have intruded on the moment.

She gasped in a shaky breath as Miguel dipped his fingers into the neckline of her dress. He lifted her breast from its precarious position under the silk and latched onto one nipple.

Julien’s cock pressed hot and hard against her bottom. There’d been one time he’d taken her there. A dark, forbidden pleasure that she’d never forgotten and had craved ever since.

She refused to think about the past or future at this moment. She needed to feel their hands on her, reassuring her that this was where she was meant to be. Even if the illusion disappeared once the passion faded, she wanted this moment to carry with her.

BOOK: Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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