Read Dark's Descent Online

Authors: Basil Bacorn

Dark's Descent (8 page)

BOOK: Dark's Descent
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      When the busses left, Stella slid next to Charlie.


      Sky went to the door to leave, but it didn't open. “The door is jammed, Cassie!” Sky hollered. Cassie ran over and banged on the door.


      Will heard a banging coming from the girls’ restroom. “What's all that noise, Cas?” he yelled. “We're stuck in here!” Cassie answered, “Can you get us out?” Will pulled on the door, while Cassie and Sky pushed. The door flew open and hit Will in the nose, making Sky and Cassie fall on the ground. Will rubbed his nose and helped Cassie up. He then told them about the bus in the rear. “Come on!” Cassie called, running outside. They ran around the corner and got on the bus just in time.


      Catching their breath as the bus pulled into the road, they realized something was off. “Um, Will,” Cassie stammered, “Are you sure this is our bus?” William nodded, “That's what it says in the text.” “Then, where is everybody?” Cassie questioned.

      The trio looked around, Cassie was right, they didn't know any of these people!



      When the busses pulled into the hotel parking lot, Stella snuggled her prize.


      Charlie couldn't wait to see Sky; he was so close to kissing Stella. A text on his phone from Sky earlier said 'Meet me by the restrooms when we arrive'.


      Stella smiled and rubbed Charlie's arm, swiftly holding his hand. As soon as they could get off, Charlie ran to the bathrooms. He waited there for a minute, and Stella showed up. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered, “Here's your room key.” Charlie swished his hair and took the card. Stella turned with a whip, and hit Charlie with her hair.



Missing Students


      Charlie went to his room. He was expecting to see his friends, since Sky never showed up. Charlie was rooming with Will, Andrew, and Henry.

      As soon as he entered, he saw Andrew. “Have you seen Will?” Charlie shook his head no. “Is he missing?” Charlie asked. Henry shrugged his shoulders, “Mr. Braddock's lookin’ for him now.” They thought nothing of it until a knock came at the door.

      It was a panicked Mr. Braddock. “He's gone!” screamed the teacher, “Him, Sky, and Cassie are all missing!” Charlie jumped up from bed, seeing only one possibility. 'Stella'.

      Stella was doing her make-up when a knock came from the door. “Come in!” Stella yelled. Charlie barged in and shut the door behind him. “Charlie!” Stella squealed, “Will, Cassie, and Sky are missing!” Charlie marched up to her and yelled, “What did you do!?”

      Stella didn't say anything. She stood up, and kissed Charlie. She held his head close and to her surprise, he kissed her back! This was too easy!

      Charlie pulled back. “Where are they?” he gasped, “I know it was you!” Stella refused to answer. She whipped her hair around and kissed Charlie again. This time, Charlie pulled back instantly. “Tell me, and I won't tell Mrs. Spencer you did it!” he demanded. Stella looked him in the eye and said, “I have no idea, all I know is they got on the wrong bus. They could be anywhere!”

      Charlie left the room, and slammed the door. Why did Stella have to make his life a Soap Opera?!


      Back in the room, Stella took out her mirror and saw all of the blocked texts and calls.


My little mirror, in my hand,

Where in the world are my victims going to land?


      The mirror began,


My little owner, so smart and bad,

The girls you sent with the lad,

The answer is quick and simple, can't you see!

The kids are on their way to the city of Philly!


      “What!” Stella screamed, looking at Riley just coming out of the bathroom, “They are going to Philadelphia!” Stella knew that this was bad. She wasn't really trying to get rid of them FOREVER! That stupid mirror! She had to tell Mrs. Spencer! Well, she should, anyway.



Making The Best Of A Bad Situation


      When they saw the 'Welcome to Pennsylvania' sign, they were certain that they were in trouble. “What are we gonna do!” Sky whimpered. Cassie smiled, “I got this.” She walked up to the bus driver. “Where are we going, sir?” she asked politely. The driver grunted, “Philly, duh.” Cassie grinned, “Thank you!” She walked back to their seat.

      “We're going to Philadelphia!” she cried, “Wait, I'm sure the teachers will notice we are missing and come for us, right?” “I don't know, Cas,” Will admitted, “me and Sky aren't getting any replies, I've texted, called, and nothing.” “Yeah,” Sky added, “What are we going to do?”

      Cassie thought, and then smiled, “We can have fun, YOLO, right?” They all smirked. “Why not?” Will agreed. “Yes!” Sky beamed, “Let's do this!”

      Cassie smiled and held Will's hand. This was going to be the adventure of a life time.


      Four hours later, the Philadelphia skyline took form. No one had received any replies from anyone. At ten o'clock, they arrived at the drop-off and got out. “Where are we going to stay?” Sky asked. “We can sleep in an alley, with someone taking watch, that way, if anything dangerous happens, the guard can warn the others.” Cassie smiled, “I'll take the first watch, then it will be Will, and then Sky.” The others nodded. They found an alley with an overhang to spend the night in. Sky laid down on a nearby bench, and Will laid down on the ground.


      Cassie studied Will. He looked so peaceful. In the dark, it was hard to make out all of his features, but he was still adorable. Wait, Sky smiled in her sleep? Who does that?

      Cassie sat next to her boyfriend. She held his hand in hers, and kissed it. She pulled out her phone and checked the time. It was 11:11, and it was like no one noticed they disappeared. Just then, her phone buzzed, and buzzed, and buzzed again! Messages galore! From Charlie, her mom, her aunt, Henry, Riley, and Miley! They all asked pretty much the same thing. Where was she? Were Will and Sky there? Were they okay?

      Cassie didn't know where to start. She typed one long text to Charlie and hoped he got it. She then woke up Will and told him the news. Cassie gave him her phone and told him to wake her up if there was any more news.

      Cassie was out like a light. She was so hot! Her beautiful hair draped over her shoulders, in waves of gold. When he felt the soft hair, hit his face on the bus, he liked her more than before. So when she turned around, he kissed her, not only to prove what he was thinking, but because he wanted to anyway. From there, it just flowed naturally. He wished he could do it again.

      “Hey, Cas,” he whispered, “wake up!” He gently shook her awake. “Huh?” Cassie mumbled. As she sat up, Will was inches from her face. She studied his face, and kissed him.

      They made-out as Sky opened her eyes to a buzzing noise. Sky smiled and tried to get Cassie's attention. She tapped on her back, but to no avail. Sky decided to wait until they were done.

      Cassie slowly pulled away and whispered, “You are a good kisser!” Sky tapped Cassie's head. “You got a text.” she informed her, “Could be important.”

      Cassie gasped and picked up the phone, it was from Charlie. She opened the message. It read, 'Stella did it'. Cassie dropped her phone and it cracked. She knew Stella didn't like her, but this was ridiculous! If they had proof, they could sue. Cassie would have to wait to find out. In the meantime, she had to tell the others.

      “What?!” Will yipped when he heard Stella's name, “Really?” Cassie nodded, “Apparently so.” Cassie knew someone would be coming now. Charlie has probably told Mrs. Spencer everything.

      “What time is it?” Sky asked. Cassie looked at her phone. “4:30” she answered. Cassie got up and walked to the street. Will and Sky followed.



A Change In Heart?


      Charlie frantically looked for Mrs. Spencer. He had to give her the information he got. There she was! Talking to Stella?

      “So, let me get this straight, Stella.” Mrs. Spencer continued, “You are the one who hacked into everyone's cell phones in order to get us to leave Cassie, Skyler, and William at that restaurant, and get them to hop on a bus to Philadelphia, after trapping the girls in the restroom? And you accomplished all of this with a small mirror?” Stella nodded, “This is a Magic Mirror Mini. It was too powerful for the market, so Daddy gave it to me.” Mrs. Charlotte smiled, “I appreciate your honesty, but you will be paying for their return.” Stella agreed and gave Mrs. Spencer a wad of hundreds.

      Charlie couldn't believe it. Stella Sanders actually did the right thing! For once in his life, Stella actually was able to impress him! But why? Charlie had to know.

      “Stella,” Charlie bellowed, “follow me!” The two went inside an elevator and went to the top floor. Stepping outside, Charlie demanded, “Why did you do any of this?” Stella smiled, “You'll get nothing from me, Char-Char, without a little incentive!” Charlie knew where this was going. He had to know, so he grabbed Stella in his arms and kissed her. She held him back as they leaned against the wall. Though he really, didn't want to, Charlie pulled back. “Answer?” he asked, gasping for air. He always forgot to breathe. “Oh, Charlie,” Stella cooed, “I did it to get you!”

      Charlie was secretly flattered. Stella wouldn't stop trying to win him over. Charlie leaned over, and gave Stella a peck on the cheek as a thank-you.

      Stella was stunned. Charlie was a good kisser, but that small smooch on the cheek gave her butterflies!

      “Now let's go find Cassie, Sky, and Will.” Charlie ordered. “How?” Stella questioned. “We're going to sneak out, and you can buy us a ride to Philadelphia!” Charlie instructed.

      “Then what are we waiting for, let's take the fire escape!” Stella squealed, and ran towards the fire exit. There was no way she was going to miss this opportunity!

      Charlie and Stella stepped down the side of the inn. “Hurry up!” Charlie ordered.

      Holy cow, that hunk runs fast! Stella heaved. Think of the four-hour ride! Just Stella and her dreamboat!

      At the bottom, Charlie looked at Stella. “So what are we doing for a ride?” he asked. Stella perked up as a limousine pulled up. “Who said you can't search in style?” Stella interjected, “Hop in!” Charlie slid inside, and Stella hopped on his lap. “To Philly!” Stella yelled, with her arm wrapped around Charlie's neck. Charlie laughed as the limo left the hotel in the dust.

      Charlie's phone vibrated. Finally, it was already the middle of the night! The text read:

'Charlie, I just got ur txts, we've sent 100s! Me n Sky were trapped in the bathroom, and Will rescued us. His dad said that our bus broke down and sent us to the new bus. Somehow we went to the wrong bus and are now in Philly. Please help us we r planning on sleeping in an alley.'

      Stella grinned. Charlie shot her a look. “I'm telling them.” Charlie told Stella as he replied 'Stella did it'. “I will never kiss you again unless we find them!” Charlie warned.

      Stella popped up, “So there's more kissing?” Charlie put down his head. Stella ripped out her mirror.

Favorite mirror of my life,

Find Charlie's friends so I can become his wife!


      Charlie laughed. He was never going to marry her.

      The mirror showed a video of Cassie, Sky, and Will walking down a street.


The ones you see are looking to eat,

So you can find them on West Campbell Street!


      Charlie gaped at the device, “That isn't -” “No, silly, it's not magic! Boop!” Stella reassured, ending her sentence with a tap to Charlie's nose. “You're adorable!” she squealed, “And cute, but mostly hot! You're sups amaze!” Charlie wished Stella would get off his lap.



      Cassie and Will held hands as Sky followed them down the street. They went around a corner, and sat in a picnic area.

      People who walked by gave them money. Cassie looked at the group and understood why, they were filthy! Who knew that spending the night in a city alley would make them so dirty!

      Within the half hour, they accumulated $34.73. “This should be enough for breakfast!” Cassie exclaimed, “Where do we want to go, and what do we want to eat?” Sky pointed across the street to a grocery store. “How about some groceries?” Skyler suggested. Will and Cassie agreed, and they entered the store.

      There was food everywhere. “Should we get some cereal?” Cassie asked, showing the group a box of Sugaroos. Will nodded and got some milk. Sky grabbed some bowls and took some free spoons from the taste-testing table.

      “That will be $17.65.” said the cashier. Cassie counted out the bills, and grabbed the receipt. “Thank you, have a nice day!” she told Cassie. Sky smiled and followed Cassie to the picnic table. There, Cassie gave everyone some cereal and milk.

      Once they were done, Cassie grabbed the grocery bag and put their items back in. “Let's get out of the city,” Cassie announced, “it will be easier for the others to find us.”



      Mrs. Spencer awoke to a knocking on the door. She put on her robe and slippers and moseyed to the door. She opened the door and before she could open her mouth, Mr. Braddock yelped, “We lost two more kids!”

      Mrs. Spencer gasped. Agree to the field trip, they said. It'll be fun, they said. She officially lost 5 kids in one night! “Who?” Mrs. Spencer asked. Mr. Braddock looked side to side and said, “Charles Myers and Stella.” “STELLA SANDERS!!!!” Mrs. Spencer screamed, “Mayor Sanders' daughter!”

      They probably went to find Cassie, Sky, and Will. So if they find Cassie's group, then they'll find Stella. “Do the police know yet?” Mrs. Spencer asked. The school district couldn't stand any more bad publicity. Mr. Braddock shook his head. “Good.” Mrs. Spencer sighed, “Go with Alice, Stephen, and Mary in the rental car and bring back our children!”

      Mrs. Spencer was freaking out. Cassie's mom was the only parent who knew, besides Mr. Braddock. She has until they leave tomorrow to bring them back, or else she has to go to the police.


      Stella's limo sped into the barn where the mirror said Cassie, Sky, and Will were. It crashed through the door for no reason and Charlie pushed the just now awaking Stella off of his lap to get out. Stella jumped out after him. “Cassie? Sky?” Charlie called out.


      Cassie never wanted to see Charlie more in her life! She ran over to the limo and gave him a hug, and Sky followed suit. Cassie's gaze then fell on Stella. “When are you going to stop!” Cassie screamed, “Why do you enjoy ruining my life so much!”

      “Calm down, Cassie.” Charlie said. Will held her hand. Sky gave Charlie a hug.

      Stella showed Cassie the mirror. Grabbing the mirror, she said, “Is this how you did it? Is this how you sent us away!” She threw the device at the barn wall and it sparked on contact.

      “Skyler! Why did you do that!” Cassie yelled. Sky fell on the ground and cried, “I'm so sorry!” Stella turned around and left through the hole the limo left in the barn wall.

      Stella picked up a rock and threw it at the wall in a blind rage. Suddenly the barn creaked, and the ceiling collapsed around the exit. “Oops.” Stella whined.

      Rubble further crushed the sparking mirror.

      Cassie looked up, she smelled smoke. “Fire!!!” Cassie screamed. Everyone looked at the pile of rubble ablaze with flames. The old barn had giant fans rigged to the ceiling, so when the fire hit the cables, sparks flew to the roof and giant fans fell to the ground.

      “Get out of there!” Stella yelled to no avail. The limo driver had run away when the barn fell apart. Apparently, he didn't want to be at the scene of the crime. Stella saw no other way, if she was going to save Charlie. She hopped in the driver's seat and turned the key, hoping for the best. The engine roared to life, and Stella drove away. A few thousand feet away, she whirled around and pushed the pedal to the metal.

      The limousine flew through the barn, allowing everyone to escape. Stella twisted the wheel and zoomed next to the group. Everyone piled in and she drove away.

      “You can drive!” Cassie howled. Stella nodded, “I'm rich, remember?”

      They drove until they saw Mr. Braddock and some other chaperones driving down the road. Stella honked until they pulled over. Everyone got out and ran to their teachers.

      “No explanations, just get in the car” Mr. Braddock demanded. Cassie and Will sat together, and so did Skyler and Charlie. Stella sat in the very back with her head down.


BOOK: Dark's Descent
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